Dr Mahathir Mohamad menyifatkan tadbir urus negara sebagai “berbau busuk” kerana ia tidak berfungsi dengan cara yang sepatutnya.
Menurut beliau, pentadbiran kerajaan tidak penting berbanding “badan pentadbiran tambahan” yang telah ditubuhkan sehingga mencetuskan kekeliruan di kalangan orang awam.
Malah lebih buruk jelasnya, keadaan tersebut mengelirukan kakitangan pentadbiran sendiri kerana “mereka tidak mengetahui apa yang dikehendaki daripada mereka apabila polisi dan keputusan dibuat oleh badan khas.”
Menulis dalam blognya, chedet.cc bekas Perdana Menteri itu menyatakan, para pengkritik kini berdepan dengan serangan media arus perdana melalui individu tertentu dan ahli-ahli politik kecundang.
“Para pengkritik berdepan dengan risikoharta dirampas dan dilelong, mereka mungkin dimufliskan,” tulis beliau.
Malah katanya, beliau sendiri didakwa memaksa kerajaan melakukan sesuatu yang tidak sepatutnya dibuat “dan banyak aduan mengenai negara yang mendatangkan bau busuk.”
Bagaimanapun secara sinis Dr Mahathir menyatakan, “Jangan risau. Kita akan biasa dengan bau itu.”
Beliau memulakan penulisan dengan memetik kata-kata Marcellus dalam karya terkenal William Shakespeare, Hamlet, “ada sesuatu yang membusuk di dalam Denmark.”
Menurutnya, berdasarkan aduan oleh rakyat mengenai Malaysia maka boleh diandaikan ada sesuatu yang membusuk di negara ini.
“Ada aduan-aduan ini sampai kepada saya. Saya berharap saya diberikan kesempatan menghalusinya dalam blog saya ini. Orang ramai boleh membuat keputusan sama ada terdapat perkara yang membusuk,” ujarnya.
Salah satu aduan yang dimaksudkan kata Dr Mahathir, ada pihak yang mengadu bahawa “Kerajaan enggan membayar mereka untuk kerja yang dibereskan untuk Kerajaan.
“Sentiasa ada pertikaian sama ada Kerajaan berhutang dengan mereka. Jika mahkamah memutuskan Kerajaan perlu membayar, maka akan ada pertikaian mengenai jumlah (bayarannya),” jelas beliau. - fmt
apa yang dilihat sebagai satu langkah pencegahan bagi mengawal dan
membendung reaksi orang ramai ke atas keputusan kes Datuk Seri Anwar
Ibrahim, Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar telah mengarahkan
siasatan dilakukan ke atas dua pucuk ‘tweet’ yang dibuat berhubung
dengan keputusan kes Liwat II Anwar.
mengeluarkan arahan itu sekitar jam 2:30 petang semalam, ironinya,
menggunakan akaun Twitternya sendiri. Beliau menulis tweet dari akaunnya
@Kbab51: "Orang di bawah ini sengaja mengundang tindakan @PDRMsia. Kita
Akan mengambil tindakan di bawah Akta Hasutan"
Tweet itu
mengandungi gambar dua tweet lain oleh ahli politik DAP dan Ahli
Parlimen Taiping, Ng Kor Ming dan kartunis Zulkiflee SM Anwar Ulhaque
atau lebih dikenali dengan nama jolokannya, Zunar.
Ng berkata
dalam tweet dari akaunnya @ngakorming: "The rakyat’s prayers for Anwar
was unfortunately unanswered. It is time that the rakyat opposed the
cruel regime. @dapperak"
(Rakyat berdoa untuk Datuk Seri Anwar tetapi tidak kesampaian. Sudah tiba masa rakyat menentang rejim yang zalim. @dapperak)
Zunar bagaimanapun adalah lebih berkias, dalam @zunarkartunis:
"Barua-barua berjubah hitam bangga jatuhkan hukuman. Habuan dari tuan
poitik pasti lumayan."
mendiamkan komen-komen lanjut mengenai keputusan itu, tweet Khalid
mempunyai kesan yang berlawanan, dengan lebih ramai orang menulis
tentang tindakannya. Beberapa pihak menyokong tindakan beliau, manakala
pengguna lain menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati mereka. Berikut adalah
beberapa tweetitu.
Umar Mohd Ramzan @UmarBeanRamzan: "(@KBAB51 @PDRMsia ini betul2 ketua polis negara yang tweet ke? Macam budak kecik je yang tweet."
