Jackie Chan's datukship is no laughing matter...
Just like the current depreciating trend of our Ringgit, now at its lowest level against the USD, soon (if not already) there will be very little ‘value’ associated with honorary titles awarded to various individuals for their contributions to the society.
After all, sceptical Malaysians may view such titles as a ‘joke’ when it can be awarded to a foreign actor best known for his comedic roles, no matter how multi-talented he may be.
In conjunction with the Federal Territories Day celebration this year, Hong Kong superstar Jackie Chan have joined the (very) long list of individuals conferred the Panglima Mahkota Wilayah award that carries the title ‘Datuk’.
English-daily The Star reported that Chan was present at the Istana Negara on Sunday to accept his award from Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Alhaj Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah, dressed in a songkok and black suit.
The report also stated that some of the guests were caught by surprise when the name ‘Chan Kong-sang’ was announced and it was the 60-year-old actor-director who walked up the dais to receive his award from the King.
On social media, the news was also met with much amusement.
“If Jackie Chan can be a datuk, Rowan Atkinson pun boleh. After all, his Mr. Bean character entertained millions of Malaysians,” tweeted user @Duurianne.
“If Jackie Chan is honoured with a Datukship, what about Rajnikanth? Why so selective?” said another user, @HRDipendra. Rajnikanth is a popular Tamil movie star.
Local actor-director Afdlin Shauki, on his Facebook page, meanwhile said: “For a Malaysian, we know it’s a great honour to be bestowed (not bought) a datukship. It would mean a lot again if these datukships were conferred on Malaysians who actually made the country proud for their contributions to the country.
“Give a datukship to people who risked their lives for others during the banjir la.... Make these datukships mean something again! Just my two cents,” said Afdlin.
In response to criticisms against the decision to honour Chan with the title, Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor on his own Twitter account said that Chan can help to promote Malaysia as he has a large fan following here.
Just like how the Malacca state government had defended its decision to confer Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan a datukship in 2008, Tengku Adnan also pointed out that Chan had in 1992 featured Kuala Lumpur in his movie, Police Story 3.
Going through the list of 70 other individuals also conferred the Panglima Mahkota Wilayah award, there is no denying that they may have contributed a lot to the development of the Federal Territories.
Apart from Chan, The Star reported that the list included H.E. Fahad Abdullah Hamad Al-Rashid (Saudi Arabia Embassy mission head), Federal Territory mufti Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri, Kuala Lumpur Catholic Lawyers Society committee member Joy Wilson Appukuttan and Federal Territory MCA secretary Ong Boon See.
This is a time when it is considered ‘normal’ for a person to be conferred multiple titles from different states, so much so that they will not even miss it when one ‘Datuk Seri-ship’ is revoked.
So, just like our currency today recording a record low of RM3.60 to 1USD, it is no surprise when Malaysians will see that the ‘higher’ the number of datukship awarded, the lower its value becomes.- Alyaa Alhadjri,theantdaily
Tweet fitnah, Kit Siang mula prosiding undang-undang terhadap blogger UMNO...
“Saya telah mengarahkan peguam-peguam saya memulakan prosiding sivil dan jenayah terhadap blogger Umno Syed Akbar Ali berkenaan tweet fitnah beliau lewat malam semalam yang mendakwa saya komunis, bersikap perkauman yang anti-Melayu dan menyebabkan tercetusnya pergaduhan kaum 13 Mei,” kata Kit Siang dalam satu kenyataan.
Menurut Kit Siang, tweet Syed Akhbar turut memuatkan grafik menunjukkannya berpakaian ala Mao Tse Tung, mendakwanya ‘Bapa 13 Mei’ selain tuduhan menjadi pencetus rusuhan kaum 13 Mei 1969.
Tweet Syed Akbar Ali itu turut memaparkan kenyataan slogan anti Melayu kononnya daripada Kit Siang dengan kapsyen bertulis: “Melayu keluar! Apa lagi duduk sini, Kita hentam Lu, sekarang kita sudah ada kuasa” Lim KIt Siang (Bapa 13 Mei)
Grafik dikongsikan dalam tweet Syed Akbar mendakwa Kit Siang membuat kenyataan-kenyataan, di masa dan tempat seperti berikut:
1. Menggunakan slogan “Malai-Si” bermaksud “Mati Melayu”.
2. “Apa polis boleh buat, kita Raja. Buang sama polis Melayu.”
