YB.Saari Sungip - PAS dah mula goyang...
Memang wajar bagi YB dari Ulu Kelang ini mengambil tindakan sedemikian memandangkan ‘persahabatan’ yang telah terjalin antara PAS, DAP dan PKR telah agak sekian lama terjalin dan tentulah amat sukar untuk menyatukan semula jika berlaku sesuatu keadaan yang tidak diingini. Sebagaimana yang dinyatakan beliau bahawa persoalan tentang siapa yang akan menggantikan TS Khalid adalah merupakan ‘perkara kecil’ berbanding dengan isu keruntuhan sebuah kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di Selangor yang telah sekian lama dibina semenjak tahun 1998.
“I would like to remind my colleagues in PAS that we have built this strength from 1998... and we used it to bring fresh air to politics by creating a two-party system. …So, why do we want to give up this strength? To rebuild this will take another 20 to 30 years. We have gone through it” (Malaysiakini 12 Ogos 2014)
Dan perlu diingat oleh kepimpanan PAS secara umumnya, bahawa adalah amat tidak rasional dan lojik sekiranya penanganan isu kemelut Selangor dilihat melalui perspektif yang sempit. Harus diingat bahawa kelahiran Pakatan Rakyat (PAS,DAP,PKR) telah menelurkan kesan yanga amat besar kepada senario politik tanah air. PR yang telah melahirkan sebenar-benarnya Bangsa Malaysia yang sudah mula memahami perasaan dan aspirasi rakyat Malaysia yang sebenar. Rakyat Malaysia amat yakin bahawa PR akan memulakan ‘kehidupan baru’ bagi rakyat Malaysia sekiranya berjaya menawan Puterajaya. Bermakna rakyat telah meletakkan harapan yang begitu tinggi kepada Pakatan Rakyat.
Kini nampaknya harapan rakyat hampir berkecai dengan tercetusnya kemelut Selangor ini apatah lagi sekiranya PAS sudah mula ‘goyang’ dengan kedudukannya dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Dalam artikel berjodol, Presiden PAS belum mahu beri kenyataan isu MB’ bertarikh 12 Ogos 2014 (Malaysiakini) menyatakan bahawa, Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang belum berhasrat untuk membuat sebarang kenyataan berhubung isu Menteri Besar Selangor, sehingga beliau menghadiri mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Kerja PAS Pusat, Ahad ini’
Apakah ‘muslihat’ pemimpin tertinggi PAS ini sehinggakan sanggup ‘mengenepikan’ hasrat ‘kawan’ yang betul-betul mengharapkan pertolongan dalam keadaan saat-saat yang memerlukan pertolongan. Apakah pemimpin berkenaan ‘mahu menahan lukah di pergentingan?’ atau sedang ‘menangguk di air keruh’. Apakah kepimpinan PAS sudah melupakan ‘falsafah’ yang dipegang selama ini bahawa sebarang masalah dapat diselesaikan melalui rundingan dan ‘akan bersetuju’ dengan isu-isu yang dipersetujukan disamping terus merundingkan isu –isu yang tergantung ( yang belum sesuai untuk diselesaikan’.

Bukan semua pemimpin PAS yang bersikap demikian. Tidak. Ramai yang sudah memahami senario politik Malaysia Kurun ke 21 disamping sedar tentang perkembangan politik di dunia. Sudah ramai pemimpin PAS yang sudah keluar dari ‘bawah tempurung’ dan mula ‘mengenali dunia’ yang penuh dengan reality. Walau bagaimana pun masih terdapat segelintir pemimpin PAS yang masih ‘bergelumang’ dalam ‘cocoon’ mereka yang tersendiri dan seolah-olah menganggap bahawa ‘dunia’ mereka adalah yang paling ideal di dunia ini.
Amat tidak wajar rasanya apabila ada pemipin tertinggi PAS yang menawarkan keahlian PAS kepada TS Khalid Ibrahim, sejurus selepas TS Khalid dipecat daripada PKR. Apakah pemimpin berkenaan tidak tahu ‘adab’ dan tatasusila dalam berparti terutama apabila mengaitkan parti kawan dalam satu pakatan. Apakah pemmpin sedemikian tidak ada ‘empathy’ untuk meletakkan dirinya di pihak yang bertentangan. Yang sedihnya ‘perlakuan’ sebegini dilakukan oleh ‘sekerat-dua’ pemimpin kanan dalam PAS.
Sedikit sebanyak keadaan dan imej Pakatan Rakyat kini, sudah tercalar. Banyak kenyataan-kenyataan yang dihamburkan oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab telah ‘mengecilkan hati’ banyak pihak. Bak kata pepatah Melayu, ‘ apabila mata berpandangan, maka budi kedapatan’.