(Suhan) @suhan2293: "@KBAB51 @PDRMsia it’s really a stupid statement.
Hope Tuan will take action on it..." (Ia merupakan satu kenyataan bodoh.
Harap Tuan akan mengambil tindakan ke atasnya)
PeNangkaPMimPi @PeNangkaPMimPi:
"@wanieharun23 @KBAB51 @PDRMsia Nama pon akta hasutan..satu benda yang
susah utk di ukur...haha...just layan... kan je."
Wanie Harun @wanieharun23: "@PeNangkaPMimPi @KBAB51 @PDRMsia 10,000 orang tweet berunsur "hasutan". Kamu nak tangkap semua ke?"
Tweet terakhir mungkin menarik perhatian Khalid, kerana ia menerima jawapan dari akaun Twitternya @Kbab51. Beliau menulis:
"Ini juga mengundang tindakan @PDRMsia. PCIRC sIla kesan dan siasat."
balas segera polis, seperti yang dibuktikan oleh tweet peribadi Khalid,
ditambah dengan kehadiran polis yang ketara di Istana Kehakiman semalam,
menegaskan keseriusan keseluruhan isu ini.
tidak ada kejadian yang serius berlaku berikutan keputusan mahkamah itu,
polis telah belajar daripada pengalaman sebelum ini bahawa terdapat
kemungkinan berlakunya tindak balas awam yang buruk, dan tidak memandang
ringan perkara ini.
Dan seolah-olah bukan sahaja tweet mengenai keputusan itu.
perkembangan terbaru berkenaan isu ini, Zunar telah ditangkap kerana
tweet beliau pada hari ini. Sehingga saat artikel ini ditulis, Ng masih
belum ditangkap.
siasatan ke atas tweet dan penangkapan Zunar cukup untuk menghalang
orang lain daripada menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati mereka mengenai
keputusan itu?
Atau adakah ia akan menguatkan tekad mereka dan menyebabkan lebih ramai orang untuk bersuara?
Dan jika itu berlaku, adakah polis akan berhenti menulis tweet, dan mula menjalankan tindakan keras sepenuhnya?
Kita akan mengetahuinya pada hari-hari mendatang.
- See more at: http://bm.theantdaily.com/Terkini/KPN-serbu-coretan-Twitter-berkenaan-kes-Liwat-II#sthash.TQsYlhMP.dpuf
KPN ‘serbu’ coretan Twitter berkenaan kes Liwat II...
Beliau mengeluarkan arahan itu sekitar jam 2:30 petang semalam, ironinya, menggunakan akaun Twitternya sendiri. Beliau menulis tweet dari akaunnya @Kbab51: "Orang di bawah ini sengaja mengundang tindakan @PDRMsia. Kita Akan mengambil tindakan di bawah Akta Hasutan"
Tweet itu mengandungi gambar dua tweet lain oleh ahli politik DAP dan Ahli Parlimen Taiping, Ng Kor Ming dan kartunis Zulkiflee SM Anwar Ulhaque atau lebih dikenali dengan nama jolokannya, Zunar.
Ng berkata dalam tweet dari akaunnya @ngakorming: "The rakyat’s prayers for Anwar was unfortunately unanswered. It is time that the rakyat opposed the cruel regime. @dapperak"
(Rakyat berdoa untuk Datuk Seri Anwar tetapi tidak kesampaian. Sudah tiba masa rakyat menentang rejim yang zalim. @dapperak)
Tweet Zunar bagaimanapun adalah lebih berkias, dalam @zunarkartunis: "Barua-barua berjubah hitam bangga jatuhkan hukuman. Habuan dari tuan poitik pasti lumayan."
Daripada mendiamkan komen-komen lanjut mengenai keputusan itu, tweet Khalid mempunyai kesan yang berlawanan, dengan lebih ramai orang menulis tentang tindakannya. Beberapa pihak menyokong tindakan beliau, manakala pengguna lain menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati mereka. Berikut adalah beberapa tweetitu.
Umar Mohd Ramzan @UmarBeanRamzan: "(@KBAB51 @PDRMsia ini betul2 ketua polis negara yang tweet ke? Macam budak kecik je yang tweet."
Sutharsan (Suhan) @suhan2293: "@KBAB51 @PDRMsia it’s really a stupid statement. Hope Tuan will take action on it..." (Ia merupakan satu kenyataan bodoh. Harap Tuan akan mengambil tindakan ke atasnya)
PeNangkaPMimPi @PeNangkaPMimPi: "@wanieharun23 @KBAB51 @PDRMsia Nama pon akta hasutan..satu benda yang susah utk di ukur...haha...just layan... kan je."
