Tidak mustahil ‘tsunami politik’ yang melanda negara sehingga menyaksikan kemenangan besar pakatan pembangkang dalam dua pilihan raya umum (PRU) lalu mampu berulang lagi.
Pengarah Pendidikan Politik DAP, Liew Chin Tong berkata, terdapat beberapa faktor yang memungkinkan Barisan Nasional kalah dalam pilihan raya, sekaligus mencipta sejarah menjadi pembangkang buat pertama kali di peringkat Persekutuan.
Katanya, strategi ‘ketuanan Melayu’ UMNO tanpa menghiraukan sensitiviti parti komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) lain antara faktor yang menyumbang kepada kekalahan teruk MCA, MIC dan Gerakan dalam PRU 2008 dan 2013.
Ia ditambah dengan kegagalan UMNO memperluaskan pengaruhnya dalam masyarakat Melayu sejak 2013 sehingga dilihat terpaksa bekerjasama dengan PAS bagi mewujudkan pola penentangan antara Melayu dan bukan Melayu.
“UMNO berharap bahawa pakatan sulitnya dengan PAS akan memecahkan lagi masyarakat dengan mewujudkan persaingan antara Islam dan bukan Islam.
“Mereka turut berharap gabungan UMNO-PAS akan memenangi cukup kerusi untuk membentuk kerajaan akan datang,” ujarnya dalam satu kenyataan.
Bagaimanapun, menurut Chin Tong, tindakan UMNO itu menimbulkan masalah lain dengan pengundi bukan Melayu dari semenanjung termasuk majoriti di Sabah dan Sarawak mula menjarakkan diri dari parti itu.

Faktor Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak juga katanya, yang kini dianggap liabiliti kepada UMNO ekoran skandal 1MDB serta dasar membebankan seperti GST, kenaikan harga minyak dan potongan bajet kesihatan dan pendidikan boleh menyumbang kepada kekalahan BN.
“Pihak yang marah dengan sikap pemimpin UMNO itu telahpun menubuhkan Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu), dan parti tersebut telah membuka jalan kepada kawasan yang sebelum ini tidak dapat dimasuki oleh pakatan pembangkang,” ujarnya.
Malah, Pengerusi DAP Johor itu menjelaskan, BN hanya menang tipis dengan kurang 55 peratus undi di 60 daripada 133 kerusi Parlimen yang dimenangi mereka dalam PRU 2013.
“16 daripada kerusi itu pula dimenangi dengan kurang 50 peratus undi. Malah, terdapat 11 kerusi Parlimen di Johor mampu ditawan jika sokongan memihak kepada pakatan pembangkang,” ujarnya yang juga Ahli Parlimen Kluang.
Katanya, kawasan yang dimenangi BN dengan undi kurang 55 peratus di Selatan Johor antaranya melibatkan kawasan Parlimen Pasir Gudang, Pulai, Tebrau, Tanjong Piai dan Johor Bahru, manakala di Utara Johor; Labis, Segamat, Ledang, Muar, Sekijang dan Pagoh.
Selain itu, berdasarkan pemerhatian akar umbi katanya, pakatan pembangkang khususnya Bersatu bakal memberi tentangan hebat antaranya di Langkawi dan Kubang Pasu menjadikan Kedah antara negeri yang mampu dirampas pembangkang daripada BN.
Selain dua kawasan berkenaan, katanya, lapan lagi kerusi bahaya kepada BN dengan undi kurang 55 peratus adalah kawasan Parlimen Kulim-Bandar Baru, Pendang, Merbok, Baling, Sik, Jerlun dan Padang Terap. – Liew Chin Tong,Roketkini.com
PAS Selangor mungkin hilang 10 Dun
The wife(left),Apandi(centre) Lam Thye(right)...
The Attorney-General wife lobbied a federal minister on behalf of the developer for condo extension of delivery...
