Seorang daripada peserta terbabit dalam pesta sukan bogel di kawasan pantai terpencil dalam kawasan Taman Negara Teluk Bahang Pulau Pinang adalah bekas ketua Wanita Gerakan Kedah.
Timbalan Presiden Gerakan Datuk Dr Cheah Soon Hai berkata, wanita itu yang pernah menjawat jawatan pemimpin sayap pergerakan itu pada 1980-an bagaimanapun kini bukan lagi ahli parti itu.
Beliau berkata, keahlian wanita itu tamat tempoh apabila beliau berhenti membayar yuran selama lebih 20 tahun dan insiden di Teluk Bahang berkenaan tiada kena mengena dengan parti.
“Saya tidak kenal dia secara peribadi dan saya tidak tonton video acara bogel itu. Beberapa wartawan yang mengetahui mengenai wanita itu kemudian bertanya kepada Gerakan.
“Saya minta Gerakan Kedah membuat siasatan dan ia mengesahkan beliau bekas ahli. Beliau adalah bekas ketua Wanita parti di Kedah ketika muda semasa berusia 20-an. Beliau berasal dari Lunas dan kini 54 tahun.
“Gerakan juga terkejut dengan acara bogel yang berlaku di Pulau Pinang itu. Ia sesuatu yang tidak dijangka,” katanya ketika dihubungi The Malaysian Insider, hari ini.
Awal minggu ini, klip video sekumpulan lelaki dan perempuan menyertai acara sukan bogel di Pulau Pinang tersebar luas di Internet.
Berbogel di tempat awam tidak dibenarkan di Malaysia dan polis kini menjejaki 15 orang dalam klip video itu. Tujuh daripadanya rakyat Malaysia.- tmi

Tujuan asalnya nak serang kerajaan DAP/PR Pulau Pinang kononnya memberi izin mengadakan Permainan Sukan Bogel di Taman Negara, Teluk Bahang, Pulau Pinang.
Bila diselidiki secara lebih mendalam didapati ADUN Teluk Bahang ialah dari orang UMNO/BN.
Chalet yang digunakan oleh para peserta adalah Chalet yang diwartakan oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan khas untuk kakitangan awam sahaja.
Lebih teruk lagi salah seorang pesertanya adalah bekas Ketua Wanita Gerakan Kedah,salah satu parti komponen yang paling rapat dan disayangi UMNO dalam Barisan Nasional sejak tahun 1969.
Salah seorang peserta dalam permainan sukan bogel yang berlaku di sebuah pantai di Taman Negara Teluk Bahang di Pulau Pinang dua bulan lalu adalah bekas Ketua Wanita Gerakan Kedah.
Timbalan Presiden Gerakan Datuk Dr Cheah Soon Hai berkata wanita itu, yang merupakan ketua sayap dalam tahun 1980-an, bukan lagi ahli parti.
Keahlian beliau berlalu selepas dia berhenti membayar yuran selama lebih 20 tahun, katanya.
"Saya tidak tahu secara peribadi dan saya tidak melihat video acara perkumpulan hidup telanjang. Gerakan telah disoal mengenai dirinya oleh pemberita yang entah bagaimana mendapat tahu tentang dia.
"Saya bertanya Gerakan Kedah untuk memeriksa dan ia disahkan bahawa dia adalah ahli. Dia Ketua Wanita di Kedah ketika berusia 20-an. Dia adalah dari Lunas dan kini berumur sekitar 54 tahun.
"Gerakan terkejut sekiranya suatu perkumpulan hidup telanjang telah berlaku di Pulau Pinang," katanya, merujuk kepada video viral sekumpulan orang yang mengambil bahagian dalam acara sukan bogel di Pulau Pinang.
Polis sedang mengesan 15 orang yang ditunjukkan dalam video. Tujuh daripada mereka adalah rakyat Malaysia.
Tujuan mangkok2 hayun UMNO ini nak burukkan lawan akhirnya imej dan integriti diri sendiri bertambah buruk dan teruk.
Agaknya .. kalau orang yang cuba mainkan isu ini tahu akan kesudahannya .. mati 100 kali hidup balik taubat lahum tidak akan mainkan isu yang memalukan ini.- omakkau blogspot

