Penyelesaian terbaik untuk krisis MB Selangor...
Yang meletakkan kepentingan rakyat di atas segala-galanya. Memandangkan Perlembagaan kita bertujuan untuk melaksanakan cita-cita demokrasi yang agak semula jadi.
Jika kita mengambil contoh "Langkah Kajang" telah mengakibatkan krisis Menteri Besar Selangor telah berlarutan selama kira-kira enam bulan sehingga sekarang. Walaupun PKR telah mencalonkan ADUN Kajang, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail untuk menggantikan penyandang Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.
Perkara itu nampaknya masih tidak selesai, terutamanya selepas Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang mengeluarkan kenyataan mempertahankan Khalid minggu lalu.
Dan perkara itu menjadi lebih rumit apabila Dr Zuhdi Marzuki, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif untuk pusat penyelidikan Pas, menjangkakan meninggalkan parti Pakatan Rakyat untuk bekerjasama dengan Umno-BN. Ini adalah dengan tujuan untuk membentuk kerajaan negeri akan datang.
Ia adalah benar bahawa Setiausaha Agung Pas Datuk Mustafa Ali telah menjarakkan partinya daripada apa yang dipanggil Zuhdi sebagai analisis senario.
Namun pada hakikatnya, bahawa parti itu telah berkata perkara yang sama berulang kali. Dan ini termasuk Abdul Hadi sendiri.Ini menunjukkan imej ketidaksepakatan dalam kepimpinan Pakatan pada MB seterusnya bagi negeri terkaya di negara ini.
Dan dalam PKR sendiri walaupun keputusan sebulat suara dicapai pada mesyuarat biro politik nama lain telah menjadi buah mulut untuk kerusi panas itu: Dr Idris Ahmad, pakar sakit puan yang kini merupakan ADUN untuk Ijok.
Tidak seperti sistem presiden di mana kerajaan dipilih secara langsung oleh pengundi dalam sistem kita kerajaan dilantik oleh ketua negara. Bahawa walau apa pun hasrat pengundi masih tinggi.
Oleh itu keperluan di pihak ketua negara untuk melantik seseorang yang mendapat sokongan majoriti di dalam pilihan raya. Ini menggariskan prinsip bahawa walaupun kuasa untuk melantik kerajaan adalah mengikut budi bicara di pihak ketua negara ia perlu dilaksanakan dengan cara ia mencerminkan kehendak majoriti.
Ini adalah sebab mengapa Perlembagaan kita - seperti dalam demokrasi Westminster yang lain - yang menetapkan peraturan majoriti dalam proses pelantikan.
Walaupun Idris mungkin lebih diterima ke istana kerana dia puak Bugis dan dia berasal dari Selangor - tidak seperti Wan Azizah yang berasal dari Kedah dan bukan daripada puak itu - apa yang diambil kira dari sudut pandangan Perlembagaan adalah di mana sokongan majoriti ahli parlimen Pakatan di Dewan Undangan Selangor sebenarnya terletak.
Masih tidak jelas jika Wan Azizah mendapat sokongan daripada majoriti ahli parlimen Pakatan. Sehingga kini dia kelihatan mempunyai majoriti PKR dan DAP tetapi ini mungkin tidak cukup untuk membentuk majoriti mudah di dalam 56-anggota dewan.
Dan ditambah dengan kemunculan Idris dan ditambah pula dengan langkah Pas tidak menentu ia lebih berkemungkinan bahawa kita akan melihat “parlimen tergantung" atau seri dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor.
Apa pun meletakkan satu usul tidak percaya di dalam dewan untuk menyingkirkan Khalid nampaknya tidak menjadi pilihan. Selain daripada keadaan yang tidak menentu di dalam dewan itu juga tidak biasa dalam kebanyakan sistem: parti-parti politik lebih suka pergerakan yang tertutup.
Walau bagaimanapun pilihan yang terakhir tidak berguna apabila Khalid telah berikrar untuk menjalankan, langkah terbarunya yang menandatangani perjanjian air dengan kerajaan persekutuan yang diterajui Umno.
Ia adalah salah satu keputusan yang dibuat olehnya yang telah menimbulkan kemarahan pihak atasan Pakatan.
Apa yang kita lihat sekarang di Selangor adalah keadaan di mana tidak ada seorang pun majoriti yang jelas dan ini boleh membawa kepada masalah yang serius.
