Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim memecat semua exco PKR dan DAP kerana tidak bersetuju bersama pasukannya mentadbir negeri Selangor.
Menteri besar Selangor itu menyatakan semua surat yang dihantar kepada lima exco, tiga dari DAP dan dua dari PKR hari ini berkuatkuasa serta-merta.
Bagaimanapun Khalid menyatakan belum menulis surat kepada Rodziah Ismail kerana berada di luar negeri.
"Exco telah membuat beberapa kenyataan dan menandatangani surat supaya diadakan satu blok tujuannya mengurangkan keberkesanan exco.
"Oleh itu saya menulis surat kepada sultan meminta supaya exco ini tidak meneruskan kerjanya kerajaan negeri Selangor.
Senarai exco dipecat...
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Kerajaan Tempatan, Kajian & Penyelidikan
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Kebajikan Dan Hal Ehwal Wanita
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Pelaburan, Perindustrian & Perdagangan, Pembangunan Kampung Baharu, Pemutihan Kilang Haram
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Pelancongan, Hal Ehwal Pengguna Dan Alam Sekitar
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Kesihatan, Pembangunan Usahawan, Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Pekerja Ladang, Kemiskinan Dan Kerajaan Prihatin
Difahamkan, pemecatan itu dibuat ekoran 6 Exco terbabit mengeluarkan kenyataan yang melanggar etika selepas mengangkat sumpah mentaati dan menjaga kerahsiaan negeri.
Khalid yang mengetahui pendirian 6 Exco terbabit kemudiannya merujuk kepada istana dan menulis draf arahan pemecatan.
Surat pemecatan itu kemudiannya dibawa ke istana dan dipersembahkan kepada Sultan Selangor untuk ditandatangani.
Selepas berjaya mendapat tandatangan Sultan petang tadi, Pejabat Menteri Besar Selangor kemudian menyerahkan surat kepada mereka yang terlibat.
Sumber memberitahu The Malaysian Insider, pejabat Exco masing-masing menerima surat pemecatan kira-kira pukul 6 petang tadi.
Artikel 53 (2) (b) Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri juga memberi kuasa kepada menteri besar menasihati Exco supaya meletakkan jawatan sebelum mengemukakan cadangan kepada Sultan.
Enam Exco DAP dan PKR dalam kenyataan bersama sebelum ini membuat pendirian mahu menghadkan kuasa Khalid daripada membuat sebarang keputusan dalam mesyuarat Exco.
Kata mereka, keputusan sebaliknya perlu dibuat melalui proses undian selepas menganggap kedudukan dan fungsi Khalid hanyalah dalam kapasiti peralihan sementara menunggu seorang menteri besar baru daripada PR.
"Kami tidak akan berjumpa dengan Khalid (kecuali di mesyuarat mingguan Exco) untuk mengelakkan sebarang perbincangan mengenai kedudukan parti masing-masing," kata mereka hari ini.
PKR dan DAP sebelum ini mengarahkan ahli mereka supaya terus berkhidmat sebagai Exco walaupun tidak lagi tidak mengiktiraf Khalid sebagai menteri besar yang sah selepas dipecat PKR minggu lalu.- mk/tmi
Sehingga 17 Ogos, Selangor diperintah Khalid, PAS dan BN, kata Mat Sabu...
Timbalan presiden PAS itu mengatakan, situasi ini berlaku kerana rakan komponen Pakatan Rakyat (PR) seperti PKR dan DAP sudah menyatakan pendirian mereka untuk menolak kepimpinan Khalid sebagai menteri besar Selangor.
"Sekurang-kurangnya selama seminggu Selangor akan diperintah Khalid (Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Bebas), PAS dan BN sehinggalah PAS membuat keputusan pada 17 Ogos ini," kata Mohamad yang dikenali sebagai Mat Sabu kepada The Malaysian Insider.
