Bekas Presiden Johor Corp (JCorp), Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim (gambar) mengesahkan telah mengembalikan tiga darjah kebesaran negeri Johor, semalam.
Menurutnya, tindakan itu diambil ekoran tidak dapat menerima tuduhan yang dibuat oleh Setiausaha Jumaah Majlis Diraja Johor, Datuk Abdul Rahim Ramli, 5 Disember lalu, lapor Sinar Harian.
Sebelum ini, Abdul Rahim mendakwa sajak dalam artikel Muhammad Ali “Menuntut Hak, Menebus Masa Silam” yang disiarkan Sinar Harian, dikhuatiri boleh menimbulkan persepsi negatif terhadap institusi diraja negeri Johor.
"Saya sangat memandang berat dan serius tuduhan terhadap diri saya yang mencemar nama baik dan reputasi saya.
"Saya mengesahkan bahawa saya telah mengembalikan semua darjah terbabit pada 27 Disember 2013 (semalam)," kata Mohamad Ali kepada Sinar Harian Online, hari ini.
Darjah terbabit adalah Darjah Dato' Seri Paduka Mahkota Johor (SPMJ), Darjah Dato' Paduka Mahkota Johor (DPMJ) dan Setia Mahkota Johor (SMJ).
Menerusi surat bertarikh 18 Disember lalu kepada Abdul Rahim, Muhammad Ali yang juga Presiden Dewan Perdagangan Islam Malaysia (DPIM) telah memberi penjelasan mengenai penulisan artikel itu.
"Saya telah memberi penjelasan mengenai penulisan artikel terbabit, juga dengan tegas menolak dakwaan atau tanggapan bahawa sajak itu mengandungi apa-apa motif seperti yang digambarkan.
"Melalui kenyataan media ini, saya minta masyarakat umum khasnya rakyat negeri Johor membaca artikel itu dan menilai sendiri sama ada penulisan itu mengandungi unsur menderhaka kepada raja atau tindakan tidak bertanggungjawab atau bertentangan dengan Rukun Negara," katanya.
Beliau memuatkan sajak tulisan anak bongsunya, Allahyarham Khaled Ali yang antara lain menyebut “Sultan yang adil adalah Sultan yang wajib disembah, Sultan yang zalim adalah Sultan yang wajib disanggah”.
5 Disember lalu, Bernama melaporkan, Jumaah Majlis Diraja Johor meminta Muhammad Ali Hashim memberi penjelasan berhubung artikel tulisannya “Menuntut Hak, Menebus Masa Silam”.
Artikel yang disiarkan dalam akhbar tempatan itu dikhuatiri boleh menimbulkan persepsi negatif terhadap institusi diraja di negeri ini.
Setiausaha Jumaah Majlis Diraja Johor, Datuk Abdul Rahim Ramli berkata walaupun tidak menyebut sebarang nama, artikel itu boleh disalah tafsir oleh sesetengah pihak dengan mengaitkannya dengan Sultan Johor.
"Artikel tersebut menyebut nama Tanjung Puteri yang merupakan nama asal Johor Bahru.Kita khuatir perkataan 'Sultan' pada ayat terakhir artikel tersebut boleh merujuk kepada Sultan Johor.
"Penulisan atau tuduhan ini menunjukkan satu perbuatan menderhaka kepada raja, tidak bertanggungjawab dan boleh menyebabkan pandangan rakyat terhadap raja terpesong selain bertentangan dengan prinsip Rukun Negara," katanya dalam sidang akhbar di Istana Besar di Johor Bahru.-tMi
Muslim business leader denies offending royalty, returns state medals to Johor
Does Najib care...
During the GE 13, dubbed as ‘the mother of all elections’ in Malaysia both BN and Pakatan pledged a list of promises should they be voted into Putrajaya.
Now seven months after the general elections, BN rules as the government and the rakyat are waiting for all election promises to be fulfilled.
On Sept 2 , prime minister Najib Tun Razak announced a petrol price increase and to appease the rakyat he called it a subsidy reduction .
In truth, the RON95 and diesel price was increased by 20 sen.
RON95 increased from RM1.70 to RM1.90 per litre and diesel increased from RM1.60 to RM1.80 per litre.
The chain reaction was felt almost immediately with the price of goods increasing over the following months.
On Oct 25, Najib announced another ‘surprise gift’.
Terming it as rationalisation, (Najib is given full credit for popularising this term amongst Malaysians), he abolished the remaining 34 sen sugar subsidy.
Sugar price was increased from RM2.50 to RM2.84 per kilo (round-up to RM2.85).
On Dec 2, the Energy, Technology and Water minister Dr Maximus Ongkili announced another rationalisation, informing all that the electric tariff will be increased by 14.89 percent or 4.99 sen kilowatt per hour.
Beginning Jan 1, 2014, electricity will be priced at 38.53 sen per kilowatt per hour.
The term ‘rationalisation’ may look ‘sweet’ but in reality it is ‘bitter’ as the end results are actually price increases.
Next on the cards are road toll hikes expected to be rolled out any time next year.
The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Abdul Wahid Omar who is an economist and banker told expressway users that they are free to use roads without tolls if they are unhappy with the proposed toll hike. His statement angered the rakyat, further.
There are rumours circulating over the social media that more increases are expected in 2014. Although not verified or confirmed as yet, there are speculations that rice, road taxes and driving licenses are on the list for price hikes as well as another petrol price increase slated for next year or in 2015.
The Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) is said to be reviewing the LRT and Monorel charges but so far nothing has materialised.
Among ordinary Malaysians the current discussions and topic of conversation be it in coffee shops or on the social media is “does Najib care about the people?”
Even Umno division and branch leaders are asking “does Najib care about the 14th GE?”
The fear felt by these grassroot Umno leaders and members is whether Umno will be able to survive the 14th general elections after all the unpopular moves made by the current BN government.
Najib as prime minister and finance minister with numerous advisers surrounding him surely must have considered all these factors before proceeding with such unpopular announcements.
If the rakyat can predict that these price and tariff increases can kill Umno in 14th general elections, Najib must be more aware.
So why was Najib brave enough to allow such ‘burdens’ be dished out to the rakyat despite the promises he made before the GE13 such as reducing toll charges in stages and raising the quality of life for Malaysians?
Najib knowns that Malaysians have such short memories, they make noise for a few weeks or months and then all is forgotten.
There were price increases during former prime minister Abdullah Badawi’s tenure and even after the 12th general election (after Mac 2008).
The people were angry but after a month or two, life went back to normal and people forgot.
By the next general election in four and half years time, Malaysians will have forgotten all these price and tariff increases especially if Najib announces a few goodies and hands over some ‘sweets’.
Six months before the 14th general election Najib will start to hand out ‘goodies’ again and the hardcore BN supporters and fence sitters will be happy to vote for BN again.
A few pro-Umno grassroot leaders that FMT spoke to said that BN is in danger of losing at the 14th general election if Najib does not stop the price hikes, as this time the rakyat are smarter and the people will not be bought over by the sweet promises made by the BN government.
“They have been ‘hit’ (terkena) once by the government and I don’t think they can be fooled again next time,” said a young Umno branch leader from Seremban.
A quick check by FMT at a few Felda and traditional Malay kampung areas where recent price and tariff hikes does not affected them. The sentiment of the Malays regarding Najib and the government is still positive.
There are slight grumblings and unhappiness amongst the villagers, but in general support for BN in these so called Umno fortresses is still unshaken.
“Yes, the prices of goods have gone up. What to do? At least our country is safe. No war. You go to Indonesia, Myanmar or Bangladesh, the situation is much worse,” said Sharulnizam Azhar from Felda Serting, Jempol.
As far as Najib is concerned he does not see any major backlash from the people, especially from the Malays in the rural and Felda areas, Umno’s strongest fortress.-fmt

