Liang Teck Meng yang dipetik The Star berkata, baru-baru ini beliau dikenakan 70 sen untuk segelas air kosong di sebuah restoran di Jalan Alor dan meminta Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan menjelaskan kekurangan penguatkuasaan berhubung isu itu.
“Restoran lain hanya mengenakan 30 sen, ada pula yang memberinya secara percuma.
“Kementerian perlu menjelaskan kelemahan dalam penguatkuasaan,” katanya pada sidang Dewan Rakyat.
Menurut laporan itu, Liang berkata, restoran berkenaan tidak berhawa dingin dan beliau dilayan pekerja asing.
Kenyataan Liang susulan gesaan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Gabungan Persatuan Pengguna Malaysia (Fomca), Datuk Paul Selvaraj pada 24 Mac lalu yang meminta kerajaan mendedahkan mekanisme kawalan harga barang keperluaan asas.
Katanya, kerajaan perlu menggunakan sepenuhnya Akta Kawalan Harga dan Anti Pencatutan bagi menangkap peniaga mengambil kesempatan menaikkan harga ekoran kenaikan harga barang keperluan asas.
Dalam pada itu, Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan, Datuk Henry Sum Agong yang dipetik The Star berkata, Akta Kawalan Harga dan Anti Pencatutan 2011 meliputi semua perkara yang disenaraikan di bawah undang-undang di semua lokasi.
Katanya, kenaikan harga barangan tertentu disebabkan kos tambahan yang ditanggung seperti kos pengangkutan. - fmt
Sukarnya pembangkang hendak berpakat...
Minggu lalu, secara rasminya Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) menyertai Pakatan Harapan (PH). Dengan ini, gabungan itu mempunyai 4 anggota, termasuk PKR, Amanah dan DAP.
Ia menjadi bersejarah kerana kedua-dua tokoh ikon PPBM dan PKR, iaitu Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, pernah bersama-sama memimpin negara ini.
PH ditubuhkan tahun lalu bagi menggantikan Pakatan Rakyat yang bubar akibat perseteruan DAP dan PAS. Perpecahan Pakatan Rakyat ini juga membawa kepada perpecahan PAS yang melahirkan Amanah.
Ketiadaan PAS menyebabkan kedudukan PH tidak sekuat Pakatan Rakyat. Amanah yang menggantikan PAS adalah parti lebih kecil. Sementara PBBM juga adalah parti baharu walaupun mempunyai tokoh hebat.
Namun begitu PH lebih tersusun berbanding Pakatan Rakyat walaupun ia akan menghadapi saingan daripada PAS yang dijangka memecah undi pembangkang dalam pilihan raya akan datang, dan selanjutnya memberi kelebihan kepada Barisan Nasional (BN).
Pemecahan Pakatan Rakyat dan PAS merupakan strategi BN selepas pilihan raya tahun 2008.
Ketika mula Pakatan Rakyat ditubuhkan, ia berada dalam keadaan kuat. Anwar yang mengumumkan penubuhannya masih bebas dan dapat menyatukannya. Mursyidul Am PAS ketika itu, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, bukan saja menyatukan partinya tetapi juga komited terhadap kerjasama dengan PKR dan DAP dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Pada masa itu Pakatan Rakyat memerintah Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Selangor dan Kelantan.
Tetapi kekuatan Pakatan Rakyat terhakis bermula dengan kelemahan ahli dewan undangan negeri DAP dan PKR di Perak yang akhirnya menjatuhkan kerajaan negeri mereka. Ia diikuti dengan krisis perpecahan dalaman PAS Selangor dan PAS Kedah. Di Selangor, ia menyaksikan terkeluarnya Datuk Dr Hassan Ali. Baca seterusnya...
In this news, this mother and daughter's car has run out of fuel. They were driving to the supermarket to buy food and groceries.They got down from their empty-fuel-tank-car and stood there in the middle of the road. Not knowing what to do. They had no money to buy fuel.
Then they decided to go to the supermarket anyway and take what they wanted - without having to pay any money.
This mother and daughter did not know how to steal. They should have followed the example of some of these people here...

