Majlis Pimpinan Pusat (MPP) PKR membuat keputusan menyingkirkan Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim dari parti ekoran tindakan menteri besar itu yang enggan meletak jawatan.
Anggota MPP, Datuk Tan Kee Kwong mengumumkan keputusan tersebut berkuatkuasa serta merta.
Beliau mengumumkan demikian dalam sidang media selepas selepas mesyuarat lebih dua jam di ibu pejabat parti itu.
"Beliau telah membuat kenyataan media pada 22 Julai yang menyatakan keengganan beliau meletak jawatan menteri besar dan sehingga hari ini beliau terus enggan melepaskan jawatan tersebut.
“Atas alasan ini sahaja pun, Lembaga Disiplin berpendapat beliau wajar dipecat," kenyataannya dipetik.
Tan yang juga pengerusi lembaga disiplin berkata, MPP juga mengambil kira perkembangan berikut:
• Khalid mengingkari keputusan Majlis Presiden Pakatan Rakyat agar menangguhkan proses dan perbincangan mengenai projek Langat 2, dan menagguhkan kenaikan elaun Speaker, Menteri Besar, Exco dan ADUN negeri Selangor
• Khalid gagal mematuhi keputusan Majlis Presiden Pakatan Rakyat yang dipersetujui sendiri oleh beliau untuk melibatkan Jawatankuasa Penstrukturan Air Selangor dalam isu penstrukturan aset air Selangor
• Khalid berkeras meneruskan projek lebuh raya Kidex walaupun PKR mengarahkan beliau mengkaji semula projek tersebut kerana ia bertentangan dengan matlamat dan manifesto Pakatan Rakyat
• Khalid gagal menjelaskan kepada Majlis Presiden Pakatan Rakyat mengenai isu pelupusan hutang beliau dengan Bank Islam bernilai hampir RM70 juta.
Kesemua anggota Majlis Pimpinan Pusat hadir ke mesyuarat tersebut kecuali Khalid.
Dalam sidang medianya selepas itu, Tan berkata Khalid masih lagi berpeluang untuk merayu keputusan MPP dalam tempoh 14 hari.
Tambahnya, keputusan MPP hari ini hanya melibatkan kedudukan Khalid dan tidak menjejaskan kedudukan Exco dan ADUN lain.
Menurut Tan, MPP turut mengambil kira Lembaga disiplin parti itu pada Selasa lalu mengeluarkan notis tunjuk sebab kepada Khalid untuk menjelaskan mengenai tindakannya yang enggan berundur dari jawatan tersebut.
Khalid diminta untuk menghadiri pendengaran lembaga disiplin tersebut semalam untuk menjawab beberapa isu, termasuk elaun menteri besar dan langkah penstrukturan semula industri air di Selangor.
Dalam jawapannya, Khalid mendakwa surat tunjuk sebab itu “cacat” dan tidak menyatakan secara khusus tuduhan ke atasnya. - mk
Khalid maklum dipecat PKR, akan mengadap Sultan Selangor...
PKR memecatnya hari ini selepas mengingkari keputusan parti untuk memberi laluan kepada Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail sebagai menteri besar Selangor.
"Saya menerima keputusan Parti Keadilan Rakyat untuk membatalkan keahlian saya dalam parti walaupun keputusan tersebut adalah salah dan cacat dari segi undang-undang.
"Seperti kenyataan saya sebelum ini, parti sendiri keliru terhadap pertuduhan yang dikemukakan kepada saya. Malah, PKR gagal menyatakan perkara yang saya lakukan melanggar Perlembagaan PKR," katanya dalam satu kenyataan.

Menteri besar penggal kedua itu juga berkata dia tidak menerima sebarang jawapan kepada permintaannya untuk butiran lebih terperinci mengenai proses disiplin dan penangguhan perbicaraannya oleh lembaga disiplin ke 15 Ogos.
"Lembaga Disiplin tetap meneruskan pendengaran tanpa terlebih dahulu mendengar penjelasan daripada saya. Saya tidak diberi peluang dan proses yang adil untuk menjawab semua tuduhan terhadap saya mengikut tatacara yang teratur dan adil.
"Saya percaya ada tindakan sabotaj dari pihak tertinggi parti," kata Khalid, yang juga ahli dewan undangan negeri Pelabuhan Klang dan ahli Parlimen Bandar Tun Razak.
