Bekas Timbalan Pengarah Cawangan Khas PDRM Datuk Abdul Hamid Bador hari ini mendakwa terdapat usaha untuk menyembunyikan saksi utama SRC International Sdn Bhd dengan bantuan "kuasa-kuasa tertentu".
Tanpa memberi maklumat secara terperinci, Abdul Hamid mendakwa salah seorang saksi utama itu sebelum ini bersembunyi di Indonesia dan Thailand.
Bagaimanapun, Abdul Hamid mendakwa salah seorang saksi itu kini berada di New Zealand untuk menyembunyikan dirinya.
"Ada usaha untuk sembunyikan saksi utama SRC International. Mereka ialah saksi yang dikehendaki oleh SPRM.
"Salah seorang saksi utama telah berjaya larikan diri. Mula-mula ke Indonesia, kemudian Thailand. Sekarang dia bersembunyi di New Zealand.
"Ada usaha (supaya) saksi menyembunyikan diri dengan bantuan kuasa-kuasa tertentu," katanya dalam sidang media hari ini.
Semalam, SPRM meminta supaya ahli perniagaan kontroversi Low Taek Jho atau Jho Low, Pengarah Urusan SRC International Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil serta Pengarahnya Datuk Suboh Md Yassin segera hadir ke suruhanjaya itu bagi membantu siasatan.
Low bagaimanapun mengeluarkan kenyataan akan membantu SPRM dan wakilnya akan menghubungi badan tersebut bagi mengetahui bagaimana beliau dapat membantu.
Mengulas lanjut, Abdul Hamid juga berkata bahagian cawangan khas pernah menasihatkan kerajaan supaya memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat berhubung isu 1MDB sejak dua tahun lalu.
Bagaimanapun, katanya, nasihat tersebut tidak dipandang secara serius oleh kerajaan.
"Dua tahun dulu, kami dah beritahu kerajaan tentang perkara ini. Mereka rasa mereka yakin dan boleh menjelaskan tentang apa yang berlaku.
'Masih kabur'
"Malangnya sampai sekarang masih kabur. Dia ingat mudah," katanya pegawai kanan polis yang berkhidmat selama 37 tahun.
Justeru itu, tanpa menamakan sesiapa, beliau menyeru kepada pihak yang bertanggungjawab supaya tampil dan menjelaskan kepada masyarakat tentang apa yang berlaku.
Jika ada keperluan, Abdul Hamid berkata, beliau mungkin akan membuat satu lagi sidang media bagi menjelaskan isu berhubung 1MDB.
"Kekeliruan yang timbul sekarang tentang 1MDB. Tampillah ke depan. Terangkan apa yang berlaku.
"Anda kena berani, jadilah seorang lelaki dan datang ke hadapan. Kalau penjelasan benar, rakyat boleh terima.
"Mungkin jika ada keperluan di masa akan datang, kalau diperlukan penjelasan lanjut (mengenai 1MDB), saya dengan rendah diri menawar diri untuk tampil sekali lagi," katanya.
Sementara itu, Abdul Hamid berkata, terdapat juga "kuasa-kuasa halimunan" yang didakwanya masuk campur dalam urusan institusi keselamatan negara sehingga menyebabkan beliau dipindahkan.
Beliau mendakwa "kuasa halimunan" itu mengeluarkan kenyataan dan amaran yang bersifat untuk menakutkan pegawai kerajaan.
Ditanya identiti "kuasa halimunan" itu memandangkan pihak yang berada di atas PDRM ialah Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN), Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi dan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, beliau berkata:
"Awak dapat lihat siapa yang bagi kenyataan? Itulah orangnya. Yang memberi amaran itu ini, nasihat pada pegawai kerajaan beritahu itu ini tak boleh," katanya tanpa menamakan mana-mana individu.
Datuk Abdul Hamid Bador juga berkata, antara sebab beliau ditukarkan ke Jabatan Perdana Menteri mungkin disebabkan kelantangannya meminta supaya siasatan telus dilakukan terhadap isu 1MDB.
Katanya, antara kemungkinan lain menjadi faktor beliau ditukar selepas 37 tahun berkhidmat di bahagian cawangan khas itu kerana beliau tidak mahu melaksanakan "agenda tertentu".
"Mereka mungkin meragui taat setia saya untuk laksana agenda tertentu. Saya (bersikap) profesional dan apa yang saya siasat, itulah hasil siasatan.
"Kami tidak akan tukar laporan menjadi sebaliknya. Kita akan beritahu perkara yang sebenar, mungkin mereka tak suka dan mahu dengar sesuatu yang indah. Nak syok sendiri.
