04 August 2015

Autastan, near Tipustan, donated the RM2.6b...


Lying is a major sin, warns a veteran newsman in a blog posting on the infamous RM2.6 billion allegedly in Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s personal bank accounts.

“Hopefully, we are not being presented with yet another round of silap mata (illusion) and sihir (black magic) in the 1MDB saga,” said A Kadir Jasin. “In Saudi Arabia, if you are found guilty of practising sihir you can be put to death. For stealing, you will have your hand chopped off.”

The latest that he had heard, he said, was a story similar to the one told in the P Ramliee classic, “Ali Baba Bujang Lapok”. It seems that “a very rich trader with thousands of camels and a magic carpet in the nation of Autastan, neighbouring Tipustan, had presented Najib with billions in sadakah (alms). God Almighty! So wealthy is the Sheikh! God be praised! So bountiful is Najib’s provision!”

(“Auta” and “tipu” are synonyms meaning “lie” or “cheat”, depending on the context.)

Kadir said the story had some credibility since it was publicly known that Rosmah Mansor, Najib’s wife, was “close to wealthy Arabs, including members of royal families.”

He said everyone could breath a sigh of relief, now that the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) had confirmed that the RM2.6 billion was from donations, not from 1MDB.

“The entire MACC top management should resign voluntarily or be sacked for failing to discover that the USD700 million (RM2.6 billion) in Najib’s personal banking accounts at AmBank Islamic was from donations.”

All’s well that ends well. “But if the unaccounted 1MDB monies did not go into Najib’s accounts, where did it go?”

Kadir confesses to being puzzled by Najib’s failure to disclose from the start that the funds were donations, allowing the controversy to rage for so long.

“Why didn’t you say so from the start? Why did Najib and his entire brigade of spin masters have to beat around the senduduk bush? Why couldn’t they flog this donation story from the start? Why didn’t Jho Low say so?

“There are more questions than answers.”

He said that with the fast turn of events that included the sacking of the Attorney-General and the Cabinet, “it’s hard for the people not to speculate. Who are these donors? Why did MACC and the Special Task Force take such a long time to confirm that the USD700 million was from donations?”

Also, there’s the issue of the people connected with the 1MDB monies running away from the country. “The people being sought by the Special Task Force, Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil and Suboh Mohd Yassin, should now come forward to clear the Prime Minister’s name.” - fmt

Dalam diam2 lahir seorang bilionwan Melayu...

Terang lagi nyata. Apa yang menjadi persoalan selama ini terjawab sudah akhirnya.

SPRM akhirnya mengesahkan wang sebanyak RM2.6 bilion atau  RM2,600 juta yang didakwa mengalir masuk ke dalam akaun peribadi Perdana Menteri, Najib Razak sebagaimana yang didakwa oleh The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) sebelum ini,  benar-benar wujud dan sahih rupanya.

Cuma menurut SPRM, wang itu bukannya daripada 1MDB tetapi daripada sumbangan penderma.

Siapakah agaknya penderma  yang begitu murah hati itu? Adakah ia penderma tunggal atau ramai jumlahnya?

Apakah penderma itu melibatkan negara asing, pemimpin luar, ahli perniagaan antarabangsa atau rakan-rakan Najib dari dalam dan luar negara?

Apa pula tujuan mereka menderma dan memberi sumbangan? Suka-suka atau mengharapkan balasan?

Jika ada balasannya, apakah yang telah diberikan Najib kepada mereka?

Benarkah sumbangan itu untuk tabung amanah parti? Jika untuk tabunh parti, kenapa guna akaun bank peribadi?

Ahhh...sebenarnya banyak lagi persoalan yang boleh ditanyakan kepada Najib mengenai wang tersebut.  Tetapi eloklah dilupakan segala tanda tanya itu.

Lupakanlah juga pasukan petugas khas, laporan audit atau siasatan PAC sekali pun. Lebih patut dilupakan ialah untuk mengaitkan wang itu dengan rasuah, penggubahan wang haram dan sebagainya.

Sebaliknya, berita yang disahkan oleh SPRM ini seharusnya membuatkan kita bersyukur dengannya.

