Khalid mesti jelaskan penyelesaian saman Bank Islam...
Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam, Khalid Samad mendesak supaya Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim menjawab hanya satu sahaja daripada persoalan-persoalan yang dikemukakan oleh Lembaga Disiplin PKR.
Menurutnya, jika Khalid dapat menjawab persoalan itu dengan penjelasan yang boleh diterima, munasabah dan disertakan dengan bukti yang lengkap sebelum 13 Ogos ini, pastinya tuduhan yang dikenakan terhadapnya akan ditarik semula.
“Jika Khalid dapat memberi jawapan berkenaan hutangnya dengan Bank Islam, isu Tropicana dan juga Ecoworld dengan baik, pastinya Majlis Syura turut menyokongnya,” ujar beliau sewaktu sidang media di Pusat Khidmat Masyarakat Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam.
Ianya termasuk adakah benar bahawa baki hutang Khalid dengan Bank Islam yang bernilai hampir RM70 juta pada tahun 2006 dilupuskan setelah sebahagian yang lain dibayar melalui penjualan saham yang dicagarkan oleh beliau kepada Bank Islam?
“Selain itu, adakah benar Khalid tidak membayar dan enggan bayar hutang tersebut sehingga dibawa ke Mahkamah?
“Juga, adakah Khalid pernah berhujah bahawa beliau tidak perlu untuk membayar hutangnya kerana Bank Islam telah melanggar perjanjian yang menurutnya tidak Islamic,” soal Khalid Samad.
Bahkan, Khalid Samad turut mempersoalkan adakah benar terdapat ‘penyelesaian luar mahkamah’ yang dicapai antara Khalid dan Bank Islam, pada Februari 2014, itu pun selepas Khalid hampir-hampir kalah?
Bukan itu sahaja, Khalid Samad turut berharap Menteri Besar Selangor itu mendedahkan butiran penyelesaian luar mahkamah yang telah dicapai dan rahsia untuk melenyapkan hutang RM66.67 juta.
“Saya juga berminat untuk mengetahui bagaimana Tan Sri menghilangkan hutang hampir RM70 juta itu,” ujarnya.
Dalam pada masa itu, Khalid juga diminta untuk menjawab bahawa adakah benar penyelesaian luar mahkamah ini telah dirunding dengan bantuan dari Tan Sri Rashid Manaf dan juga adakah ianya benar bahawa Khalid Ibrahim berkata Bank Islam telah tarik balik saman atas sebab Khalid Ibrahim akan saman Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) dan beliau yakin akan menang saman bernilai RM300 juta itu.
“Kini, tempoh tiga bulan telah pun luput dan saman Khalid Ibrahim terhadap PNB masih tidak kelihatan jadi bagaimana Khalid boleh yakin bahawa beliau akan menang?,” ujarnya.
Kata Khalid Samad lagi, tidak sampai sebulan selepas kes itu ditarik semula oleh Bank Islam melalui ‘penyelesaian luar mahkamah’, Tropicana Corporation Berhad telah menjual 308.72 ekar tanahnya kepada Ecoworld Berhad yang mana Tan Sri Rashid mempunyai kepentingan dan saham dalam Ecoworld Berhad.
“Adakah 308.72 ekar tanah ini adalah sebahagian dari 1,172 ekar tanah yang telah dijual oleh PNSB kepada Tropicana dengan harga RM1.3 billion tetapi melalui satu perjanjian yang amat menguntungkan Tropicana?
“Harap Khalid jelaskan keseluruhan latar belakang penjualan dan pembelian ini supaya semua pihak memahami sebab-sebab Tropicana diberikan layanan Istimewa sedemikian rupa dan kenapa jualan Tropicana ke Ecoworld itu tidak dihalang oleh kerajaan negeri.
“Ini kerana, sambil Tropicana mendapat tempoh bayaran yang begitu baik, mereka telah mendapat wang segera melalui penjualan kepada Ecoworld,” ujarnya bagi menerangkan urusan jual beli yang diragui itu.
