Sultan Selangor hari ini memperkenan Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim meletakkan jawatan sebagai menteri besar.
Menurutnya, Baginda menangguhkan sehingga perlantikkan MB Selangor yang baru ditentukan.
Ini untuk memastikan pentadbiran kerajaan negeri Selangor berjalan dengan lancar dan teratur.
Sultan Selangor telah menerima menghadap Khalid pada hari ini untuk menyembah maklum bahawa beliau memohon perkenan Baginda untuk meletak jawatan sebagai MB.
“Sebagaimana yang telah diperuntukkan di bawah Perkara LI (1), Perkara L111 (2) (A), (4) dan LV (2) (a) Undang-undang Rubuh Kerajaan Selangor 1959, Sultan Selangor telah diperuntukkan dengan kuasa budi bicara mutlak di dalam pelantikan seorang MB bagi kerajaan negeri Selangor yang pada pendapat Baginda mungkin mendapat kepercayaan majoriti Ahli Dewan Negeri,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan.
Sultan Selangor juga telah menitahkan agar setiap pemimpin parti PAS, PKR dan DAP mencadangkan lebih daripda dua nama daripada parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat sebagai calon MB Selangor.
“Ini bagi memudahkan Sultan untuk menentukan calon yang berkelayakan dan seterusnya memberi perkenan untuk melantik mana-mana calon yang difikirkan layak sebagai MB.
“Ini adalah sejajar dengan konvensi yang telah diamalkan secara berterusan dalam pelantikan MB Selangor sebelum ini,” jelasnya. - fmt
Mohon maaf pada istana
Dalam kenyataannya, Khalid juga berkata, beliau menyatakan hasrat meletakkan jawatan memandangkan “dinamik politik di negeri Selangor kian meningkat dan telah menimbulkan keresahan rakyat jelata”
“Saya juga telah memohon maaf kepada DYMM Tuanku atas suasana politik masa kini yang telah menyebabkan pihak istana terheret sama dalam kemelut pentadbiran di negeri ini,” katanya.
Khalid juga berharap semua pihak terutama ahli politik, media dan pengguna media sosial mengelak membuat kritikan yang menjurus untuk memperkecilkan peranan mana-mana pihak terlibat terutama institusi beraja dan raja-raja Melayu.
“Biarpun kita menghormati prinsip demokrasi yang memberi kebebasan bersuara namun adab, tatatertib dan hak-hak DYMM sultan Selangor bawah Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Selangor perlu dihormati demi kesejahteraan negeri,” katanya.
Khalid sebelum itu tiba di istana Bukit Kayangan di Shah Alam untuk menghadap Sultan Selangor.
Khalid memasuki kawasan istana pada jam 2.20 petang, lima minit selepas kenderaan Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah tiba di istana.- mk

DYMM Sultan telah menerima mengadap dan maklum akan hasrat TSKI mau meletakkan jawatan sebagai Dato' Menteri Besar Selangor dan menitahkan agar ianya ditangguhkan terlebih dahulu sehingga perlantikan Dato' Menteri Besar Selangor yang baru ditentukan.
Ini untuk memastikan pentadbiran negeri Selangor berjalan lancar dan teratur.
Dalam masa yang sama menitahkan agar komponen gagasan Pakatan Rakyat menyerahkan setiap parti namakan 2 calon untuk pertimbangan Tuanku Sultan.
Sultan consents to Khalid's resignation as S'gor MB...
However, the ruler had asked him to remain at the helm until a replacement is appointed.
Khalid read the statement at a packed press conference at the state secretariat building in Shah Alam this afternoon.
While the sultan appears favourable to a smooth transition of power, he has however instructed Pakatan Rakyat leaders to propose more than two names for the post.
Previously, PKR and DAP had agreed on Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail to replace Khalid.
After initially expressing support for the PKR president, PAS took a different stand after a meeting yesterday.
Earlier, Khalid had met the sultan at his palace and it was widely speculated that he would push for a dissolution of the assembly, paving the way for a snap election.
Sultan has 'absolute discretion'
Muhammad Munir also said that the sultan retains "absolute discretion" to appoint a new MB that he feels obtains the majority support of the state assembly.
Asked why he did not ask for dissolution, Khalid told reporters that he felt that his resignation was the best solution to the crisis because the issue in Selangor is about the majority not wanting him to be MB.
“Why are we going around in circles? If their intention is to change the MB, there are many ways and I want the best way," he said.
"The best way is to accept the request (by resigning)," he added.
He will also request the Selangor palace to release the list of candidates for the MB post that were considered but not appointed in 2008 and 2013.
This was after reporters questioned him if the same convention of submitting several names was practised when Pakatan nominated Selangor MBs both in 2008 and 2013.
"This was practised even during the times of the sultan's father, there were more than four names submitted at one point," he said.
Happy to be free from the job
Previously, PKR and DAP had agreed on PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail (below) to replace Khalid.
After initially expressing support for the PKR president, PAS took a different stand after a meeting yesterday.
Making his announcement, Khalid also stressed that the issue of Wan Azizah's feasibility as a MB or her majority support did not arise in audience.
"No, that was not discussed at all," he said.
Khalid said he also “apologised” to the ruler as the palace was “dragged along” in the Selangor political crisis.
"I hope all parties especially politicians, media and social media users avoid from making statements or criticism to undermine the role played by all involved parties, especially the institution of monarchy," he said.
Khalid also said that he would remain Port Klang assemblyperson at the time being, and refused to divulge any details on his next move until after he has handed over his duties as MB.
But he said that if by any bizarre circumstance any party nominates him as MB, he would refuse as he is "happy to be free from the job".
He, however, refused to state if he will be joining PAS in the future.- mk
Palace's press statement

PKR to 'discuss & decide' Sultan's advice to submit more than one name for MB...
"We will discuss and decide," PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
At an audience with outgoing MB Khalid Ibrahim, the Sultan agreed to accept the latter's resignation after he lost the majority support of the assemblymen in the state.
However the Ruler has asked Khalid to stay on as MB until a new leader is appointed.
Wan Azizah undeniable majority
Pending the appointment of the new MB, Khalid will continue with his duties.
Pakatan has named PKR president Wan Azizah for the post, a move that many believe the Sultan might be hesitant about due to conservative sentiments among the Muslim community.
Some also speculate that Umno may have influenced the Sultan into rejecting Wan Azizah, who is the wife of the ruling party's arch enemy, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
Under the Selangor constitution, whoever holds the support of the majority of the state representatives in the assembly is eligible to form and lead the government.
Azizah has 43 reps on her side, with PAS deputy president Mat Sabu today clarifying that his party would not be withdrawing their support for her.
Azmin Ali, the PKR deputy president, is in line to be MB and rumors have swirled, so is Dr Ahmad Idris, the PKR assemblyman for Ijok.
The Palace is expected to grant an audience to the Pakatan leaders soon. - Malaysia Chronicle
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