Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng hari ini menerima kunjungan istimewa Imam Besar Masjidil-Aqsa, Ali Omar Yacoub Abbasi di pejabat rasminya di Komtar dekat sini.
Pertemuan secara tertutup selama lebih setengah jam itu turut disertai Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Datuk Mohd Rashid Hasnon dan Exco, Datuk Abdul Malik Kassim.
Lebih dikenali sebagai Syeikh Ali Al-Abbasi, imam masjid yang menjadi kiblat pertama umat Islam itu memuji kepimpinan Guan Eng yang menurutnya berjaya melahirkan suasana harmoni dan saling menghormati di kalangan rakyat negeri itu.
“Rakyat Pulau Pinang dari kalangan yang beragama Islam dan bukan beragama Islam hidup saling hormat menghormati dan harmoni. Saya boleh melihat mereka hidup dalam aman dan sangat mendukung kepimpinan kerajaan negeri,” ujar Syeikh Ali.
Beliau turut memuji usaha Kerajaan Negeri dalam memartabatkan agama Islam di samping berlaku adil terhadap semua rakyat di negeri Pulau Mutiara tersebut tanpa mengira latar keturunan dan agama.
Guan Eng yang juga Ahli Parlimen Bagan yang turut mengalu-alukan kunjungan Syeikh Ali menyifatkan imam negara bergolak itu sebagai tokoh yang berani.
“Baitul Maqdis sedang diserang bertalu-talu oleh regim Israel, kami turut mendoakan keselamatan dan kesejahteraan beliau,” kata Guan Eng yang juga Setiausaha Agung DAP.
“Seperti yang semua ketahui bahawa Jerusalem diduduki oleh orang Israel (Yahudi) dan kita tidak tahu apa akan terjadi pada masa hadapan,” ujarnya mengulas intipati pertemuan tersebut di sidang media kemudiannya.
Syeikh Ali turut sempat menunaikan solat di salah sebuah lokasi Warisan Dunia, Masjid Kapitan Keling di sini, semalam. –
‘Apa salah ayah,
dia hanya pertahan tanah kami’
dia hanya pertahan tanah kami’
Penahanan dan operasi pemusnahan blockade serta pondok Orang Asli di Gua Musang oleh Kerajaan PAS Kelantan semalam terus mendapat perhatian rakyat negara ini. Tindakan itu tambah mencetuskan tidak puas hati rakyat apabila seramai 49 Orang Asli ditahan dan dalam operasi tersebut.
Rentetan itu, orang ramai, kumpulan masyarakat sivil dan parti politik yang mula berhimpun di Gua Musang sejak malam tadi mengadakan himpunan solidariti di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah menuntut agar kesemua Orang Asli yang ditahan dibebaskan segera.
Bagaimanapun pembebasan 49 tahanan Orang Asli itu tertangguh apabila Mahkamah Majistret Gua Musang hari ini membenarkan permohonan reman Timbalan Ketua Polis Gua Musang, DSP Yap Sow Sing selama 2 hari, daripada 7 hari yang dimohon.
Lebih 100 orang asli dari seluruh negara termasuk dari Pahang, Perak, Melaka, Johor dan Negeri Sembilan pada hari ini telah datang ke Gua Musang memberi sokongan ke atas penangkapan saudara-saudara mereka.
Mereka berarak dari IPD Gua Musang ke mahkamah majistret Gua musang. Menurut Inah binti Amat, saudara kepada salah seorang tahanan iaitu Saudi a/l Asli, dia hadir pada hari ini untuk menuntut supaya semua tahanan dibebaskan segera.
“Saudi adalah adik saudara saya, saya sedih dia ditahan,” katanya sebak.
Inah berkata, kawasan hutan yang dimusnahkan pembalak telah memberi kesan buruk kepada masyarakat Orang Asli di mana sumber makanan, pendapatan, perubatan dan adat istiadat terjejas.
Kemelut balak melibatkan kerajaan PAS Kelantan dan Orang Asli Temiar di Gua Musang yang mencapai kemuncaknya semalam juga menyebabkan Herry Boy bin Angah yang merupakan seorang pelajar di sebuah institusi swasta Kuala Lumpur pulang ke kampung halaman. Ia berikutan penahanan ayahnya Angah bin Tengau dalam operasi penangkapan pihak berkuasa semalam.
“Saya marah, mereka memperlakukan ayah saya seperti penjenayah.
“Dia (ayah) tidak buat apa-apa kesalahan, dia hanya mempertahan, melindungi sumber untuk anak-anak dan demi masa depan kami,” ujar Herry.
Katanya, dia terus memberikan sokongan kepada perjuangan masyarakatnya yang tertindas sehingga pembalakan dihentikan. –