Peguam berkata Khalid masih menteri besar kerana dia masih seorang wakil rakyat di dalam dewan undangan negeri yang mempunyai 56 kerusi dan jawatannya merupakan pelantikan yang sah menurut perlembagaan.
Saya akan mengadap DYMM Sultan Selangor untuk memaklumkan kepada baginda perkembangan terbaru ini, seterusnya mendengar pandangan baginda yang boleh dikongsi.
"Sehingga isu ini diselesaikan mengikut prosedur yang betul, mengikut peruntukan undang-undang yang termaktub dalam Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri, saya akan meneruskan khidmat terbaik kepada rakyat sebagai Menteri Besar mengikut kemampuan saya," katanya sambil berterima kasih kepada semua yang menyokongnya dalam masa sukar. – tmi
PKR sacks Khalid over refusal to quit MB's post...
The move, which is bound to strain relations with coalition ally PAS, came after weeks of teetering as PKR held back from taking decisive action due to reservations expressed by its Islamic partner.
The closed-door meeting was attended by all members of the party’s leadership council with one notable absentee - Khalid.
Tan speaking at a press conference after the meeting said Khalid's refusal to relinquish his MB post along with several performance factors had led to the decision.
"(Khalid) was found to have defied the party's central committee decision after a meeting on July 21 that unanimously agreed to appoint Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as the new Selangor menteri besar," said Tan.
He said Khalid proceeded to issue a statement the next day to state his refusal to relinquish the post "and till this very day he continues to refuse to relinquish the said post".
"On that point alone, the disciplinary committee has found cause to expel him," said Tan.
He added further factors regarding Khalid's conduct that the central leadership has considered that support the decision, namely:
- Khalid defied a decisions by the Pakatan presidential council attended by PAS president Hadi Awang, DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang and PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim to put off the process and discussion of the Langat 2 water treatment plant and put off the controversial increases in allowance for the state’s speaker, menteri besar, exco members, and assemblypersons,
- Failure to comply with the Pakatan presidential council decision that he himself had agreed upon, to involve the Selangor water restructuring committee in the water assets takeover exercise,
- Insistence on proceeding with the Kinrara-Damansara Expressway (Kidex) despite the party's directive to review the matter as it goes against the Pakatan manifesto,
- Failure to explain thoroughly to the presidential council his RM70 million loan settlement with Bank Islam.
In the meantime, Khalid would remain as menteri besar until he resigns or is otherwise removed from office, such as through a vote of no confidence.
'Decision strictly on membership'
PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution told reporters at the same press conference that today’s meeting dealt only with Khalid’s status as a PKR member, and not his position as menteri besar.
To a question, Saifuddin denied that Khalid’s dismissal was to pressure PAS not to back the Selangor MB.
Meanwhile, in response to another question, PKR central committee member Sivarasa Rasiah told reporters that a letter sent by Khalid’s lawyers today was irrelevant to today’s decision.
“It is not relevant because it does not address the core issue, which is that Khalid has defied clear orders from the party to resign as menteri besar, following the party’s decision to propose PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as menteri besar.
“We have given him the chance the respond and he responded through two letters, which have been taken into consideration.
“As Saifuddin had mentioned, we find the contents (of the letters) showed open defiance. We asked him nicely to step down and he wouldn’t step down, and that is enough (reason),” he said.
Earlier today, The Malay Mail Online reported that Khalid’s lawyers have sent PKR a letter urging the party to explain Khalid’s questions about the allegations against him.
“Our client in fact notes a litany of breaches of natural justice thus far giving rise to perception of conflict of interest and bias against our client,” the letter reportedly said.
Sivarasa added that there is no need to entertain Khalid’s request to postpone the disciplinary hearing because the grounds for his dismissal are already clear, and Khalid’s letters showed that he has no intention to answer the allegations against him.
“For us, due process has been fulfilled, natural justice has been done, he has been given the chance to answer the party’s allegations.
"And not only he did he refuse, he openly defied (the party),” he said in explaining why there is no benefit to postponing the hearing.
Khalid remains defiant
On Tuesday, the PKR disciplinary committee issued Khalid with a show-cause letter ordering him to explain his defiance of the party’s instructions to quit his post as menteri besar.
In response, Khalid claimed that the show-cause letter was faulty and said the disciplinary board’s demands were both "unreasonable and suspicious".
