Dalam ucapan itu juga, Zahid mengumumkan memberikan kuasa kepada Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) untuk menahan pemimpin kedua tertinggi PAS itu.“Saya tak dengar sendiri apa dia kata jadi kena bincang dengan peguam dulu,” kata Mohamad.Beliau dalam pada itu dengan keras menafikan tuduhan Zahid tersebut dan menyifatkannya sebagai tuduhan berniat jahat.
"Saya Ahli Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, seorang Islam yang mengikut ajaran Ahli Sunnah Wal Jama'ah," katanya lagi.PAS sebelum ini telah beberapa kali menafikan tuduhan ini dengan penegasan bahawa tiada ahli PAS berfahaman Syiah.Malah PAS mengalu-alukan jika ada pihak yang boleh membawa bukti ada dikalangan ahlinya mengamalkan ajaran Syiah - harakahdaily

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri itu berkata, ajaran Syiah bukan melibatkan parti semata-mata, kerana ia adalah berdasarkan iktikad seseorang penganut fahaman berkenaan.
"Kita amat memandang ke hadapan pembuktian Datuk Seri Zahid," katanya ketika ditemui pemberita selepas Perhimpunan Agung Umno 2013 di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) hari ini.
"Dalam ajaran Syiah dia bukan libatkan parti semata-mata. Syiah tak tertulis di wajah. Ia iktikad dalaman. Nak mendakwa seseorang itu Syiah, perlu ada pembuktian," katanya.
Ahmad Zahid ketika ucapan penggulungan Naib Presiden Umno memberikan kuasa kepada Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) untuk menahan Timbalan Presiden PAS Mohamad Sabu kerana didakwa mengamalkan fahaman Syiah.
Beliau berkata, pihaknya mengetahui bahawa pemimpin nombor dua PAS itu mengamalkan ajaran Syiah.
Jamil Khir bagaimanapun enggan mengulas lanjut ketika ditanya sama ada Jakim sudah mempunyai bukti untuk menahan Mohamad, sebaliknya menyerahkan perkara itu kepada polis.
"Elok tanya Zahid. Elok tanya polis.
"Kita sebenarnya daripada awal kita adakan kerjasama dengan KDN,” katanya.-f/bk

Kenaikan ini akan menyebabkan kenaikan kos tenaga dalam bidang industri. Kilang-kilang terlibat terpaksa menyerap kos ini
Semua premis perniagaan akan terlibat dengan kenaikan 15 peratus tarif elektrik mulai bulan depan begitu juga kilang-kilang pembuatan/pengeluaran .. Ikut hukum akal logik .. siapa yang kena tanggung ini semua? .. Sudah pasti pembeli atau lebih tepat rakyat.. pak menteri tak pa laa semua di tanggung beres!
Kesannya, kenaikkan harga barang keluaran mereka yang akan memberi impak kepada siapa najib woi?
.. secara tidak langsung paling koman dan sengkek harga semua barangan akan naik. ... pada tahun 2015 di tambah beban dengan GST 6%... Penyokong serta pendokong UMNO masih tidak nampak lagi ke? .. Takkanlah bodoh sangat sampai lebih bodoh dari lembu NFC...? - f/bk

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said the recent electricity tariff hike is necessary to ensure the financial viability of national power utility Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB).
"We need to carry out the tariff hike because TNB needs RM6 billion a year for investments.
"If it is not done, the financial viability of TNB will be affected," he told a press conference after the closing of the four-day Umno general assembly in Kuala Lumpur this evening.
However, he stressed that 71 percent of the population are unaffected by the electricity tariff increase, expected to be 15 percent for Peninsular Malaysia, 16.9 percent for Sabah and Sarawak.
Najib added that the recent series of subsidy cuts were "short-term pains" that will benefit the rakyat in the end.
"It is important to have fiscal consolidation. When we are fiscally stronger, we can do much more for the people.
"They have to understand it is the process. There is some short-term pain - not severe pain, just a mild pain - but in the long term it is going to be good for the rakyat," he said.
Furthermore, Najib said the government had also expanded the social safety net for the needy, including increase in the BR1M cash aid.
When pointed out that these price increases will hit the middle-class the hardest, Najib acknowledged the problem.
"Yes, but it can't be helped, it can't be helped," he conceded.
Najib added that while the government is asking the rakyat to swallow a bitter pill, it is also taking measures to curb wastage on its part.
"The chief secretary to the government had already made some announcements and action will be taken against those who do not follow instructions in respect of the use of (state) funds.” -malaysiakini
Zahid wants crackdown on 'Shiite' Mat Sabu...
"We are curious as to how PAS chose a Shiite leader as its number two in the party. Do not try to hide.
"The Home Ministry empowers (Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of Islamic Affairs) Jamil Khir Baharom (below) to take action against the leader," he pronounced.
Shiite is an Islamic school of thought deemed deviant in Malaysia, where almost the entire Muslim population adhere to the Sunni teachings.
Ahmad Zahid called on PAS to cross party lines and cooperate with the government to curb Shiite teachings.
"It would be good if PAS has the courage and political commitment to reject the prominent Shiite leader from becoming a party leader," he said.
For Umno, Ahmad Zahid said Shiite members were not welcomed in the party and even proposed an amendment to the party's constitution that its Muslim members must be Sunni.
Ahmad Zahid pledged to come down hard on Muslims adhering to the Shiite school of thought.
"If any Shiite leaders are followers (and) conduct Shiite activities on premises... the home minister will use his power to seize the premises," he said.
He further announced the creation of a commission to curb deviant teachings.
Even though Ahmad Zahid did not name names, his singling out of PAS’ second most senior-ranking member made it obvious and earned him loud cheers from the floor.
When contacted, Mohamad Sabu, or Mat Sabu as he is better known as, declined to comment, telling Malaysiakini in a brief text message, "I did not hear it (the accusation) myself".

A popular Canadian satirical magazine has set its sights on Canada’s ‘richest woman’, Jamilah Taib.
Frank Magazine is known for its scathing, if light-hearted, tone and it does not spare the Chief Minister’s daughter and her Canadian husband Sean Murray. Read here.

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