Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi menarik balik kenyataan fitnah terhadap Utara Tony Pua di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur kerana menggambarkan anggota parlimen Petaling Jaya itu sebagai penjenayah pada 2011.
Zahid membacakan kenyataan terbuka di mahkamah dan Pua bersetuju menarik balik samannya terhadap Zahid dan akhbar Umno Utusan Malaysia, yang menyiarkan kenyataan itu.
“Saya, Datuk Seri Dr Zahid Hamidi, dengan ini menarik balik kenyataan yang saya buat kepada defendan kedua (Utusan) sebagai menghormati plaintif.
“Saya kesal kerana memburukkan reputasi plaintif,” katanya.
Penasihat undang-undang Utusan Shirat Anuar juga membacakan kenyataan yang berkata, ekoran penarikan balik yang dibuat Zahid, defendan kedua dan ketika turut menarik balik artikel itu tanpa syarat.
Pua memmfailkan saman fitnah pada Januari tahun ini dengan menamakan Zahid, ketika itu menteri pertahanan, dan Utusan.
Pua menyaman Zahid selepas Zahid enggan menarik balik dan meminta maaf atas kenyataannya yang secara tidak langsung menggambarkan Pua didakwa di mahkamah Singapuran.
Utusan memuatkan artikel itu pada 18 Mac 2011.
Pua pada 2011 berkata beliau tiada pilihan selain menyaman selepas tarikh akhir untuk Zahid meminta maaf yang diberikan berakhir.
Pua menamakan Zahid, penerbitnya Utusan Melayu Publications (M) Bhd dan Ketua Pengarang Kumpulan Utusan Datuk Abdul Aziz Ishak sebagai defendan.
Pua berkata Utusan menyiarkan artikel fitnah terhadapnya dalam akhbar dan kemudian memuatkannya di atas talian.
Katanya, kenyataan fitnah itu bermaksud beliau ditahan oleh Singapura polis atas kesalahan jenayah dan tidak layak menjadi anggota parlimen dan tidak setia kepada Malaysia.
Zahid dan Pua hari ini turut berjabat tangan di mahkamah ekoran penyelesaian kes itu.
Peguam Benjamin Aliff mewakili Pua, manakala V Prem bertindak untuk Zahid. Utusan diwakili oleh Choo Shi Jin.- mk

Mat Sabu: PAS tidak akan bekerjasama dengan Umno Selangor...
“PAS akan kekal bersama PR,” katanya, menghentikan cakap-cakap yang menyatakan parti Islam itu akan berganding bahu dengan Umno dalam menangani krisis menteri besar Selangor yang masih berterusan.
Mat Sabu berkata, PR masih memegang majoriti di Selangor untuk kekal menerajui kerajaan negeri.
Semalam, Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim yang baru saja menjadi Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Bebas memecat semua exco DAP dan PKR dalam pentadbirannya.
Khalid hanya mengekalkan empat exco PAS selepas persengketaan dengan bekas partinya PKR, yang berusaha untuk menyingkirkannya daripada kerusi menteri besar.
Mat Sabu berkata, memecat exco adalah hak Khalid.
Katanya, perebutan kuasa dalam politik adalah perkara biasa.
“PAS bersama PR. Tidak akan ada perpecahan. Khalid Adun Bebas.
“Isu di Selangor bukan perkara yang akan menghentikan dunia,” katanya, menambah menjadi perkara biasa jika rakan kongsi mempunyai pendapat yang berbeza.
Mat Sabu berkata, masih banyak butir terperinci yang beliau belum tahu kerana berada di Pulau Pinang sejak semalam.
Beliau menghadiri perbicaraan kes hasutan berhubung kontroversi Bukit Kepong di Mahkamah Sesyen Butterwort pagi ini.
“Seperti anda, saya juga mengetahui perkembangan isu itu daripada laporan berita,” katanya.
Mat Sabu berkata, Lajnah Politik PAS akan mengadakan mesyuarat malam esok dan satu lagi pada 17 Ogos.
Ketika ditanya apa agenda perbincangan, Mat Sabu berkata pelbagai isu akan dibincangkan.
“MH17, Palestine dan beberapa isu lain,” katanya.
Minister Ahmad Zahid apologises to Tony Pua...
Zahid read out an open statement in court and Pua agreed to withdraw his suit against the minister and Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia, which published Zahid’s statement.