– (11 Mei 69, Bukit Bintang)
3. “Mati Melayu, sakai pergi masuk hutan”.
– (11 Mei 69, Jalan Bukit Bintang).
4. “KL sekarang cina punya”.
– (11 Mei 69, Jalan Changkat Dollah)
5. “Melayu balik kampung, melayu sekarang tiada kuasa. Sekarang kita Cina sudah control.”
– (12 Mei 69, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman)
6. “Melayu keluar…! Apa lagi duduk sini, kita hentam lu, sekarang kita sudah ada kuasa…”
– (12 Mei 69, Jalan Khir Kampung Baru)
– (12 Mei 69, depan Balai Polis, Jalan Pudu)
8. “Apa ini Melayu, kita sudah perintah dia negeri, ini negeri bukan melayu punya, mata-mata lancau…!”
– (12 Mei 1969)
9. “Butuh Melayu, Malai si, pergi mati Melayu…”
– (12 Mi 69, Jalan Canvel).
10. “Ini negeri bukan Melayu punya, kita mahu kasi halau semua Melayu”
– (12 Mei 69, Jalan Bukit Bintang).
Tegas Kit Siang, ayat-akat tersebut merupakan pembohongan jahat.
“Bukan sahaja saya tidak pernah menyebut semua ini, malah perkataan ini semua tergolong dalam kategori yang tidak pernah saya gunakan sepanjang hidup.
“Saya juga tidak berada di Kuala Lumpur pada 11 hingga 13 Mei 1969 ketika rusuhan 13 Mei, dan ini boleh dibuktikan oleh Cawangan Khas melalui rekod mereka.
“Retorik kebencian, intoleransi, kefanatikan dan ekstremisme berasaskan pembohongan dan kepalsuan semakin menjadi-jadi akhir-akhir ini.
“Saya menyeru semua rakyat Malaysia yang moderat dan patriotik untuk bersatu dan mengatakan TIDAK kepada ekstremisme dan tidak bertoleransi dengan politik pembohongan dan kebencian,” kata Kit Siang. – Roketkini.com
Lim takes blogger to court for ‘dastardly lies’...
DAP Parliamentary Leader Lim Kit Siang has instructed his lawyers to institute criminal and civil proceedings against a pro-Umno blogger, Syed Akhbar Ali, over a tweet that allegedly defamed him by insinuating that he was a communist and an anti-Malay racist who caused the May 13 race riots in 1969.
The tweet appeared last night, Lim said in a press statement today. The statement did not say whether he would first send Syed Akhbar a letter of demand.
“Syed Akhbar’s tweet carried a graphic of me in the garb of Mao Tse Tung,” fumed Lim, who is the MP for Gelang Patah.
“It alleged that I am ‘Bapa 13 Mei’, and accused me of having caused the May 13 race riots in 1969.”
He said the graphic was captioned with the words “Melayu keluar! Apa lagi duduk sini, kita hentam lu, sekarang kita sudah ada kuasa – Lim Kit Siang (Bapa 13 Mei).” The offending words can be translated as follows: “Malays get out. Why stay here any longer. We will whack you. We have power now.”
According to the tweet, Lim purportedly used such slogans as
1.Malai-Si (Die Malays);
2.Apa polis boleh buat, kita Raja. Buang sama polis Melayu (What can the police do, we are now King. Get rid of the Malay police);
3.Mati Melayu, sakai pergi masuk hutan (Die Malays, slaves go into the jungle);
4.KL sekarang Cina punya (KL now belongs to the Chinese);
5.Melayu balik kampung, Melayu sekarang tiada kuasa. Sekarang kita Cina sudah control (Malays go back to the kampung. Malays now have no power. We Chinese are now in control); Semua Melayu kasi habis, kasi halau semua polis (All Malays are finished. Chase out the police).
“These are dastardly lies,” said Lim. “Not only I have never said them (in fact, there are words and terms in this category which I have never used in my life), I was never in Kuala Lumpur from May 11 to 13, 1969, during the May 13 riots, which the police Special Branch can vouch from their records.
“Let my decision to institute criminal and civil proceedings against Syed Akbar be the first blow of decent, moderate and patriotic Malaysians to save Malaysia from extremism and to declare ‘Zero Tolerance for the Politics of Extremism, Hate and Lies in Malaysia’.” - fmt
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