Sebagaimana yang dijangka, lawatan Raja Salman bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud, pemerintah Arab Saudi ke negara ini akan cuba dimanfaatkan sebaiknya, antara lain untuk mengambus isu wang RM2,600 juta yang diterima Najib Razak melalui akaun peribadinya.
Tidak saja penyokong dan pengampu Najib serta askar siber 6.6 peratus yang ghairah berbuat demikian, bahkan seorang profesor universiti juga bersikap sama.
Hujah mereka tidak lain ialah jika wang yang diterima Najib itu bukan benar-benar derma daripada kerabat Diraja Arab Saudi, tidak mungkin Raja Salman sanggup mencemar duli mengadakan lawatannya ke Malaysia ini.
Makna kata, hujah mereka ialah dengan datangnya Raja Salman itu ia dengan sendirinya mengesahkan wang yang diterima Najib itu adalah derma daripada kerabat Diraja Arab Saudi.
Malah Profesor universiti yang tak pernah dikenali itu berkata lagi, kehadiran Raja Salman bukan saja mengesahkan wang itu datang daripada keluarga Diraja Arab Saudi, malah juga diberikan berdasarkan pencapaian dan usaha Najib memartabatkan Islam di negara ini dan juga di peringkat global.
Kalau Anwar Ibrahim tidak berada di penjara ketika ini, pastilah digelarnya profesor sedemikian itu sebagai "profesor kangkung" yang bukan saja mencemarkan nama universiti, tetapi juga ketamadunan ilmu dalam menilai sesuatu perkara.
Jika diimbas kembali, walaupun tidak dinamakan siapa kerabat Diraja Arab Saudi yang didakwa memberi wang kepada Najib itu, paling mungkin ia adalah Putera Turki Abdullah al-Saud, pemilik PetroSaudi yang diketahui ada urusniaga dengan 1MDB.
Kerabat-kerabat yang lain tidak mungkin boleh dikaitkan dengan derma kepada Najib kerana mereka tidak ada apa-apa urusniaga atau kepentingan untuk berbuat demikian.
Bak kata Tun Mahathir Mohamad, orang gila pun tak mungkin sedia menderma sebanyak itu tanpa apa-apa sebab, lebih-lebih lagi jika difahami perangai orang Arab itu sendiri.
Ayah Putera Turki, Raja Abdullah al-Saud adalah Raja Arab Saudi sebelum Raja Salman dan sudah meninggal dunia pada penghujung 2015 yang lalu.
Sebaik Raja Salman menaiki takhta, antara tindakan yang diambilnya ialah memecat Putera Turki sebagai Gabenor Riyadh untuk mengukuhkan lagi cengkaman kuasanya.
Dalam konteks ini, jika pun ada yang masih mempercayai wang RM2,600 juta itu sebagai derma daripada kerabat Diraja Arab Saudi, Raja Salman jelas telah lama menjarakkan dirinya dengan perkara tersebut. Baca seterusnya...
Raja Salman datang lebih kerana kepentingan diri dan keluarganya.

Despite behind the scenes ‘begging’, King Salman refuses to vindicate MO1 from RM2.6bil. thievery...
Malaysia is the first stop in a rare month-long tour of Asia by Saudi King Salman. The visit includes Indonesia, Brunei, Japan, China, Maldives and Jordan. The visit by King Salman is particularly important to Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak who is preparing to call for a snap national general election, rumoured to be this year.
It would have been a golden opportunity to put to rest the opposition’s slander regarding the RM2.6 billion donation for Mr. Najib, if King Salman could simply admit the kingdom of Saudi had indeed made the “no-strings-attached” donation. As expected, the king didn’t speak a word about the donation. But that didn’t stop Najib bootlickers from spinning and twisting the facts.
Najib bootlickers now say that the presence of King Salman is sufficient to prove Najib was telling the truth that the RM2.6 billion was a donation from the Saudi royal family. By putting words in King Salman’s mouth, Najib hopes the ignorant Malay-Muslims would believe and vote for him in the coming 14th general election. It’s a clever plan to con the rural ethnic-Malay.
Without King Salman’s admission, it would mean Najib son of Razak has siphoned and stolen the money originated from 1MDB using “Ponzi Scheme“ to disguise itself in a fraud that has accumulated RM50 billion of debts, as alleged by the Switzerland’s Office of the Attorney General. King Salman couldn’t lie, even if he wanted to, because the US-DOJ found no such donation in its investigations.
Mr. Najib also took the opportunity of King Salman’s visit to Malaysia by claiming that when even oil-rich Saudi had increased its fuel price by 50%, Malaysians should be grateful over a small 20 sen hikes. The cunning Najib deliberately hides the fact that before the hike, Saudis pay only US$0.16 a litre and has gone up to US$0.24 a litre after the hike.