Juga, selepas sebulan Bank Islam menarik semula kes beliau,maka Khalid telah menandatangani MOU dengan Ecoworld yang menganugerahkan projek pembinaan 2,400 unit rumah pangsa mampu milik yang dianggarkan bernilai RM591juta.
“Adakah pada asalnya projek berkenaan telah ditawarkan melalui tender terbuka dan adakah Ecoworld merupakan syarikat yang telah disenarai pendek?
“Harap beliau dapat jelaskan, dan sekiranya ia dapat dijelaskan dengan munasabah dan baik pastinya pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat akan bersetuju untuk mengekalkan beliau sebagai Menteri Besar,” ujarnya.- fmt
Apakah makna pemimpin tanpa pengikut atau penyokongnya...
Bagaimana seorang menjadi ketua sebuah kerajaan? Dan kalau seorang berjaya membuat demikian, adakah beliau lupa rakyat yang menyokong dan mengundinya?
Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, Menteri Besar Selangor yang kini dikepung, percaya soal kerajaan tiada kaitan dengan partinya. Beliau juga merasakan tidak perlu menjelaskan tindakannya kepada parti, atau di luar lingkungan PKR.
Kepada siapa Khalid patut bertanggungjawab? Kepada Sultan?
Kepada pengundi yang memilihnya untuk kerusi Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Pelabuhan Klang atau rakyat yang mengundi Pakatan Rakyat atau yang meletakkan kepercayaan terhadapnya sebagai menteri besar?
Semasa Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad perdana menteri, beliau menekankan jawatan itu adalah kerana beliau juga presiden Umno.
Dr Mahathir dilantik perdana menteri disebabkan sokongan parti dan mengambil pandangan parti apabila mentadbir negara.
Nampaknya, Khalid tidak berfikir demikian.
Dalam suratnya kepada Pengerusi Lembaga Disiplin PKR Datuk Dr Tan Kee Kwong yang dimuatkan di laman web Selangorku, Khalid hari ini berkata surat tunjuk sebab lembaga itu meminta penjelasan untuk lima isu.
Persoalan itu merangkum penstrukturan air di Selangor, elaun menteri besar, peningkatan cukai lesen peniagaan, Lebuhraya Kidex dan isu Bank Islam.
“Kelima-lima isu itu dibincang oleh kerajaan negeri yang mempunyai kuasa eksekutif di Selangor.
“Lembaga Disiplin PKR hanya mempunyai kuasa atas pelanggaran perintah parti dan bukan hal negeri," kata Khalid dalam surat balas itu yang dihantar oleh setiausaha politiknya pagi tadi kepada Lembaga Disiplin PKR.
Dalam hal ini, Khalid sudahpun salah.
Beliau bertanggungjawab kepada partinya kerana dilantik menteri besar dengan sokongan PKR. Kepimpinan parti kini hilang keyakinan terhadap Khalid, mendatangkan kemelut kepada kerajaan negeri.
Sebagai penjawat awam, Khalid juga bertanggungjawab terhadap pengundi, ini perlu beliau jelaskan bagaimana penyelesaian luar mahkamah dengan Bank Islam boleh dicapai.
Sekiranya Khalid kalah kes mahkamah itu, beliau mungkin bankrap dan hilang kerusi Pelabuhan Klang dan jawatan menteri besarnya.
Tapi Khalid tidak berpandangan begitu. Apakah pilihannya jika PKR terus memecatnya atau Exco negerinya meletakkan jawatan?
Khalid sepatutnya patuh kepada penyokongnya dan mengakhiri isu kemelut menteri besar yang mengabaikan rakyatnya sendiri. – tmi

Khalid must explain Bank Islam settlement...
Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad said he hoped Abdul Khalid will clear the air over several issues, including his out-of-court settlement with Bank Islam.
