Seorang lagi exco PAS Selangor hari ini mempertahankan tindakannya kekal dalam barisan exco bagi menghalang Umno mengawal sumber kewangan negeri.
Exco yang bertanggungjawab dalam hal ehwal Islam, Sallehen Mukhyi berkata keputusan empat exco PAS itu sebagai benteng akhir menyelamatkan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
Beliau turut menggesa orang ramai tidak melihatnya sebagai pengkhianat kerana berdasarkan Perlembagaan negeri hanya empat exco diperlukan bagi membolehkan kerajaan negeri berfungsi.
Empat exco tersebut adalah Iskandar Abdul Samad, Dr Halimah Ali, Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi dan Sallehen.
Awal hari ini, Exco PAS Dr Halimah Ali menafikan beliau dan tiga rakan sejawatnya daripada PAS berkonspirasi dengan Khalid untuk melengahkan sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN).
"Tiada perbincangan seperti itu. Jika Khalid ada berbincang dengan exco lain, itu saya tak tahu," katanya.- tmi
Telenovela PAS
Dua Adun PAS hancurkan harapan Khalid kekal sebagai MB Selangor...
Ia menggagalkan usaha Khalid untuk mengekalkan kerajaannya dengan sokongan Umno dan PAS selepas Adun Hulu Klang Saari Sungib dan Adun Morib Hasnul Baharuddin menyokong Dr Wan Azizah secara terbuka.
Kini, Khalid bersama PAS (13) dan Umno (12) hanya 26 kerusi dan masih minoriti dalam DUN Selangor yang mempunyai 56 kerusi.
Sebelum ini, Khalid hanya memerlukan seorang Adun daripada PKR atau DAP untuk membolehkan beliau mendapat majoriti dan membentuk kerajaan jika PAS menyokong beliau.
Ketika itu, Khalid bersama PAS dan Umno mendapatkan 28 kerusi dan gabungan PKR (13) dan DAP (15) juga mempunyai 28 kerusi.
Tindakan dua Adun PAS Hulu Klang dan Morib menyertai sidang media bersama-sama 28 lagi Adun DAP dan PKR menyokong Adun Kajang Dr Wan Azizah sebagai menteri besar baharu menggantikan Khalid, mengejutkan parti Islam itu kerana mereka hanya akan membuat keputusan pada 17 Ogos.
Bagaimanapun dua pemimpin tertinggi PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dan Mursyidul Am Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat menyatakan sokongan secara terbuka kepada Khalid untuk kekal sebagai menteri besar.
Majlis Syura Ulama PAS juga menyokong pandangan itu namun mahu PAS kekal juga dalam Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
Selepas Khalid dipecat daripada PKR, PAS dijangka mengkaji semula keputusan sokongan itu dan ia hanya akan dibuat melalui mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pusat pada Ahad ini.
Mesyuarat Lajnah Politik PAS malam tadi mengambil keputusan untuk kekal bersama PR namun tidak membuat keputusan jelas sama ada menyokong atau menolak Dr Wan Azizah. – tmi
Kenapa Saya Tidak Sokong Khalid Ibrahim - Hasnul b Baharuddin ADUN Morib
We didn’t want Umno to lay hands on Selangor’s RM3.2 billion, says PAS exco...
A second Selangor PAS executive councillor has come out to defend the Islamist party's move to stay on in the state exco line-up, saying it was to prevent being replaced by Umno exco members who would get their hands on Selangor's RM3.2 billion reserves.
The exco in charge of religious affairs Sallehen Mukhyi said today that the decision by the four PAS exco members to stay on was meant as a "'last defence" to save the Pakatan Rakyat government.
He also made a plea to the people not to view them as traitors, adding that according to Selangor laws, only four exco members were needed for the state government to function.
They four excos are Iskandar Abdul Samad, Dr Halimah Ali, Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi and Sallehen.
Earlier today, PAS exco Dr Halimah Ali denied she and her three colleagues from PAS had conspired with Khalid to delay the state assembly sitting.
“There was no such discussion. If (Tan Sri Abdul) Khalid (Ibrahim) had discussed this with other exco members, I do not know about it," she said.
Sacked DAP exco member Datuk Teng Chang Khim said yesterday this conspiracy enabled Khalid to remain in office until November.
On Tuesday, Khalid sacked five executive councillors from PKR and DAP, leaving only him and four PAS excos in the state government.
The five were Teng, Elizabeth Wong, Ean Yong Hian Wah, V. Ganabatirau and Dr Daroyah Alwi.
PKR assemblyman Rodziah Ismail who was away at the time, returned and tendered her resignation from the state government.
Following the sacking, DAP and PKR had appealed to the four PAS excos to boycott the following day's meeting as a gesture of solidarity, but the four refused.
Sallehen, in a posting on the PAS Selangor Facebook page today, said that if the four of them resigned, Umno would then take over the administration of the state.
"If the four of us boycott the state government, the palace will install four exco members from Umno, even if it is only to serve until the next state assembly sitting.
"And when the DUN is dissolved, Umno would be the final government and RM3.2 billion would be in their hands," he said.
He added that it would then be akin to just “handing over” the state administration to Umno.
"So we are just following party orders here."
Khalid, who is Port Klang assemblyman and Bandar Tun Razak MP, said on Monday that he had the support of the majority in the 56-seat state assembly and that the sultan wanted him to remain as MB.
Yesterday, however, about 30 Selangor assemblymen declared their loss of confidence in Khalid as MB. Among them were PAS's assemblymen Saari Sungib (Hulu Kelang) and Hasnul Baharuddin (Morib).
The third term of the state legislative is scheduled to commence in November. – tmi
Khalid’s plan to remain as MB derailed by PAS duo’s defiance...
Yesterday, PAS's Morib state representative Hasnul Baharuddin and Hulu Kelang assemblyman Saari Sungib openly declared their support for Dr Wan Azizah, giving her the majority in the 56-member Selangor state assembly.
Khalid has previously claimed that he had majority support in the state assembly, following Umno and PAS's support for him. He had said that he needed one more assemblyman from either PKR or DAP to give him the majority and form the state government. But this is assuming that all PAS assemblymen support him.
Hasnul and Saari joined Dr Wan Azizah's press conference yesterday, as proof that she has the support to take over as MB.
The unexpected move has shocked PAS, which is expected to make their long-delayed decision on the matter this Sunday.
Top PAS leaders, its president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and spiritual adviser Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, have expressed their support for Khalid to remain as MB.
The party's influential Shura Council has also put its weight behind Khalid.
But following Khalid's expulsion from PKR last Saturday, PAS is expected to relook its decision to support the embattled MB when leaders deliberate at a PAS central committee meeting this Sunday.
The party's political bureau meeting last night decided to remain in Pakatan Rakyat, but did not make any clear decision on Dr Wan Azizah, the candidate PKR has endorsed to replace Khalid.- tmi

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