At US$0.24 a litre or RM1.06 a litre of petrol / gasoline, Saudis are paying 117% lesser than Malaysians, who now pay RM2.30 a litre of RON95. Najib also conveniently didn’t explain how the unfortunate Saudis enjoy free healthcare, free schooling, zero income tax, public pensions, subsidized water and electricity and even unemployment benefits.
Heck, Saudi even provides interest-free loans to help families buy homes and start businesses. In another gloating exercise, PM Najib announced that Saudi Arabia’s state oil company Saudi Aramco will invest US$7 billion into RAPID (Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development), an oil refinery and petrochemical project in Malaysia’s southern state of Johor.
What Mr. Najib doesn’t want people to know was Aramco’s plan to drop its participation in a partnership with Petronas in the project as early as January, 2017. According to the Wall Street Journal, Aramco has concluded after a feasibility study that the project will not yield the desirable level of returns. Petronas, meanwhile, was desperate to borrow US$7.2 billion to advance the project.
Both Aramco and Petronas have been hit by the oil price crash, so much so that Petronas had axed 1,000 jobs, after cutting spending by RM50 billion. So, what has changed within a month? Has crude oil price suddenly jumped to US$70 or US$100 per barrel? Nope, the prices remain little changed at roughly US$56 a barrel since the collapse of Aramco-Petronas joint-venture.
Aramco and Petronas can sign whatever agreements or MOUs they want in front of journalists. Unless the documents are legally-binding and money starts flowing into Malaysia, any signing ceremony is insignificant and merely a drama. But what types of drama is in play by Saudi King Salman’s visit to the continent of Asia?
King Salman is on a critical mission to save his kingdom from continuously burning its foreign reserves. From its peak in August 2014 at US$745.7 billion, the kingdom was left with US$543.8 billion in October 2016. That’s about US$200 billion burnt in 2 years. Saudi had issued its first US$4 billion in local bonds back in July 2015 – the first time the kingdom started borrowing money. Continue reading...
Singapore $$$ are now legal tender in JB...
Thank you to the reader who sent this in the comment. Taxi drivers in Johore Bharu now accept Singapore Dollars for the JB - Rochor ride. The rate is SGD12.00 per person.
It means Singapore Dollars are now legal tender in JB.
The Notice says they have the approval of SPAD. But isnt this the responsibility of Bank Negara? Isnt it against the Law to use foreign currencies as legal tender in Malaysia?
In the old days at Padang Besar in Perlis people will walk through the hole in the fence to cross over into Thailand. The Malaysian Ringgit was accepted in the market and plenty of Malaysians will buy things over there. Thailand was a poor country and they welcomed Malaysian Ringgit.
Now Malaysia is becoming a poor country and Johore Bharu is becoming a border town like Padang Besar that welcomes the Singapore Dollar.
Nasib baik ada Singapura dengan banyaknya Singapore Dollar. Boleh lah kita tumpang toi.
The Ringgit is crashing. Here is the Straits Times Singapore ...
Sing dollar yesterday touched record high against ringgit Singdollar was RM3.173 . It gain > 2% since start of 2017 (when rate was RM3.1065). One analyst believes rate could be headed for RM3.30. It looks like the Ringgit will hit RM3.30 to the SGD.

Mampu ke orang Johor pi shopping di Orchard Road? RM3.17 is so expensive. Kena kira duit betul-betul. If it hits RM3.30 it will be even worse.
Here is the problem. Do the people that matter understand all this? I dont think so.
Then you have the bodoh sombong who say, our economy is strong, there is nothing wrong, everything is fine etc.
There is that new village hack who says our car sales are booming !!
Can we just use the Singapore Dollar throughout Malaysia?
If we do then we will have three countries Singapore, Brunei and Malaysia which will share the same currency (Brunei has their own dollar but it is pegged to the Singapore dollar. Plus Singapore handles Brunei's monetary affairs, including printing their money ! !)
Ada juga Melayu yang untung (I wanted to say 'pandai'.) - ostb

Petaling Street 1970s

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