Seorang tukang urut Thai mendakwa dia telah dirogol oleh seorang pegawai imigresen dan dipaksa melakukan seks oral terhadapnya di Pusat Tahanan Machap Umboo di Alor Gajah, awal bulan ini.
Kejadian itu terbongkar apabila wanita berusia 32 tahun itu menceritakan kepada kakaknya, 28, tentang pengalaman pahitnya itu .
Bercakap kepada media semalam, adik mangsa berkata, dia dan rakannya telah pergi ke pusat urut di Melaka Raya pada 7 Mac untuk bertemu dengan adik-beradik beliau, yang bekerja di sana. Walau bagaimanapun, pegawai imigresen menyerbu pusat itu pada pukul 11 malam.
Kedua-dua adik-beradik serta tiga pekerja wanita telah ditahan dan dibawa ke depot Imigresen pada hari berikutnya. Pada hari berikutnya, lima telah dibawa dengan imigresen depot Machap Umboo.
"Kami masing-masing memberi kenyataan dan kenyataan kami direkodkan secara berasingan. Kakak saya adalah orang pertama yang masuk ke dalam bilik soal siasat.
"Dia menghabiskan kira-kira 15 minit di sana. Apabila dia keluar, dia nampaknya marah.
"Apabila saya bertanya mengapa, dia memberitahu saya bahawa dia telah diserang secara seksual," dakwa wanita itu.
Dia mendakwa kakaknya memberitahunya bahawa pegawai imigresen telah meminta dirinya diurut, dan kemudian pegawai tersebut telah merogolnya tanpa kondom. Pegawai itu juga memaksanya melakukan seks oral terhadapnya.
"Kakak saya muntah hasil dari perbuatan itu," dakwanya.
"Saya akhirnya dibebaskan selepas saya menunjukkan bukti bahawa saya mempunyai dokumen yang sah," kata wanita itu, yang berkahwin dengan rakyat Malaysia.
Suaminya yang berusia 34 tahun,berasal dari Seremban, turut hadir pada sidang akhbar itu. Berang dengan serangan seksual terhadap kakaknya, suri rumah itu membuat laporan di Balai Polis Melaka Tengah.
Ketua Polis Daerah Alor Gajah, Superintendan A. Asmadi Abdul Aziz ketika dihubungi mengesahkan kejadian itu.
Pengarah Imigresen Negeri Mohd Fauzi Abdullah, yang turut dihubungi untuk mendapatkan penjelasan, enggan mengulas tetapi berkata dakwaan itu disiasat. - Kelly Koh.