Sebagaimana yang dijangka, berikutan berubahnya trend sejak  akhir-akhir ini, dengan pada mulanya mengatakan  wang RM2.6 bilion itu sebagai fitnah, konspirasi dan akhirnya sebagai sumbangan tabung amanah, yang nyata kewujudan wang itu adalah benar belaka.

Rupa-rupanya The Wall Street Journal dan Sarawak Report tidak berbohong kepada kita, walaupun mereka bukan beragama Islam dan dikaitkan dengan Yahudi pula.

Pengesahan SPRM mengenai wang RM2.6 bilion itu memang berada dalam akaun Najib sebaiknya haruslah menyebabkan kita berbangga kerana dalam suasana ekonomi dunia yang suram, rupa-rupanya lahir seorang bilionaire atau bilionwan atau orang yang mampu mengumpul wang beribu-ribu juta di kalangan Melayu dan Islam secara senyap-senyap dan tanpa bising-bising menagih kontrak atau mengharapkan bantuan kerajaan.

Wahh...sudah tentu ini merupakan satu lagi pencapaian Dasar Ekonomi Baru serta tambah mengukuhkan ekonomi orang Melayu dan Islam di negara kita. Bertambah lagi jumlah bilionwan dalam negara kita ini.

Maka, kita haruslah menerima dengan syukur,  bukan hasad dengki dan caci maki atas pencapaian Najib itu.

Cumanya, terlanjur berbangga dengan pencapaian Najib itu, ingin juga ditanyakan mengenai laporan yang tidak dinafikan mengenai pendepositan sebanyak RM2 juta dalam tempoh tidak sampai tiga bulan ke dalam akaun Rosmah Mansor, isteri Perdana Menteri tidak lama selepas pendedahan mengenai wang RM2.6 bilion itu.

Adakah ianya juga merupakan sumbangan penderma yang bermurah hati terhadap Rosmah?

Bagaimanapun oleh kerana jumlahnya hanya juta-juta, bukan bilion-bilion seperti yang diterima suaminya, tak perlulah ditanya macam-macam seperti daripada mana dan siapa yang memberikan wang itu.

Syukurlah, dengan isu ini sudah terjawab dan sekaligus memberi kelegaan kepada kita semua, diharapkan lebih banyak lagi sumbangan derma diterima oleh Najib dan Rosmah selepas ini.

Lebih 50 tahun merdeka tidak pernah kita mempunyai pasangan Perdana Menteri dan isteri yang begitu dirahmati seperti ini sehingga sumbangan derma juga ribu-ribu juta mampu dikautnya.

Bukankah lagi banyak derma yang diterima mereka, lagi makmur dan sejahtera negara kita? - shahbudindotcom.blogspot

Babak ke-II 1MDB - Putar alam dan Cerita dongeng...

Sejak beberapa hari yang lepas, ada cubaan yang tersusun oleh pimpinan Umno untuk membawa isu baru iaitu pembiayaan parti-parti politik. Perkara ini mula-mula disebut oleh Pengarah Komunikasi Strategik BN, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan dan disambut sendiri oleh Perdana Menteri, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Dalam ucapannya di Seremban, Dato’ Seri Najib mengumumkan kesediaan beliau untuk menyatakan punca kewangan Umno dan penyumbang-penyumbang kepada dana Umno lalu mencabar parti-parti pembangkang untuk turut menyatakan punca kewangan kami.

Operasi harian KEADILAN termasuk membayar gaji kakitangan di ibupejabat, sewa pejabat-pejabat KEADILAN negeri dan perbelanjaan ibupejabat ditampung oleh potongan gaji oleh wakil rakyat KEADILAN.

KEADILAN mempunyai 29 ahli parlimen dan 40 ADUN di seluruh negara. Ahli Parlimen dan ADUN di Selangor dan Pulau Pinang (negeri yang diperintah pakatan pembangkang) menyumbang 20% dari gaji bulanan kepada KEADILAN. Ahli Parlimen dan ADUN dari negeri lain menyumbang 10% dari gaji bulanan kepada KEADILAN.

Bagi perbelanjaan lain, KEADILAN mengadakan majlis mengutip derma dari semasa ke semasa terutamanya menjelang pilihanraya. Kutipan dana dari majlis mengutip derma ini bergantung kepada kehadiran – ada yang berjaya mengutip dari RM50,000 sehingga RM500,000 bergantung berapa banyak tiket dijual.

