Ahli politik dan Mursyidul Am PAS Tok Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat menamatkan perjalanan hidupnya di dunia ini pada usia 84 tahun hari Khamis, 12 Februari. Allahyarham dimakamkan di sebelah pusara ayahandanya Nik Mat Raja Banjar, di Pulau Melaka Kelantan. Seramai 50,000 orang dianggar berada di situ bagi memberi penghormatan terakhir.
Allahyarham amat disanjungi sebagai pejuang Islam dan begitu istiqamah di dalam perjuangannya.
Selaku menteri besar selama 23 tahun, Allahyarham menyumbang kepada negeri Kelantan dari pelbagai segi.
Beliau memutuskan bagi menarik semua wang kerajaan di bank-bank konvensyenal sehingga dikatakan menyebabkan bank-bank itu memperkenalkan amalan perbankan Islam.
Pajak gadai Islam Ar-Rahnu juga mula beroperasi selama lima hari seminggu di negeri Kelantan.
Kesediaan Allahyarham diwawancara juga ketara. Beliau amat mudah dirapati dan bersedia menjawab soalan sukar. Seperti ceramah agamanya, Nik Aziz begitu merendah diri dengan menggunakan bahasa mudah, dengan analogi penuh warna-warni.
Allahyarham bukan pendebat berdegar-degar. Beliau selesa berbicara tanpa teks dan sering menyentuh pelbagai subjek di dalam pelbagai majlis. Hasilnya para hadirin tidak bosan mendengarnya, dan sering ternanti-nanti apa yang bakal diutarakan.
Ramai bersetuju, Allahyarham akan dikenang sebagai pemimpin negeri yang paling bersih di Malaysia. Seorang eksekutif minyak di Kelantan berpendapat “Tok Guru tahu membezakan antara harta awam dan hak peribadi.”
Allahyarham Nik Aziz menyeru wakil rakyat PAS memiliki identiti tersendiri dengan mementingkan agama.
Menurut seorang ahli exco, ketika berkunjung ke Turki dengan kurang daripada 10 ahli delegasi dari Kelantan, Allahyarham mengejutkan kesemua mereka bangkit solat subuh pada 4 pagi. Menggunakan karpet di setiap bilik, mereka berjemaah diikuti tazkirah. Semasa berkunjung, beliau meminta berhenti untuk solat sebelum makan. Di waktu asar, solat dahulu dan kemudian teruskan urusan.
“Beliau begitu dihormati bukan kerana kedudukan, tetapi kerana karakter dan pengetahuan agamanya.”
Seorang penceramah bebas bersetuju watak cemerlang Tok Guru dan usahanya di dalam menyebar ajaran Islam serta perlaksanaannya, menjadikan beliau simbol ilmuwan Islam yang dihormati.
Tok Guru diangkat selaku ikon dan model contoh, kata seorang lagi ahli exco Kelantan.
Allahyarham juga dianggap pemikir strategik. Ini menjadikan Kelantan negeri pertanian yang hebat dengan penanaman pisang, lebah kelulut dan ternakan rusa. Dengan penekanan terhadap pertanian, pegawai negeri berkata krisis makanan 2008 melahirkan kesedaran tentang simpanan makanan yang diperlukan negara.
Tok Guru sering menepati waktu dan mengikut dasar yang diputuskannya.
Beliau menggesa wakil rakyat turun padang dan bertemu penduduk Kelantan. Hasilnya rakyat berbilang kaum dan agama senang dengannya.
“Ramai yang selesa dengan beliau, yang sering menggalakkan kami menyumbang kepada pentadbiran berunsur Islam. Tok Guru menekankan aqidah, akhlak dan ibadah.”
Sumbangan terbesar Allahyarham ialah di dalam meletakkan perkara asas bahawa segalanya dilakukan bagi mencari keredhaan Allah. Ini terhasil melalui penerapan nilai Islam, yang membawa kepada kesedaran dan amalan bagi memenuhi tuntutan Illahi.- Shukri Rahman,theantdaily
Cleanest MB Nik Aziz knows what is public and private property...