The participants of Penang Nude Sports
UMNO draws link between DAP and nudists...
Were nudists emboldened by the fact that Penang is under the control of a
DAP-led state government and therefore felt free and unafraid to
participate in the “nude sports” event?
This is the question posed by Penang Umno chief Zainal Abidin Osman, according to a report in Umno Online.
His statement comes after The Star Online reported that Gerakan admitted that a female participant in the event was a former Kedah Gerakan Wanita chief.
However, Gerakan deputy president Cheah Soon Hai told a press conference in Alor Setar that the woman, in her 40s, is no longer a party member and that Gerakan is not involved in the event.
Zainal (left)
also took a swipe at Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for his statement that
the Umno leader claimed “deflected responsibility” over the incident.
“The statement on the state government’s stand on the nude sports event is irresponsible.
“When the number of tourists increases, the state government does not shy away from taking credit but when the tourists who come here indulge in disgusting and embarrassing acts, the state government is quick to push the responsibility to others,” he said.
Lim had said that a Taman Negara ranger was aware of the nudist activity at the forest reserve in Teluk Bahang, which caught national attention when a video clip of the event went viral on the Internet.
He then urged the Taman Negara authorities to act on the matter as the national park is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
Meanwhile, Zainal described the “nude sports” event as an “insult of the highest order” and that it has tarnished the name of Penang and Malaysia.
This is the question posed by Penang Umno chief Zainal Abidin Osman, according to a report in Umno Online.
His statement comes after The Star Online reported that Gerakan admitted that a female participant in the event was a former Kedah Gerakan Wanita chief.
However, Gerakan deputy president Cheah Soon Hai told a press conference in Alor Setar that the woman, in her 40s, is no longer a party member and that Gerakan is not involved in the event.
“The statement on the state government’s stand on the nude sports event is irresponsible.
“When the number of tourists increases, the state government does not shy away from taking credit but when the tourists who come here indulge in disgusting and embarrassing acts, the state government is quick to push the responsibility to others,” he said.
Lim had said that a Taman Negara ranger was aware of the nudist activity at the forest reserve in Teluk Bahang, which caught national attention when a video clip of the event went viral on the Internet.
He then urged the Taman Negara authorities to act on the matter as the national park is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
Meanwhile, Zainal described the “nude sports” event as an “insult of the highest order” and that it has tarnished the name of Penang and Malaysia.
In view of this, he called on the Tourism Ministry and travel agencies to ensure that tourists understand and respect local cultures and religions.
“Penang Umno also understands that the police have opened an investigation paper on the incident and identified some of those involved as well as recorded statements from various individuals.
“We hope the authorities will expedite their investigations and charge those involved, especially the individual who organised the event,” Zainal added.- mk

Party deputy president Datuk Dr Cheah Soon Hai said the woman, who was the wing's chief in the 1980s, was no longer a party member.
Her membership lapsed after she stopped paying fees for over 20 years, he said.
"I do not know her personally and I did not see the video of the nudist event. Gerakan was queried about her by reporters who somehow found out about her.
"I asked Kedah Gerakan to check and it was confirmed that she was a member. She was Wanita chief in Kedah in her 20s. She is from Lunas and is now 54.
"Gerakan is shocked that a nudist event had taken place in Penang,” he added, referring to the viral video of a group of people participating in a nude sports event in Penang.
Public nudity is not allowed in Malaysia and police are tracking down the 15 people shown in the video. Seven of them are Malaysians.- tmi

Buat julung kalinya, golongan mat rempit di Terengganu diberi kepercayaan oleh kerajaan negeri untuk menganjurkan sebuah program menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos ini...

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