Walau bagaimana pun, isu pembiayaan parti-parti politik ini hanyalah helah yang dimainkan oleh Umno dan Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak. Saya berpandangan bahawa isu ini ditimbulkan untuk menutup dua persoalan besar yang tidak boleh dijawab oleh Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak:

1. Ke manakah wang RM42 bilion yang dipinjam oleh 1MDB dan benarkah wang itu telah diambil oleh individu-individu yang rapat dengan Perdana Menteri seperti Jho Low?

2. Kenapakah RM2.6 bilion yang sebahagiannya dituduh turut berasal dari dana 1MDB dimasukkan ke akaun peribadi Perdana Menteri?

Kenyataan-kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan dan Datuk Azalina Othman setakat ini memberi gambaran seolah-olah dana RM2.6 bilion itu kononnya adalah sumbangan dermawan antarabangsa kepada Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak dan bukannya dana 1MDB.

Saya tidak terkejut sekiranya Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak melalui jurucakapnya seperti Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan dalam masa beberapa minggu ini akan menjual cerita-cerita berikut:

1. Dana RM2.6 bilion itu adalah derma dari orang kaya dari Timur Tengah secara peribadi kepada Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak. Derma itu digunakan oleh Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak untuk membiayai kempen pilihanraya Umno dan Barisan Nasional dalam PRU13 yang lalu

2. Ada bukti dalam bentuk dokumen bahawa kononnya dana RM2.6 bilion itu adalah derma kepada Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak

3. Oleh kerana dokumen itu, maka pemindahan RM2.6 bilion itu bukanlah berunsur rasuah dan hanyalah sumbangan politik seperti mana kes RM40 juta yang dimasukkan ke dalam akaun peribadi Dato’ Seri Musa Aman, Ketua Menteri Sabah satu ketika dahulu.

4. Berdasarkan perkara ini, siasatan ke atas 1MDB dan dana RM2.6 bilion di dalam akaun peribadi Perdana Menteri akan menyimpulkan bahawa tidak ada unsur rasuah dan kes ditutup begitu sahaja

Isu-isu yang dibawa kebelakangan ini berkaitan pembiayaan parti-parti politik hanyalah untuk mempersiapkan orang ramai dengan skrip yang telah disediakan iaitu siasatan berkenaan 1MDB dan dana di dalam akaun peribadi 1MDB mendapati tiada unsur rasuah dan kes ditutup begitu sahaja.

Saya yakin rakyat Malaysia yang celik tidak akan termakan dengan putar alam begini. Saya juga berharap pimpinan Umno yang masih ada sedikit maruah seperti Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin terus mengkritik Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak supaya rakyat tidak diperbodohkan dengan cerita dongeng kononnya dana RM2.6 bilion ini adalah sumbangan derma orang kaya Timur Tengah kepada Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak.


'Next claim - donation from Mid East tycoons and not 1MDB money'...

PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli has predicted the possible next script from Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak - which will be put forth through his spokesperson Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

"I won't be surprised if it is claimed the RM2.6 billion was personal donation to Najib from rich individuals in the Middle East.

"The donation was used to fund the Umno and BN election campaign in the last national election," Rafizie said in a statement today.

Rafizi said 'evidence' in the form of documents would be produced to show the RM2.6 billion was purportedly donated to the prime minister.

Based on these documents, he added, it would be argued the transfer of RM2.6 billion was not a form of corruption but political contribution, similar to the RM40 million deposited into the personal account of Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman at one point of time.

"Therefore, the investigation concerning 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion will be closed," he added.

The Pandan MP (photo), who is also PKR secretary-general, said the recent statements by Rahman show there is a planned effort by Umno leaders to divert the main issue by bringing a new issue regarding political funding.

Rafizi said Najib, during his speech in Seremban, announced his readiness to explain the source of the Umno funding and the contributors to Umno and challenged the opposition to do as well.

“The issue of political funding of parties is just a trick played by Umno and Najib. I think the issue is raised to stop two bigger questions which the PM had not answered.

“Firstly, where is the RM42 billion which 1MDB owes, and is it true the money is taken by individuals who are close to the PM and businessman Jho Low?