Ini termasuk keadaan yang genting seperti kegagalan di pihak kerajaan negeri untuk mendapatkan bajet yang diluluskan atau bil yang telah ditolak oleh dewan.
Ia juga boleh membawa kepada masalah kesahihan; iaitu kuasa kerajaan negeri untuk menasihati Sultan. Oleh itu ia kini menjadi tanggungjawab Sultan untuk membuat langkah untuk menamatkan ketidaktentuan ini.
Sebagai raja berperlembagaan beliau perlu mempunyai sebuah kerajaan untuk menasihati beliau. Ini, dalam istilah biasa, bermakna negara mesti mempunyai kerajaan untuk menjalankan urusannya.
Dan ia hanya boleh dilakukan oleh ahli-ahli politik yang dipilih boleh dipertanggungjawabkan untuk dewan: istana dan perkhidmatan awam tidak boleh memerintah negeri ini jika yang tidak popular dipilih.
Jika terdapat majoriti yang jelas di dalam dewan maka dia boleh melantik mereka untuk memerintah negeri ini.
Tetapi pilihan ini kini tidak kelihatan berhasil dan oleh itu ia adalah untuk beliau sekarang adalah untuk membubarkan dewan. Ini akan membolehkan pilihan raya negeri di mana rakyat boleh memilih kerajaan yang mereka mahu.
Untuk Perlembagaan berkenaan istana mempunyai dua pilihan: untuk mendesak kepada Khalid untuk membuat permintaan untuk pembubaran atau, jika Khalid enggan berbuat demikian, membubarkan dewan itu sendiri. - Dr Abdul Aziz Bari
6 sebab mengapa Khalid perlu disingkirkan menurut PKR...
Dalam laporan diserahkan kepada pemimpin tertinggi Pakatan Rakyat (PR), PKR mengatakan integriti Khalid dipersoalkan apabila hutang RM66.67 juta menteri besar penggal kedua itu diselesaikan di luar mahkamah, perjanjian tanah meragukan dengan pemaju, projek Lebuh Raya Kidex, perjanjian penstrukturan air dengan Putrajaya, isu berkaitan kenaikan yuran lesen perniagaan, isu pungutan sampah dan jalan berlubang.
Dalam laporan setebal 24 muka surat itu, PKR menyifatkan keputusan penyelesaian luar mahkamah antara Khalid sebagai luar biasa pada ketika pihak Bank Islam mempunyai kes yang kukuh.
"Tindakan Bank Islam tidak meneruskan kes yang bakal dimenanginya untuk mengutip hutang daripada si penghutang satu keputusan luar biasa yang sangat jarang berlaku kepada rakyat biasa," kata laporan itu.
Menurut laporan tersebut, penyelesaian itu juga dicapai di luar pengetahuan peguam Bank Islam iaitu Tetuan Tommy Thomas dan diketahui selepas pihak bank menggugurkan pertuduhan di saat akhir pada Februari 2014.
Laporan itu juga dipetik berkata setiausaha politik Khalid berjumpa dengan tokoh korporat rapat dengan Umno, Tan Sri Rashid Manaf untuk berunding penyelesaian hutangnya.
"Akhirnya setiausaha politik Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim sendiri mengesahkan menteri besar ada beberapa kali berjumpa dengan Tan Sri Rashid Manaf untuk merundingkan penyelesaian hutangnya," laporan tersebut dipetik berkata.
Semalam, Setiausaha Agung PKR Datuk Saifuddin Nasution mendedahkan kerajaan negeri Selangor di bawah pentadbiran Khalid terlibat dalam urus niaga jualan tanah meragukan dengan Ecoworld Berhad, syarikat pemaju yang dipengerusikan Rashid sendiri.
PKR dalam laporan itu juga mendakwa Rashid sebagai tokoh yang rapat dengan Umno, beliau juga bekas peguam kepada Tun Daim Zainuddin yang juga bekas menteri kewangan.
Selain itu, keraguan juga ditimbulkan ketika penyelesaian tersebut dimeterai di mana ia berlaku pada masa sama "Langkah Kajang" diumumkan.
"Sebaik sahaja Langkah Kajang diumumkan, berita mula berlegar berlaku rundingan antara Khalid dengan Bank Islam yang diuruskan Rashid," kata laporan itu.
