Ikuti transkrip kenyataan Hj Hadi yang mendedahkan agenda kerjasama PAS-UMNO seperti berikut:..
Kita mahu perubahan. Dalam perubahan ini Pas mahu jadi parti yg kuat, parti yang gagah. Pas mahu terus menang di Kelantan, ambil balik Trengganu, menang di Kedah, menang di Selangor. Pas saja yang menang! Dan perlu memimpin Perak. Ini sangat penting.
Saya meletakan dlm kenyataan saya di Kedah, seboleh-bolehnya kita letak 40 kerusi parlimen. 40 kerusi parlimen Pas, kita boleh menentukan politik Malaysia, sehingga mana-mana parti tidak boleh tubuh kerajaan melainkan jemput Pas.
Kita menyaksikan betapa kedudukan kita pada hari ini, semua orang mahukan kita. Umno mahukan kita, yang belah ni pun mahukan kita. Semua berebut kita. Dan kita kena sedar kedudukan kita. Jangan kita terikut-ikut dengan kemahuan orang.
Tak usah sebutlah – Mampus Umno! Mati Umno! Jangan sebut perkataan itu. Hentikan. Hentikan ketegangan.
Sekarang dia (Umno) nak balik kepada undang-undang 355. Nak kuat 355, kena Pas. Dengan sebab itu bagi Trengganu, bagi Kelantan, bagi Kedah, bagi Perak bagi Selangor biar Pas memimpin.
Negeri lain Umno nak lagi, biarkan ke dia. Kalau boleh nak habis… nak telan habis, (tak faham longhat)….. kita nak telan habis!
Kita kena ukur dgn saiz kita sendiri. Kita memerlukan satu kerjasama untuk mengekalkan kuasa politik kita. Ini sangat penting, kita kena sedar. Ini budaya politik matang dan sejahtera yang kita lakukan pada hari ini.
Pas berasa ego bila Umno dan Pakatan Harapan mahukan Pas bersama mereka. Seperti bapuk tua yang gersang, Pas berasa bangga sangat kerana kononnya menjadi rebutan kiri dan kanan.
Menurut Hj Hadi, Pas akan meletakan 40 calon di kerusi parlimen dan dengan kemenangan 40 kerusi itu, Pas mampu kemut keliling! Itulah teori Pas dengan konsep politik matang dan sejahteranya.
Waima, tujuan Pakatan Harapan mahukan Pas bersama mereka kerana mahu menyatukan segala kekuatan yang ada pada pembangkang untuk menumbangkan Umno BN.
Sikap sombong dan bongkak mendorong Pas mahu menguasai senario politik negara walaupun untuk bersama dengan tokoh kleptokrasi yang satu-satunya ada dalam dunia hari ini.
Umno mahukan Pas bersama mereka supaya Umno BN dapat meneruskan kelangsungan mereka menguasai Putrajaya setelah tongkat mereka (MIC, MCA dan GERAKAN) semakin lemah dan hilang pengaruh.
RUU 355 – Pas telan Umpan UMNO.
Apabila Umno memberikan janji untuk menyokong pindaan akta 355, Pas telah mengambil sikap berlembut dan menghentikan serangannya terhadap Umno.
Rupa-rupanya ada pakatan rahsia disebalik sokongan Umno tersebut. Patutlah Hj Hadi melarang orang-orangnya supaya jangan lagi memaki hamun Umno seperti lazimnya - Jangan sebut "Mampus UMNO! Mati UMNO!" pesan Hj Hadi!( Maki hamun AMANAH atau DAP wajib, bagi Hj Hadi dan pentaksubnya!)
Pas mohon restu dan sokongan Umno BN untuk perintah negeri-negeri yang dia rasa kuat seperti Trengganu, Kelantan, Kedah, Perak dan juga Selangor.
Di Negeri-negeri lain yang Pas tidak kuat seperti Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perlis, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka dan Penang.
Pas mahu Umno BN perintah! Maknanya Pas akan bantu Umno BN menang di negeri-negeri tersebut.
Pas tidak perlu masuk menganggotai BN. Cukup dengan mewujudkan undian tiga penjuru untuk jadi pengacau daun dan memberikan kemenangan kepada calon Umno BN.
Apakah Hj Hadi ingat Umno BN tu bodoh sangat nak bagi kat dia Selangor, Trengganu dan Perak?
Ini bukan angan-angan Mat Jenin lagi tapi angan-angan Mat Tengin namanya! - alhusseyn51.blogspot
Will Hudud Make A Difference?...
Much has been said about Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang’s intention to table a private bill to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 355 made at the last parliamentary session. The fact that his proposal had gained the support of some Umno bigwigs had caused fear in peace-loving Malaysians who are averse to the implementation of syariah law.
Although Hadi’s objective is merely to remove the limits on punishments that syariah courts in Kelantan can impose on offenders, the attendant fear is that it will pave the way for other states to follow suit. And judging from what is apparent today, such a scenario is not something impossible.
Hadi will not stop at just one bill, he plans to table another bill to make other forms of punishments such as asta zir (punishment at the discretion of the judge or ruler), qisas (law of retaliation – an eye for an eye), sex with animal and bodily injury permissible. It will make hudud pervasive in the Malay heartland of Kelantan.

