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Berikut adalah antara soalan-soalan yang dikemukakan wartawan kepada Pimpinan PAS Pusat yang dijawab oleh Timbalan Presiden PAS Mahamad Sabu dan Setiausa Agung PAS Datuk Mustafa Ali selepas membacakan keputusan PAS pada sidang media hari ini.
Wartawan: Kenapa PAS tidak letak nama (Tan Sri) Khalid Ibrahim?
PAS: Sudah tidak timbul soal Khalid Ibrahim, dia telah dipecat oleh partinya. Maka tidak timbul lagi nama khalid Ibrahim.
Q: Bagaimana dengan empat exco PAS?
A: Mereka akan terus berkhidmat.
Q: Bagaimana dengan dua Adun PAS yang sokong Wan Azizah.
A: Kita akan siasat kenapa boleh jadi begitu.
Q: PAS telah menolak Wan Azizah seblum ini tetapi hari ini PAS dah buat U-turn?
A: Tidak ada U-turn
Q: Adakah keputusan ini persetujuan bersama atau ada undian?
A: Persetujuan bersama dan sebulat suara.
Q: Dengan keputusan ini adakah ia tidak selari dengan keputusan Majlis Syura yang mahukan TSKI sebagai MB?
A: Tidak timbul. Sebab TSKI dipecat partinya.
Q: Bagaimana hubungan PAS dengan DAP sekarang?
A: Petang ini kita ada mesyuarat Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat jam 5 petang ini.
Q: Kenapa tidak TSKI?
A: Kita tahaluf siayasi dengan parti bukan dengan individu.
Q: Ada yang mengaitkan Umno dalam isu ini.
A: Itu tidak betul, tidak betul
Q: Keputusan hari ini adakah dipengaruhi oleh mana-mana pihak?
A: Tidak ada.
Q: Adakah PAS bersedia jika ada Pilihan Raya Negeri?
A: Tidak timbul perkara itu sekarang. Kami masih 2/3 majoriti.
Q: Selepas Wan Azizah adakah PAS cenderung kepada Azmin.
A: Kita kemukakan dua nama. Tidak timbul soal ini. Kita akan mesyuarat petang ini. Petang ini kita akan tentukan dalam mesyuarat PR .
Q: Umno hendak tengok Pakatan Rakyat berpecah?
A: Ya...kalau bukan itu (tujuannya) bermakna bukan Umnolah.- harakahdaily
Parti Islam itu bagaimanapun turut menyerahkan nama Timbalan Presiden PKR Mohamed Azmin Ali sebagai nama calon lain untuk diangkat menjadi menteri besar.
"PAS tidak akan menuntut jawatan menteri besar Selangor. PAS juga menghormati semangat yang ada dalam Pakatan Rakyat dalam mencadangkan nama calon menteri besar Selangor.
"Sehubungan dengan itu, PAS sebulat suara pada hari ini bersetuju untuk mengangkat dua nama bagi menggantikan Khalid. Nama yang dicadangkan oleh PAS ialah Dr Wan Azizah dan Azmin," kata Timbalan Presiden PAS Mohamad Sabu di Ibu Pejabat PAS hari ini.
Dua nama itu kemudiannya akan ditentukan dalam mesyuarat Pakatan Rakyat yang dijadualkan berlangsung petang ini.
Mat Sabu menegaskan PAS terus komited dengan Pakatan Rakyat.
"Kita akan bincang lagi (keputusan) ini dalam mesyuarat Majlis Presiden Pakatan petang ini.
"Tak ada tekanan dari pihak lain (dalam membuat keputusan ini)," tegas beliau dalam sidang media tadi.
Mohamad turut tidak mahu melayan sebarang andaian mengenai isu berkaitannya dan berkata isu sokongan terhadap Khalid tidak lagi berbangkit.
"Ia tidak berbangkit. Beliau (Khalid) bukan lagi ahli PKR," kata beliau.
Sementara itu Setiausaha Agung PAS Datuk Mustafa Ali ketika ditanya sebab nama Azmin dicadangkan hanya menjawab kerana beliau timbalan presiden PKR tanpa mahu mengulas lanjut.
"Azmin timbalan. All along memang ada dua nama (untuk menteri besar)," kata beliau.
Sementara itu, Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor Iskandar Ab Samad mengesahkan empat exco PAS terus bekerjasama dengan pentadbiran Khalid demi kebajikan rakyat.
"Kita akan terus bekerja sehingga menteri besar baru dilantik," kata beliau ketika ditemui di perkarangan ibu pejabat PAS.– tmi
Sementara itu Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim akan memohon menghadap Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah untuk mendapatkan nasihat baginda tentang langkah seterusnya untuk diambil berikutan keputusan terbaru PAS hari ini.
Beliau berkata menerima dengan hati terbuka keputusan PAS Pusat berkenaan status menteri besar dan barisan Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Selangor (Exco) yang dibuat melalui mesyuarat selama 90 minit pagi ini.
"Dengan perkembangan terbaru ini, saya akan memohon menghadap Sultan Selangor untuk memberi nasihat tentang langkah-langkah seterusnya.
"Sehingga Sultan membuat keputusan muktamad, saya akan meneruskan pentadbiran kerajaan Negeri Selangor bersama 4 ahli Exco daripada PAS bagi memastikan rakyat tidak terkesan dengan krisis politik ini," katanya dalam satu kenyataan.

Pada mesyuaratnya pagi ini, PAS memutuskan bersetuju dengan pilihan PKR melantik Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail menggantikan Khalid.
