Sempatkah RUU 355 dibentang...
Hanya tersenarai pada perkara ketujuh dalam Aturan Urusan Mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat hari ini. Itu kedudukan usul Rang Undang-Undang (RUU) Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) (Pindaan) 2016 yang dibawa Ahli Parlimen Marang, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.
Sebaliknya, empat RUU lain melibatkan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan Kementerian Kewangan berada di kedudukan ketiga hingga keenam dalam senarai tersebut.
Usul-usul yang akan melalui bacaan kedua dan ketiga adalah RUU Mahkamah (Kaedah-Kaedah Pemulaan Tindakan Sivil) 2016; RUU Kebankrapan (Pindaan) 2016; RUU Memperbaharui Undang-Undang (Perkahwinan dan Perceraian) (Pindaan) 2016; dan RUU Setem (Pindaan) 2016.
Untuk rekod, tempoh sidang Dewan Rakyat penggal kelima kali ini yang bermula semalam akan berlangsung sehingga 6 April ini.
Notis usul Hadi berkenaan bertujuan meminda Seksyen 2 Akta 355 bagi menggantikan perkataan, "penjara selama tempoh melebihi tiga tahun atau denda melebihi lima ribu ringgit atau sebatan melebihi enam kali".
Ungkapan tersebut disyor pinda kepada "penjara selama tempoh melebihi tiga puluh tahun atau denda melebihi satu ratus ribu ringgit atau sebatan satu ratus kali sebagaimana ditadbir selaras dengan tatacara jenayah Syariah".
Bagaimanapun, kerajaan dilihat tidak serius dengan pembentangan RUU 355 ketika Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom turut hadir berucap pada himpunan anjuran Pas menuntut pindaan akta itu pada 18 Februari lalu.
Dalam hal berkaitan, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said turut mengakui wujud kesilapan teknikal yang dikatakan tidak disengajakan apabila tular versi asal usul Hadi pada Aturan Urusan Mesyuarat Parlimen sebelum ini.
Versi tersebut tanpa sebarang pindaan yang dibuat Abdul Hadi pada 24 November tahun lalu sebelum sekali lagi Presiden Pas itu memohon pembentangannya ditangguhkan. Sikap bertangguh Pas itu juga sekaligus dinilai banyak pihak sebagai tidak bersungguh-sungguh dengan tuntutan pindaan Akta 355 berkenaan.
Sebaliknya, ia mengundang polemik berpanjangan selain menyebabkan persengketaan dalam kalangan masyarakat sesama Islam mahupun dengan bukan Islam.
Tarik tali Abdul Hadi berhubung RUU 355 kemudiannya menyaksikan Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dalam perhimpunan agung partinya, 1 Disember tahun lalu memberitahu kerajaan akan mengambil alih usul itu kerana merupakan usul persendirian yang akan dikaji pihak kerajaan. - rakyat marhaen

Federal Court dismisses Jawi's appeal...
Academician Kassim Ahmad's three-year predicament with the Federal Territory Islamic Department (Jawi) for allegedly insulting Islam and disobeying a fatwa is nearing an end. This follows the Federal Court's three-member bench today unanimously dismissing the appeal by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Jamil Khir Baharom, Jawi and its chief syariah prosecutor.
The apex court refused to grant permission to hear the merits of their appeal against the Court of Appeal's ruling that the arrest and prosecution of the 83-year-old academician was unlawful. Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Justice Richard Malanjum, who led the bench today, dismissed the questions of law raised by the authorities and the minister concerning jurisdiction and the arrest. The other two judges were Federal Court judges Justice Zainun Ali and Justice Balia Yusof Wahi.
The apex bench found that the question of jurisdiction had been answered twice, when the Court of Appeal granted leave in Kassim's appeal after leave was not granted by the High Court in Kuala Lumpur, and again by the appellate court, which heard Kassim's appeal and ruled his prosecution and arrest to be unlawful.
Justice Richard asked senior federal counsel Shamsul Bolhassan whether they had appealed to the Federal Court, when leave was granted at the Court of Appeal on the question of jurisdiction, to which the government lawyer replied in the negative, saying the matter was going to the High Court in Kuala Lumpur for the application to be heard on its merit.
The two questions of law posed before the Federal Court were:
a. Whether the civil court can review or cancel the prosecution done in a Syariah Court when the purported offence is against hukum syarak (Islamic precepts); and
b. Whether the circumstances of an investigation or arrest process for an offence that was not carried out in compliance with the procedures laid down in the relevant statute would render the charge defective.
Kassim's lawyer Rosli Dahlan (photo above) said the two questions involved jurisdiction, which have been decided by the Court of Appeal when it granted leave and also when it heard the appeal on the merits.
Following the decision today, Rosli said they will go to the Syariah High Court on Aug 7 to formally inform the court of the Federal Court decision. Rosli asked the syariah chief prosecutor and Jawi to use their discretion to properly withdraw the charge, so as to avoid embarrassment.
“Jawi can do so under Section 58 of the Federal Territory Syariah Administration Act. The syariah judge can also grant a discharge, not amounting to an acquittal, under Section 96 of the same Act,” he said. Shamsul told Malaysiakini that the discretion is still with the chief syariah prosecutor.
Kassim was charged in the Syariah High Court in Putrajaya with three counts of deriding Islam and a charge of breaching a fatwa in a talk he gave in Putrajaya three years ago.
Following the talk, Kassim was arrested by Jawi at his house in Kulim, Kedah, taken to Penang and escorted on a flight to KLIA Sepang, where he was detained for more than 24 hours without legal representation. Kassim challenged his arrest and the charges against him in the civil High Court, but failed. The court ruled that his remedy could only be found in the syariah court.
On appeal to the Court of Appeal, the octogenarian's arrest at his home in Kulim, Kedah, and bringing Kassim to Kuala Lumpur to be charged were declared illegal and the arrest was also ruled to be null and void. Following that, the Court of Appeal also held that his arrest, detention and prosecution were null and void.- mk
Mahkamah Persekutuan tolak rayuan JAWI

North Korea ban Malaysian
Malaysia ban North Korean ...

The Rambo team to take on North Korea!
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