Wanie Harun @wanieharun23: "@PeNangkaPMimPi @KBAB51 @PDRMsia 10,000 orang tweet berunsur "hasutan". Kamu nak tangkap semua ke?"
Tweet terakhir mungkin menarik perhatian Khalid, kerana ia menerima jawapan dari akaun Twitternya @Kbab51. Beliau menulis:
"Ini juga mengundang tindakan @PDRMsia. PCIRC sIla kesan dan siasat."
Tindak balas segera polis, seperti yang dibuktikan oleh tweet peribadi Khalid, ditambah dengan kehadiran polis yang ketara di Istana Kehakiman semalam, menegaskan keseriusan keseluruhan isu ini.
Walaupun tidak ada kejadian yang serius berlaku berikutan keputusan mahkamah itu, polis telah belajar daripada pengalaman sebelum ini bahawa terdapat kemungkinan berlakunya tindak balas awam yang buruk, dan tidak memandang ringan perkara ini.
Dan seolah-olah bukan sahaja tweet mengenai keputusan itu.
Adakah siasatan ke atas tweet dan penangkapan Zunar cukup untuk menghalang orang lain daripada menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati mereka mengenai keputusan itu?
Atau adakah ia akan menguatkan tekad mereka dan menyebabkan lebih ramai orang untuk bersuara?
Dan jika itu berlaku, adakah polis akan berhenti menulis tweet, dan mula menjalankan tindakan keras sepenuhnya?
Kita akan mengetahuinya pada hari-hari mendatang.- theantdaily
Malaysia’s darkest day for justice and democracy...
Chief Justice Arifin Zakaria’s judgment upholding Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy conviction is not only full of holes, it has set a dangerous legal precedent whereby innocent persons may be wrongly convicted for sexual crimes that they have not committed.
Despite complainant Saiful Bukhari Azlan’s evidence being flawed by inconsistencies and falsehood, Arifin Zakaria is adamant that Saiful’s testimonies are reliable, for which no corroboration is necessary.
Arifin attributed his faith in Saiful to two factors: Saiful was able to give “minute details”, and he had stuck to his testimony despite a thorough cross-examination.
But such legal rationale does not seem to hold water.
This is because anyone with a reasonable acting ability and memory would be able to do what Saiful had done, if given proper coaching and rehearsals by someone experienced in such sexual activities.
And lo and behold, such an actor would then practically be able to get anybody in trouble for a concocted sexual offence under Malaysian law, if corroborative evidence is waived.
And that effectively is what the current Federal Court ruling will lead to.
Defective corroborative evidence
Having dispensed with the necessity for corroborative evidence, which no doubt was prompted by Saiful’s numerous bungling testimonies such as the carpet that was not found, K-Y jelly that was obviously introduced belatedly as an after-thought and the alleged gift of Brioni suit that had no label, Arifin has no hesitation to use other corroborative evidence to bolster the credibility of Saiful’s testimony.
Regrettably, these supposedly good corroborative evidence for Saiful have also fallen flat.
Arifin said that there is no security breach in the chain of custody of the DNA samples, but this claim is patently false.
Investigating officer DSP Jude Pereira (left) testified that he had cut open the big plastic bag containing the individual receptacles. The plastic bag, according to the High Court judgment, was heat-sealed and the only tamper-proof bag.
Thus, by destroying this seal, the integrity of the samples was fatally and irretrievably compromised. Significantly, Pereira had failed to give any credible reason for this security breach.
Arifin ruled that the samples were not contaminated. But again, this
claim flies in the face of evidence to the contrary. Samples were
retrieved from Saiful’s body 56 hours after alleged ejaculation, and the
same samples were further stored in investigating officer DSP Pereira’s
steel cabinet at room temperature for 42 hours, before they were
delivered to the chemist.
And yet, according to Australian expert’s reading of the government chemist’s report, the samples were miraculously found to have suffered no degradation, whereas, according to these experts, semen retrieved 36 hours after ejaculation would have been so contaminated that they are usually discarded for the purpose of identification of its DNA.
Pereira failed to explain why he didn’t store the samples in the police freezer as strictly instructed and why he didn’t deliver them to the chemist in the first instance as required of him.