"PKR dan DAP sudah membuat pendirian jelas menolak Khalid, PAS sahaja yang belum," kata Mohamad dengan nada sedih.
Hari ini Setiausaha Agung PAS Datuk Mustafa Ali mengatakan partinya akan tetap menunggu sehingga 17 Ogos untuk bermesyuarat walaupun timbul desakan daripada rakan komponen PR agar mesyuarat itu dipercepatkan.
"Kena tunggu mesyuarat 17 Ogos baru kita boleh buat pendirian," kata Mustafa kepada The Malaysian Insider.
Sementara itu, anggota Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat, Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah berkata sokongan berkenaan selari dengan pendirian Majlis Syura Ulama PAS yang mempertahankan Khalid untuk kekal sebagai menteri besar Selangor.
"Apabila Majlis Syura Ulama PAS membuat keputusan menyokong Khalid dan selagi parti masih belum membuat apa-apa keputusan (lain) mengenainya, dari segi kewajipan wakil rakyat PAS Selangor akan (terus) bersama-sama beliau (Khalid).
"Arahan juga sudah dikeluarkan kepada exco PAS Selangor supaya kekal dengan jawatan yang ada sekarang," katanya kepada pemberita di pejabatnya hari ini.
Khalid sacks DAP, PKR exco members...
The MB confirmed this at the Selangor state secretariat building in Shah Alam.
"The exco has made a statement and signed it, to show that they formed a bloc to undermine the exco.
"Therefore, I have written to the sultan to ask for the (six) exco members to not continue with their jobs in the Selangor government," he said.
The sacking is effective immediately.
The six exco members are DAP's Ean Yong Hian Wah, V Ganabatirau, Teng Chang Khim and PKR's Elizabeth Wong, Daroyah Alwi and Rodziah Ismail.
He said he has written to all to inform them of his decision, except for Rodziah who is overseas.
This comes after Ean Yong and five other exco members from DAP and PKR say they will keep their distance from Khalid except for weekly meetings in a "transition" period.
DAP and PKR had instructed the six to not resign despite the parties not supporting Khalid's bid to remain as MB.
Khalid's decision leaves the exco with only four members, all from PAS.
He said he has written to all to inform them of his decision, except for Rodziah who is overseas.
This comes after all six exco members from DAP and PKR say they will keep their distance from Khalid except for weekly meetings in a "transition" period.
DAP and PKR had instructed the six to not resign despite the parties not supporting Khalid's bid to remain as MB.
Khalid's decision leaves the exco with only four members, all from PAS. They are Iskandar Abdul Samad, Ahmad Yunus Hairi, Halimah Ali and Sallehin Mukhyi.
According to the state constitution, only a minimum of four exco members are needed to maintain the Selangor government.
NST: Palace confirms sacking
According to the New Straits Times, Selangor palace sources confirm the sacking.
Article 53(7) of the Selangor constitution states that the exco members hold their office at the pleasure of the Selangor sultan.
The sacking comes after all six said they will keep their distance from Khalid except for weekly meetings in a "transition" period.
DAP and PKR had instructed the six to not resign even though the parties do not support Khalid's bid to remain as MB.
Khalid's decision leaves the exco with only four members, all from PAS. They are Iskandar Abdul Samad, Ahmad Yunus Hairi, Halimah Ali and Sallehin Mukhyi.
In immediate response, Wong (right) said she did not receive the letter as she left her office at 5.30pm and learnt of this from the media.
"Shocking. First time in history this has happened, that majority of a state cabinet has been sacked via the media...
"We will discuss later with the exco (members). Will keep everyone posted," she said in a text message to Malaysiakini.
Daroyah and Ganabatirau were also unaware, with the latter currently in Teluk Intan.
"So far no confirmation of receiving such a letter...I will stand by DAP's decision," Ganabitirau said.
DAP colleague Ean Yong, meanwhile, said his aide received the letter from the MB at "5-something" in the afternoon. DAP will meet to discuss its next course of action, he said.