Laporan tersebut juga mendedahkan beberapa siri isu yang dilihat meragukan pihak PKR seperti rundingan air dan juga rayuan kes Liwat II membabitkan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Khalid menandatangani perjanjian penstrukturan air di antara kerajaan negeri Selangor dan Putrajaya pada 26 Februari dan sehari selepas itu, Pendaftar Mahkamah Rayuan memanggil Anwar untuk memaklumkan pengurusan kes beberapa permohonan rayuan akan didengari pagi itu juga.

Kemudiaannya, Anwar dijatuhi hukuman bersalah pada 7 Mac 2014 dan sekaligus menghilangkan kelayakan untuk bertanding di dalam Pilihan Raya Kecil Kajang.
"Kesemua fakta ini menimbulkan keraguan terhadap integriti Khalid dan mengundang pelbagai spekulasi," kata laporan itu.
PKR juga mendakwa Khalid sehingga hari ini gagal membuat penjelasan mengenai perkara yang dibangkitkan walaupun dinasihatkan.
Alasan kedua yang diberikan PKR adalah membabitkan perjanjian penstrukturan air antara Putrajaya dan kerajaan negeri Selangor, di mana ia didakwa merugikan.
"Beliau tidak menggunakan tekanan awam sebagai salah satu pendekatan untuk mendapatkan persetujuan daripada syarikat pemegang konsesi sedangkan umum mengetahui hubungkait syarikat ini dengan Umno dan Barisan Nasional," kata laporan itu.
PKR mempertikaikan langkah Khalid menggunakan pendekatan korporat (ala board room deals) dalam perjanajian air tersebut.
Alasan ketiga yang diberikan pula apabila Khalid secara terbuka menyokong pembinaan projek Lebuh Raya Kinrara-Damansara (Kidex) walaupun mendapat bantahan banyak pihak.
"Sokongan terbuka Khalid yang enggan memberi ruang kepada pendapat yang menentang juga bertentangan dengan arahan khusus yang dibuat Anwar mengenai pendekatan PKR mengurangkan bebanan rakyat dengan menentang kenaikkan tol," kata laporan itu.
Tiga alasan lain yang menjadi faktor keputusan menyingkir Khalid dipersetujui adalah melibatkan isu jalan berlubang, masalah sampah dan kenaikan lesen perniagaan sebanyak tiga kali ganda.
Khalid yang juga menteri besar dua penggal ketika ini berdepan kemungkinan disingkirkan partinya sendiri.
Malah, PKR sendiri secara terbuka mengumumkan pengganti Khalid dengan meletak presiden parti, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail sebagai calon.
Bagaimanapun, Khalid sehingga hari ini masih berkeras dan menyatakan pendirian enggan berganjak daripada jawatan menteri besar.
Dalam perkembangan terkini, Lembaga Disiplin PKR juga sudah menghantar surat tunjuk sebab kepada Khalid dan perlu menjawab sebelum Jumaat ini. – tmi
6 reasons PKR wants Khalid out

Khalid Ibrahim will lead to the resurgence of UMNO in Selangor...
It is Khalid’ conduct that is forcing the hands of PKR to wash its dirty laundry in public. There appears to be no one in PKR who can counsel Khalid on the proper political conduct. That is an impossible task given the nature of Khalid’s own constitution- what can others do, if Khalid thinks he is numero uno even eclipsing Anwar Ibrahim?
It is already an embarrassment to PKR when Khalid decided to seek guidance from PAS. This simply shows that Khalid hasn’t got anyone in the leadership of PKR to whom he can share his sad story. Khalid is isolated. PAS has failed to direct itself to read the situation.
He has to take political refuge with a party composed of men of God. By doing that, isn’t Khalid sending signals to all and sundry that PKR is a party that is not morally fit to pass judgment on him? He stabs the party already. Khalid typifies the Malay description of the arrogant idiot/bodoh sombong- too clever to be followed, too stupid to be taught.
This should have been a simple internal case of PKR. PAS is bearing the negative consequences because it violates a very basic rule that governs relationship among friends- trust. If PAS cannot trust its partners, it should leave Pakatan.Either PAS does not trust PKR or Hadi does not trust Anwar Ibrahim.