Ikan kembong is now close to RM20 per kilo.But I think its ok. Just let them eat cake. Apa susah sangat? The people (who are most badly affected) can eat nasi kicap. Those who can afford it can also eat Maggie Mee.
JoLo and family have stolen RM2.9 Billion.
Najib has stolen RM 2.9 Billion. They have included another RM5 Billion for Najib (under unaccounted). I dont think that extra RM5 Billion went to Najib. I think JoLo has sapu that amount as well.
There is another RM2.9 Billion worth of Bombardier jet, artworks, properties and what not. I think JoLo has got that as well.
My bet is JoLo and family have sapu 2.9 + 5.0 + 2.9 = RM10.8 Billion.
I dont think Najib and gang are clever enough to outsmart JoLo and family.
Here is the other thing you must bear in mind. This stealing happened from 2009 until 2012. That is 5 - 8 years ago.
Assuming JoLo and family have been earning a return of say 5% on these stolen billions for all these years, their interest, dividend, other income alone is about RM540 million a year ! !
So over 5-8 years they have already earned an extra RM2.7 billion to RM4.32 billion in interest, dividends and other incomes.
That is more than RM1,300 worth of cooking oil, soap and rice that was stolen by that mother and daughter in that supermarket in Johor Baru, capital city of the Bangsa Johor. - ostb

Act 355 unacceptable,even if East Malaysians exempted...
It has been suggested that the government’s version of RUU355 will only be applicable to Muslims in West Malaysia, in an effort to win over the MPs from Sabah and Sarawak who had strongly objected to the bill.
If this is the intention of the government, it shows the absurdity of the whole situation and makes it absolutely clear now that their taking over of the bill from PAS and trying to push it through is politically motivated.
Even if the government proposes to exempt Sabah and Sarawak from the bill, do not expect us to breathe a sigh of relief and allow the bill to pass without a fight.
This short-sighted “solution” would prove that the BN/Umno government places no importance on inclusiveness and equality, and is unconcerned that this move will divide the country into two, each with its own legal system.
This will be in violation of Article 8 of the Federal Constitution, which must come into play, now more than ever before.
Article 8(1) states: “All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law.” Article 8(2) provides: “Except as expressly authorised by this Constitution, there shall be no discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion, race, descent, place of birth, gender in any law…”

How is it possible that the government could even consider a bill that offends Article 8 in almost every respect? MPs from Sabah and Sarawak must not be lured into believing that this is a good way out for them from being responsible and accountable for their actions. There is no escaping their sworn duty to preserve, protect and defend the constitution from being violated by the BN/Umno government.
This bill in its amended form will be unfair and unjust to our fellow citizens in West Malaysia, and our MPs must take cognisance of the fact that their duty to the citizens is not confined to those in their own constituencies, but extends to all Malaysians.
Furthermore, many Sarawakians and Sabahans reside and work in West Malaysia. It is not practical or realistic that they will be exempted from this oppressive law. Our MPs must also bear this in mind.
If we do not assert every citizen’s rights to equality under Article 8 now, and go along with the blinkered and misguided views that we can somehow be shielded from RUU355, once the law is passed, the proponents may pounce on Article 8 and insist that the law which we thought we were exempted from should apply equally to us.
MPs from Sabah and Sarawak must stand firm and not play into the hands of those that would use us as pawns in their political games. This is a crucial test for our MPs – we have the opportunity to make a difference and to have a say in how we want Malaysia to be.
The direction in which the country has been heading is certainly not what our forefathers signed up for. Let us show the BN/Umno government what we are made of. - Baru Bian,fmt
Takkan ada hudud di S'wak...

Makamah kata PPS Pulau Pinang sah

Kes polis menangkap polis...

28-03-17 1:14 PM

Anwar Ibrahim di Al Islam Medical Centre Kuala Lumpur
untuk menziarahi Kak Wan yang menerima rawatan disitu
untuk menziarahi Kak Wan yang menerima rawatan disitu

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