Ikat jamin sahaja RM4 juta. Bukan kecik anak.
Walaupun dah bertahun berbuih mulut mendoakan Najib masuk jel, sebenarnya ramai jugak rakyat Malaysia yang tak sampai hati tengok bekas PM jadi begini. Sedey... Tssk..tssk..iskk...
Alangkah bagusnya kalau si-Katik Anak Badak itu yang menghadapi pertuduhan di mahkamah?
Biar dia berpampers tiap hari disoal Tommy Thomas.
Ketua wanita UMNO menjerit cam mabuk todi,
pasai AG ucap dalam B.Inggeris...

Dato Noraini Ahmad, Ketua Wanita Umno Malaysia Gagal Zahirkan Contoh Bagi Hormati Semangat Rule Of Law. Saya pandang tinggi pd rakan pimpinan politik wanita saya, Dato Noraini Ahmad, Ahli Parlimen Parit Sulong yg kini juga merupakan Ketua Wanita Umno. Demikian pelakon Elley, saya juga hormati kehebatan bakat lakonannya.
Namun selepas menonton video ini, saya fikir ada dua kekurangan yg sgt ketara pada mereka berdua iaitu kewarasan dan kebijakan. DS Najib Razak kini melalui satu proses undang2 yg biasa, tidak seperti ramai bekas pimpinan pembangkang sebelumnya yg kini mjd Kerajaan, pernah dipasung tanpa bicara! Najib hakikatnya dibawa ke muka pengadilan utk menjalani proses perbicaraan.
Adalah sangat tidak wajar dan tidak manis bagi seorang Ahli Parlimen yg juga bekas Timbalan Menteri bertindak seperti dalam video ini, yg seolah2 menafikan proses perundangan negara dengan melaungkan "Bebas Najib". Adakah beliau tidak memahami dan menghormati semangat rule of law? Bukan sedikit dan bukan ringan segala tuduhan yg terkait dengan Najib.
Sebaiknya Dato Noraini hadir saja sebagai solidariti kepada Najib dan selebihnya memberi laluan kepada proses perundangan berjalan selancarnya.
Sebagai rakyat yg cintakan keadilan dan hormati hak demokrasi setiap rakyat, saya ucap tahniah atas keberanian mereka berhimpun dan menyatakan sikap. Walaubagaimanapun, janganlah sampai menafikan keperluan kepada proses perundangan khususnya perbicaraan sehingga tanpa segan menjerit2 minta agar Najib Razak dibebaskan.
Najib akan bebas jika terbukti dia tidak bersalah. Tetapi sebelum itu,berjuanglah buktikan yang dia tidak bersalah, tanpa perlu bermain pelbagai sentimen khususnya rasis. - f/bk
Melayu Melayu Melayu Melayu Melayu Melayu
Melayu Melayu Melayu Melayu Melayu Melayu
Melayu Melayu Melayu Melayu Melayu Melayu
Melayu Melayu Melayu Melayu Melayu Melayu
Tapi bila peguam Najib,
Shafie ucap dlm B.Inggeris,macai2 UMNO diam saja...
Mana bahasa MELAYU woiii!!!
Punyalah kuat Ketua Wanita jerit Melayu, sudahnya peguam Najib bertutur dalam English dalam sudang media beliau tadi. Rosak plan nak martabatkan bahasa Melayu kononnya...

Alahai pencacai2 umno oiiii..tak pyhlah nak sembang bhasa mlayu kalau nama parti masih lagi puja nama inggeris.. Pergghhh,ada plakun betina yg dah tak laku terpekik terlolong mcm org gilo meroyan..Nk cari dedak baru kot? Marahkan Tommy Thomas krana buat pc dlm bhasa org putih.. Kalau begitu pergi aje dekat pc peguambela najib,shafie dollah..pc dia tu dlm bhasa apa? melayu kah...-f/bk

Mohd Nizar (middle, in blue suit) was flanked by supporters and family
friends as he waited for his father to arrive at the courthouse.
Zahid’s glaring absense raises eyebrow...
Hundreds of supporters of former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, including his son Pekan Umno Youth chief Mohd Nizar Mohd Najib, were present at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex where the embattled former premier is expected to face charges Wednesday morning (July 4).
Najib, who was escorted by a motorcade to the courthouse at about 8.18am in a dark blue suit and not handcuffed, was greeted by a chorus of “Allah selamatkan kamu” (God save you) sung by hundreds of supporters who had been waiting for him since 5am.
Pekan Umno youth committee member Hussein Ahmad, who was among the supporters, said they wanted to show their division chief moral support as those from Najib’s home base of Pekan knew him better.
“Those of us in Pekan know him better and we feel that the charges against him are baseless and about political revenge,” said Hussein, who was carrying a placard that read “Respect civil rights.”
“Mohd Nizar had also informed Pekan Umno Youth that there were no issues while Najib spent the night under custody of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) so we are grateful for that,” added Hussein, who travelled here from Pahang at 9pm Tuesday (July 3) night.
Mohd Nizar, 40, who was surrounded by supporters and those close to Najib’s family, declined to speak to the media.
He is one of the children from Najib’s first marriage to Tengku Puteri Zainah Tengku Eskandar.
Najib was arrested Tuesday (July 3) afternoon at 3pm in relation to transactions involving SRC International, a former subsidiary of troubled state investment arm 1MDB.
Najib is expected to face multiple charges under the Anti-Money Laundering Act and the Penal Code. – MC

Missing' infant found dead in
babysitter's fridge...
The body of Adam Rayqal Mohd Sufi was found in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator on the second floor of the house at about 11pm on Tuesday.
Gombak district police chief ACP Ali Ahmad said the victim was stuffed inside a bag and was fully clothed, as well as wearing a napkin.
The victim's father, 28, had lodged a report a few hours earlier on Tuesday after he was told by his wife that an unknown individual had picked up Adam Rayqal at the babysitter's home.

"The 33-year-old babysitter and her 36-year old housemate were arrested subsequently to facilitate investigations.
"The duo's statements were taken immediately and we found that their statements were very suspicious," Ali Ahmad told reporters at the scene today.
Police then conducted a search at the babysitter's house to clear their doubts.
The case has been classified as a murder, under Section 302 of the Penal Code.

Adam Rayqal's remains have since been sent to Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL) for a post-mortem.
The case went viral on Facebook when the father uploaded a photograph of the toddler and asked for the public's help in locating his missing toddler.
Meanwhile, Health Minister Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad stressed that this incident is not completely unacceptable and more efforts are needed to protect the welfare of children.
He tweeted about the incident after visiting the family members at HKL today.

Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Hannah Yeoh visited the HKL mortuary where the body of the baby was brought for the post-mortem, on Wednesday morning.
Yeoh said the ministry would issue a statement on the matter once they had received the post-mortem report.
The post-mortem report released today stated that the deceased suffered a cracked skull on the left side of the head and had internal bleeding on the right side of his brain. - theSundaily

Everything happens for a reason...
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