Syarizat,ini bukti Melayu,
Islam terbela di Pulau Pinang...
Ketua Wanita UMNO, Tan Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil nampaknya masih kabur dengan kejayaan kerajaan negeri Pakatan Harapan membela nasib semua kaum, termasuk Melayu sepanjang memimpin Pulau Pinang. Bekas menteri itu semalam menuduh kononnya orang Melayu dan bumiputera tidak ada tempat di Pulau Pinang sejak ditadbir DAP dan Pakatan Harapan.
Bagaimanapun, tuduhan jahat itu sama sekali tidak munasabah jika dibandingkan dengan segala pelaksanaan dasar yang telah dijayakan kerajaan negeri selama ini, kata Penolong Setiausaha Publsiti DAP Pulau Pinang, Syerleena Abdul Rashid. Menurutnya, sejak 2008, kerajaan Pulau Pinang pimpinan DAP telah memperkenalkan banyak program yang bertujuan untuk membantu rakyat, termasuk orang Melayu.
Salah satunya adalah melalui pelaksanaan sistem tender terbuka yang mampu menghentikan amalan kronisme dan memberi peluang kepada semua berdasarkan merit, kelayakan dan pengalaman. Melalui pelaksanaan sistem tersebut, sekurang-kurangnya 70 peratus kontrak kerajaan telah dianugerahkan kepada syarikat Melayu dan bumiputera jelas Syerleena.
“Ini sama sekali bercanggah dengan tuduhan Shahrizat,” tegasnya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Selain itu, kerajaan Pakatan Harapan Pulau Pinang juga telah memperkenalkan banyak program bantuan kewangan termasuk Agenda Ekonomi Saksama yang berjaya membantu 1,375 keluarga bagi tahun 2016.
“81 peratus penerima bantuan itu adalah dari kaum Melayu.
Selain itu, antara pelaksanaan dasar Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang lain yang membela Melayu dan Islam adalah:
- Pembinaan Kompleks Mahkamah Syariah bernilai RM36 juta sebagai usaha meningkatkan syiar Islam di Pulau Pinang
-Mendapatkan tanah dari bukan Islam untuk tujuan meluaskan tanah perkuburan Islam di negeri itu
-Memperuntukkan dana kepada pembangunan hal ehwal Islam sebanyak RM55.85 juta bagi tahun 2016 sahaja. Sedangkan hanya RM37.86 juta diperuntukkan oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional pada 2007
-Menganugerahkan biasiswa kepada pelajar-pelajar Muslim melalui Zakat Pulau Pinang. RM600 diberi kepada pelajar Sekolah Agama Rakyat manakala dana RM20,000 diperuntukkan untuk pelajar Muslim menyambung pengajian di peringkat universiti.
Semua ini, kata Pengarah Pendidikan Politik Wanita DAP Pulau Pinang itu, menunjukkan tohmahan kononnya Melayu dan Islam tidak terbela di Pulau Pinang hanyalah pembohongan yang dicanang bagi menakutkan rakyat.
“Mungkin Shahrizat dan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO lain perlu cermin diri sendiri dulu sebelum menuduh yang bukan-bukan.
“Kita takkan pernah lupa bagaimana rakyat Malaysia dikhianati apabila skandal projek penternakan lembu bernilai RM250 juta didedahkan laporan Ketua Audit Negara pada 2010.
“Malah, keluarga Shahrizat didakwa menyeleweng wang itu menerusi National Feedlot Corporation,” kata Syerleena. –

Dear Shahrizat,will the Malays have any dignity left if you are in government?...
Shahrizat speaks of dignity for the Bumiputras, how my dear Shahrizat, will Malays have any dignity left if YOU are in government?
This is the same Shahrizat whose family used many many millions of the rakyat money to buy condominiums and land in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur and an expensive Mercedes
for themselves.
The same Shahrizat whose husband and children paid themselves many hundreds and thousands of ringgits monthly to manage a failed public funded cattle-rearing project.
The same Shahrizat whose husband has been charged for corruption in handling the RM250 million soft government loan meant to develop the cattle project. The money was instead used to "develop" the living standards of himself and his family...who also happens, surprise surprise, to also be Shahrizat's family!

The same Shahrizat who had stepped down as a "responsible member of the cabinet" but who had also promptly accepted another appointment in the same government as advisor on women's affair to najib razak.
So this dignity that you speak of for the Bumiputra does not include what your family has done to Bumiputras?
My dear Sharizat you have not grown old graciously. If you do not watch what you do in public and privately, you will find yourself in the likeness of the pig and the mule. The pig's greed you already have while the mule likeness becomes you with each passing day.
Do not worry about the dignity of the Malays. What you morons in umno do in the name of Malay dignity already burdens us Malays much too much each and every day.
Like the Attorney General and that tweet of an IGP, go lick najib's a**e for you all are beholden to that wife of rosmah for your daily bread. Go look for ways and means to address your greed and avarice...but do not think yourself as the guardian of Malay dignity.
You do not even know or understand what dignity means...but let me tell you that it certainly does not mean you claiming not to know what your husband and children do with the millions belonging to the rakyat! - steadyaku47
Fear mongering only survival tactic for UMNO