PAS ought to have given trust to PKR believing that PKR is doing what is best for PR’s political agenda. As a result after its meeting this 10th of August, PAS could see itself divided into two camps.
Now, why should PAS risks implosion because of Khalid Ibrahim? PAS is not politically adroit. Its leaders do not have the political skill-sets.
PAS is trapped in some political moves not of their doing. Being the busy body, it has trapped itself because of some petty thinking on the part of its leaders. As a political leader, Haji Hadi has only shown himself to be less able.
He has allowed himself to be misdirected in this issue- believing that that the removal of Khalid has not been endorsed by formal meetings. I am told that no less that 15 meetings were held supporting the removal of Khalid as MB.
Khalid feigned ignorance simply because he hasn’t attended many of the meetings held by PKR’s political bureau.
Haji Hadi misinformed Tok Guri Nik Aziz on the process that took place to remove Khalid Ibrahim.
This is not a trivial matter- the removal of a sitting MB who is a member of a particular political party cannot be executed at the spur of the movement. It must have been subjected to some serious and intense deliberations on the part of PKR. PAS ought to have imputed some form of process and steps that must have been taken by PKR leading to its eventual announcement that Khalid is to be replaced. Khalid’s replacement is not the result of some people’s wet dreams.
Let’s be clear here. We are not talking about the leading luminaries of PAS in their religious capacities. We are talking about their political dexterity.
Suppose now UMNO moves a motion in the Selangor state assembly in support of Khalid Ibrahim staying on as MB. How will PAS vote? Will they vote along with UMNO therefore revealing that all the time, PAS covets working with UMNO? If they do, they will lose credibility among their loyal supporters.
How will PAS vote if such a motion were to be moved? If I were UMNO I will do this move just to kill off PAS. Remember UMNO’s agenda is to install itself as the sole voice of the Malays. PAS is their competitor in areas.
PKR has an option. Expel Khalid from PKR. Then he becomes an independent. Let’s see what he does. Since Khalid does not command any majority in the Selangor Assembly, he will be forced to resign. The fact that PKR has not sacked Khalid, should be taken by Khalid if he has any sense of propriety, that PKR is exercising political temperance.
Will he align himself with UMNO and then persuade PAS to go along? UMNO would love that. Once again, PAS is trapped between the devil and the deep blue sea. Once again PAS shows lack of political dexterity.
Khalid Ibrahim will not wilfully join UMNO. The man has no political ambitions. If he does join UMNO, that will only confirm the suspicions that he is a closet UMNO man. He will lose legitimacy and credibility and whatever sense of loyalty that he has accumulated this far, will disappear.
Khalid Ibrahim can of course go before the Sultan to ask for dissolution of the assembly. This means he has no love for the party that nominated him to become MB. He is willing to destroy everything.
If Selangor holds a snap election, does PAS think they can win back all 15 seats? If they work together with UMNO, will UMNO concede 15 seats? UMNO will want to contest in the very areas that PAS won.
UMNO will then realise, that in Selangor, PAS made inroads only because they were part of PR. Once the alliance is broken, PAS will be the most vulnerable. UMNO will work overtime to ensure PAS wins no more than 5 seats. When that happens, UMNO emerges to claim, it is the sole voice for the Malays.
Khalid Ibrahim will be a main contributor to the resurgence of UMNO in Selangor.Hidup Khalid, Hidup UMNO.- Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz@sakmongkol ak47
Kak Wan for MB...
I would have never guessed that TSKI was a quiet person in public. I would expect him to answer allegations against him ethically and righteously – that’s his public persona as we know it. He was quiet, but never shy, I thought.
Nevertheless, he failed to answer when serious questions were posed to him. There is something wrong that these aplenty doubts were left unaddressed. There is something really wrong.
One-man only
Before Selangor entered its second term under TSKI, he was already known to be a player without the team – he played alone in all the positions for the every match. For example, the chapter of the exorbitant raise of elected representatives’ remuneration created an upheaval as the decision was made without the consultation of anyone. As it turns out, TSKI’s pattern of administration is such that he prefers to make the decision before merely “informing” his EXCOs, interest groups, and the public, as formality, I guess. “I got it down”, he implicitly tells you.