"I, Datuk Seri Dr Zahid Hamidi, do hereby unconditionally retract the statements that I had made to the second defendant (Utusan Malaysia) in respect of the plaintiff. I regret in disparaging the reputation of the plaintiff," Zahid said.
Utusan Malaysia legal adviser Shirat Anuar also read out a statement, saying that in view of Zahid's retraction, the second and third defendants do hereby unconditionally retract the said article.
Pua (right in photo) filed the suit in January this year, naming Zahid, who was defence minister in 2011, and Utusan Malaysia.
The Petaling Jaya Utara MP filed the suit after Zahid refused to retract and apologise for his statement insinuating that Pua was once charged in a Singapore court. Utusan published the article on March 18, 2011.
Pua had in 2011 said he had no choice but to file the suit after the deadline given for Zahid to retract elapsed.
Pua named Zahid, Utusan Melayu Publications (M) Bhd, the publisher of Utusan Malaysia and its group editor-in-chief Abdul Aziz Ishak as defendants.
He said Utusan had published a libellous article against him in the newspaper and continuously posted it online.
Pua said the defamatory words meant that he had been arrested by the Singapore police for a criminal offence and was not fit to be a federal lawmaker and was not loyal to Malaysia.
Zahid shook Pua's hand in court to denote the settlement.
Lawyer Benjamin Aliff appeared for Pua, while V Prem acted for Zahid. Utusan Malaysia was represented by Choo Shi Jin.- mk
Mat Sabu: How can PAS back ex-PKR Khalid...
Moderate PAS leaders have expressed their wish to see the party stick to Pakatan Rakyat, even as their top leadership refused to state their stand over the deepening Selangor menteri besar crisis.
PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu went as far as saying, “How can we support Khalid when he is no longer in PKR?
“He is an Independent menteri besar now. There is no more issue for us to support Khalid,” he added when met in Penang today.
This follows his own sacking from PKR on Saturday for clinging on to the menteri besar post although the party has announced its president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail to replace Khalid.
All eyes are on PAS now as it is yet to state its stand on the issue, although the party’s president Abdul Hadi Awang has previously expressed his support for Khalid.
DAP has warned of a split in Pakatan if PAS continues to support Khalid, and is pressuring the party to state if it is with Pakatan or Umno, as the latter has thrown its backing behind the menteri besar.
“It is compulsory for us to be with Pakatan. We cannot run away from this.
“We stand to lose if we split from Pakatan,” he added, referring to the cooperation harnessed with its allies DAP and PKR especially during elections since 2008.
“There are certain personal opinions which may say otherwise but that remains their personal opinion, the leadership is committed to Pakatan,” he stressed.
“We cannot quit Pakatan unless the decision is made by our muktamar,” he further said, referring to the party’s annual assembly.
He declined to comment further except to say that the party’s political bureau will meet tomorrow night, and central committee leaders will meet on Sunday, before PAS declares its stand on the Selangor crisis.
‘Umno would certainly exploit the situation’
On Umno’s support for Khalid, Mat Sabu said that the party is a political entity.
“Umno would definitely exploit the situation for its own benefit. Whether they are sincere in their support or not, remains to be seen,” he added.
“The spirit and idealism of Pakatan is too good to abandon just because of one person,” Mujahid had told Malaysiakini.
He also viewed the removal of a menteri besar as a “natural and unsurprising” move, adding that PKR do not even need a reason to tell Khalid to step down, as it is within the party’s power to do so.
Hulu Kelang assemblyperson Saari Sungib also said the stand he is taking is to “side with Pakatan Rakyat”.
“Two (out of three) Pakatan parties have taken a stand to reject Khalid. I feel that this is a reasonable stand to take and PAS should take the same stand,” Saari had told Malaysiakini last night.
Meanwhile, Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad (right) said PAS will be in a difficult situation if an election is called in Selangor to resolve the controversy over the menteri besar’s position.
He added that the party would be in a difficult position as the party is seen to be siding with Khalid and Umno in this issue. - mk
Anwar, Azizah, Khalid, the Sultan and Selangor...
Any level headed sensible person knows that Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim days as Menteri Besar of Selangor are just about over. His tenure as MB is at the pleasure of the Sultan. What time Kahalid Ibrahim has left as Menteri Besar of Selangor will depend on Pakatan Rakyat doing the necessary to get the Sultan of Selangor to agree to any proposal that Pakatan Rakyat comes up with to resolve the present impasse in the government of the state that Idris is Sultan of!
