MAS rugi RM307 juta suku kedua 2014...
Berikutan itu, kerugian bersih yang dicatat MAS dalam tempoh enam bulan pertama tahun ini mencecah RM750 juta, 65 peratus lebih tinggi berbanding tempoh sama tahun lalu.
Ia kerugian bersih buat enam suku tahunan berturut-turut yang dilaporkan oleh MAS, sehari sebelum pemegang kepentingan utamanya, Khazanah Nasional Bhd dijadual mengumumkan pelan penstrukturan semula syarikat penerbangan nasional itu.- BH
MAS posts Q2 net loss of RM300 million...
In a statement to the stock exchange, Malaysian Airline System Bhd (MAS) said its second-quarter net loss grew to RM307.04 million (US$97.6 million) from a net loss of RM175.9 million in the same period a year earlier.
The result was an improvement from the net loss of RM443 million it reported in the first quarter.
The April-June earnings are the first to fully reflect the impact on sales of the unexplained disappearance of flight MH370 in March.
The airline is set to be taken private by its majority shareholder, state fund Khazanah Nasional Bhd, in a move to revamp its business – devastated this year by loss of MH370 and the shooting down of flight MH17 over Ukraine in July.
MAS said the MH17 incident had derailed "all the hard work and effort" to regain market confidence and sales it had put in after the loss of MH370.
The two tragedies are expected to hit earnings in the months from July to December, as average weekly bookings declined 33%, with numerous flight cancellations immediately after the MH17 incident, said MAS.
Seat load factors fell 6.7 percentage points to 74%, next to a 9% increase in capacity during the quarter. Operating expenses rose 2% on higher fuel costs.
"The fact that both incidents have occurred within such a short span of time had exacerbated the situation and severely damaged the airline's brand and business reputation, accelerating the need to restructure the company."
Even before the aircraft tragedies, the carrier that was one of Southeast Asia's most prestigious airlines in the 1990s had steadily been squeezed between high-end rivals, such as Singapore Airlines and Asian budget carriers. The company has not made an annual profit since 2010.
The company's shares will be suspended tomorrow ahead of the announcement of its planned restructuring by Khazanah, a source told Reuters today.
About a quarter of the carrier's nearly 20,000 staff may lose their jobs in the overhaul, with some international routes set to be abandoned as new management is brought in, according sources.
The impact of the March 8 disappearance of flight MH370, bound for Beijing from Kuala Lumpur, had tipped the carrier into what was then its worst quarterly performance in more than two years.
Sales in China declined 60% in March after the incident, it said earlier this year. – tmi
Peserta sukan bogel Pulau Pinang dihukum penjara sebulan...
Seramai 10 individu didakwa atas kesalahan menimbulkan mengganggu ketenteraman awam kerana mengadakan sukan telanjang di pantai terpencil Teluk Kampi selama tiga jam pada 30 Mei di Teluk Bahang.
Mereka yang mengaku bersalah ialah Loh Kok Hong, Mu Wei Peng, Justin Ang Ji Keng, Albert Yam Kam Hoong, Lionel Loo Joo Heng dan M Nanda Kumar.
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Edward Chan memberitahu mahkamah apa yang tertuduh lakukan adalah kesalahan yang serius dan merayu mahkamah mengenakan hukuman berat terhadap mereka.
Chan berkata, tidak wajar untuk telanjang di khalayak ramai dan perbuatan itu boleh merosakkan minda anak muda yang tidak berdosa.
Beliau meminta mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara sebagai pengajaran kepada orang ramai.
Majistret Mohd Najib Ismail kemudiannya menjatuhkan hukuman penjara sebulan dan denda RM5,000 atau 3 bulan penjara jika engkar.
Yam, seorang penduduk tetap di Singapura, dijatuhkan hukuman tambahan enam bulan penjara mengikut Seksyen 292 Kanun Keseksaan kerana mengedar dan memiliki bahan lucah.
Dalam penghakimannya, Najib berkata masyarakat tempatan masih tidak dapat menerima aksi telanjang di tempat awam, berdasarkan tindak balas negatif terhadap kelakuan sedemikian.
Beliau menyebut salah satu prinsip Rukun Negara ialah kesopanan dan kesusilaan, yang memberitahu orang ramai agar berkelakuan sopan dan bersusila.
"Tindakan yang dilakukan jelas melanggar prinsip ini," katanya kepada enam yang mengaku bersalah.
Loh dan Mu merayu kepada mahkamah untuk menangguhkan pelaksanaan tetapi ditolak.
Sementara itu, tertuduh yang mengaku tidak bersalah ialah Tok Chew Hua, Chan Chia Wen, Teh Guan Hoon dan Kong Meng Long.
Majistret membenarkan ikat jamin RM4,000 dengan seorang penjamin bagi setiap tertuduh.
Mahkamah menetapkan 16 Oktober untuk sebutan kes.
Peguam Alan Choong mewakili Loh manakala Jason Khor mewakili Teh. Tertuduh lain tidak diwakili peguam. – tmi
10 charged over Penang nude sports event...
Ten participants of a nudist camp in Teluk Bahang, Penang have been charged in a magistrate's court in Balik Pulau today for causing public unrest.
Six pleaded guilty and four claimed trial to the charge under Section 294(a) of the Penal Code.
They allegedly took part in the event at the National Park in Teluk Kampi, Teluk Bahang on May 31.
Magistrate Mohd Najib Ismail presided over the case while DPP Edward Chan prosecuted.
Those convicted today after pleading guilty are Loh Kok Hong, 41, Mu Wai Peng, 34, Justin Ang Ji Keng, 24, Yam Kam Hoong, 54, Lionel Loo Joo Heng, 52 and R Nanda Kumar, 40.
Those who plead not guilty are Chew Tok Hua, 57, Chan Chia Wen, 27, Teh Guan Hoon, 37 and Kong Meng Long, 38.
Judge Mohd Najib sentenced the six who pleaded guilty to one month's jail starting today and RM5,000 fine.
Failure to pay the fine will result in three months' jail.
Yam, who produced the video received an extra sentence of six months jail.
The charge is under Section 292 (a) of the Penal Code, for producing a pornographic materials.
Diversity, not nudity
In sentencing, Mohd Najib said that Malaysia is unique due to its multiracial, multireligious, multi-language and diverse lifestyles.
"What keeps us together is this unity in diversity which is based on our Rukunegara, which emphasises on good behaviour and manners.
"It is based on these principles that we have to protect public interest, to give a signal to society that such acts will not be repeated," he added.
Mohd Najid did not allow a stay of execution and ordered the six to serve their sentence.
The six expressed remorse and apologised to all Malaysians for their act and promised not to repeat the offence.- mk

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