Polis hanya tengok mangsa kemalangan diserang...
“Beliau (Ketua Polis Selangor Datuk Abdul Samah Mat) mesti memberi penjelasan mengapa polis tidak bertindak.
“Apa rancangan berliau sebagai ketua polis Selangor yang baru untuk memperbaikinya?
“Saya fikir penambahbaikan ini amat diperlukan segera kerana masyarakat menderita setiap hari,” katanya dalam satu sidang media bersama individu yang terlibat dalam kejadian tersebut.
Dalam kes pertama, seorang pemilik syarikat tunda kereta, Ngiam Kee Buh memberitahu sidang media itu berhubung kejadian melibatkan pekerjanya.
Katanya, pekerja itu memberitahunya bahawa tiga orang pegawai polis bertugas di satu pasar Ramadan di berhampiran lokasi kemalangan.
Kemalangan jalan raya itu didakwa melibatkan sebuah Proton Wira yang melanggar tiga buah kenderaan yang diparkir di satu cerun jejambat kerana pemandunya, Lee Keng Long, cuba mengelak sebuah kenderaan dari arah hadapan yang masuk ke lorongnya.
Ngiam mendakwa polis gagal bertindak ketika sekumpulan individu menyerang pemandu tersebut. Anggota berkenaan didakwa hanya memandang kejadian tersebut selepas ditolak ke sisi oleh penyerang tersebut.
Beliau bercakap di sidang media itu keraja pekerjanya itu enggan berbuat demikian untuk menejalskan kejadian yang didakwa berlaku pada dini hari, 26 Julai di Klang, di bulatan Kota Klang.
Kejadian kedua pula berlaku sekitar jam 3.30 pagi keesokan harinya. Seorang individu yang terlibat, Muhammad Hadi Yeop Baharuddin mendakwa beliau diserang oleh lapan orang pelumba motosikal haram selepas melanggar salah seorang daripada anggota kumpulan tersebut dengan keretanya.
Beliau berkata polis masih belum membuat sebarang penahanan walaupun beberapa orang daripada individu yang menyerangnya itu telahpun dikenalpasti oleh individu lain yang cuba menolongnya.
Menurutnya, ada suspek yang dikenalpasti melalui cukai jalan motosikal yang ditemui di lokasi kejadian di Lebuh Raya Selat Kelang.- mk
Cops stood by while accident victim mobbed...
“He (Selangor police chief Abdul Samah Mat) must give an explanation as to why the police have been non-functioning, or what is the plan as the new Selangor police chief to improve.
“I think this improvement is needed very urgently because people have suffered day-to-day,” he told a press conference today together with the victims.
In one case, tow car company operator Ngiam Kee Buh told the press that his employee at the scene had told him that there were three police officers stationed at a Ramadan market near the scene of the accident.
It purportedly involved a Proton Wira colliding with three cars parked illegally under a flyover, after its driver Lee Keng Long had tried to avoid a vehicle in front that had suddenly switched into his lane.
The police allegedly failed to act when a mob descended on the driver, but only stood by idly after being shoved aside by the attackers.
“The police tried to break up the fight, but was shoved aside and warned not to interfere, and he just went aside,” Ngiam said, adding that the police were armed and was seen reaching for his gun, but did not pull out the weapon.
He added that his employee has declined to speak publicly on the accident that took place in the wee hours of July 26 in Klang, at the Kota Klang roundabout.
Also present at the press conference was Ngiam’s other employee Lee Chee Wei, who was hospitalised after being supposedly hit with stones and helmets by a group of 40, and the car’s driver Keng Long who was also beaten and robbed.
According to earlier media reports, Keng Long’s car was later set ablaze by the mob.
Mobbed by mat rempit
In the second case that took place at about 3.30am on July 27, the victim Muhammad Hadi Yeop Baharuddin (above) claimed he was set upon by a group of eight illegal motorcycle racers after one of them crashed into his car.
He said the police have yet to make any arrests although some of his assailants have been identified by other illegal racers who had tried to help him, and through a motorcycle road tax recovered from the scene of the accident at the Selat Klang Highway.
It was found on the motorcycle that crashed into his car, which was apparently abandoned into a ditch by the road.
In addition, he said the stretch of road he was passing through has been notorious for illegal racing and betting for years.
Muhammad Hadi said a group of illegal racers tried to hold back the mob and persuaded them not to start a fight on the eve of Hari Raya, while he struggled to call the police.
He said an emergency telephone operator made three attempts to connect his call to the nearest police station at Bandar Sultan Suleiman, but to no avail.
“They said that they want to connect to the nearest police station, so three times - nothing. Please wait… Please wait (went the operator)…,” he said.
The mob later managed to break through and were armed with sticks and helmets, Muhammad Hadi said, and he was unable to escape because he was surrounded and his car’s front-right wheel was damaged in the accident.
Cops in holiday mood?
To add to the frustration, Muhammad Hadi said he went to the Sungai Kapar police station to lodge a police report over the incident that day and the next two consecutive days, but on each visit was told that the police online systems were down.
When he told them he would lodge a police at another police station, he said a police personnel replied that the system was down for the whole of Malaysia, so he abandoned his plans.
When he managed to lodge his police report on July 30 and met his investigating officer however, the officer asked why he hadn’t lodged a police report on the day of the incident, appearing unaware of the alleged system failure.
Assemblyperson Tan questioned whether there had indeed been a nationwide failure of the police’s online systems during the Hari Raya holidays, or an excuse to avoid work.
During the press conference, Tan also commented on a video that has been circulating online as an example of the state of the Selangor police.
The video purportedly filmed inside the Selangor police headquarters shows a senior police officer scolding and shouting at his subordinate.
One officer is supposedly a deputy superintendent (DSP) while the other is an assistant superintendent (ASP).
A caption accompanying the video reads, “These incidents happen every day and the officers and rank-and-file are all victims.
“The subordinates are beaten, kicked, and spat upon. When will this end? The cruelty and oppression is killing us every day.”
The veracity of the over one-minute video has yet to be verified.
Tan remarked that the video appeared to be filmed by a member of the police force who has probably lost hope and had made it public in hopes that action could be taken to rectify the situation.
“It goes to show how bad our police is especially in Selangor. There doesn’t seem to be any improvement (since Abdul Samah took office on May 12), but in the meantime they are continuing to deteriorate,” he said. - mk

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