Batu Kawan DAP leaders, Satees Muniandy and P David Marshel, alleged that the wife of the Attorney-General (AG) had lobbied a federal minister on behalf of the developer, BHL Construction Sdn Bhd (BHL), for an extension on the delivery date for the condo project.
The 104 buyers had then sought to nullify the 12-month extension given by former urban, wellbeing and housing minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan to the condo’s developers on the delivery of the units.
Yesterday, DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang in his blog claimed a person by the name of Faridah Begum K A Abdul Kader was the person who wrote on behalf of the condo developer, BHL. Lim added that Faridah was the wife of AG Mohamed Apandi Ali.
Lim had claimed that as Faridah had said she was a director of BHL in her appeal letter, when she actually was not, hence she had no basis to act on behalf of the company.
Following the report filed by Satees and Marshel, Penang deputy chief minister II P Ramasamy called for a press conference, asking if action would be taken based on the police report.
“Will the AG direct his officers to file charges against Rahman if he had abused his ministerial powers to accommodate the private and selfish interests of BHL.
“Will the AG charge the board of directors of BHL, if it is found that they had misled the housing minister?” Ramasamy asked.
The Penang DAP leader added that he will lodge a report with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission as well.
Meanwhile, Rahman, who is now a minister in the prime minister’s department, told Sin Chew Daily that the housing ministry will respond to this issue as it involved policy matters.
FMT has contacted Apandi and is awaiting his reply. - fmt
China To Take Out Kim Jong UN?
Assisted By US, Russia, South Korea, Japan ?...
Something serious is cooking over North Korea. All the planets and all the stars are lined up against them. Read here...
Ostb : There has been a flurry of meetings between China, the US, and Russia over North Korea in the past few weeks, even before the assassination of Kim Jong Nam at the KLIA on 13th February 2017.
I believe the Chinese are planning something "big" against North Korean madman Kim Jong Un.
My view is the North Koreans killed Kim Jong Num as a "warning" to China that they know what the Chinese are up to.
The Chinese banned the import of coal from North Korea almost immediately after the assassination. Since the export of coal to China is about the single largest source of export revenue for North Korea, the Chinese ban will hurt very badly.
Top Chinese foreign negotiator Yang Jie Chi met Donald Trump on Monday. The meeting came about after a phone call from Yang to US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson last week. Meaning the meeting was arranged urgently without any banners and trumpets. Why so urgent?
On Monday Yang met Trump, national security adviser Gen HR McMaster, vice president Pence and Trump's special adviser Jared Kushner as well as chief strategist Steve Bannon.
On the same Monday, in Washington representativs of U.S, Japan and South Korea met to discuss the situation. The subject must be North Korea.
To digress, the foreign news says that the Malaysian autopsy has shown that Kim Jong Nam was killed using the extremely poisonous VX nerve agent. This was among the gases used by the Nazis to kill people in gas chambers. The VX was administered in 'liquid form' by wiping a wet cloth or something on Kim Jong Nam's face.
This shows the totally insane, irrational and irresponsible behaviour of the North Koreans, that they would use a weapon of mass destruction like VX nerve agent in a crowded place full of civilians (like the KLIA airport) not only in a foreign country but in one of the very, very few countries in the world that has been very friendly towards North Korea.
(This should serve as a lesson to the 'kabilah DNA bahalol' - serves you right. Why are you so stupid to suck up to these types of mad people? What did you get? Like sucking up to the Saudis, to Zakir Naik, to the ISIS supporting countries etc? What do you get? Nothing but trouble.)
China may take out Kim Jong Un by force. Bullet to the head seems possible. Meaning China has fully infiltrated the North Korean security apparatus. I will not be surprised at all.
If it happens it will be a major act of cooperation between China, Donald Trump, Putin, Japan and South Korea.
It will also save face for Trump after that disastrous attack-gone-wrong in Yemen that cost the life of one US Navy Seal. Here Trump will let the Chinese take the lead.- ostb
Skandal tanah Exco Johor...
2 wanita didakwa bunuh Kim Chol

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