Pada satu ketika, pesalah yang dijatuhi hukuman mati Sirul Azhar Umar berkata dia tiada wang untuk pulang ke Malaysia. Kini dia menggaji peguam-peguam Australia bagi menghalang usaha ekstradisi.
Jadi dia ada wanglah! Soalnya: Di mana dia mendapat wang bagi membiayai pasukan guaman yang mungkin mencecah ribuan dolar Australia? Ada seseorang membayar untuk pihaknya?
Atau mungkin Sirul dibiayai kumpulan hak asasi di sana yang membantah keras hukuman mati ke atasnya?
Portal The Malaysian Insider melaporkan Sirul akan menentang perintah ekstradisi yang dihadapinya oleh pihak kerajaan Malaysia.
“Pasti akan ada perkembangan menarik tetapi saya tidak akan mendedahkannya sehingga segalanya selesai,” ujar peguamnya, Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin.
Beliau menafikan Sirul ditahan kerana melanggar undang-undang imigresen Australia. Kata Kamarul anak guamnya hanya ditahan di pusat tahanan kerana Interpol meletakkan kod merah ke atasnya.
Nampaknya misteri pembunuhan wanita Mongolia akan kekal menghantui Malaysia.
Kes tersebut sampai ke kemuncak apabila Sirul dan Azilah Hadri dijatuhi hukuman mati, tetapi ia tidak akan tamat begitu saja.
Sirul kini nampak punyai wang untuk mempertahankan diri agar dapat kekal di Australia.
Putrajaya dilihat sedaya-upaya ingin membawanya balik ke Malaysian bagi dijatuhi hukuman, manakala Australia pula enggan menghantarnya selagi hukuman mati tidak dibatalkan.
Negara itu menentang keras hukuman mati dan sesiapa yang berhadapan hukuman tersebut tidak akan diektradisi.
Pada 29 Jan, Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar berkata sebarang usaha membawa pulang Sirul akan semakin sukar sekiranya Sirul mempunyai pasukan peguamnya.
“Saya mendengar terdapat pihak yang mahu membantu mendapatkan peguam bagi Sirul, agar dia tidak dapat dibawa pulang ke Malaysia,” katanya.
Jika begitu, wakil kerajaan Malaysia akan menghadiri sesi mahkamah dalam usaha membawanya kembali.
Apa akan jadi?
Sirul dilihat tidak akan pulang walaupun dia memiliki wang.
Dia memang tidak pernah berhasrat untuk pulang. Kerajaan Malaysia diperbodohkan olehnya. - theantdaily
‘No money for air ticket’ Sirul now has $$$ to hire lawyers in New Zealand...
One moment murder convict Sirul Azhar Umar says he has no money to return home to face conviction and the next thing you know, he is engaging Australian lawyers to fight attempts to extradite him.
So he has money after all! The question is: Where did he get all the money from to hire a legal team that could possibly cost him thousands of dollars? Or is someone paying for his legal fees?
Or, probably is he being funded by human rights groups Down Under which strongly advocate that he should be spared the gallows?
Online news portal The Malaysian Insider reported that Sirul will be fighting a possible extradition case brought against him by the Malaysian government.
“There will be some interesting developments but I can’t reveal yet until we get things sorted out,” Sirul’s lawyer Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin was quoted as saying.
He denied that Sirul was detained for violating Australian immigration laws, stressing that his client was only held at a detention centre because Interpol had issued a ‘red alert’ on him.
Looks like the mystery of the murder of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu will continue to haunt the nation.
As much as the case itself has been solved with Sirul and former Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri sentenced to death, Malaysians are unlikely to see an end to the case anytime soon.
The one-time-no-money Sirul now looks financially prepared to defend himself and will do everything it takes to stay put in Australia.
While Putrajaya has made it clear it’s doing all that is possible to bring back the killer to face the death sentence, Australia has made it clear it would not send Sirul back to meet his end at the gallows.
The country is strongly against the death penalty where its laws prohibit a criminal to be sent back to his country to face the death penalty.
On Jan 29, Deputy Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar was reported to have said that any attempt to extradite Sirul to Malaysia would be more complicated as there was the possibility that the killer could be engaging his own legal team.
"I have heard that there are parties who have solicited the help of several lawyers to represent Sirul so that he will not be extradited to Malaysia to face the death sentence," Wan Junaidi was quoted as saying.
If this was the case, then representatives from the Malaysian government would have to attend court proceedings in the Australian court in a bid to bring Sirul back.
So, what happens now?
Looks like Sirul will not make good his initial statement that he would return home if he had the money to face his sentence.
He never had the intention to return in the first place. He’s just taking the Malaysian authorities for a ride. - theantdaily
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