Rakyat mula mempersoalkan kejujuran PAS dalam menangani isu kemelut Selangor ini. Apakah kepimpinan PAS (sebahagian pemimpinnya) betul-betul jujur untuk besama-sama dengan DAP dan PKR untuk menyelamatkan Pakatan Rakyat ataupun hanya menunggu peluang untuk ‘menangguk di air keruh’. Apakah begitu keadaannya? - abuhassanadam
PAS rep questions BN backing for Selangor MB...
Khalid asked whether this support vindicates Khalid Ibrahim’s critics who had claimed that BN is comfortable under his leadership because they were able to get whatever they wanted from him.
“People still remember the party whose members would infamously ask ‘what would I get?’ when people approach them for aid and approval (letters).
“Surely, many will assume that there must be some secret agreement between the BN and Khalid Ibrahim for him to enjoy such unwavering support,” the PAS central committee member told a press conference today.
On Monday, BN deputy chairperson Muhyiddin Yassin had reiterated his concern that the ongoing crisis could jeopardise the Langat 2 water treatment plant project and gave Khalid Ibrahim the coalition’s “unconditional support”.
To a question, Khalid Samad (right) said he is unconvinced that the water treatment plant is BN’s only reason for backing the incumbent menteri besar.
On another matter, Khalid Samad said Khalid Ibrahim’s lawyers have agreed to provide him with a briefing in response to the allegations of a dubious out-of-court settlement for a Bank Islam loan.
The meeting will take place before PAS’ meeting on Sunday on the ongoing Selangor menteri besar crisis, but will be held on condition the discussion should remain secret.
Khalid Samad said he is satisfied with the arrangements thus far, and hence would not be issuing a statement on the matter at today’s press conference as originally scheduled.- mk
Student, 17, may face sedition charge for ‘liking’ on Facebook...
While the Israeli and Palestinian war rages on in the other corner of the globe, we Malaysians are not spared the repercussions arising from it.
Following acts of vandalism at McDonald’s outlets in the name of boycott, now a 17-year-old is facing a possible sedition charge -- merely for liking a Facebook page linked to Israel.
According to news reports, the Form Five student is being investigated under Section 4 (1) (a) of the Sedition Act as his liking of the page had caused “arguments and dissatisfaction”.
For the record, the boy from Penang was threatened with boycott and torching by teachers in his school, after one of his teachers made a screenshot of him liking “I Love Israel” page on Facebook.
If this latest turn of events boggles your mind, you are not alone.
Legal expert Syahredzan Johan described the probe as “ridiculous and a waste of time.”
“There is not a shred of a reason for the police to probe the student for merely liking a Facebook page.
“The section provided is for uttering seditious remarks, but in this case, the student had not uttered anything offensive to anyone,” he said.
He added that the absurdity is compounded with the student’s claim that he did not realise he had liked the page.
“It’s not like he (the student) posted words of support in the said page, to offend others. He merely liked the page.
“How on earth is that considered seditious?” he asked.
Syahredzan said that the police were wasting their time pursuing the probe from the sedition angle, when they should be concentrating on battling “real crimes out there.”
The boy turned up at the South Seberang Prai police station to have his statement recorded yesterday, as did the teacher who made a screenshot of his liking and posted it on her own Facebook page, without his knowledge.
Police said the investigations will be divided into two aspects -- on why the student had clicked like on the page, and secondly, on the threats he received.
More teachers and students are expected to be called in soon to assist in the probe.
It was reported that after the screenshot was posted by the teacher, who expressed “disappointment” with his attitude, another teacher followed suit with calls to boycott him.
Another female teacher turned the heat up a notch, urging people to just torch the student. She said “Kita bakor je”- borrowing a famous line from the local horror comedy “Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah.”
The student fears returning to school following the episode and has deactivated his Facebook page.
Aren’t teachers supposed to be respected figures who guide and help shape the young under their tutelage?
And since when have these tutors become judge, jury and executioner?
Deputy Education Minister II P Kamalanathan said the ministry will probe the three teachers involved in the matter, but one can assume that the trio would get away with nothing more than transfers (given the outcome of previous cases of rogue teachers).
What business does the teacher have surfing her student’s page and taking screenshots of it, in the first place?
If she really found the student’s attitude offensive, she should have resolved it by talking to him in person, instead of publicly shaming him and dragging his name through the mud.
As for the police, one can be rest assured that this will not be the last of questionable Sedition Act charges.
It seems that they relish hauling up people, especially those not aligned to the ruling coalition, for the most absurd of reasons and charging them in court.
One can only hope that one day they will realise that their primary duty is to check the rising crime rate, instead of going after people exercising their right of expression on the Internet.- theantdaily
Gara-gara Facebook, pelajar bakal berdepan tuduhan hasutan

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