Meanwhile PKR and DAP have today demanded that the four PAS Selangor executive council (exco) members to boycott the exco following the sacking of six PKR and DAP exco members by Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.
Next 24 hours could see PAS sealing 'unity govt' with UMNO & breakup of PR...
However, the August 17 meeting of PAS may be upstaged by what happens in the next 24 hours in the Selangor Mentri Besar crisis which may set the seal for the irretrievable break-up of Pakatan Rakyat.
The break-up of Pakatan Rakyat will cause consternation and even despair among Malaysians over the betrayal of their high hopes that change has finally come to Malaysia after more than half a century of political stagnation and even regresson but welcomed as a boon and relief by Umno/BN leaders and apparatchiks as a “salvation” to spare them from political rejection and repudiation in the country.
PAS' 'national' consensus a mere ploy to go with Umno
This is the reason why the Deputy Prime Minister and UMNO Deputy President, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, had been so fast in declaring unconditional support of 12 UMNO/Barisan Nasional State Assembly representatives in Selangor to Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim as Mentri Besar of Selangor although he has lost the mandate of Parti Keadilan Rakyat and Pakatan Rakyat to continue as Selangor Mentri Besar.
UMNO/Barisan Nasional strategists are working overtime to exploit the Selangor Mentri Besar crisis, working on the scenario of 12 UMNO + 15 PAS + Khalid and a high-powered campaign to undermine the loyalty of DAP and PKR State Assembly reps to betray the Selangor voters and their respective parties.
Pakatan break-up
This campaign gains strength with the open support in some quarters for a UMNO-PAS “Unity Government” although couched under another terminology like “national consensus”.
Pakatan Rakyat leaders must act promptly and decisively and not be blind-sided by the pace of developments in the Selangor Mentri Besar crisis when time is of the essence, allowing what could happen in the next 24 hours to upstage not only the PAS leadership meeting of August 17 but determine the survival of Pakatan Rakyat.- Lim Kit Siang

Let us now wait for PAS...
There is a special prayer that Muslims do called solat Istikharah to seek divine guidance. Perhaps the PAS have done this and the signs show, this country is better in the hands of clueless Najib.
If PAS feel strongly for Khalid for whatever reasons they have, then they should leave Pakatan. They must team up with the 12 UMNO ADUNs to save Khalid. For without Khalid, Selangor is lost. There is none cleverer than Khalid Ibrahim to manage Selangor. The men closest to God in the Dewan Ulama can’t be wrong. Surely their payers are answered eagerly than prayers from heathen-like Muslims.
The 12 UMNO ADUNs have been instructed to support Khalid Ibrahim to stay on as MB. On paper there are now 13 ADUNs supporting Khalid including himself.
I wrote earlier, Khalid will listen to UMNO in not wanting to rush things. It is fortunate that the next sitting of Dewan Selangor is in November. I am not sure whether ADUNs can sign a petition requesting a dewan siting earlier than calendared.
I hear many people say that only the Sultan can call for a dewan siting. If this is the case, then, in future the law must be changed instead of letting it be an ass. The law should be used to dispense justice and righting a wrong.
Denying the members to dispatch a business of extraordinary importance and urgency is innately wrong. The business of the house should be determined and set by the sitting ADUNs. To me that ought to be with the aduns and the speaker an overriding right to set about the business of the house.
For the moment, it appears nothing can be done until the house sits. When it does, we can see whether Khalid’s declaration that he commands the majority in the house is a lie or not. If its proven that actually he hasn’t got it all along, then he is lying to the sultan. If it turns out that way, I hope the most loyal subject of the King of Selangor, Syed Ali Al-habshee of UMNO Cheras will be man enough to condemn Khalid for being a heinously disloyal subject. I hope UMNO Cheras will then move a petition to strip Khalid of his Selangor honorific titles and maybe even declare him persona non grata.

What now for PAS?