For a senior and experienced officer who was well aware of the fatal consequences of such serious breach of discipline, Pereira’s unexplained conduct naturally leads to suspicion of foul play, thus perhaps accounting for the miraculous phenomenon that no degradation had been reflected in the semen analysis report.
- Arifin had lauded the government chemist’s evidence, saying that there is nothing “inferiorly fallible” in it (whatever it means). But such claim is evidently unjustified when Arifin has yet to address the disturbing issues brought up by the Australian experts, such as the many discrepancies, deficiencies and flaws of the chemist’s DNA reports and hospital doctors examination findings, including the puzzling presence of DNA of multiple males extracted from Saiful’s rectum which the chemist have ignored.
While Arifin has evidently failed to establish credibility for the DNA evidence, he is equally faulted for having glossed over other important evidence that have cast doubt over Saiful’s story, such as:
All the four doctors who had examined Saiful had reported no physical
sign of anus penile penetration which contradicted Saiful’s claim that
the “fast and furious” act had caused him pain.
- Shortly before the alleged sodomy incident, Saiful met with then Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak at the latter’s residence, who is considered Anwar’s arch political opponent.
Such clandestine liaison with these top personnel, whose position/past history suggested they had reason to see Anwar’s political downfall, would have justifiably aroused suspicion of foul political machination in any judge, but not Arifin and his panel of judges.
Arifin dismissed the allegation of political conspiracy outright on ground that it was not substantiated.
But has Arifin forgotten the cardinal rule of criminal justice that the onus is on the prosecution to prove guilt, and the defence to cast doubt?
If reasonable doubt is created, that should be duly acknowledged and taken into proper consideration in favour of the accused.
In fact, for sexual crimes with such heavy penalties (20 years maximum jail plus whipping), no judge will consider it safe to convict, unless guilt is proven beyond reasonable doubt.
Conviction totally flawed
In fact, this judgment is so contrived and so bereft of elementary legal sense that one could hardly believe that all the five judges at the bench in the nation’s highest court could have failed to reach the simple and obvious decision, which is to quash this totally flawed conviction by the Court of Appeal.
And that leaves us with the irresistible deduction that the dirty hands of politics are at work again, which, incidentally is made self-evident from the lightning speed with which a full written statement was issued by the Prime Minister to proclaim to the world that this is a balanced judgment made by an independent court, totally dissociated from the Executive.
This press statement was released only minutes after Arifin read his conviction, even before the sentencing.
The unjust conviction and jailing of Malaysia’s parliamentary opposition leader against all human decency and legal principles has marked a new low of the judiciary, unseen in living memory.
This is indeed the darkest day for justice and democracy for a country teetering on the brink of a failed state with fast escalating religious and racial extremism amid rampant corruption and authoritarianism.
Now that the judiciary has virtually been taken over by the executive, and with a lame duck parliament limping as a rubber stamp for the executive, one wonders how much different is Malaysia from a dictatorship.
Are we content to be ruled by a corrupt dictatorship? If not, what must we do? - kim quek.mk
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Thank You For Sending Anwar To Jail...
The verdict is out – Anwar Ibrahim is guilty after Malaysian highest court convicted him for sodomy. But was the decision a surprise? Absolutely not. In actual fact, the writing (or rather the guilty verdict) was already on the wall the moment the largely known “Kangaroo Court” took more than 3-months to deliver its decision today. With at least 12 glaring doubts, the Federal Court should have thrown away the case ages ago.
Of course, since this is such a high-profile case, all the top five judges needed to “consult” Prime Minister Najib Razak and his band of political advisers. The strongest hint that Anwar would be squatting in jail was revealed when his bitter enemy, former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, said people should accept the decision if the court delivers a “no-guilty” verdict. Everybody knows that Mahathir likes to say the opposite.
Prior to Mahathir’s antonym comment, his mouthpiece – veteran journalist Kadir Jasin – took the trouble offering his opinion that Anwar shouldn’t be jailed lest the present evil Barisan Nasional (National Front) wants to see a stronger opposition Pakatan Rakyat (People’s Pact). Now, why would these people suddenly show such great concern for the poor opposition de-facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, as if they already knew about the guilty verdict?
And when Najib administration sent batallions of police to the Federal Court, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know the results. If Anwar was to be pronounced innocent, there’s no need for such a huge police presence since Anwar’s supporters would be too busy celebrating as if he had just scored the winning goal for the country’s first FIFA World Cup. It simply means the government knew the guilty verdict before today’s court drama, no?