Amending the federal law is one clever strategy by Islamist party, PAS to enable the Syariah Criminal Code 11 (1993), Kelantan’s so-called hudud law, to be enforced fully in the state. An amendment requires only a simple majority whereas a Constitutional amendment requires a two-thirds majority, a feat PAS stalwarts knew they could not muster.
A simple majority requires only 112 votes out of the 222 lawmakers in the Malaysian Parliament. Hadi is certain his two bills will appeal to the Muslim representatives and they will provide him the required quorum.
PAS’s obsession with hudud is to reinforce its commitment to Islam. It may seem so to the simple-minded Malay-Muslim community but to many it is downright silly. Nowhere in the Muslim world is an Islamist party that is so serious about introducing hudud. Even Arab countries that had undergone a revolution and had seen Islamist parties gaining power, had no desire to even discuss the viability of hudud, especially in the 21st century.
So will introducing hudud in a Malay-majority Kelantan, for starters, make a difference? My answer is a big “NAY”.
Let us examine records of countries that observe hudud law. Injustice inflicted on citizens of Nigeria, Sudan and Pakistan is immeasurable. The draconian Islamic law imposed in these countries is purely an opportunity to prop an unpopular ruling party. Malaysia, an upper-middle income country, is prepared to join the ranks of these failed states? It is sheer madness.
Our leaders go about thumping their chests that Malaysia is the global leader of Islamic moderates while at the same time they allow some myopic mullahs to call the shots. It does not make sense. Are they playing to the gallery or is it merely a ploy to garner waning support from the Malay-Muslim mass?
Whatever the reasons are, the recent by-elections have proven that Hadi’s decision was ill-timed, ill-conceived and not in concert with the feelings of the majority. The Islamist party was soundly beaten in the state constituencies of Sungei Besar and Kuala Kangsar. This is indicative that hudud is not applicable in a multi-racial society like ours.
The party will continue to do its utmost to propagate its Islamic credentials at the behest of liberal-thinking Malays like yours truly. Well, that is the challenge I have to face in the twilight of my years. And people of my vintage will agree.
We have more pressing problems up our sleeves than Hadi’s two private bills. The mistaken belief that vaccination is “haram” and a Jewish-made concoction designed to undermine Muslims is set to propel the Malay-Muslim community to the Dark Age. The number of Malay parents refusing to vaccinate their children is growing and this is worrying. We have to brace ourselves for such gibberish, as more are coming our way. - Fathol Zaman Bukhari,Ipoh Echo,01 Jul 2016

Putrajaya selamatkan hutang RM3.2b 1MDB

Ha..10x..ni watak lembut
dlm Upin n Ipin OK pulak...

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