“As a party fighting for justice for all, I should also be given a real chance, not just a mirage, to answer to the allegations of my wrongdoing.
“Unfortunately, the actions of YB Datuk (Tan) and the disciplinary board up until now are highly suspect,” he said, pointing to the short notice of the hearing and asked for the meeting to be postponed to Aug 15.
The disciplinary board meeting nevertheless went ahead yesterday without Khalid’s presence.- mk
Will Khalid dissolve the assembly tomorrow...
Lawyer and constitution expert Syahredzan Johan said Abdul Khalid's sacking has no bearing on his position as menteri besar as long as he continues to command majority support in the state assembly.
Therefore it is expected in the next few days, Pakatan Rakyat will move to win over its 43 state assemblypersons, including Abdul Khalid's loyalists.
When Pakatan is confident it has the numbers to oust Abdul Khalid, Syahredzan said one option is to move a motion of no confidence against the menteri besar in the state assembly.
However, Abdul Khalid may pre-empt this by asking the Selangor sultan to dissolve the state assembly and pave the way for fresh polls.
"He can actually request for dissolution without having a vote of no confidence or any show of support by the majority," Syahredzan told Malaysiakini.
If Abdul Khalid chooses to do this, it has to be soon as Malaysiakini understands the sultan will leave for a two-week overseas trip after a function with the menteri besar tomorrow.
Syahredzan said while legally, the Selangor regent can dissolve the state assembly while the monarch is away, it is unlikely to happen.
"I would imagine when dealing with something like this, the sultan would want it to be done in person," said Syahredzan, the former Bar Council constitutional law committee co-chairperson.
Abdul Khalid in a statement this evening said he will meet the sultan soon for "advice" but gave no hint about a possible request for dissolution.
Even if Abdul Khalid wants to dissolve the state assembly tomorrow, another constitution expert Abdul Aziz Bari commented that the sultan too has a role to play and should not simply accede to the menteri besar’s request.
"When a menteri besar is sacked (from the party), the likelihood is he has lost support.
"So the sultan, instead of acceding to the request for dissolution, should tell Khalid to go back to the House and see if he still has a majority," he told Malaysiakini.
He added if the House decides that Abdul Khalid has lost majority support, he must then resign or the sultan should sack him from his post.
Exco members to resign?
But what if Abdul Khalid beats all odds against a well-oiled party machinery and succeeds in retaining a majority with the help of Umno and loyalists in Pakatan?
"Then Abdul Khalid can stay on as menteri besar, but bear in mind it is no longer a Pakatan Rakyat government,” said Abdul Aziz.
"All his exco members will need to resign as the government was formed through Pakatan Rakyat and Abdul Khalid will need to submit his new list of exco members (to the sultan)," he said.
“We no longer recognise Khalid's MB status. We will not cooperate with a non-PPakatan Rakyat MB," DAP Selangor chief Tony Pua told Malaysiakini.
Syahredzan (left) said while the current Pakatan exco members have no legal obligation to resign, staying on under a party-less menteri besar would put them in an untenable situation.
He added Abdul Khalid will also be hard pressed even if he retains a majority without Pakatan's support, as he may need to appoint a new exco lineup which may include representatives from archrival Umno.
'Circumventing the House'
Such a scenario may see a paralysis in the Selangor state government, thus ultimately pushing the ball to the sultan and the state assembly.
In the 56-seat state assembly, PAS and DAP control 15 seats each while PKR now has 13 seats (minus Abdul Khalid's) and Umno has 12.
The main dissenter in the move to replace Abdul Khalid is PAS and a PKR-DAP combination alone is insufficient to oust the menteri besar.
However, Syahredzan said going by the Perak constitutional crisis precedent, there is a third option where Abdul Khalid and Pakatan can avoid a state assembly vote altogether by determining their support through "extraneous" methods such as statutory declarations.
Instead of a vote in the House, the three defectors signed a statutory declaration backing BN and subsequently met the Perak sultan to express their new allegiance.
So it comes as no surprise that PKR has in recent days instructed its state assemblypersons to sign a statutory declaration to declare that they have lost confidence in Abdul Khalid.
Nonetheless, Syahredzan said the politically correct and morally right method was still to go through a vote in the state assembly.
'Little recourse'
As for whether Abdul Khalid has any recourse to reverse his sacking, Syahredzan said the embattled menteri besar has little choice for remedy.