“Secondly, why is the RM2.6 billion amount, as alleged, came from the 1MDB fund and why was it deposited into Najib's personal accounts,” he asked.

Rafizi reiterated that Rahman and Azalina (on the right in photo) were trying to paint a picture that the donations came from international contributors to Najib and not from 1MDB.

The Pandan MP believes that the issue raised on political funding is to prepare the people for another script that will present that the investigation into the 1MDB and funds have no element of corruption and the case would be closed, just like that.

“However, I believe Malaysians are well-informed and will not be duped by such spin. I also hope that leaders who have the honour, like (deposed deputy prime minister) Muhyiddin Yassin, will continue criticising Najib to show the people cannot be cheated, that the RM2.6 billion is not from political donations from the Middle East.

The PKR secretary-general added that his party's own daily operation expenses comes from party elected representatives.

PKR has 29 federal lawmakers and 40 assemblypersons all over the country, and it also carries out donation drives before elections, Rafizi added.

Meanwhile Razifi  said "it cannot hide the fact" that RM42 million from SRC International was transferred post-GE13 into the prime minister's personal bank accounts.

"This money originates clearly from a government fund and there is no justification whatsoever that it can ever go to a personal account, least of all the PM's accounts.

"I caution Umno's leadership not to try to hoodwink the public with the Arab money fairy tale to bury the 1MDB scandal because the money trail from SRC into PM's account is all too clear for everyone to see," he told Malaysiakini.

Over the past few days, Najib and his supporters have been marketing the political donation claim in order to dispel corruption allegations regarding the RM2.6 billion issue.

The matter exploded after The Wall Street Journal, in a July 3 article, claimed that a total of US$681,999,976 (RM2.6 billion) was allegedly wire transferred by an Abu Dhabi fund Aabar into Najib's private AmBank account in Kuala Lumpur on March 2013, two months before the May 2013 general election.

This sparked off claims that the money was spent for election campaign.

However, the WSJ also reported that RM42 million was purportedly transferred from SRC International into Najib's three private accounts at AmPrivate Banking.

SRC International Sdn Bhd is a former subsidiary of 1MDB, which is now under the Finance Ministry..

According to reports, SRC International had transferred RM10 million on Feb 10, 2015, into the account number of 'Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Bin Hj Abd Razak' at AmPrivate Bank for a corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme.

There were allegedly two earlier transfers of RM27 million and RM5 million on Dec 26, 2014.

The WSJ report quoted information obtained from Malaysian investigators.  

Last week, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) said it would not back down from its probe into SRC International.

"With or without the special task force (probing 1MDB), with the absence of Abdul Gani Patail, MACC assures the investigation on SRC International will continue until completion," said the commission.

Last Monday, Abdul Gani (photo) was suddenly removed as attorney-general due to health problems.

However, Abdul Gani himself appeared clueless about this but refused to comment on whether it was related to the 1MDB special task force.

The following day, Najib reshuffled his cabinet and dropped his number two Muhyiddin Yassin and another minister Mohd Shafie Apdal, who have been vocal critics of 1MDB.

The premier also appointed four out of eight BN lawmakers in the Public Accounts Committee - including its then chief Nur Jazlan Mohamed - into his cabinet.

These sweeping changes ignited speculation that it was an attempt to derail both the special task force and PAC probes into 1MDB. - mk

Akhirnya Putar Alam dan Cerita Dongeng jadi kenyataan...

SPRM:RM2.6 bilion duit penderma, bukan 1MDB...F**k U!!!
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

Rafizi: Did MACC sidestep task force to clear PM...

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's decision to declare the RM2.6 billion in Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's private accounts as "donations" raises more questions than answers, said PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli.

Firstly, he said the special task force comprising the police, MACC and Bank Negara, with the Attorney-General's Chambers providing legal advice, had always acted as one unit on matters concerning 1MDB.

"It is therefore suspect that for the first time, one component of the task force unilaterally clears the prime minister in relation to the RM2.6 billion.

"What is the stand of the task force collectively, or is this just the stand of MACC?" he asked when contacted.

Previously, MACC reiterated several times that it was not involved in probing 1MDB or the RM2.6 billion issue as its focus is only on SRC International.