Satu lagi jawapan daripada Dato' Menteri...cap ayam...

Seekoq lembu betina bagi nasihat...hang tu sapa,ingat Malaysia bapak hang punya...

“Menuntut hak dan menebus masa silam”
....this heart aches at your very thought,
it grows heavier as my memories taunt me,
I can hold back these tears no longer,
many years have passed and I am now a man,
yet I still yearn for you, and that old house on the hill.
rindu dalam hatiku seperti ombak yang memukul pantai,
tidak akan henti sehingga akhir zaman,
sehingga daku dapat kembali ke
tanah asal, jiwaku akan bergelora ingin
kembali, walaupun ke tujuh
lautan ku merantau, Tanjung Puteri
tetap akan di kalbu.
you are the eternal jewel of the south,
the cradle of our civilisation, the custodian of our people,
a sanctuary of hope, an abode of dignity,
they basked in the light of your imperial glory,
and trembled at the might of your warriors.
hari berganti hari tahun berganti tahun,
namun malamku masih menjadi medan air mata,
jangan berani kau persoal cintaku, takkan dapat kau bayang rinduku,
anggaplah pantun ini sebagai janji,
akan datang suatu masa yang akan ku kembali,
menuntut hak dan menebus masa silam.
their blood coarses through my veins, their prayers guide my heart,
this bloodline is an oath of duty, a life of service,
sultan yang adil adalah sultan yang wajar disembah,
sultan yang zalim adalah sultan yang wajib disanggah..."
T/kasih mangchikla atas petikan tulisan mamat tersebut yang tersiar di sinarharian.
Soli,gua media2 gomen gua tak beli langsung...
hahahaha yang gomen punya ada exception , free cek baca, bayaq kalu, puuuiiiii... TURUN KL ka pi esplanade?
gomen punya kasi free gua buat lap ponggong saja. mau beli soli lah!!!
lebih baik duit itu gua kasi kat peminta sedekah ada pahlanya ma!!! RM 1.50 boleh juga dapat roti canai sekeping!!!
gua ke esplanade enjoy sama Guan Eng & Co.
belum lupa..."selamat tahun baru,tahun naik harga" gua ucap sama lu mangchikla...
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