Selangor’s water restructuring deals can be criticized by virtue of the crisis in itself, or for TSKI’s behind-closed-doors agreements with the Federal Government, which was once again done without consultation. It was more than once that this pattern repeated, with the most recent one on the 1st of August. Realising the importance of the water restructuring deal and TSKI’s one-man-show behavior, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) even set up a special committee comprising of Tony Pua, Rafizi Ramli, Dr Dzulkefy Ahmad, and lawyer Tommy Thomas, for more accountability and monitoring the water restructuring processes. This committee soon became futile as TSKI never once consulted them.
TSKI was also oblivious over serious issues like the Bible raids, racial and religious tensions all happening in Selangor’s backyard, and several highly questionable projects like Kidex Highway and EcoWorld transactions. I personally find it also doubtful on why the 3rd Klang Bridge, which value nearing RM 200 million, was awarded to Cergas Murni, the same company that was allegedly responsible for the collapse of parts of the 2nd Penang Bridge on June last year. They claimed that it was awarded via an open tender process, but wouldn’t you, like me, have similar doubts on whether there was impropriety and needed at least a clarification?
Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim v Bank Islam
The most doubtful of all, for me, is what happened around TSKI’s court case against Bank Islam. It remains suspicious as to why Bank Islam would withdraw a RM 70 million case against TSKI - when it was conceded to be relatively straightforward for them – after an out-of-court settlement was made between TSKI and the other party. None of the terms of the settlement were made known even to TSKI’s own lawyer, and the supposed involvement of an “Umno fixer” in the settlement produces endless questions to an ordinary, discerning citizen.
TSKI is not a team player. And this continues to hurt PR as the overly authoritarian style of operating the state had no value of democracy thereon. I know the concept of how the separation of state administration and politics is an essential ingredient for greater efficiency in governance, but what use is it if TSKI is not able to communicate his decisions to his party, when his party is also ultimately accountable and answerable for the people who voted them in in the first place?
Kak Wan v TSKI; or Kak Wan v remaining PKR Selangor assemblypersons?
The debate on whether Dr Wan Azizah, or casually referred to as “Kak Wan”, is the most suitable candidate for the next Menteri Besar (MB) is not one of comparison between “Kak Wan vs TSKI”, but one comparing “Kak Wan vs other remaining PKR Selangor assemblypersons”.
This is because pursuant to the highly doubtful integrity of TSKI, it is not a question for PKR, that TSKI must go before Selangor is eventually lost to BN again in the next election if all these problems dragged on. With credible allegations of corruption against TSKI and the many incompetent management of the state, it is best to remove him from the MB post he was appointed to by his party. His refusal to comply that party decision also speaks volume now on his “changed” character, and adds validity to these allegations against him.
Our vote is dedicated to which party we place our confidence in. It is not a vote to choose who will be the MB of our state – there is no such option in the form that we fill to vote. It is the party that we placed our trust in to appoint the person as MB. If the party is unsatisfied with the performance of the MB, it is entirely proper for the party to switch to another assemblyperson for the post, if the party feels appropriate to fulfill the mandate from the people. This also can mean that it does not matter if any of the allegations have differing levels of validity, as the party is entitled to remove the MB it appointed. This is how our system works.
But if we do think it important to compare Kak Wan to TSKI anyway, then against the numerous incompetency and serious allegations against TSKI, Kak Wan seems to be the better choice.
“Selangor MB must come from PKR,” PR agreed
So if that first hurdle is overcome, then the debate evolves around whether Kak Wan is the best among the remaining PKR assemblypersons to take the role of MB.
And it has to come from PKR and PKR only. This is the principled pact made between Pakatan Rakyat, and it is convention (what usually is the case) that the other PR parties will agree to the candidate nominated by the party for the MB post. It was once again reaffirmed in the meeting of presidential councils of PR recently, that it was entirely the prerogative of PKR to nominate its own candidate for MB, and the other parties are ready to comply with that decision.
The most apparent precedent that must be followed by PR is that of PAS’s Kedah MB post before GE13, whereby PKR and DAP agreed with PAS’s nomination of MB, despite many within PKR and DAP were eager to push for a change in PAS’s nomination. This is also true in the case of Penang and Kelantan, where the other 2 parties agreed with the first nomination they place for the MB post.