"I am aware that PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has voiced his support for Abdul Khalid, but this was based on two key points," Khalid said, adding that Hadi said the Selangor menteri besar has not betrayed the rakyat's trust nor has he been involved in any scandals.
Khalid said the PAS central committee which was supposed to meet on August 10 to discuss Abdul Khalid's position, had postponed the meeting to August 13.
"There is also a possibility that the meeting might be postponed to a later date as August 13 might not be a convenient date for some of the committee members.
"Therefore, it also gives time for Abdul Khalid to clarify certain issues, especially his out-of-court settlement with Bank Islam over his RM66.67 million debt," said Khalid.
However, PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali earlier today announced the meeting was postponed again to August 17.
Khalid said Bank Islam had appeared to be on the brink of victory over Abdul Khalid's case when they suddenly decided to settle out of court.
"It has been reported that former Umno lawyer Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Manaf had played a prominent role in helping Abdul Khalid resolve his debt issues.
"So we would all like to know what is the secret behind this out-of-court settlement which Abdul Khalid had reached with Bank Islam," the PAS lawmaker said.
What is interesting is that the business deals were signed between the Selangor government and Eco World Berhad, a company controlled by the same lawyer, Rashid.

Another issue we would like Abdul Khalid to clarify is his claim that he will be suing Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) and will win RM300 million.
"How did Abdul Khalid know he would win his case against PNB if it went to court and how did he know he would be awarded RM300 million?" Khalid asked.
Furthermore, Khalid said, less than a month after Bank Islam dropped its suit against Abdul Khalid in February this year, a series of business deals were signed.
"What is interesting is that the business deals were signed between the Selangor government and Eco World Berhad, a company controlled by Rashid."
Khalid said that in March this year Tropicana Corp Bhd sold 308.72 acres of land to Eco World Development Group Bhd for RM470.67 million.
The land had originally been part of a 1,172-acre landbank purchased for RM1.3 billion from Permodalan Nasional Selangor Berhad last year.
Khalid pointed out that although Tropicana Corp had bought the land for RM1.3 billion, they had only paid RM50 million upfront.
"The balance was supposed to be paid in installments over an 18-year period," said Khalid, adding that the menteri besar should shed light on this matter.
"This deal was approved by the caretaker government in Selangor last year when the state legislative had been dissolved for the 13th general election.
"So how is it a land deal of this magnitude, which requires the consent of the Selangor menteri besar, went through?" Khalid asked.
Khalid also expressed doubts over the awarding of a RM591 million contract to Eco World to build 2,400 affordable houses in Sungai Sering, Ukay Perdana.
"This project to build affordable houses was done via an open tender process. Eco World did not even enter the process," Khalid said.
"Abdul Khalid should explain the rationale for Eco World being awarded the contract ahead of other firms which had tendered their bids," he said.
Khalid said he wanted clarification on all these issues because he wanted to attend the PAS central committee meeting with full confidence.
"PAS's Majlis Shura Ulama has said Khalid should be retained as the Selangor menteri besar because he has not committed any breach of trust.
"These issues which I have raised are pertinent to proving that Abdul Khalid's integrity has not been compromised," Khalid said.
The tussle over the Selangor menteri besar position in Malaysia's wealthiest state has steadily worsened with the embattled Abdul Khalid refusing to step down.
PKR has been pressuring Abdul Khalid to step down from his position with party president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail chosen to replace him. – tmi

Out-of-court Settlement...
It is publicly known that Khalid has an outstanding loan with Bank Islam of RM66.67 million for his defaulted loan related to the Guthrie allocated to him from the assistance of Anwar Ibrahim when he was Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister and Khalid was GM of PNB.
That allocation was questionable because he is a PNB employee. If he was given, then other capable and there are those more capable and intelligent than Khalid, why were they not given?