Meanwhile, Rafizi asked what was the view of Bank Negara since the funds involved would automatically trigger red flags with regard to money laundering.

Rafizi said it was also suspicious that MACC's position on the matter came one month after Najib's refusal to address the allegation that he received the fund.

Why didn't PM say so earlier?

The matter was first raised by the Wall Street Journal on July 3. The newspaper claimed that Malaysian investigators had traced nearly US$700 million deposited in Najib's account.

The prime minister did not deny this and instead claimed that he had never used 1MDB funds for "personal gain".

Rafizi said previously Najib had claimed that the WSJ was part of a plot to unseat the premier while his minders would attack him (Rafizi) and Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua for tampering documents.

"Now, it has taken a new twist that this was a personal donation.

"If it indeed was a personal donation and Najib had documents to prove it all along, why didn't he come out immediately when the allegation first came out?

"Why didn't he sue the WSJ immediately because he supposedly had proof their stories were not accurate? Why did Najib go through three changes of narratives before he could admit it was political donation into his account?

"The more Najib spins, the more he loses the faith and trust of the Malaysian public," he added.- mk

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It took 30 days from July 2nd to August 2nd for Najib to realise that it was a donation...tapi rakyat tak sebodoh ahli2 UMNO...

MACC: RM2.6b in Najib’s account from ‘donors’, not 1MDB...

And what happened to the money now?  The accounts were closed. So where did the money go AFTER the accounts were closed?

They did not spend ALL the RM2.6 Billion on the elections. There was a huge sum left over. Where is the left over money?

Who can answer? Who should answer? Najib should answer. They are his own personal accounts.

Earlier Najib said (in Parliament I think) that 1MDB could not bring back money to Malaysia because Bank Negara had too much red tape. Something about any amount more than RM50 Million must get clearance etc. Thats why 1MDB (or its subsidiary) put the money in Singapore.

Then later we found out that the money was NOT even there. They became 'units'.  Some documents were also forged. Have you all forgotten that story? Documents were forged. Bottom line there WAS no money in that bank in Singapore.

Ok back to this shocking news - so how did Najib move RM2.6 Billion into his personal account here in Kuala Lumpur?

Did he go through Bank Negara's red tape? 

If he did then Zeti must have known about this. Can Zeti answer?

Did Najib fill in the forms at Bank Negara or not (becaue it was his personal account) - to explain the fact that RM2.6 Billion was being deposited into his accounts from donors etc?

I assume the deposits were coming from overseas because there is absolutely NO WAY any local Malaysian can give Najib that much money as a donation.

So if Najib filled up all the requisite Bank Negara red tape forms to move RM2.6 Billion into his account in KL, then why the hell did Najib say that those other billions were taken to Singapore because THEY WANTED TO AVOID all the Bank Negara red tape?

(When you tell the first lie, then you must tell a thousand more lies to cover up the first one. This is what is happening folks.

On the other hand, if there was little or NO red tape to move the RM2.6 Billion into his personal account here in KL, then why the hell did Najib say that there was red tape to move those other billions that finally ended up as "units"  in BSI Singapore ?? 

So here is the soalan cepu mas.  Where is that money that WAS NOT even deposited in BSI Singapore? You say they are now "units"?  The "units" were paid with our money. Paid to whom? Who did you pay the money to, to get those units?

Finally, coming back to these two accounts in KL : since the accounts were closed already, where did the money go?

Did you open another account? You must have opened another account because most certainly you cannot keep cash of RM1 Billion or a few hundred million Ringgit in your house.

So after you closed those accounts - where did you move the remaining money that was left in the account?

And how much money was left over when the accounts were closed? Can you please answer.

Mr PM, have you bought any expensive houses (in your name, in the names of legal proxies, using legal shelf companies etc) anywhere in the world since 2009?

Expensive means say more than RM25 Million. Say in London or Los Angeles etc.  A simple yes or no answer will do.

If no, then let the matter rest.

If yes, then please give some details. How much, where, how you paid for them etc.

You are the Prime Minister and president of UMNO, the head party in the ruling BN coalition.

The people (that includes me) have a right to ask such questions and you are obliged to answer these questions, honestly and hopefully promptly as well. - syedsoutsidethebox

Dr.M - Saya tidak masuk wang derma ke akaun sendiri...

