I steal. What is there to be ashamed of.
What more when I am your boss.
You do not have to be ashamed that your boss steals.
You can get a little of what has been looted.
Why be ashamed. My Boss.
My race does not need to be ashamed.
The more that is stolen, the nobler it is.
To be called kleptocrat is a compliment.
Come my people. Let us steal so that we can become a boss.

National agenda for all irrespective of race...
For their own interests, Umno and PAS have called for the unity of all the Malays, and have accused the PH government of not taking care of them. Under such political manipulation, many Malays believe that their racial and religious interests are indeed being threatened.
As Daim has said, if the Malays continue to lack a sense of security, low-income Malays will remain impoverished and this would give rise to economic instability which will eventually affect all Malaysians. As the largest ethnic group in the country, sure enough what happens to the Malays will also affect the country as a whole.
Daim went on further that the country could only be successful if the Malays are successful, but this would have to be built upon the basis of cooperation among all Malaysians, not with the interest of the Malays as primary consideration.

The sense of insecurity among the Malays to a very large extent stems from current changes to the economic and political benefits acquired under the patronage of the previous BN administration, coupled with the incitement from irresponsible politicians.
Another reason could be the inconsistent government policies as a consequence of unpredictable external economic environment and PH's lack of political management experience. Daim has reminded the Malays to look back at the country's history and think logically so as not to be misled by racist and irresponsible politicians.
He urged the Malays to see the reality that they are not the losers and that there are indeed many Malays who are successful. Unfortunately many of them are so obsessed with being successful that they find themselves unable to adapt to failures and setbacks.
We must know that many Malaysians, in particular smallholders and companies, are experiencing difficulty because of the absence of economic dynamism and powerful policies. The gloomy economic outlook along with political uncertainties have triggered a sense of insecurity not only among the Malays but all other ethnic communities as well.

We cannot deny that the Malays are dominating this country politically. What Daim has said is not only relevant to the Malays in general but should also serve as a warning to the PH government not to fall into the quagmire of racism and religionism under the pressure from an Umno-PAS tie-up.
PH must not compete with Umno-PAS in bumi agenda but should take the advice of Daim to push ahead a national agenda for all Malaysians irrespective of race and religion. The ruling coalition must make sure every ethnic group in this country can gain a fair access to the country's wealth and prosper together.
The government's most pressing task now is to lift the national economy and fulfill its election pledges. The national agenda of social harmony and unity can only progress further to fulfill the dream of a New Malaysia after all Malaysians feel a sense of security and prosper together as one nation. - sinchew daily

Sebelum ini Ronald Kiandee adalah ahli parlimen pembangkang. Seharusnya apabila beliau sudah menyertai parti komponen PH beliau tidak lagi terus memegang jawatan itu kerana ia bertentangan dengan semangat PH. Ronald Kiandee sebagai seorang ahli parlimen dan pernah menjadi timbalan speaker seharusnya tahu bagaimana untuk menjaga maruah dan integriti politiknya. Beliau kena meletak jawatannya walaupun tanpa disuruh.
Ketidaksetujuan Izzah itu betul, tetapi dengan cara beliau melepas jawatan sebagai anggota PAC tanpa terlebih dahulu menimbulkan ketidaksetujuannya dalam parlimen, kurang tepat. Apakah Nurul Izzah sudah membawanya ke dalam parlimen dan mendapat komenter daripada anggota lain? Sepatutnya begitu.
Dengan cara protes bersendirian itu ia tidak akan ke mana. Jika protes itu untuk memberi sedar kepada Dr Mahathir saya kira ia tidak memberi apa-apa kesan. Kerana Dr mahathir sesudah menjadi PM, beliau kini bersikap persis kerbau kenyang yang tidur di tepi lebuh raya. Kerbau kalau sudah kenyang, dia akan sandarkan dirinya di mana-mana sahaja, tanpa mempedulikan keadaan sekeliling, bingit atau tidak, ia tidak dipedulikan.
Nah begitu jugalah Dr Mahathir. Sebaik-baik untuk gerakkan kerbau kenyang itu harus pakat tolak ramai-ramai, proteskan dalam parlimen atau peringkat jawatan kuasa PAC, atau dalam majlis presiden baru dia bangun dan mencari tempat tidur lain yang lebih selamat. Bagi saya tindakan Izzah itu sia-sia, dan berapa banyak lagi beliau harus menggadai jawatan dan tanggungjawabnya kerana mempertahankan sebuah maruah yang tidak dinilai orang?Lama-lama saya fikir dia juga kena lepas kerusi Permatang Pauh. - MSO
Mengamuk apa bossku?
Itulah antara jeritan yang didengar semasa pertikaman lidah yang berlaku sekitar jam 2.30 petang tadi.
Mahasiswa yang memprotes bekas presiden Umno yang meletak jawatan, Najib Razak hari ini dihampiri dan diserang penyokong bekas perdana menteri itu hari ini.

Seperti biasa, panglima ‘perang’ Najib iaitu Lokman Noor Adam tidak ketinggalan tumpang semangkuk menyerang kumpulan mahasiswa berkenaan, penuh bacul dan tidak bertamadun. - f/bk

Wanita New Zealand memakai tudung
tanda sokongan terhadap orang Islam...
Seorang doktor dari Auckland, Thaya Ashman tampil mengutarakan idea berkenaan mengajak seluruh wanita di negara itu memakai tudung kepala tanpa mengira agama setelah mendapati ada berita mengatakan wanita Muslim diancam serangan pengganas sekiranya keluar memakai tudung di tempat awam.

Katanya, “Saya mahu memberitahu, kami semua bersama anda, kami mahu anda rasa selamat berada di luar seperti berada di rumah, kami sayang dan menyokong serta menghormati pendirian agama kamu”.
Sementara itu, buat pertama kali dalam sejarah negara itu, azan berkumandang di seluruh negara sebagai tanda menghormati pemergian mangsa yang terkorban dalam kejadian minggu lalu.
Perdana Menteri, Jacinda Ardern mengarahkan seluruh stesen televisyen dan radio berbuat demikian dalam arahan eksekutif segera dua hari lalu selain menarik balik pemilikan senjata api semi-automatik dan senapang kepada individu berkuat kuasa serta-merta. - f/bk

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