Editor Clare Rewcastle Brown, dalam emel kepada FMT berkata, berkata tiada sebarang dokumen diserahkan kepadanya.
“Tiada,” katanya menjawab soalan sama ada peguam PAS sudah menghantar writ dan dokumen lain yang menunjukkan mereka mahu berjumpa di mahkamah.
Sementara itu, Setiausaha Agung PAS Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan belum lagi menjawab soalan FMT, meskipun mesej WhatsApp sudah dihantar, dan panggilan dibuat kepada nombor telefon bimbitnya.
Takiyuddin sebelum ini berkata peguam di United Kingdom sudah menghantar surat tuntutan kepada Sarawak Report pada 13 Disember.
Menurut beliau, surat itu mengandungi 3 tuntutan menuntut Sarawak Report menarik balik artikel bertarikh 6 Ogos 2016, dan membuat permohonan maaf mengikut terma yang dipersetujui parti.
Tuntutan ketiga mahu Sarawak Report membuat akujanji untuk tidak lagi menyiarkan tuduhan palsu di masa depan.
Tempoh 7 hari kata dua itu luput 20 Disember lepas.

Sarawak Report mendakwa sejumlah RM90 juta dipercayai dimasukkan ke akaun pimpinan kanan PAS.
Transaksi itu, katanya, antara usaha Najib untuk memikat kepimpinan PAS agar menyokong Barisan Nasional dan Umno.
Dakwaan itu dikecam pemimpin PAS, antaranya Timbalan Presiden Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man yang dilaporkan berkata PAS akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap laporan berniat buruk itu kerana mencemarkan nama baik parti dan dasar Islamnya.
Peguam S N Nair berkata litigan yang menghantar notis akan menunjukkan keseriusan sekiranya tuntutan tidak dipenuhi.
“Jika tidak, ia sekadar ancaman kosong yang tidak menunjukkan keseriusan kerosakan yang didakwa itu,” katanya.
Katanya, sesetengah peguam, bergantung kepada kerumitan kes dan faktor lain, lazimnya akan memfailkan saman secepat mungkin.
Nair menjelaskan tindakan susulan tidak boleh dilambatkan terlalu lama kerana kejelikan fitnah akan berkurangan dari masa ke semasa.
“Malah mahkamah juga tidak akan mengambil plaintif dengan serius kerana melambatkan saman kecuali alasan yang baik diberikan,” katanya.
Nair menambah ia bukan suatu keperluan undang-undang, cuma berdasarkan logik. - fmt
PAS yet to file suit against Sarawak Report
FELDA in imminent deep shit!
NGOs please get ready to help 100,000 settlers...
Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) has declined to respond to claims that it was facing difficulties in fulfilling their core responsibilities to some 100,000 Felda settlers. "I don't want to comment at the moment because we are working on something," said Felda director Noor Ehsanuddin Mohd Harun Narrashid.
"I don't want to comment at the moment because we are working on something," said Felda director Noor Ehsanuddin Mohd Harun Narrashid.
"When comes the right time, we will make announcement. You (can) ask me then and I will answer," he told Malaysiakini.
Yesterday, PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli said some 100,000 new settlers who joined the scheme in the 1980s would have their oil palm crop matured by now and would require replanting.
However, Felda's audited accounts in 2014 had showed that replanting cost amounted to some RM2.5 billion, while income was recorded at only RM871.1 million.
This calls into question whether Felda was capable of helping the settlers replant those crops. Without help from Felda, these settlers, most of which were in their 60s, would suffer, claimed Rafizi.
Noor Ehsanuddin, who is also the Kota Tinggi MP, said Rafizi was entitled to say whatever he wanted. - mk
Then the children of Felda settlers (ANAK Felda) have lodged a report against FELDA with the MACC.
Former Umno senator Ezam Md Noor today joined forces with Persatuan Anak Peneroka Felda Kebangsaan (Anak) in lodging a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) report against the Federal Land Development Authority (Felda).
Ezam, together with Anak chairperson Mazlan Aliman, submitted a memorandum at the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya, urging the graft-busters to investigate the federal agency.
And finally here is Rafizi Ramli taking down the really silly defence by Felda for paying RM2.3 Billion for buying a minority stake in an Indon plantation.
PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli has shot down Felda’s defence of its decision to acquire a 37 per cent stake in Indonesia’s PT Eagle High Plantations, pointing out that the federal agency will not have any control over access to the latter’s 425,000 hectares of landank.
In a statement, Rafizi said that decisions surrounding access to Eagle High’s land and other issues would still be determined by Indonesian billionaire Peter Sondakh, who would remain in control of EHP, despite having a reduced stake of 31.6 percent via his Rajawali Group.
“This is a madness which has never happened, where a non-majority stakeholder is given the power to control the company,” said the Pandan MP, who cited findings from a CIMB Research report on EHP dated June last year.
Ostb : I told you so. FELDA is in deep shit. Now Mkini reports that FELDA cannot even fulfil "core responsibilities" to some 100,000 Felda settlers.
To the NGOs, Welfare Department, the Church groups, the Sikh humanitarian associations, the Buddhist humanitarian associations, the political parties etc, there is another issue here.
FELDA is having problems meeting its 'core responsibilities'.
FELDA does not sell roti canai. To make a long story short they are short of funds to pay the settlers.
For the past 60 years 100,000 settlers have depended on almost 100% on Felda for their lifeline.
That lifeline is now under great duress. The total population at the Felda schemes is much more than 100,000. Counting family members, dependents, second generation etc the population is in excess of 1.5 million people.
If Felda cannot uphold its 'core responsibilities', what will happen to all these Felda settlers, their families and dependents? How will they eat? How will they pay for their daily survival?
A great humanitarian disaster could befall them. Could befall us.
Do not expect the kleptocratic gomen to put on their thinking caps.
Look at that picture of that Felda director above. The look on his face says,
"நீங்களே இப்படி என்னை சித்திரவதை செய்வது, ஏய், ஏன்?''
He never expected that the first class flights, the cigars, the London trips etc would actually require some hard work and some tough thinking on the job.
Folks, obviously these folks cannot make the cut. It is we who have work to do. Lets all pull together. - ostb
Apa Hubungan Najib dengan Peter Sondakh dengan keputusan FELDA beli saham Eagle High
Nasi Putih:RM1.60
Total :RM34.70.

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