One suspicion was Khalid had bomoh the late Tun Ismail Ali into liking him. He was going around with a big songkok similar to the victim of the murderous bomoh Mona Fandey, Dato Mazlan. The late Tun would jump on any staff whenever he could not comprehend their written or verbal presentation but not stuttering Khalid.
But that is the stuff of gossip. Khalid got it because of Anwar.
Co-incidently last week, there was an out of court settlement of the loan which has already reached the Federal Court level and Khalid lost twice at High Court and Appeal Court. The Edge broke the news.
Cancellation of Bank Islam - Khalid suit prompts political speculations
THE CANCELLATION of a Federal Court hearing of a legal suit between Bank Islam (M) Bhd and Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim has given rise to speculation that the two parties may be opting for an out of court settlement.
The case that was to be heard yesterday pertained to a Bank Islam suit to get the courts to rule that certain issues in the original suit filed by the bank against Khalid can be referred to the Syariah Advisory Council of Bank Negara Malaysia.
In the original suit filed in 2007, Bank Islam had sued Khalid to recover some RM70 million given to the latter under an Islamic loan facility. The money was used by Khalid to buy a 5% stake in Kumpulan Guthrie Bhd of which he was the chief executive officer.
Khalid subsequently counter sued Bank Islam and, among other things, aid the Bank had wrongfully sold the Guthrie shares that were pledged as collateral. The two cases were subsequently consolidated into one.
During the course of the hearing of the original suit, several legal and constitutional issues were raised, one of which was whether the Syariah related matters of the case should be decided by the civil court itself or be referred to the Syariah Advisory Council of Bank Negara.
Bank Islam then filed a case to argue that these matters should be referred to the Syariah Advsiory Council and that its decision should be final and binding.
This case had reached the Federal Court level and was to have been heard yesterday but legal sources it was "vacated" at the last minute.
The lawyer for Bank Islam, Tommy Thomas could not be reached, while the lead counsel for Khalid, Mathew Thomas Philip said "we are not at liberty to comment."
An out of court settlement now will be sure to add more spice and speculation to the drama unfolding over the future of Khalid and whether the Pakatan Rakyat intends to replace him as the Menteri Besar of Selangor following the decision of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to contest the Kajang state by-election.
Supporters of Khalid say that any development in the legal case between Bank Islam and Khalid is totally unrelated and should not be used to justify any move to unseat him as Menteri Besar. - anotherbrickinwall.blogspot
are several issues which appear to indicate that Selangor Menteri Besar
Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim's integrity has been compromised, a PAS
lawmaker said today.
Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad (pic) said he hoped Abdul Khalid will clear the air over several issues, including his out-of-court settlement with Bank Islam.
"I am aware that PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has voiced his support for Abdul Khalid, but this was based on two key points," Khalid said, adding that Hadi said the Selangor menteri besar has not betrayed the rakyat's trust nor has he been involved in any scandals.
Khalid said the PAS central committee which was supposed to meet on
August 10 to discuss Abdul Khalid's position, had postponed the meeting
to August 13.
"There is also a possibility that the meeting might be postponed to a later date as August 13 might not be a convenient date for some of the committee members.
"Therefore, it also gives time for Abdul Khalid to clarify certain issues, especially his out-of-court settlement with Bank Islam over his RM66.67 million debt," said Khalid.
However, PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali earlier today announced the meeting was postponed again to August 17.
Khalid said Bank Islam had appeared to be on the brink of victory over Abdul Khalid's case when they suddenly decided to settle out of court.
"It has been reported that former Umno lawyer Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Manaf had played a prominent role in helping Abdul Khalid resolve his debt issues.
"So we would all like to know what is the secret behind this out-of-court settlement which Abdul Khalid had reached with Bank Islam," the PAS lawmaker said.
"How did Abdul Khalid know he would win his case against PNB if it went to court and how did he know he would be awarded RM300 million?" Khalid asked.