Parti Islam itu juga turut menyerahkan nama Timbalan Presiden PKR Mohamed Azmin Ali sebagai nama calon lain untuk diangkat menjadi menteri besar.
Dua nama itu kemudiannya akan ditentukan dalam mesyuarat Pakatan Rakyat yang dijadualkan berlangsung petang ini, menurut Timbalan Presiden PAS Mohamad Sabu membaca kenyataan yang ditandatangani Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang. – tmi
PAS wants either Wan Azizah or Azmin Ali for Selangor MB job...
This was announced by PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu after almost two hours of deliberation by the party's central committee meeting at its headquarters.
In the interim, Mohamad, better known as Mat Sabu, said the party's four exco members will remain in the Selangor government under the partyless menteri besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim pending his replacement.
Today's decision also doused speculation that PAS was opposed to Wan Azizah's candidacy due to her gender.
The statement was prepared in the name of PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang but was read out by Mohamad. Abdul Hadi was absent from the press conference.
Reading on from the statement, Mohamad reiterated that PAS was committed to Pakatan Rakyat.
He added the continued tenure of its four exco members in the state government is to ensure that services to the rakyat is not disrupted pending Khalid's replacement.
It is unclear how PAS' move will fair with PKR which has been adamant that Wan Azizah is its sole candidate for menteri besar.
PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution had previously dismissed speculation that Azmin may be an alternative to Wan Azizah.
The Pakatan leadership council is convening an emergency meeting at 3pm today following PAS' announcement.
Azmin chosen because he's PKR No 2
Meanwhile, PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali, who was also at the media conference, said Azmin was also nominated because he is the number two in PKR, but he did not want to elaborate.
"Azmin is deputy. All long there were two names (for menteri besar)," Mustafa said.
Reading on from the statement, Mat Sabu reiterated that PAS was committed to Pakatan Rakyat.
He added the continued tenure of its four exco members in the state government was to ensure that services to the rakyat are not disrupted pending Khalid's replacement.
"It does not arise anymore. He (Khalid) is no longer a PKR member," he said.
The Selangor government has been in a limbo after Hadi and the PAS Syura Council insisted on backing Khalid despite PKR's bid to replace him.
This culminated with PKR sacking Khalid from the party on Aug 9 , to which Khalid retaliated by sacking six exco members from DAP and PKR from the state government three days later.
Stalemate broken
The state government has since been led by Khalid and four exco members from PAS in compliance with the Syura Council decision pending today's decision by the central committee.
The anti-Khalid group, comprising 13 representatives from PKR and 15 from DAP, make up exactly half of the 56-member House.
Khalid, together with Umno's 12 assemblypersons and PAS' 15 representatives made up the remaining half, making it impossible to remove the embattled menteri besar.
However, this stalemate was broken last Thursday, after two PAS assemblypersons unilaterally backed Wan Azizah to replace Khalid, without their party's endorsement.
“We will continue to work with any menteri besar there is, including the next one who will be appointed with the consent of the His Highness the Selangor Sultan soon,” Selangor PAS secretary Mohd Khairuddin Othman said.
Following the official stance by PAS this afternoon, Khalid in a statement hours later, said he would seek an audience with the Selangor sultan on his fate.
"With the latest development, I will seek an audience with His Highness Selangor Sultan to advice me on the next move," the menteri besar said.
Khalid did not give any indication as to whether he was planning to resign to seek a dissolution of the state assembly.- mk
“Until the sultan makes his final decision, I will continue to administer Selangor with the four PAS exco members to ensure the people are not affected by this crisis,” he said in a short statement today.
PAS today proposed PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and her deputy Azmin Ali to take over as the head of the country’s wealthiest state.
However, it is not known when Khalid’s meeting will take place as Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah is on holiday and will return to the state on August 27.
Khalid thanked his colleagues and Selangor people for their support and patience in facing the current impasse.
“I also thank everyone for their patience in finding a solution to this issue, based on the correct procedure and the law.”
Khalid in his quest to retain the MB’s post had sacked three DAP and two PKR exco members after obtaining the sultan’s consent. Another PKR exco member quit in support of the party’s stand to remove him.
Khalid had said he would lead the state with the remaining four PAS exco members, who had said they would continue until the party’s meeting today.
PAS sealed Khalid's fate as Selangor menteri besar today, when it announced support for PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and her deputy, Azmin Ali as candidates to replace him.
"We have unanimously agreed to suggest two names to replace Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah and Azmin Ali," said PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu, also known as Mat Sabu, after attending a meeting with the PAS Central Committee today.
He told a press conference at the party's headquarters that PAS would also stand by the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition, even as the crisis has threatened to break up the opposition pact.
"The four Selangor executive council members from PAS will also remain in the state government to ensure service to the people is not disrupted."
PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has reportedly refused to endorse Wan Azizah's nomination and was part of the Shura Council that decided on August 7 that Khalid should remain MB.
"Khalid's name does not arise any more. He has been sacked (from PKR) and is no longer in PR," said Sabu.
On Thursday, Khalid precarious position took a turn for the worst when Dr Wan Azizah in a show of strength showed that she had the backing of 30 assemblymen, including two from PAS to helm the state.
Hulu Kelang assemblyman Saari Sungib and Morib assemblyman Hasnul Baharuddun were the first state lawmakers from Selangor PAS to back Dr Wan Azizah to take over as Selangor menteri besar. – tmi
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