"Mungkin juga (saya ditukar) kerana saya kerap kata supaya lakukan siasatan 1MDB dengan telus," katanya pada sidang medianya hari ini.- mk
I was transferred for wanting truth on 1MDB...
There are efforts by ‘certain
powers’ to hide main witnesses involved in the SRC International
scandal, claimed the former police special branch deputy director Abdul
Hamid Bador.
Without going into details, he said one of main witnesses was previously hidden in Indonesia and Thailand, and is now in hiding in New Zealand.
“There are efforts to hide the main witnesses. They are those wanted by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.
“There are efforts (such that) the witness hides himself with the help of certain powers,” he said in a press conference today.
Yesterday, the MACC summoned controversial businessman Low Taek Jho, popularly known as Jho Low, SRC International managing director Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil and director Suboh Md Yassin to come in for questioning.
Later that day, Low in a statement said he will cooperate with the probe into SRC International Sdn Bhd and his representative will contact MACC.
Earlier the Finance Ministry had been unable to locate Low, according to former public accounts committee (PAC) chairperson Nur Jazlan Mohamed on July 27.
"We don't know where he is. We have to find him first," he was reported saying.
Nik Faisal and Suboh had also reportedly gone missing late last month.
I'll explain if gov't won't
Abdul Hamid also said the Special Branch had advised the government to explain clearly to the people about the 1MDB money scandal.
However, he said their advice was not taken seriously.
"Two years ago, we already told the government this. They said they felt confident that they could explain what was happening.
"Unfortunately, until now it is still unclear. They thought it is so easy," he said.
Without naming anyone, Abdul Hamid then called on those responsible to come forward to explain to the public what was really going on.
Otherwise, he said, he might hold another press conference to do the explaining for the government.
"The confusion right now is over 1MDB. Come forward. Explain what happened.
"You have to be brave, be a man and come forward. If the explanation is true, the people will accept it.
"Maybe if there is a need for it in the future, I humbly offer myself to come forward to explain further (about the 1MDB issues)," he said.
'Trying to scare officers'
The officer who had served 37 years in the SB accused the aforementioned "certain powers" of meddling in the work of the enforcement agencies and issuing statements to scare enforcement officers.
When asked to clarify who the "certain powers" were whom he said was responsible for him being transferred, Abdul Hamid remained coy.
"You see who is giving the statements? That is the person.
"The one who has been giving warnings about this and that, who have been telling government officers that they can't do this or that," he said, without mentioning any names.
Without going into details, he said one of main witnesses was previously hidden in Indonesia and Thailand, and is now in hiding in New Zealand.
“There are efforts to hide the main witnesses. They are those wanted by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.
“There are efforts (such that) the witness hides himself with the help of certain powers,” he said in a press conference today.
Yesterday, the MACC summoned controversial businessman Low Taek Jho, popularly known as Jho Low, SRC International managing director Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil and director Suboh Md Yassin to come in for questioning.
Later that day, Low in a statement said he will cooperate with the probe into SRC International Sdn Bhd and his representative will contact MACC.
Earlier the Finance Ministry had been unable to locate Low, according to former public accounts committee (PAC) chairperson Nur Jazlan Mohamed on July 27.
"We don't know where he is. We have to find him first," he was reported saying.
Nik Faisal and Suboh had also reportedly gone missing late last month.
I'll explain if gov't won't
Abdul Hamid also said the Special Branch had advised the government to explain clearly to the people about the 1MDB money scandal.
However, he said their advice was not taken seriously.
"Two years ago, we already told the government this. They said they felt confident that they could explain what was happening.
"Unfortunately, until now it is still unclear. They thought it is so easy," he said.
Without naming anyone, Abdul Hamid then called on those responsible to come forward to explain to the public what was really going on.
Otherwise, he said, he might hold another press conference to do the explaining for the government.
"The confusion right now is over 1MDB. Come forward. Explain what happened.
"You have to be brave, be a man and come forward. If the explanation is true, the people will accept it.
"Maybe if there is a need for it in the future, I humbly offer myself to come forward to explain further (about the 1MDB issues)," he said.
'Trying to scare officers'
The officer who had served 37 years in the SB accused the aforementioned "certain powers" of meddling in the work of the enforcement agencies and issuing statements to scare enforcement officers.
When asked to clarify who the "certain powers" were whom he said was responsible for him being transferred, Abdul Hamid remained coy.
"You see who is giving the statements? That is the person.
"The one who has been giving warnings about this and that, who have been telling government officers that they can't do this or that," he said, without mentioning any names.
Meanwhile, Abdul Hamid Bador believes he was transferred out of the department because of his insistence the 1MDB probe be conducted in a fully transparent manner.
