Pemimpin PAS cadang Hadi bentuk kerajaan dengan UMNO...
Seorang pemimpin PAS Terengganu Roslan Ismail yang juga bekas Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Bukit Besi memberikan cadangannya itu melalui akaun Facebooknya.
"Jika saya di tapak Tuan Guru Presiden, saya akan gunakan ruang ini untuk melakar satu sejarah terharum kepada rakyat Malaysia dengan bergabung dengan Umno/BN untuk membentuk kerajaan persekutuan dan melaksanakan hudud secara sistematik selepas ini," tulis Roslan.
Roslan membuat cadangan itu selepas kematian allahyarham Nik Aziz yang menjadi penentang utama kerjasama politik antara PAS dengan Umno.
Roslan ketika dihubungi The Malaysian Insider mengesahkan beliau membuat tulisan itu di Facebooknya.
Ini kenyataan terbuka pertama daripada pemimpin dan aktivis PAS agar parti Islam itu bekerjasama dengan Umno khasnya untuk melaksanakan hudud.
Roslan sebelum ini menulis dengan marah membantah kenyataan Ahli Parlimen Puchong Gobind Singh Deo yang berkata PAS bukan lagi sebahagian komponen Pakatan Rakyat (PR) jika bertegas bentang rang undang-undang pindaan hudud di sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Kelantan pada 18 Mac ini.
"Kenapa DAP bersungguh sangat menghalang PAS melaksanakan syariat Islam? Jika PR berjaya tumbangkan BN, adakah kerajaan baru itu akan memberi ruang kepada PAS melaksanakan hudud?
"Bagi sesetengah kalangan, pelaksanaan hudud perlu kepada ruang masa untuk memberi penerangan dan pemahaman kepada rakyat, tetapi, dengan pendirian DAP yang sebegini keras dan konsisten, saya tidak nampak PR akan mengizinkan PAS melaksanakan hudud walaupun berjaya menguasai kerajaan pusat," tulis Roslan.
Bekas Naib Presiden PAS Ahmad Awang sebelum ini berkata, terdapat kecenderungan yang jelas di kalangan pimpinan PAS untuk bersama dengan Umno walaupun sentiasa dinafikan oleh mereka.
Tulis Roslan, ketika PAS kecil dan baru merangkak, tiada siapa pun yang nampak.
"Malah ketika bertahalluf siyasi dengan Perikatan pun, PAS ditendang begitu saja," katanya.
Hari ini, katanya, PAS sudah subur mekar, semua pihak mula nampak kepentingan dan peranannya dalam mencerna hala tuju politik negara.
Roslan seterusnya menulis:"Bukankah perjuangan kita di dalam PR pun kerana ingin melaksanakan perintah Allah ini?
"Soal integriti, ketelusan, rasuah dan kepincangan boleh ditangani dengan memperkuatkan SPRM dan lain-lain jabatan yang berkaitan," katanya.
Beliau berkata, soal Umno dan BN akan mengkhianati PAS lagi selepas ini ketentuan Allah dan "kita tidak boleh meneka kebijaksanaan Allah di dalam mengatur urusan-Nya".
"Ketika itu, saya boleh pejam mata dengan penuh kepuasan," katanya.
Tulisan Roslan disambut baik aktivis Umno Dungun, Jame Taib yang menyifatkan pandangan itu sangat baik.
"Alhamdulillah.... insya-Allah dipermudah oleh Allah jika kedua-dua parti politik yang berdaftar ini dapat bersatu. Atas dasar Islam, kita cuba satukan perbezaan yang ada," tulis Jame.
"Jazakallah ustaz atas lontaran pandangan yang tulus dan berani. Pandangan ini sebenarnya mewakili ramai pemerhati politik di luar sana." – tmi
PAS leaders now more inclined towards UMNO...
Former vice-president Ahmad Awang said there was a strong perception among the grassroots of this trend despite repeated assurances from party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang that PAS was committed to PR.
Ahmad’s claims come amid heated internal debate and infighting in country’s largest opposition party, which is poised to hold its party elections in June.
In previous reports, PAS leaders have admitted that the elections would see a final showdown between pro-PR and Umno-friendly factions for control of the party.
The winning faction will determine the party’s direction from this year until the next general election, including whether they will still be in PR.
There is also strong external pressure for PAS and Umno to unite, the latest being from former chief justice Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad, who wrote a piece in Umno mouthpiece Utusan Malaysia yesterday in which he urged both parties to set aside their differences and “focus their efforts into saving the Malays and the position of Islam".
Ahmad said the perception among party members was based on the behaviour and attitude of PAS leaders, including Hadi himself, who recently made headlines by playing the race card to justify opposing local government elections.
“All this Malay this and Malay that, it is very Umno. Our principle has always been to emphasise on Islam. And we had a slogan called ‘Islam for all’. So why are we going back to talking about race?” said Ahmad in an interview with The Malaysian Insider.
Another sign of this trend was seen in how its former deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa was able to continue to promote the idea of a unity government between PAS and the ruling party without censure from the party’s leadership, he said.
The death of PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat could strengthen this trend given how Nik Aziz was fervently opposed to PAS working together with Umno, added Ahmad.
“The leadership, including the syura must deal with this perception, which is strong among PAS members,” said Ahmad, referring to the powerful council of elder Muslim scholars who steer the party’s direction.
“They must come out with a statement that they are either opposed or acknowledge this.
