Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata hari ini beliau terpaksa menarik balik sokongan dan terpaksa mengkritik kerajaan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak kerana prestasinya lebih buruk daripada penggantinya Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Bekas perdana menteri paling lama berkhidmat itu berkata, beliau terpaksa berbuat demikian kerana Najib tidak mengambil iktibar daripada prestasi buruknya dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) lalu.
"Saya tidak ada pilihan selain menarik balik sokongan saya. Ini pun tidak berkesan. Oleh itu terpaksalah saya menegur," kata Dr Mahathir melalui tulisan di blognya, www.chedet.cc.
"Harapan saya Najib akan mengambil ikhtibar daripada prestasinya yang buruk dalam PRU13.
Malangnya sehingga kini tidak ternampak apa-apa perubahan daripada segi dasar atau pendekatan walaupun saya cuba menyampaikan pendapat saya, (yang juga pendapat ramai yang datang bertemu saya) secara langsung kepada Najib," katanya.
Dr Mahathir berkata, beliau tidak menyangka prestasi perdana menteri dalam PRU13 akan menjadi lebih buruk daripada Abdullah dalam PRU12 pada 2008.
"Pilihan saya bagi mengganti Abdullah ialah Najib. Setelah beberapa lama dilihat dasar dan tindakan Najib tidak lebih berkesan daripada Abdullah.
"Sesungguhnya banyaklah dasar, pendekatan dan perbuatan kerajaan pimpinan Najib yang merosakkan hubungan antara kaum, merosakkan ekonomi dan kewangan negara," katanya menerusi blog popularnya itu.
"Jikalau tiada siapa yang sanggup menegur, biarlah saya menegur. Saya pernah dipecat oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman, dipulau Datuk Seri Abdullah dan difitnah ramai. Jika kerana menegur saya akan didera, terpaksalah saya terima.
"Bukanlah saya tidak sayang pemimpin. Tetapi saya lebih sayang bangsa dan negara saya," katanya.
Beliau berkata, kesalahan pertama Najib adalah apabila beliau melayan tuntutan musuh.
"ISA dan undang-undang buang daerah dimansuh. Tindakan ini tidak sedikit pun mengurangkan tentangan parti lawan.
"Sebaliknya jenayah bertambah dengan banyaknya kerana pembebasan ketua-ketua geng," katanya.
Dr Mahathir juga tidak berpuas hati dengan sikap pentadbiran Najib yang dilihat terlalu tunduk kepada negara-negara jiran.
"Wang kerajaan diguna untuk mempengaruhi sokongan rakyat apabila pilihan raya umum diadakan.
"Ini menjadikan rakyat terlalu bergantung kepada kerajaan untuk segala-galanya," katanya.
Dalam PRU13 lalu, pencapaian Najib lebih buruk daripada Abdullah pada PRU12 apabila hanya berjaya mendapat 133 kerusi Parlimen berbanding 140 pada 2008. – tmi
Dr M sudah lama sabar pada Najib

Dr M expresses regret in picking Najib...
Dr Mahathir Mohamad is disappointed with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, whom he said has performed even worse than Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Among others, Mahathir criticised Najib for pandering to the wishes of the opposition and neighbouring countries and cited the repeal of the Internal Security Act as an example.
"I am reprimanding because I believe that leaders who are not reprimanded will believe that all they have done is good.
"Only when reprimanded would they realise their mistakes and perhaps rectify them," he added in what can be considered his most caustic attack against Najib.
"However, behind the leader they would say vulgar things.
"I am not like any other Malays. When the first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman made policies which are not beneficial for the Malays, I wrote a letter criticising Tunku," he said in describing his famous letter for which he had been expelled from Umno.
The former premier of 22-years, who just celebrated his 89th birthday last month, admitted that he had been critical of Najib's administration and panned many of the present government's policies.
Najib's ills, according to Mahathir
Mahathir further listed down Najib's policies with which he disagreed, starting with the government's stand to repeal the controversial Internal Security Act, and the Restricted Residence law, which he said had not stopped the opposition from political parties.
"In fact, crime has increased with the release of crime lords," he said.
The former premier also criticised that Malaysia was willing to bow down to neighbouring countries until internal country matters are affected by the foreign countries' views.
Mahathir said the government's funds are used to buy votes especially during general elections and this resulted in the people to depend on the government.
He further questioned Najib's economic policy where consumers are bearing the brunt and there is no control of imports to the detriment of local industries.
Mahathir further questioned Najib's actions of giving workers more than a week's leave and imposing minimum wage without taking into consideration the costs that it has on business and industries which now failed to compete with imported products.
He said many of the government's policies under Najib are destroying relations between the races and this is affecting the country's economy and finances.
"All this is a result of the government supporters not wanting to criticise its leaders," he said.
'Never expected Najib to be worse than Pak Lah'
Mahathir in his two-and-a-half pages posting said Najib is being seen as ineffective compared to his predecessor Abdullah.
"My hope is that Najib takes a lesson from his poor performance in the 13th general election.
"However, it seems there is no change to Najib's policy or approach, although I have expressed my opinion (which are also the views of the people who had met him)," he said.
Mahathir ended his scathing comment by saying if there is no one willing to criticise Najib, he is willing to do so and is prepared to face the consequences.
"I have been isolated for criticising Abdullah and was slandered by many. If I criticise and they abuse me I will accept it. It is not that I do not love the leader but I love my race and country more," he said.
Mahathir had timed the blog posting just as Najib had returned from his two-weeks overseas leave today.- mk
Dr M sulks to keep Najib in line
Tuan Guru Nik Aziz dalam satu kenyataan hari ni.. menyokong keputusan mesyuarat PAS yang menarik sokongan pada MB dari parti Bebas di Selangor setelah mendengar taklimat dari Presiden PAS.. Tuan Guru Hadi Awang dan Setiausaha Agung Datuk Mustaffa Ali dlm pertemuan secara tertutup...
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