The SB veteran added his 37 years of service may have ended suddenly with a transfer to the Prime Minister's Department may have been because he did not want to carry out certain parties’ “agenda”.
“They may be worried about my loyalty to carry out a certain agenda. I am a professional and whatever I investigate, that is exactly what I will produce,” Bador said at a press conference this morning.
“We will not change the report to say otherwise. We will reveal the truth of the matter, and perhaps they don’t like that and want to hear something nice instead.
“They want to ‘syok sendiri’ (kid themselves),” he quipped.
“Maybe (I was transferred) also because I always call for the 1MDB probe to be conducted transparently,” he added.
Bador's transfer is reminiscent of the plight of two other Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers linked to the 1MDB probe earlier.
MACC special operations division director Bahri Mohd Zin and strategic communications director Rohaizad Yaakob were also slapped with transfer orders to the Prime Minister’s Department.
The transfer, which drew flak, was later cancelled.
In another related development, Attorney-General’s Chambers officer Jessica Gurmeet Kaur involved in the earlier special task force probing the 1MDB scandal has been terminated and her permanent residency revoked. - mk
Jangan nasihat Sultan Johor untuk kepentingan peribadi...
Tunku Mahkota Johor (TMJ), Brigadier Jeneral Tuanku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim menasihatkan pemimpin politik agar memberi nasihat kepada ayahanda Baginda, Sultan Johor, Tuanku Ibrahim ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar dengan tulus ikhlas.
Baginda bertitah, jangan ada pemimpin politik yang memberi nasihat dengan tujuan tertentu khususnya untuk kepentingan peribadi.
Baginda mengingatkan, sebagai pewaris takhta kerajaan Johor, suara Bagindalah menjadi suara terakhir yang akan sampai kepada telinga dan perhatian Sultan Johor.
“Baru-baru ini, kelihatan ramai yang cuba mendampingi dan menjadi kawan DYMM Sultan Johor, dan kemudiannya menimbulkan pelbagai andaian dan anggapan.
“Janganlah lupa, saya adalah waris takhta Kerajaan Johor, dan sayalah suara terakhir yang akan sampai kepada telinga dan perhatian DYMM Tuanku.
“Taat setia saya adalah kepada ayahanda saya, Sultan saya. Keutamaan saya adalah kedaulatan dan kesejahteraan negeri dan rakyat Johor.
“Jangan sekali-kali ada yang cuba menyembah nasihat kepada DYMM Tuanku demi kepentingan peribadi.
” Apabila saya menyembah nasihat kepada DYMM Tuanku, ianya adalah ikhlas dari saya kerana saya tidak mempunyai kepentingan peribadi. Kasih sayang saya kepada ayahanda saya, Sultan saya, tiada yang boleh menggoyahkan atau menghancurkannya,” tulis baginda di akaun Facebook Johor Southern Tigers.
TMJ juga menegaskan baginda tidak menyokong mana-mana parti politik tetapi akan berpihak kepada pemimpin yang berkhidmat kepada rakyat Johor dengan penuh intergriti, telus dan penuh kehormatan. - fmt
Dana RM2.6b untuk hadapi DAP, Yahudi - lawak hujung minggu...
Seorang pemimpin Umno mendakwa derma diberi
pihak tertentu dari Timur Tengah kepada Datuk Seri Najib Razak sebelum
ini bertujuan untuk membiayai perjuangan melawan DAP "yang dibiayai
Ketua Umno Sri Gading Datuk Ab Aziz Kaprawi berkata, jika
parti itu kalah dalam pilihan raya, DAP yang disokong Yahudi akan
"Rakan-rakan (di kalangan) pemimpin Islam menyedari ancaman DAP ini.
kerajaan Islam Malaysia tumbang, rosaklah perjuangan Islam seluruh
dunia," katanya di mesyuarat tahunan Umno bahagian itu di Johor hari
Ahli Parlimen Sri Gading itu bercakap demikian merujuk kepada
dana bernilai RM2.6 bilion yang dimasukkan ke akaun persendirian
perdana menteri menjelang pilihan raya umum ke-13 pada 2013 lalu. - mk
Nak kata bangang,dia Menteri, pasai dia Menteri UMNO memang otak udang pun...
2.6 billion donation to fight ‘DAP funded by Jews’- ha! ha! ha!...
Online catcalls and jeers erupted today after Umno members in Johor were given the latest reason for a RM2.6 billion “donation” to Najib Razak’s personal bank accounts. It was to fight the DAP, “which is funded by Jews”, at the 2013 elections, they were told.