After reading for two hours, Justice Arifin claims there is overwhelming evidence that Saiful was sodomised by the accused (Anwar) because there is overwhelming scientific and corroborative evidence. As we have written more than 3-months ago, Malaysia is unique in such that when a criminal defendant is prosecuted, the defendant (and not prosecutor) must prove his or her owns innocence “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt”.
Another clearest sign that the whole judiciary system is a joke lies on the 5-years’ jail upheld by the Federal Court. If indeed there is overwhelming scientific and corroborative evidence without political conspiracy, why not maximise the jail sentence to 20-years as strongly requested by (UMNO) genius prosecutor Muhammad Shafee Abdullah? After all, wasn’t a young man’s life (Saiful) wrecked by a monster Anwar (*grin*)?
Sure, some may say that Malaysian Judiciary couldn’t be that bad because there were instances where the opposition wins. As laughable as it may sound, in cases where government loses, the verdicts normally haven’t reach the highest court yet. In short, the country’s incredible judiciary system would allow you some time to celebrate, before the government strikes back and wins (most of the time) when it reaches the highest court.
There’s no point crying over spilt milk now. PM Najib couldn’t do anything, even if he wanted to help Anwar, because supremo Mahathir is sharpening his knife for the golfer prime minister. Like it or not, Anwar needs to be jailed, in order to satisfy the old dictator. Actually, Najib’s political party UMNO is in a Catch-22 situation. A guilty verdict would martyr Anwar, while a non-guilty decision would allow Anwar creates more havoc to UMNO.
Nevertheless, there’s something which Najib administration has not try before. Putting Anwar behind bars and see if opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR), made of PKR, DAP and PAS political parties, would split. PAS has already begging to be kicked out from the pact under traitor Hadi Awang’s leadership. But as the glue that hold the alliance together, Anwar pretended as if the team was as solid as titanium.
Hence, it is UMNO’s hope that with Anwar in jail, two rivals within PR alliance - DAP and PAS – would go for each other’s throats in a wrestling no-hold-bar style match. It would be extraordinary if both DAP and PAS ended up making love instead. But what if somehow PKR-DAP-PAS remains intact while Anwar Ibrahim rots in jail? What if the traitor Hadi Awang somehow didn’t make it (*grin*)?
Well, UMNO doesn’t care because the party would be game over anyway in the next general election. You see, with more young chaps leaning towards opposition, it would be an uphill battle for the corrupted UMNO. That’s why the last gatekeeper, the supposedly independent Election Commission, is (secretly) burning midnight oil to ensure the already unbelievable gerrymandering would become even more extreme and bias in favour of UMNO.
The simple strategy agreed by PM Najib and Godfather Mahathir was to send Anwar to jail. A threesome of Anwar-Najib-Mahathir on a single-sized bed is too exhausted, not to mention dangerous. It would be easier to kick Anwar out of the bedroom and let the pillow fight between Najib and Mahathir to determine the winner. After all, either Najib or Mahathir wins, UMNO will still emerge as the biggest winner.
The billion dollar question is this: has Najib administration did the opposition a great favour by sending Anwar to jail? Like it or not, the 2013 general election was the peak for opposition. Pakatan Rakyat had tried twice – 2008 and 2013 – without much success in unseating the evil regime. People got sick and tired of Anwar, Hadi Awang and Lim Kit Siang. People have done their best, yet the corrupted regime is still in power.
What are the chances that Pakatan Rakyat could defeat Barisan Nasional in the next general election, assuming Anwar is freed? Almost a fat zero. But now that Anwar is spending his good old remaining time behind bars, the political landscape has suddenly changed. People who were neutral are now beginning to despise the evil and cruel UMNO and Najib Razak. And that, my friends, is good news to the opposition.
There’s no doubt that it’s a cruel decision, especially to Anwar Ibrahim family members. But hey, this is the reality of political games in Malaysia. Anwar is more useful in jail than walking a free man, at least to the opposition Pakatan Rakyat’s agenda. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Whether Anwar did really sodomised Saiful is now immaterial altogether. He is now perceived to be innocent and a hero, and whatever doubts about him are gone.
For the betterment of the country and people, Anwar has to sacrifice himself. That could turn the tables against UMNO. Suddenly, what seems to be impossible is made possible by jailing Anwar. Perhaps the RAHMAN prophecy is true after all. Najib Razak could be the last prime minister from UMNO. People may just vote for “Anyone But UMNO”, even if the candidate is a donkey or a cockroach. Hence, thank you for sending Anwar to jail. - financetwitter
12/2/15, jam 8.00 malam...
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