This is because the Societies Act has left disciplinary matters completely to political parties and has an ouster clause against bringing it to court, he said.
Syahredzan said Abdul Khalid will not only need to file a review over the disciplinary board decision but also challenge the constitutionality of the ouster clause.
He speculated that the PKR disciplinary board may have sacked Abdul Khalid today to prevent him from obtaining an injunction order to stop his sacking.
However, PKR has given Abdul Khalid 14 days to appeal his sacking.- mk
Mimpi Noor Omar jadi kenyataan...
How much UMNO willing to pay for some PAS and PKR assemblymen...
Khalid Ibrahim has been sacked. I count myself among the earliest who advocated this action. It is the right decision. Now, its time to brace ourselves for the possibilites.
Ironically Khalid is also the person who can stabilize Selangor politics. After accepting the sacking, he goes before HRH the Sultan of Selangor and proposes the name of the person whom PR has endorsed. The person is most likely to come from PKR. If he does this, things go back to normalcy.
But Khalid can also be Khalid the Destroyer. He has been shamed. He wants revenge. Let the bones turn white, never the eyes says the Malay saying.
I have written a number of articles on the Khalid Ibrahim issue. I wrote my first article on the issue on the 31st of July. I gave a few possibilities.
(1) If Khalid has moral values, he ought to tender his resignation. He did not and thus I am able to conclude that Khalid has no moral scruples. You may disagree with this. But this is my political opinion.
(2) The house can convene and moves a motion of no confidence. By doing that he holds PKR at ransom- because Khalid shows he does not have the interests of the party in his heart. Tan Sri Mat Taib or Mat Tyson said it most appropriately- Khalid thinks the MB post is an heirloom belonging to him.
(3) The party could sack him. Indeed I mentioned this several times in the articles I wrote.
The lawyers will look at the issue from a purely legalistic angle. They will say, Khalid is technically still the MB as he can only be removed by a vote of no confidence. This means all the parties in the House will convene and decide how it will be. I shall steer away from discussing the legalistic issues.
Let us look as the political possibilities.
Khalid is an independent now. This means PKR has 13 seats. DAP has 15 seats and PA has 15 seats. UMNO has 12. Unless PAS has no sense of propriety, it will accept Khalid Ibrahim as member and may want to suggest that he remains as MB.
If PAS does this, it has no sense of camaraderie and loyalty among brother parties. I hope PAS has a sense of fealty. I really hope so because nowadays it’s difficult to reason with people who claim to have divine authority. PKR and DAP especially are secular heathens!
To do that PAS has to secure the support of DAP and PKR. I think it will not be possible to get support from PKR since it is PKR who sacked him in the first place.
I don’t think Khalid can get support from DAP since Khalid has gone on record to say that all this while DAP has been against his agenda to apply Islamic whatever.
This is a new twist from Khalid and is the unkindest cut. It’s also the deepest cut since DAP has been supportive of him and through its support, Khalid went on to become MB.Khalid has dishonoured himself.
So where he will go? He can go to UMNO and that swells UMNO’s number to 13. What will UMNO do?
UMNO will advise Khalid not to go and see the Sultan first.
No hurry Tan Sri- make Anwar squirm. Now, my colleagues in the DAP, Segambut and PJ Utara have different definitions of squirm. I shall not elaborate.
Is UMMO willing to buy 10 each from PAS and PKR? Pay the 20 prospects RM10 million each, UMNO spends only RM200 million. Didn’t Khalid accumulate more than RM3 billion? Heck pay each of them RM25 million, UMNO will spend only RM500 million. All can be reimbursed from the cash reserves our dear Khalid Ibrahim has accumulated!
If they are wiling because they are after Selangor and perhaps have the additional motivation to present Selangor to Najib since its Najib who lost Selangor, getting Selangor at all cost is the overriding objective.
This is possible because Khalid Ibrahim made it so. So Khalid in his last throes can be both a saviour and destroyer.
If he is just vengeful and does not want to go to bed with UMNO, we are going to the hustings. - Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz.@sakmongkol AK47

Macai2 UMNO sekalian, janganlah bersikap seperti kamulah yang terbaik.
Pak Lah seorang PM pun kamu desak berundur. Khalid hanya MB...

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Santa Clause is coming to Selangor!!!
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