Furthermore, Khalid said, less than a month after Bank Islam dropped its suit against Abdul Khalid in February this year, a series of business deals were signed.
"What is interesting is that the business deals were signed between the Selangor government and Eco World Berhad, a company controlled by Rashid."
Khalid said that in March this year Tropicana Corp Bhd sold 308.72 acres of land to Eco World Development Group Bhd for RM470.67 million.
The land had originally been part of a 1,172-acre landbank purchased for RM1.3 billion from Permodalan Nasional Selangor Berhad last year.
Khalid pointed out that although Tropicana Corp had bought the land for RM1.3 billion, they had only paid RM50 million upfront.
"The balance was supposed to be paid in installments over an 18-year period," said Khalid, adding that the menteri besar should shed light on this matter.
"This deal was approved by the caretaker government in Selangor last year when the state legislative had been dissolved for the 13th general election.
"So how is it a land deal of this magnitude, which requires the consent of the Selangor menteri besar, went through?" Khalid asked.
Khalid also expressed doubts over the awarding of a RM591 million contract to Eco World to build 2,400 affordable houses in Sungai Sering, Ukay Perdana.
"This project to build affordable houses was done via an open tender process. Eco World did not even enter the process," Khalid said.
"Abdul Khalid should explain the rationale for Eco World being awarded the contract ahead of other firms which had tendered their bids," he said.
Khalid said he wanted clarification on all these issues because he wanted to attend the PAS central committee meeting with full confidence.
"PAS's Majlis Shura Ulama has said Khalid should be retained as the Selangor menteri besar because he has not committed any breach of trust.
"These issues which I have raised are pertinent to proving that Abdul Khalid's integrity has not been compromised," Khalid said.
The tussle over the Selangor menteri besar position in Malaysia's wealthiest state has steadily worsened with the embattled Abdul Khalid refusing to step down.
PKR has been pressuring Abdul Khalid to step down from his position with party president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail chosen to replace him. – August 8, 2014.
- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/khalid-must-explain-bank-islam-settlement-says-shah-alam-mp#sthash.XVavDhiO.dpuf
Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad (pic) said he hoped Abdul Khalid will clear the air over several issues, including his out-of-court settlement with Bank Islam.
"I am aware that PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has voiced his support for Abdul Khalid, but this was based on two key points," Khalid said, adding that Hadi said the Selangor menteri besar has not betrayed the rakyat's trust nor has he been involved in any scandals.
"There is also a possibility that the meeting might be postponed to a later date as August 13 might not be a convenient date for some of the committee members.
"Therefore, it also gives time for Abdul Khalid to clarify certain issues, especially his out-of-court settlement with Bank Islam over his RM66.67 million debt," said Khalid.
However, PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali earlier today announced the meeting was postponed again to August 17.
Khalid said Bank Islam had appeared to be on the brink of victory over Abdul Khalid's case when they suddenly decided to settle out of court.
"It has been reported that former Umno lawyer Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Manaf had played a prominent role in helping Abdul Khalid resolve his debt issues.
"So we would all like to know what is the secret behind this out-of-court settlement which Abdul Khalid had reached with Bank Islam," the PAS lawmaker said.
What is interesting is that the business deals were signed between the Selangor government and Eco World Berhad, a company controlled by the same lawyer, Rashid.Another issue we would like Abdul Khalid to clarify is his claim that he will be suing Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) and will win RM300 million.
"How did Abdul Khalid know he would win his case against PNB if it went to court and how did he know he would be awarded RM300 million?" Khalid asked.
Furthermore, Khalid said, less than a month after Bank Islam dropped its suit against Abdul Khalid in February this year, a series of business deals were signed.
"What is interesting is that the business deals were signed between the Selangor government and Eco World Berhad, a company controlled by Rashid."
Khalid said that in March this year Tropicana Corp Bhd sold 308.72 acres of land to Eco World Development Group Bhd for RM470.67 million.