“If the syura can these days come out with statements all the time, why not come out with a statement on this critical issue?” said Ahmad, who is also a former syura council member.
PR architect
Ahmad, 79(above), was a former party information chief and Perak PAS commissioner.
He was instrumental in bridging the ideological gulf between PAS, PKR and DAP in Perak after the 12th general election in 2008 to form the Perak Pakatan Rakyat government.
During the election, DAP was not part of the Barisan Alternatif coalition which included PAS and PKR.
As Perak PAS commissioner then, Ahmad could have accepted Perak Umno’s overtures and gotten the party’s assemblymen to support Umno and form a government with them.
Instead, he chose to work with DAP, a party which he knew opposed PAS’S struggle to implement hudud or the Shariah criminal code.
Until today, he said it was the right decision despite the strained ties of late between PAS and DAP over Kelantan’s intentions to implement hudud law.
For him, the DAP is a more trustworthy partner than Umno. He believes that given time, both parties could work out their differences over hudud.
“Umno does not believe in hudud. They are just trying to dupe us into thinking that they are,” said Ahmad of Umno’s offer to back a bill in Parliament last year which would have allowed Kelantan to enforce hudud.
The bill, which was staunchly opposed by DAP and non-Muslim BN component parties, was supposed to have been brought by a PAS MP from Kelantan.
In the end, PAS abandoned its plans but it may be brought back this year.
Ahmad said only one Umno minister, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, had come out to say that Umno would support the bill.
“Jamil Khir’s support was not backed up by the prime minister. So if we had tabled the bill, there was no guarantee we would get it through Parliament.
“Then Umno would say that they supported the bill but Parliament defeated it,” said Ahmad.
But the consequences were that Umno would have been successful in persuading some PAS members that it was a better partner than DAP and strengthened the unity government sentiment in PAS.
Umno, Ahmad said, was only interested in being nice to PAS because it was weak. He drew parallels between Umno’s gestures now and in 1969, when it brought PAS into Perikatan (Alliance Party), the precursor to BN.
Ahmad was active in PAS then and even joined the government and became an officer in Pusat Islam (Centre for Islam).
“But when Umno saw PAS’s influence increasing in the villages and in Felda schemes, they felt threatened by us. So they kicked us out.”
PAS was eventually booted out in 1977. Ahmad was transferred from Pusat Islam to the education department.
“I was effectively put in cold storage,” said Ahmad.
Special treatment?
When he was vice-president, Ahmad said he was one of the few ulama (religious scholars) who would consistently speak up against any attempts to cooperate with Umno.
The perception that the leadership was open to the idea of working with Umno, Ahmad said was also fuelled by the party’s reluctance to act against Nasharudin.
Ahmad asked why disciplinary action has not been taken against Nasharudin even though he was now known to have close relations with Umno leaders, such as president Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
During his time as deputy president, Nasharudin had consistently advocated for the party to work with Umno.
Nasharudin was defeated in the 2011 PAS elections by Mohamad Sabu, a long-time party activist known for his strong ties with PR and like Ahmad, his hostility towards Umno.
After Nasharudin was no longer active in PAS, photographs began surfacing of him and Najib together at religious functions. He, however, remains a PAS member.
Though he may be missing from PAS functions, Ahmad said Nasharudin still wielded some influence among the senior leadership. In comparison, another Umno-friendly leader Datuk Hassan Ali was sacked from the party in 2012.
“So why has no action been taken against Nasharudin?”
Ultimately, Ahmad said Nasharudin’s case reflected a big undercurrent in PAS and a sign that there could be a tectonic shift in store for the party in the next few years. – tmi
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today held a meeting with Kelantan Menteri Besar Ahmad Yaakob in Putrajaya.
The prime minister in his Facebook posting said they discussed several issues on the wellbeing of the people in the state.
"God willing (Insya-Allah), the federal government will always place the highest priority on the interest of the people in any matter," he said.
Najib also uploaded two pictures in his message showing the two leaders shaking hands and having a discussion. - mk
Polis Guna Akta Hasutan, telefon Rafizi dan Nga Kor Ming dirampas...
Polis Bukit Aman hari ini merampas telefon bimbit dua Ahli Parlimen Pembangkang, Rafizi Ramli (PKR) dan Nga Kor Ming (DAP) ketika hadir memberi keterangan atas dakwaan menghasut menerusi laman Twitter mereka, berhubung keputusan mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman bersalah terhadap ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Menurut Rafizi yang juga Naib Presiden PKR, berdasarkan keterangan yang diberikan oleh pihak polis telefon mereka akan dikembalikan dalam masa dua hingga tiga minggu. Tambah Rafizi, selama hampir dua jam disiasat, beliau langsung tidak memjawab soalan yang diajukan oleh pihak polis.
“Soalan yang ditanya ialah pendirian saya terhadap penghakiman terhadap Anwar, saya bersetuju atau tidak dengan penghakiman yang dibuat terhadap Anwar,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas hadir memberi keterangan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) Bukit Aman.
Pada masa sama Rafizi juga turut mempersoal tindakan PDRM yang terus mengunakan Akta Hasutan apabila beliau disiasat oleh Unit Siasatan Jenayah Terkelas (D5) di bawah akta yang sama.
“Nampaknya PDRM akan terus mendakwa mereka yang melakukan kesalahan di bawah Akta Hasutan,” - f/bk
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