Hadi Awang’s refusal to accept Kak Wan, albeit not officially yet, is reneging on the principled pact PR has, and he has to realize this. He must respect PKR’s official endorsement of Kak Wan as MB and assent to it, just like how DAP has done so. That is why August 10th’s meeting will decide the fate of PR, as an inability to stay to its pact, there is no use of PR anymore.
I assume, only under extraordinary circumstances - and the dissenting party has to produce good reasons therefore – that a party can disagree with the nomination of the party given prerogative for the selection. The reasons for dissent that we hear from PAS were two: Kak Wan is unsuitable as she was a woman, and/or Kak Wan will be merely a shadow of Anwar Ibrahim and not able to carry out decisions on her own (“puppet”, or nepotism).
I will not even address the first reason, it’s absurd in itself.
The sexism behind “No to Kak Wan”
Nepotism is a form of favourtism given to a person by virtue of being a relative to the one in power. It is convenient for us to make such accusations when in politics we see there are familial relations one has to another in power. However, we must note that nepotism can only be present whenever the beneficiary is one which has no appropriate qualification, and would not have gained that position otherwise.
There is also – similar to the “being a woman” reason – a hidden sexist element to accusations on Kak Wan that she is merely a puppet for her husband. It is sexist because we accuse her for gaining such selections merely by being the wife of Anwar Ibrahim, before ever paying attention to the merits and clout that she possesses as a candidate in her own right.
PAS judges Kak Wan as someone prima facie “less-of” by virtue of her being a woman. It does not make sense that just because her husband is a prominent leader that we are unable to take her on her own merits. It is greatly sexist to say that she is nothing more than the wife of a prominent leader before we acknowledge her achievements. Just because some of her achievements in politics are gained indirectly from the injustices against her husband, it doesn’t negate what she has been.
All these, therefore, yearns the question on whether Kak Wan is the best candidate among the remaining pool of PKR Selangor assemblypersons.
Do we know Kak Wan?
Kak Wan is one of the most academically brilliant politicians we have in the opposition (top student awarded gold from Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland). She has professional experience as a doctor for 14 years, she served as the PKR party president - which people greatly underestimate, where in fact there are many achievements that can be credited to her - for over 15 years, she won 3 Parliamentary elections and 1 state election, she was the leader of opposition, she was the leader of PR, and possibly one of the female politicians who had stayed in top political positions for a long period of time.
She is a well-respected female leader in her own right – easily defeating many incompetent male leaders. For the sake of completeness, Kak Wan – unlike TSKI – has been known to be consultative and a listener who is open to opinions. Also, she had not in her political life enunciated or done anything to suggest that she is an incapable and unfit leader. And unlike many of our politicians, Kak Wan is a politician who is clean from any scandals or impropriety.
We are uncomfortable to accept her because we are stigmatized with the experiences where Kak Wan was always only a replacement for her husband when in times of need. However, we must agree that Kak Wan has a proven track record that is above all the other PKR Selangor assemblypersons at the moment. That is perhaps why we hadn’t heard any suggestions on other potential candidates instead of Kak Wan thus far.
Our romanticism with a leader who is a downright masculine male with an outstanding corporate career in accordance our definition of “successful”, must go. Because, if anything to take away from this TSKI debacle at all, TSKI just proves that a corporate giant like him is able to screw up the state administration too.
We unfairly set a high benchmark for Kak Wan to fulfill as an MB because of this romanticism, whereas we just fully trusted TSKI when he had no prior experience as an MB before his first term. The same goes other MBs when there is such a change in our state administration - we just accepted them. Unless you can genuinely show a more qualified candidate than Kak Wan in Selangor assemblypersons from PKR, you might just have a bias against Kak Wan.
Malaysians hate messiness in state and federal administration, I admit. We are easily frustrated and like to use the word “politics” to conclude all unfavourable situations and blame all politically associated people. And we’re also NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard).
Would we prefer the status quo TSKI mess, or prefer to endure this transitional messiness to clean things up? TSKI is from PKR and he has caused the mess. It is imperative that PKR cleans up the mess he has made.
It is not unconstitutional to do what PKR is doing, nor are they circumventing any laws or conventions by doing so. PKR is following the rules of our political system, TSKI isn’t. - James Chai, tmi

Isreal blown up the head of an innocent young little girl.
The little girl lost her face and her brain. Died of course...
Apakah bayi ini tiada hak untuk hidup merdeka di tanah airnya sendiri...

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