Sarkas Pok Amai-amai dah bermula...
Ostb - Rural ethnic Malays feel scandal is remote affair. Even some educated urbanites still favour Najib,underestimating damage being done by scandal.
A friend of mine met his old school mate (Malay) who is a professor of chemistry at a gomen university. The professor guy said with much skepticism, 'Betulke 1MDB ini?' So are we surprised if our local university grads are so dumb that they cannot even get a basic job ? Professor pun bodoh. Even a chemistry professor was not able to decipher the 1MDB thievery.
This is a direct result of the education system. Plus a lot of this material about 1MDB is in English and also requires a proper understanding of English as well as basic business ideas to be able to understand the thievery that is going on. So the thieves know that without proper education, without knowing some English and without understanding basic business, the average Malay will not understand much about this.
As far as the kampong Malays are concerned just forget about them. They will not understand anything about 1MDB, British Virgin Islands or Cayman Islands. Try explaining to them fake companies like Aabar and Goodstar. Haram tak faham apa pun.
Then you have the UMNO guys. They are all in the Jamban category. Jamban is merely the street agitator version of what represents the average UMNO thinking today.
UMNO controls local media while their goons are living in mental bubble convinced crackdown will re-establish order in their favour in power for six decades, support from ethnic-Malay majority some of whom resent ethnic-Chinese and Indian compatriots.
While leaders paint ethnic Malays as victims of sinister conspiracies. They intensify syariah laws to bolster support from Malay Muslims.
The UMNO supporter fears that his future and his livelihood will be threatened if this 1MDB scandal causes UMNO to lose power.
They fear the Chinese and other races will displace them in getting jobs, getting affordable houses, getting a better education, driving better cars, living a better life.
Hence they want to keep supporting thieves, come what may.
But arent those things that they fear already happening to the Malays?
1. Jobs : Malays cannot get jobs now. Graduate engineers are selling nasi lemak by the roadside. Who put them by the roadside? The Chinese?
The mamak fellow cheated all the simple Malays by creating the idea of high income economy. That was a farce. The GLCs were told to pay their (Malay) staffs high salaries. Telephone receptionists were paid RM3000. In the real world, Chinese companies were paying their new graduate staff, including Chinese, just over RM2000. So the 'high income economy' was the mamak fellow's trick to lull the Malays. Easier to songlap on the side.
2. Affordable housing : Malays cannot get affordable housing anywhere. DBKL has sold plenty of land banks to developers, usually UMNOputra kleptocrats who resold the land to Chinese developers. New apartments in Bangsar South and Pantaihillpark (aka Kampong Kerinchi) are now launched at RM750 psf. DBKL land in Pantai Dalam (almost 1000 acres) was sold to UMNOputras who sold the land to a Chinese developer who is the master developer in Pantai Dalam. Ex DBKL land.
Now they have launched at RM750 psf. Selling very well. Mostly non Malay buyers. The Malays who lived in Pantai Dalam can go and 'duduk atas pokok lah' - according to one of my customers.
3. Better education : Pi dah mabuk. Orang bodoh masuk sekolah bila keluar boleh jadi pandai. Now it is the other way around. Orang bodoh masuk sekolah, bila keluar jadi lagi bodoh.
Last time, we recognised that the kampongs were not conducive to creating a modern, scientific, progressive bumiputra race. So the gomen created the brilliant idea of the sekolah asrama or boarding school where Malay kids were removed from the backward kampong culture (illogical beliefs, fear of hantu, black magic, overdose of religion, speaking one language only, stifling traditions and poor cultural influences) and put them into a boarding school system (sekolah asrama penuh) where the young Malay kids were exposed to a modern, progressive, scientific environment.
They could think, talk, question, have the freedom to participate in many activities. Most importantly they benefited greatly from a multi racial and multi cultural teaching staff.
Now all that has changed. The kampong has re-invaded the sekolah asrama penuh. Maktab Ulul Al Bab are actually sekolah pondok disguised as a sekolah asrama penuh. The village has taken over the boarding school.
The boarding school is now mono lingual, mono cultural, highly religiously inclined (which means they are highly illogical).
Shall we talk about our universities? Do you recall the Anti Hysteria Kit? Who created the Anti Hysteria Kit? The Chinese?
Did you know that FIVE graduates of that university lost their interview with an American company when they announced their anti hysteria kit? So who do you blame? The Zionists?
So who do you blame?
4. Better cars : A small Volkswagen Beetle costs RM140,000. In America the same car costs less than RM100,000 - at RM4.40 to the USD. Here even a tin can Proton Saga costs RM34,000. A tin sadin Proton Iriz costs over RM50,000.So who makes the cars so expensive in Malaysia? The Chinese again?
Here is a real story. If you dont have APs a Rolls Royce costs about RM900,000. Now morelah - after the Ringgit collapsed.But with AP, the same car sells for almost RM2.0 million at 'Pengimpot Kereta Tan Sri AP'.
I know a clever guy who employs some foreign workers (as security guards, penjaga bangunan etc). So he got one of his employees to register himself in the Malaysia My 2nd Home program. Each of these MMSH people are given TWO free APs to import cars. So using his 'pekerja asing' as a Malaysia My 2nd Home applicant, my friend imported an expensive luxury car. At 1/3 the price here in Malaysia.
So there are ways for the clever and the rich to find loopholes in the rules.