The latest Wall Street Journal report (story above) which says that the US AND Singapore are preparing to charge JoLo and others in Court. There may be some international sensation. The US may charge JoLo first and for certain he will get sent to jail to sleep with some of those guys in the picture above.
Singapore will also want to charge him. So who will charge JoLo in court first? The US or Singapore? Because once he is charged (say in the US) then he will not face jail time in Singapore until he completes his jail term in the US. What - maybe in 15 years or 20 years? That is too long a time for Singapore to wait.
Singapore's man beef is to restore international confidence in the island state as a world financial centre because their reputation has been severely damaged by JoLo and gang laundering all that money through the island. They will want to charge JoLo in court now.
It is not impossible that after the US tries and convicts JoLo, he may be shipped over to face trial in Singapore as well. Then he will be shipped back to the US to complete his prison sentence. Then after that (15 - 20 years later) he will be shipped back to Singapore to begin his jail term in Singapore. Then there are Switzerland, Luxembourg and other jurisdictions. That is long winded.
But JoLo is in hiding. They may issue an Interpol warrant for him and after that they must still catch him. Noose (from Singapore) suggests that even before arresting JoLo, BOTH the US and Singapore may begin court proceedings in their courts concurrently - independent of each other. Because each country (Singapore, the US, Switzerland etc) have enough evidence of wrongs committed on their own soil to conclude their court proceedings.
(Err . . . the stepson may not be very far behind JoLo. These folks are looking at a very long time in prison.)
So 2nd Finance Minister Johari Abdul Ghani, you must be feeling even more stupid now. You said 1MDB is ok because no criminal charges were filed by the US DOJ. So what other stupid things will you say now? The FBI is keeping close tabs on JoLo's whereabouts. The FBI unit based at the US Embassy here in KL is also keeping close watch on the accomplice - who is in KL. It will be interesting how the FBI will cekup these two guys.
I suspect the Wall Street Journal must have got this detailed information from the FBI / DOJ. I dont think the WSJ went all the way to Phuket to check out the marina or they went to the Peninsula Hotel in Shanghai.The Americans are tracking JoLo.) Again I believe this type of detailed information about the bank in the Comoros and the Moroccan Bank have been leaked to the WSJ by the FBI / DOJ investigators. There are reasons for this.
Not to belittle the WSJ's investigative journalism but I suspect a lot of this information has been leaked to them by the US DOJ / FBI investigators. This is to keep the issue on the front burner. Also to thwart any crooked politicians (like in Obama's camp) from blocking the case going to trial. And this is coming out just two days after Johari Ghani the 2nd Finance Minister said the US DOJ has not pressed any charges related to 1MDB in the US courts yet. Well now you have the answer. December did deliver its wrath.

I have said it before, once they mention Super Moron's name in the US Court as being MOI, it is game over. What will Super Moron say? To be named in a US Court of law as a thief will mean that he cannot even visit Bangladesh to campaign in the hometown of the Rohingyas in Pekan.
It would seem that the Court case in the US, Singapore and Switzerland will begin soon. The General election is not until after the SEA Games ?? (Or maybe now, Super Moron will be forced to call for the GE in about two weeks ? Before the Court case begins in the US ?)
So does the UMNO party and the BN seriously expect to go into the General Elections with all these court cases and charges being read in the courts from Singapore to the US to Switzerland and maybe even more which have already implicated their Imaginary Great Leader ?
Gather yourselves, gather your courage (you must have at least some courage left) and go and tell your Imaginary Great Leader to step down now and be gone. You must be quite insane if you think that you can win the general elections with Super Moron's name being mentioned in the courts from Singapore to the USA.
Ok if you dont have the cojones then Anifah Aman, Johari Abdul Ghani, Nazri Aziz (yes Nazri Aziz) and maybe one or two UMNO Ministers just resign from the Cabinet. That will see the end of Super Moron. Think fast idiots. You dont have much time. - ostb
AS buat persediaan untuk dakwa Jho Low

Berbagai watak Almarhum P. Ramlee...

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