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menjelaskan beliau tidak pernah memasukkan sebarang wang derma untuk pilihan raya ke dalam akaunnya.

Bekas Perdana Menteri itu juga sedia maklum semua akaun peribadinya selama 22 tahun memerintah negara diperiksa oleh individu yang tidak berkepentingan bagi mengesahkan atau menafikan pengakuannya.

Menulis dalam blognya, bekas Perdana Menteri itu berkata, "Pada pilihanraya 1964 dan 1969, wang tunai berjumlah RM20,000 dari ibu pejabat diserah kepada saya untuk diagih kepada kawasan parlimen 40 peratus dan kawasan DUN 30 peratus tiap satu.

"Kerana saya tidak sanggup simpan wang tunai sebanyak RM20,000 ini, saya masukkannya dalam akaun saya, dan saya keluarkan cek kepada jawatankuasa pilihanraya Dewan Rakyat dan Dewan Undangan Negeri mengikut agihan yang ditentukan oleh Ibu Pejabat.

"Wang ini bukan dari penderma tetapi ini adalah wang UMNO yang memang pun diberi kepada bahagian untuk kegunaan calon," katanya dalam catatan terbaharu di laman blognya.

Jelasnya, Jabatan Hasil Dalam Negeri telah geledah rumah dan kliniknya semasa disingkir dari parti pada tahun 1970.

"Mereka jumpa stub cek yang telah dikeluarkan oleh saya dan mereka mendakwa bahawa saya tidak lapor pendapatan saya sepenuhnya.

"Mereka mendenda saya sebanyak RM300,000 dengan amaran jika saya bantah dan pergi ke mahkamah saya akan dikenakan denda tiga kali ganda.

"Saya tidak pergi ke mahkamah. Sebaliknya saya merayu bahawa duit yang dimasukkan dalam akaun saya ialah dari parti. Tetapi Ibu Pejabat UMNO tidak mengaku wang itu dari UMNO," jelasnya.

Katanya lagi, dia akhirnya dikenakan denda sebanyak RM130,000 pada saat sudah dilantik menjadi Menteri dalam kerajaan.

"Saya membayar secara beransur-ansur dan selesai bayaran semasa saya menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri," ujarnya. -

Mahathir: Has IRB looked into PM's accounts...

The Inland Revenue Board (IRB) has been asked to disclose whether it probed allegations that RM2.6 billion was transferred into Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's bank accounts.

This question was posed by former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad on his blog today, stressing that he had been subjected to such a probe before.

For the 1964 and 1969 general election, Mahathir said Umno headquarters had provided him RM20,000 to be distributed to election candidates.

"I didn't want to hold RM20,000 in cash, so I deposited it in my account and wrote checks for the election committees.

"This money was not from donors but from Umno and it was used by (Umno) divisions for their candidate.

"Once I was removed from the party in 1970, the IRB raided my house and clinic. They found the cheque stubs and claimed that I did not report my income," he said.

This resulted in a fine of RM130,000, which he paid through installments until the time he was deputy prime minister.

"There is a big difference between RM20,000 which I received compared to the US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) which was said to have made its way into Najib's personal accounts," said Mahathir.

Check my accounts

Mahathir said that at present, there appears to be efforts to put a positive spin on the allegation, that the funds is for the general election campaign.

"I have been accused of doing the same. This alleagtion is baseless and is nothing more than slander," said Mahathir.

During his time as Umno president, the party had three trustees and Mahathir was among them.

"The trustees would have an account. All donations, particularly for elections, are deposited into this account...

"The trustees were also named as equity holders and property owners on behalf of Umno," he said.

Upon stepping down as Umno president, Mahathir said everything he had held in trust - over RM200 million in cash along with equity and property worth RM1.2 billion - was passed to his successor Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Mahathir stressed that no donations for Umno ever entered his personal bank accounts.

"I am ready to have my accounts... checked by those with no interest to verify if what I say is true," said Mahathir.

BN strategic communications director Abdul Rahman Dahlan had claimed there was no need to investigate the source of the money in Najib's bank account and that the latter was allowed to serve as a
trustee for Umno. - mk

US Dollar is as high as Ahmad Maslan's CGPA...

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