The land had originally been part of a 1,172-acre landbank purchased for RM1.3 billion from Permodalan Nasional Selangor Berhad last year.
Khalid pointed out that although Tropicana Corp had bought the land for RM1.3 billion, they had only paid RM50 million upfront.
"The balance was supposed to be paid in installments over an 18-year period," said Khalid, adding that the menteri besar should shed light on this matter.
"This deal was approved by the caretaker government in Selangor last year when the state legislative had been dissolved for the 13th general election.
"So how is it a land deal of this magnitude, which requires the consent of the Selangor menteri besar, went through?" Khalid asked.
Khalid also expressed doubts over the awarding of a RM591 million contract to Eco World to build 2,400 affordable houses in Sungai Sering, Ukay Perdana.
"This project to build affordable houses was done via an open tender process. Eco World did not even enter the process," Khalid said.
"Abdul Khalid should explain the rationale for Eco World being awarded the contract ahead of other firms which had tendered their bids," he said.
Khalid said he wanted clarification on all these issues because he wanted to attend the PAS central committee meeting with full confidence.
"PAS's Majlis Shura Ulama has said Khalid should be retained as the Selangor menteri besar because he has not committed any breach of trust.
"These issues which I have raised are pertinent to proving that Abdul Khalid's integrity has not been compromised," Khalid said.
The tussle over the Selangor menteri besar position in Malaysia's wealthiest state has steadily worsened with the embattled Abdul Khalid refusing to step down.
PKR has been pressuring Abdul Khalid to step down from his position with party president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail chosen to replace him. – August 8, 2014.
- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/khalid-must-explain-bank-islam-settlement-says-shah-alam-mp#sthash.XVavDhiO.dpuf

Is Khalid beyond party's scrutiny...
How does one become the head of a government? And when one does, does one forget the people who supported you and voted you into public office?
Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, the beleaguered incumbent Selangor Menteri Besar, believes that state government matters are separate from the party and he does not need to explain his actions to the party or rather, he is beyond the party's scrutiny.
So, who is he answerable to? To the state ruler? To the people who elected him directly in Port Klang or to the people who voted for his Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition or to those who had confidence in him as menteri besar?
When he was the prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had always stressed that he was only in that office because he was the Umno president. He owed his position as PM to his his party and that was why he had to take cognisance of the party's views in running the country.
Obviously, Khalid does not think the same way.
In a three-page reply addressed to the PKR disciplinary board chairman Datuk Dr Tan Kee Kwong, which was posted on the Selangorku website, Khalid said the board's show cause letter had asked him to give detailed explanations on five issues.
They include the water restructuring deal in Selangor, MB's new allowance, tax increase on business licenses, the proposed Kidex expressway and the Bank Islam out-of-court settlement issue.
"The five additional issues which have been raised were discussed by the state government committee which has the executive power to administer Selangor.
"The PKR disciplinary board only has the authority to decide on any transgressions related to the party and not state administrative issues," Khalid said in his reply, which his political secretary submitted to the party this morning.
This is where Khalid is wrong.
He is answerable to his party because he is the MB by virtue of the support and confidence of his party. The party leadership now has no confidence in him, hence the crisis enveloping the state government.
As a public official, he is also answerable to the voters and that is why he has to make public the out-of-court settlement with Bank Islam. If he had lost the case, Khalid could be a bankrupt and lose his Port Klang state seat and be out of the Selangor Menteri Besar's job in a flash.
He obviously does not view the situation that way. What would his options be if PKR goes ahead and sacks him? What would his options be if his executive councillors resign?
And, who put him where he is today? At the very least, he should listen to those who put him in public office, supported his job, and end this sorry spectacle of a leader ignoring his own people.- tmi

Jika benar berita ini, nampak tak puak 'Unity Government'
cuba guna nama TGNA untuk agenda mereka di Selangor...

Peserta2 pesta sukan bogel, anda kenal mereka...
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