Because it has shown it supports Khalid , it does not have any choice but to declare it is breaking away from Pakatan. Then it can be with UMNO and strengthens the cause of the Malay-Muslm ummah something both UMNO and PAS have been fighting for. UMNO for the Malay and PAS for the ummah. That would be a partnership made in heaven and for a party admitting hat it speaks with divine right, it must be so.
This they must do so quickly because the Malay-Muslim ummah is in danger. They are the most economically disadvantaged. The King is threatened. The Islamic religion because the faith of its adherents is so ephemeral is being attacked by Christians and other heathens. PAS should not wait until the 17th of August to embrace UMNO.
It will now instruct its 15 states reps to align themselves with UMNO and Khalid Ibrahim. The move will make the people in support of Khalid to 28.
When that happens it will be a Mexican standoff. Because PR has 28 reps too, DAP has 15 including the speaker and 13 from PKR. Because the next sitting is in November, this will provide time for UMNO operatives to scout out the lean and hungry among PKR and even DAP.
Earlier on in my article, I singled out PAS and PKR as being being possible hunting ground for recruiting UMNO friendly ADUNs. Looking closer, it is not impossible to discover there may be some politician of conscience in DAP who may want to stick with Khalid.
If all the 12 PAS people can be induced with some immediate financial rewards, all 12 may jump on Khalid’s gravy train. All it needs now is to buy a few more from PKR say 5 of them and 3 from DAP. Set aside a budget of RM1 billion to make this agenda happen.
Before November, Khalid can triumphantly enter the DUN Selangor and count heads. He will then submit to the Sultan, he indeed commands the majority in the house.
PAS can even negotiate to have one of its people readied to assume the MBship in the near future. It has more seats than UMNO and so it can demand the seat.
There is a flip side too. If because of Khalid, PAS decides to break away from Pakatan, it would perhaps been an opportune time for the Islamic moderates in Pas- the erdogans, the anwaristas or however they are described to leave PAS.
They should form their own centre party and in a Malaysia whose people desire more of moderation than the extremism so loved by people like Nasarudin Tantawi, a separate party consisting of Islamic moderates will attract adherents. More Malay professionals will likely join such a party.
If that happens, in parliament PAS may end with only 5-6 MPs.
Come the next elections, PAS will emerge the losers because by that time, UMNO ought to have infiltrated the PAS held areas. - Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz@sakmongkol AK47
PAS agenda in supporting Khalid
Sultan tak perkenan Azizah menghadap...
Wan Azizah gets royal snub over MB crisis...
The Selangor sultan had rejected PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail's request for an audience to explain the ongoing menteri besar crisis.
Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah's private secretary Mohamad Munir Bani said this is as the sultan has already met with Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim on the issue.
"The letter was presented to the sultan on Aug 11 and His Majesty instructed me to inform Anwar that he does not accept the request as Khalid had already met him on Khalid's position as MB," Mohamad Munir said in a statement.
Mohamad Munir added that the sultan believes that Khalid’s expulsion from PKR was an “internal party issue” which does not affect his position as Port Klang assemblyperson and Selangor menteri besar.
“The sultan does not want to get involved in PKR’s internal party issues,” said Mohamad Munir.
“Khalid met the sultan to inform him that he was expelled by the PKR disciplinary committee as well as other issues related to the menteri besar position before the meeting.
“The sultan then informed the Selangor Royal Assembly Council about his decision to retain Khalid as menteri besar."
Khalid yesterday said the Selangor sultan had consented for him to stay on as menteri besar despite his expulsion from PKR.
The issue is expected to be discussed at PKR’s political bureau meeting tonight.- mk

1 comment:
The game of 'divide' to rule. TSKI is now to do whatever he could to strenghten his position even to loot and lure any legislators. ومكروا ومكرالله والله خيرالماكرين. Politics of truth will prevail forever or otherwise wait the acts of Allah frm Him we cometh.
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