Politician-spiritual leader extraordinaire Tok Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat ended his earthly journey on Feb 12 at a ripe age of 84. He was buried on Feb 13, next to his father’s grave, Nik Mat Raja Banjar, in Pulau Melaka, Kelantan. An estimated 50,000 crowd from all walks of life congregated to pay their last respects.
Much loved Nik Aziz remained a stout worker for Islam and the brand of politics he believed in until the end.
As menteri besar of Kelantan for 23 years, Nik Aziz had contributed immensely to what Kelantan is today.
For instance, his decision to pull out the all state government’s money from conventional banks is said to have prompted subsequent applications for Islamic windows at conventional banks.
His other contributions included the introduction of Islamic pawnbroking outlets, Ar-Rahnu. Kelantan also began the five-day work week earlier than other states.
He was willing to be readily interviewed in his capacity as MB. He was approachable and was willing to entertain impromptu and difficult questions. Just like in his religious talks, down-to-earth Nik Aziz, who lived a simple life, also used simple languages and colourful analogies in putting across his points.
Nik Aziz was not a fiery speaker. More adept at speaking without text, however, he was in command of his speeches, often touching on different subjects at different occasions on a single day. As a result, his audience usually would not be bored listening to him, and they always looked forward to hear from him in anticipation.
Most commentators would concur that he would go down as among the cleanest if not the cleanest MB in the country. Says a Kelantanese oil executive, “The Tok Guru is very careful to differentiate between public and private property.”
MB Nik Aziz also impressed upon his PAS elected reps and state officials to have their own identity, with a strong emphasis on religion.
According to a state exco member, during a trip to Turkey, involving less than 10 delegates from Kelantan, he would wake them up for the group Fajr prayer at 4am. Using carpets from room to room, they performed the prayer, followed by a tazkirah. During trips, the PAS spiritual adviser would ask where they would stop for prayer first instead of where to eat. Likewise during meetings, they would stop forasar prayer before resuming the meetings later.
Quips a top civil servant, “He is a highly respectable leader not because of his position but the strength of his character plus an immense religious knowedge.”
An independent preacher notes the Tok Guru’s excellent character and his efforts in offering the best possible services dwell on purification of the heart as well as the spreading of religious knowledge and its application. Nik Aziz was thus a symbol for the respect given to religious scholars – cutting across age, race, geograpgical and social divides.
Their confidence in Islamic justice has elevated him as an icon, example, role model and reference, says another Kelantan exco member.
Nik Aziz is also considered a strategic thinker. This had paved the way for Kelantan to be a strong agricultural state – organic banana farms,kelulut honey bees and deer rearing to name a few initiatives. Proving Kelantan’s strong emphasis on agriculture to be right, a state official says the national food crisis in 2008 had intensified awareness about food security and the huge stockpile of food which industialised nations had at their disposal.
Punctual and disciplined, Tok Guru Nik Aziz also followed through policy decisions.
The menteri besar followed up on the progress of decisions pertaining to state companies, etc. He also insisted on briefings, for updates and feedback – often asking questions and giving immediate instructions. He also urged on his elected reps to frequently turun padang and meet the electorate on the ground.
People from different backgrounds and educational level found him to be approachable with his openness.
Says a wsetern-educated tie-wearing official: “He made various people felt appreciated, encouraging us (from different fields) to contribute towards Islamic administration. He didn’t look at minor things like whether you wore a serban or not. He emphasised on bigger things like aqidah, ibadah and akhlak. “
Perhaps Nik Aziz’s biggest contribution is in laying down the foundation for returning all affairs to Allah’s pleasure and blessing. This has been achieved by the inculcation of key Islamic values, leading to the awareness of and practice in the ultimate accountability to the Supreme Being. - Shukri Rahman,theantdaily
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