3 orang ADUN PKR menunggu masa untuk mengisytiharkan keluar dari PKR...
Dalam perkembangan lain, sumber dalaman PKR memberitahu 3 orang ADUN PKR yang sebelum ini diberitakan telah 'menghilangkan diri' kini hanya menunggu masa untuk mengisytiharkan diri keluar dari PKR.
Mereka tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan pucuk pimpinan PKR yang rakus dan tidak berfikir panjang memecat Khalid Ibrahim, sungguhpun Khalid terlalu banyak berjasa kepada parti tersebut, selain mahukan Khalid kekal sebagai MB Selangor.
Satu pertemuan telah diadakan sebelum ini dan ketiga-tiga ADUN PKR tersebut menjadi pencetus kepada beberapa orang ADUN PKR lain untuk menyuarakan keberanian mereka, meskipun mereka diancam saman RM5 juta sekiranya berbuat begitu.
Adakah benar ketiga tiga Adun PKR itu kesemuanya yang juga merupakan Exco negeri yang dilantik Khalid Ibrahim akan mengambil tindakan keluar parti dan menjadi ADUN bebas?
Ketiga-tiga Adun tersebut ialah :
Adun Bukit Lanjan - Elizabeth Wong
Adun Sementa - Dr Daroyah Alwi
Adun Batu 3 - Rodziah Ismail

Adalh difahamkan tiga ADUN PKR tersebut sudah hilang kepercayaan kepada pucuk pimpinan, terutama terhadap Ketua Umumnya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Menurut sumber dalaman PKR, ADUN berkenaan juga akan mengumumkan perkara itu dalam masa terdekat selain mahu bersama di bawah pentadbiran Abdul Khalid.
"Kebanyakan pimpinan PKR juga tidak berpuas hati dengan tindakan Anwar yang melantik isterinya sendiri yang juga Presiden PKR sebagai calon MB.
"Namun semua masih tidak berani untuk berbuat apa-apa kerana bimbang hilang jawatan dalam PKR. Bagaimanapun, beberapa ADUN yang berani akan mengambil langkah meninggalkan parti," kata sumber itu.- Tranungkite
Nasib Khalid makin jelas ditangan PAS

Fearing water deal flop, BN backs Khalid...
"If you ask how we will benefit by supporting him (Khalid), we ourselves do not know how we will gain," he is quoted as saying.
He, however, admitted that BN fears a leadership change would undermine the water industry restructuring deal and construction of the Langat 2 water treatment plant.
"In such a situation, whom should be supported? For the federal government, it has to be ascertained that the fate of the people in Selangor and the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur is not undermined but is safeguarded through the agreement reached.
"In my opinion, if there is a leadership change, there may be demands to change this and that which can have a major impact on the water issue and welfare of the people in Selangor and the Federal Territory (of Kuala Lumpur)," he reportedly said.
"Selangor is an important state and it is for this reason that we feel that it is better not to have a change in leadership, even though Abdul Khalid is not from a BN party."
BN has 12 assemblypersons in the Selangor legislative assembly.
To command majority support, Khalid will need all 15 PAS assemblypersons to back him.
PAS will meet on the matter on Aug 17, but has instructed is its members on the state executive council to stay put.
"PAS members on the Selangor exco must continue with their duties until a new decision is made," PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali said in a Facebook post this afternoon.
DAP and PKR, which hold 28 seats in the House, has urged the MB to call an assembly sitting so a motion of no confidence can be tabled.
'Act swiftly'
Meanwhile, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang said that it was urgent and imperative for all of Pakatan Rakyat's 43 state assemblypersons to declare their allegiance following BN's move to back Abdul Khalid.
"Time is of the essence following the rapid pace of developments in the political situation in Selangor and the country.
Echoing this, electoral reform group Bersih urged Pakatan to quickly convene its 43 state assemblypersons to determine their new coalition leader.
"Once Pakatan presents its new leader elected by its caucus, his royal highness will then know for certain which state assemblyperson is 'commanding the confidence of the majority of the members of the Assembly', as per his constitutional duty in appointing the menteri besar.
"This is in accordance to Article 53(2)(a) of Selangor State Constitution," it said in a statement this evening.
Bersih also urged the Selangor sultan to allow the determining of Pakatan's support be done in the state assembly.
Abdul Khalid today said the Selangor sultan consented for him to remain as menteri besar after claiming he still retains majority support in the state assembly.
However, PKR and DAP have disputed this, saying that their collective 28 state assemblypersons were not in support of him, which makes up half of the House.- mk

Ibarat nak bandingkan panda dengan tapir,
otak kangkung akibat berkawan dengan geng keris telanjang...
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