The new explanation came soon after Umno vice-president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had told members of Sri Gading Umno that the Middle Eastern donor had wanted to ensure Malaysia remained a Sunni country through an election victory for the Barisan Nasional and Umno in 2013.
After Zahid’s speech, division leader Abdul Aziz Kaprawi said the donor had feared that Jewish influences would permeate the country through the DAP and destroy the “Islamic government” led by Barisan Nasional and because Najib was seen to be a great Muslim leader in the region.
“If we had lost, DAP would be in power. DAP with its Jewish funding would control this country. Based on that, our Muslim friends in the Middle East could see the Jewish threat through DAP,” said Aziz, who is deputy transport minister in Najib’s cabinet.
“The Islamic government would be overthrown, and that would harm the struggle to promote Islam throughout the world,” Aziz said, according to Malaysian Insider.
The RM2.6 billion “donation” was made in a US$700 million deposit in Najib’s private bank account in 2013, months before the general election which the Barisan Nasional narrowly won. News reports had initially linked the money to companies associated with 1Malaysia Development Bhd, the government’s investment arm. Najib had later said the money was a donation.
Later news reports said most of the money had been sent back after the general election to a bank account in Singapore, from which the money had come. News of the deposit raised questions from among Umno as well as opposition politicians.
Aziz said he was confused why Malays had questioned the donation. “Haven’t you ever given donations? It is encouraged in Islam. The more you donate, the more rewards (pahala) you get,” he said.
He said Umno was the only party that could stop the Jews from taking over the country through the DAP. “Believe me, if the foreigners succeed in splitting us apart, there will be no more Malay party strong enough to fight DAP, which is based on and funded by the Jews,” Aziz was quoted as saying.- fmt
Sharky Foo - Each time they open their mouth and try to tell how Najib got his 2.6b, do they actually realise they sound so stupid and dumb? One moment they claim the money is a donation to fight IS, now its a donation to fight Jews. Do UMNO has any intelligent being there in the party and why we keep hearing dumb and dumber statements from these people?
Ex-UMNO - Aku tak faham pasai apa si UMNO bangsat ni takut sangat dengan Yahudi sedangkan penasihat2 keliling towkaynya yang balun RM2.6b tu lalu masuk akaun peribadinya adalah orang2 Yahudi dibayar oleh gomen puluhan juta ringgit setahun.
Thomas Fong - If that fictitious Arab is so pissed with the Jews, why would he not give the RM2.6 billion directly to the Palestinians instead of Jibby to fight the DAP? The Arabs and DAP have no quarrel.UMNO thinks we are all dumb. Excuses are getting totally rediculous. What's next? Ancient aliens beemed down RM2.6 billion to Jibby?
Mega Man - Bila modal dah habis jebon2 UMNO ni pula akan berkata pak arab bagi RM2.6b untuk dapatkan khidmat Ultraman,Superman,Iron Man,Cicakman dan Fantastic Four untuk pertahankan negara daripada dikuasai pihak pembangkang dalam PRU-14 nanti.
Orang Lama - The Islam I know do not condone bribes and blatant lies.UMNO is actualy out of story to cover their lies. So they create DAP story to divert the people. U think we are stupid like U.
Ex-UMNO - Aku tak faham pasai apa si UMNO bangsat ni takut sangat dengan Yahudi sedangkan penasihat2 keliling towkaynya yang balun RM2.6b tu lalu masuk akaun peribadinya adalah orang2 Yahudi dibayar oleh gomen puluhan juta ringgit setahun.
Thomas Fong - If that fictitious Arab is so pissed with the Jews, why would he not give the RM2.6 billion directly to the Palestinians instead of Jibby to fight the DAP? The Arabs and DAP have no quarrel.UMNO thinks we are all dumb. Excuses are getting totally rediculous. What's next? Ancient aliens beemed down RM2.6 billion to Jibby?
Mega Man - Bila modal dah habis jebon2 UMNO ni pula akan berkata pak arab bagi RM2.6b untuk dapatkan khidmat Ultraman,Superman,Iron Man,Cicakman dan Fantastic Four untuk pertahankan negara daripada dikuasai pihak pembangkang dalam PRU-14 nanti.
Orang Lama - The Islam I know do not condone bribes and blatant lies.UMNO is actualy out of story to cover their lies. So they create DAP story to divert the people. U think we are stupid like U.

Negara bukan Islam spt Korea Selatan yg mengamalkan politik integriti, jika pemimpin negara terpalit rasuah, menterinya segera letak jawatan...TETAPI kenapa kat sini payah,walaupun dikatakan negara Islam?, pasai Malaysia satu2nya negara di dunia yang ada UMNO...




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