MB Selangor - DAP mohon PAS segera nyatakan pendirian...
Beliau berkata, PAS tidak boleh lagi menunggu sehingga 17 ogos memandangkan Umno telah mengisytiharkan sokongan penuh dan tanpa syarat kepada Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim kekal sebagai MB.
“Jika PAS enggan menyokong penukaran MB dari Khalid kepada Presiden PKR Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, ia akan membawa perpecahan dan pengakhiran PR di Selangor dan juga di peringkat kebangsaan.
“PAS tidak boleh lagi menunggu sehingga 17 Ogos kerana Timbalan Presiden Umno Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin telah menyatakan bahawa 12 Adunnya menyokong Khalid.
“Jadi, PAS perlu segera menyatakan pendirian mereka,” tegasnya dalam satu kenyataan.
Ahli Parlimen Bagan itu menegaskan, sebarang kelewatan untuk menyatakan pendirian tidak boleh diterima kerana ia jelas mengetepikan mandat pengundi yang telah memilih 15 orang Adun PAS pada Pilihanraya Umum (PRU) ke 13 tahun lalu.
“Bolehkah kesemua 15 Adun PAS ini mengatakan bahawa mereka bersama atau tidak dengan Umno dengan menyokong Khalid?
“Jika PAS mengatakan tidak akan bersama Umno, ini akan membantu menjelaskan bahawa mereka bersetuju menggantikan Khalid tetapi ingin menunggu sehingga 17 Ogos untuk membuat keputusan menyokong Wan Azizah sebagai calon pengganti.
“Kegagalan PAS menyatakan pendirian hanya akan terus menghakis sokongan dan menghancurkan keyakinan pengundi,” tegasnya. -Roketkini.com
Saya masih mahu PAS bersama Pakatan Rakyat...
ADUN Meru, Dr Abdul Rani Osman secara peribadi menjelaskan bahawa beliau masih mahu terus kekal bersama Pakatan Rakyat.Menurutnya, pihak yang menjatuhkan Barisan Nasional (BN) di Selangor bukannya PAS, DAP dan PKR tetapi dilakukan bersama-sama sebagai Pakatan Rakyat.
“Saya secara peribadi tak nak Pakatan Rakyat berpecah,” ujarnya sewaktu diserbu oleh media di Lobi SUK.
Dalam pada masa yang sama, Rani turut menjelaskan sehingga 17 Ogos ini, beliau telah diberikan surat arahan untuk tidak mengeluarkan sebarang kenyataan berhubung isu kemelut Menteri Besar di Selangor.
Rani turut menjelaskan bahawa tujuan beliau hadir ke SUK adalah bagi membincangkan mengenai isu sebuah kuil di kawasannya iaitu Meru bukannya untuk berjumpa Khalid Ibrahim.
“Saya hadir ke sini untuk jumpa Pegawai EXCO Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Kesihatan, Pekerja Ladang, Kemiskinan dan Kerajaan Prihatin, V. Ganabatirau berkaitan isu kuil di Meru,” ujarnya.
Beliau turut menjelaskan bahawa beliau tidak sependapat dengan beberapa ahli PAS yang tidak bersetuju wanita diangkat menjadi Menteri Besar.
“Saya tidak setuju dengan perkara tersebut. Kalau tak setuju wanita menjadi pemimpin, kenapa kita meletakkkan Dr Halimah Ali sebagai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pendidikan, Pendidikan Tinggi, dan Pembangunan Insan,” katanya - fmt
Suara hati Husam Musa...

DAP: PAS must say if it's with UMNO or not...
"Any delay in making this declaration is unacceptable because it does not measure up to the responsibility of the mandate of Selangor voters who returned 15 PAS assemblypersons in the 2013 general election.
Lim warned that if PAS took the side of Khalid, it would lead to the disintegration of Pakatan.
"If PAS refuses to endorse a change of the Selangor menteri besar, by replacing Khalid with PKR’s choice of its president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, this will immediately lead to a break-up and end of Pakatan, both in Selangor and nationally," Lim said.
Last Thursday, the Syura Council, PAS' highest decision-making body, decided to back Khalid to remain as Selangor menteri besar.
Whether PAS' stance will change depends on its central committee meeting on Aug 17. Until then, the Syura Council decision stands.
'PAS can no longer wait'
However, Lim said PAS could no longer wait until then, with Umno deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin's declarstion yesterday that Umno's 12 assemblypersons in Selangor would support Khalid.
DAP and PKR, which have agreed to replace Khalid, have 28 assemblypersons, comprising half of the state assembly.
PAS, the sole dissenting member in Pakatan, may cause a hung assembly if it votes with Umno in a vote of confidence on Khalid.
"Do not forget that the rakyat voted in support of Pakatan and not BN," Teo said.
He said the decision of the assemblypersons on the Selangor crisis would be a litmus test for voters on whether their elected representatives respected the mandate given to Pakatan.
Last Saturday, PKR, which has found it difficult to work with Khalid, expelled him from the party for refusing to step down as menteri besar.
However, Khalid yesterday obtained the Selangor sultan's consent to stay on as menteri besar after claiming to have majority support of the House. - mk
PAS veep warns of risks of leaving Pakatan...
“I joined PAS when it was on its own, having left the BN. I was young, and PAS looked like it had no future. It lost elections and was left with only two seats in Kelantan, although it was strong there…Now it is different, way better than before.
“Some say it is better for PAS to leave Pakatan, but I don’t know. I am no longer a young man, I have no time to go back, make mistakes and then correct them…
“(I) Believe that it will take 30 years to correct things and convince people to follow PAS again. For me, today’s situation (now) is far better,” the Salor assemblyperson said.
Speculation of a Pakatan break up, with PAS leaving the coalition, comes as the Selangor menteri besar crisis deepens.
PAS is the only party with representatives in the Selangor assembly which has yet to make a decision on whether to support embattled Abdul Khalid Ibrahim’s bid to remain as MB.
Umno, which holds 12 out of the 56 seats in the House, said its representatives will vote for Khalid, after the Selangor sultan consented to Khalid remaining as MB.
PAS is expected to meet on Aug 17 on the matter, but Khalid yesterday said he believes he has the backing of the four PAS members on his executive council.
He also told the sultan he has majority support of the House, raising speculation that PAS’ 15 assemblypersons will vote in his favour if a no confidence motion is tabled - mk

Apakah kita perlu bersekongkol dengan syaitan yang dikenali...

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