5. Better quality of life : Are the Malays enjoying a better quality of life now? I dont think so. Jamban things he is living in paradise. Maybe other Malays may agree. Try crawling out ok. There really is another world out there.
The false religion is choking them. The fake religion of PAS, of the Salafis and the 'hisap _e_ek' jokes of the ostard wal retards is making the Malays dumb beyond dumb.
Who do you blame? The Chinese? The Zionists? The girl in the Tin Susu Cap Junjung? Tak tutup aurat pun ! Jadah betul ! Pi tangkap dia...
Ostb - Carrier has already agreed to keep the plant running in Indianapolis.
If Trump succeeds in doing this, it means he can do the same for other American manufacturing plants as well. And Trump can do this even before he takes office. Meaning whatever he has promised Carrier is only a 'Band Aid' fix.
We can imagine what else Trump can do AFTER he takes office. US Presidents can rule by getting bills passed in Congress or through Presidential powers (or 'decree').
Mr Trump has pledged to ease regulations and overhaul the American corporate tax code. He has said that for every new regulation, two older regulations must be abolished.
Conclusion : Here is my advice for the Tan Sris, Dato Sris etc who populate the Civil Service, the gomen etc. I dont know how many of you can read and understand English anymore but do read and understand this.
In any country there are the people who can organise things by themselves, people who can achieve things by themselves, people who can strive and work hard by themselves, people who know and can create new wealth, new jobs and new industries by themselves.
These are the businessmen, the entrepreneurs, the people who take risk in the market.
If you dont want to help these people -well its not ok - because you are too stupid, lets leave it at that.
But you must make things easy for this group of people to do whatever it is that they wish to do.
Meaning make life easy for them.
Meaning do not make life difficult for them.
Then they will create new jobs and new opportunities for everyone.
Then our engineers may not have to sell nasi lemak at the roadside.
This is what Mr Trump is doing.

Jambatan Hubung KL Eco City - Mid Valley Runtuh
Apakah hanya Citibank sahaja yang serah balik lesen atau bank lain pun yang beroperasi di Labuan juga telah serah lesen perbankan mereka atau akan serah balik lesen? Persoalannya jika Citibank, sebuah bank gergasi Amerika Syarikat yang telah lama bertapak dalam negara kita dan di rantau ini, tidak boleh 'survive' dalam keadaan ekonomi negara yang tenat dan penat dibawah pimpinan para kleptokrat di pucuk pimpinan dan juga para kleptokrat dalam jentera pentadbiran kerajaan, maka bagaimana pula dengan bank antarabangsa lain yang juga beroperasi dalam negara kita? - ostb

Maka habaihlah bekalan dedak...

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