A few home truths before we go any further.
Wan Azizah, Anwar Ibrahim and Khalid Ibrahim are part of the problem and will not be part of the solution. None of them will be Menteri Besar of Selangor if the Sultan has anything to do with it.
Sultan Idris has, by his actions, indicated that that would be his "druthers". Having Khalid Ibrahim continue as Menteri Besar is merely a stop gap measure by Tuanku to give time to Pakatan Rakyat to understand that he, not Pakatan Rakyat has the final say in the appointment of the Menteri Besar. Who or what Sultan Idris will allow to influence or color his decision in the appointment of the Menteri Besar is for him to know and for everyone else to find out.
The Sultan has given PR time to come up with an alternative that will preclude all three - Khalid, Azizah and Anwar - and come up with a Menteri Besar that would be good for Selangor, good for the people of Selangor, good for PR and of course good for him in more ways than one.
So for Anwar, PKR and his "boys" they must now dispense with the "Kajang Move" mentality and put that kind of thinking in the vault and throw the keys away.
Anwar and his "boys" might as well stop "hantaming" Khalid - nobody of any consequence cares or is listening least not the Sultan for sure.
And Anwar must stop this nonsense of getting ADUNs to sign worthless pieces of paper pledging their loyalty and consent for Azizah to be MB of Selangor. Those worthless piece of paper are of no consequence if the Sultan and the courts refuses to acknowledge their authenticity, legality or even their very existence.
PAS, DAP and PKR will just have to sit down together and come up with a game plan that will allow the Sultan to say..."Ok lah".
The Sultan will do so not because UMNO tells him to do so...nor will he do so because the MB proposed by PR will do his bidding....nor will he do so because PR or Anwar is cutting a "win win"deal with him. PR simply does not have the money or the means to do such a deal with their own ADUNs what more the Sultan (remember the billions in reserves are still out of their grasp!).
The Sultan understand that his people did choose Pakatan Rakyat in the last election and Pakatan Rakyat has agreed that PKR will govern Selangor at their the Sultan is mindful of this.
The Sultan will agree that Selangor will continue under PR because his people have for now, choosen PR. The next election is another issue.
So as a conduit for his Rakyat, the Sultan will agree that Selangor shall, for the moment, have a PKR government ...but he will make sure that he, not Anwar, not PKR or PR, will hold the initiative and the whip to get PKR to behave.
So cease worrying that Umno will now form government in Selangor with Khalid and PAS on side because even PAS cannot agree amongst themselves where their loyalties lies - with Pakatan Rakyat, Khalid or it will not happen.
But do not think PAS to be a party of country bumpkins led by country bumpkins. PAS do not make decisions for short term gains. PAS political struggle has always been for Islam but not at the costs of racial or national polarity....nor has it been for the vested interests of individuals with their own political agendas. This is something that DAP or PKR may not be able to comprehend but many others can!
The Sultan had given PR and PKR time to work out a credible solution to what has caused the impasse in Selangor and he is accepting of the reality that Khalid can no longer be part of the solution. Nor can Azizah or Anwar.
While all this is being feverishly worked out by PKR and PR's component parties, you can be rest assured that Tuanku is shaking his head in amazement at the idiocy and stupidity of Anwar, Azizah and PKR in handling over to the Palace the initiative to once again call the shots when it comes to matters of state.
Ajaib tapi benar!
As for Anwar Ibrahim....please lah brother do get some "real" grown ups to confer with on matters of state and serious affairs of PKR. Most of the people you now have around you are still wet behind their ears or as the old folks will say.... "belum bersunat lagi"...change or be changed..and please brother don't just listen but also hear what is being said by those who have the interest of PKR and Selangor at heart.
When all is said and done I believe that Pakatan Rakyat (not PKR!) will still rule over Selangor under the watchful gaze of a wise and now in control Sultan Idris ...and the people of Selangor will live happily ever least until the next general elections....and then all hell will break lose!-husseinhamid@steadyaku47

Pikiaq cam mana nak turun harga barang bukan sapa nak jadi MB...

Pikiaq mai... dia bukan ahli UMNO tiba2 hutang boleh mana???...
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