02 February 2015

Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam. - Anwar tidak patut dipenjara...

Konsisten menyokong Anwar, Ramon gesa beliau tidak dipenjara... 

Antara penyokong konsisten Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ialah bekas penjawat awam kanan Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam.

Bekas ketua setiausaha Kementerian Pengangkutan itu berkata Anwar tidak patut dipenjara dan perlu diberi peluang menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

Ramon memberitahu Semut Harian sebelum keputusan mahkamah dibuat pada 10 Februari ini. Beliau berkata sekiranya Anwar dihumban ke penjara, ia mungkin memberi implikasi besar kepada Malaysia di mata dunia.

“Pertama, saya berharap beliau tidak dipenjara. Jadi harapnya, mahkamah membuat keputusan yang betul.

“Jika dihumban ke penjara, mungkin ada beberapa implikasi. Pertama, simpati yang akan diraihnya. Mungkin Anwar akan mendapat sokongan besar,” katanya.

Ramon yang juga bekas presiden Transparency International berpendapat, rakyat bimbang Pakatan Rakyat akan ketandusan pemimpin yang besar.

“Jadi keputusan mahkamah pada 10 Februari ini akan diperhati kerana ia memberi indikasi bagaimana sistem keadilan di negara ini dijalankan.”

Beberapa tahun dahulu, Ramon memberitahu Malaysiakini bahawa Anwar wajar dilantik perdana menteri.

Kini beliau memberitahu Semut Harian Anwar sewajarnya dianggap pemimpin rakyat yang mampu menjadi Perdana Menteri yang baik.

“Rakyat Malaysia perlu diberi peluang memilih siapa mereka mahukan sebagai Perdana Menteri, dan kita tidak harus dipaksa menerima segalanya bulat-bulat,” ujar Ramon.

Dalam temuramah dengan akhbar Rocket, Anwar berkata Pakaran tidak perlu bimbang sekiranya beliau dipenjarakan.

“Ramai terlupa, apabila saya dipenjara Pakatan Rakyat muncul, walaupun dengan bama berbeza. Jadi ini bukan perkara baru,” ujar ahli parlimen Permatang Pauh itu.

Persoalannya adakah Pakatan mampu melakar masa depan tanpa Anwar?

Tunggu jawapannya setelah mahkamah membuat keputusan pada 10 Februari kelak. -Cecilia Jeyanthi Victor,theantdaily
From left: Anwar and Ramon
Consistent supporter Ramon says Anwar should not be jailed again...

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has a prominent supporter in the person of former civil service bigwig Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam. And the man has been consistent in his support for the opposition leader.

The former Finance Ministry secretary-general said that Anwar should not go to prison and should be given a chance to become prime minister as chosen by the people.

Ramon told Theantdaily ahead of the Feb 10 Sodomy II judgment that there would be serious implications in the country and abroad if Anwar is incarcerated for the second time.

“First of all, I hope he does not have to go to prison. So I hope the judiciary makes the right decision.

“However, if he is sent to prison, it can have several implications. First, there will be a splurge of sympathy for his party, and it can in fact win more support from those who are not committed to the party,” he said.

Ramon, also a former Transparency International president, further said that people are concerned that Pakatan Rakyat may not have a strong leader without Anwar and this would weaken the opposition alliance.

“So the Feb 10 court decision will be closely watched and it would also be an indication of how people perceive the justice system in the country.

Several years ago, Ramon told Malaysiakini that Anwar would make a good prime minister. And the man has been consistent.

He told Theantdaily today that Anwar should be given every chance to become PM and that the will of the people should prevail.

“Malaysians must have the opportunity to choose and decide on who they want as their prime minister and no one has the right to impose his will on them,” Ramon added.

In an interview with the DAP’s Rocket yesterday, Anwar said that Pakatan Rakyat should not be worried if he goes to jail again.

"Nobody wants to go to jail. I don’t want to go to jail…but some say Anwar inside is a problem, Anwar outside is also a problem. So I view it positively after all.

"People tend to forget that I was in jail when Pakatan emerged, of course not with the name Pakatan Rakyat, but this broad concept of a coalition. So this isn’t something new," the Permatang Pauh MP was quoted as saying.

The question of Pakatan’s future without Anwar has been raised by many. And the answer will not be found on Feb 10 after the court delivers its verdict but long after that.-Cecilia Jeyanthi Victor, theantdaily

Memberi pencerahan tentang mitos sekolah Cina...

Bagi kebanyakan ahli politik dan mereka yang gemarkan perhatian, kewujudan sekolah rendah aliran Cina atau SekolahJenis Kebangsaan (Cina) (SJKC) sering menjadi sasaran kritikan.

Mengapa tidak? Ia diuruskan penjawat awam dan mereka tidak akan bertindak balas. Puak berhaluan kanan mampu menarik perhatian di dalam usaha mendapatkan sokongan. Maka SJKC sering sahaja diperkata.

Kita perlu sedar fakta. SJKC dan SJKT (Tamil) tiada beza dengan Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK). Mereka menggunapakai sistem yang diberi Kementerian Pendidikan.

Kurikulum mereka sama sahaja kecuali ia diajar menggunakan pengantar Bahasa Cina ataupun Tamil.

Terdapat 1,294 SJKC, 523 SJKT dan 5,863 SK, dengan pengambil pelajar sebanyak 560,788 (SJKC), 89,007 (SJKT) dan 2,029,658 (SK).

Kesemua perdana menteri kita menganggap kehadiran sekolah-sekolah ini sebahagian daripada jaminan di dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Hampir 60,000 pelajar berada di SJKC dan mereka turut terdiri bumiputera sebanyak 10.7%. Mengapa ibubapa menghantar anak-anak ke sana?

Ada juga guru-guru berbangsa Melayu yang sudah tentu mengajar matapelajaran Bahasa Malaysia. Jadi tanggapan hanya guru berbangsa Cina mengajar di SJKC tidak betul.

Dalam kes kebocoran kertas soalan UPSR tahun lalu, kesemua sekolah perlu menduduki semula peperiksaan subjek Sains, Bahasa Inggeris dan Matematik. SJKC dan SJKT tidak terkecuali kerana para pelajar mengikuti kurikulum yang sama.

Jadi jangan anggap SJKC bukan sebahagian daripada sistem pendidikan Malaysia. Ia telah wujud sejak 80 tahun lalu dan guru-guru serta pihak pengurusannya sedar falsafah pendidikan kebangsaan.

Di luar negara China, Hong Kong, Taiwan dan Macau, Malaysia merupakan satu-satunya negara di mana kerajaan membiayai operasi sekolah rendah aliran Cina. Malah, tahap SJKC kita lebih tinggi berbanding sekolah-sekolah di Singapura.- Dr Chow Yong Neng,theantdaily

Debunking myths about Chinese schools...

For many has-been politicians and those who are vying for attention, attacking the existence of Chinese primary schools, the Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) (SJKC), seems to be a sure way to get attention.

And why not? Those who run Chi­nese primary schools are government servants; they are not likely to fight back. Their ultra-rightism may bring these mediocre politicians some press attention and hence signify their political relevance to their target audience. Thus, whenever there is a need to divert the people’s attention, the SJKCs have been the politicians’ bogeyman.

Let us get some facts straight. SJKCs and SJKTs (Tamil primary schools) are, for all intent and purposes, no different from Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK), the na­tional schools, because all these schools follow the same administrative systems as prescribed by the Ministry of Educa­tion (MoE).

The schools follow the same curricu­lum with the exception that the vernac­ular schools have greater emphasis on the use of the respective mother tongues in the delivery of the lessons and have an additional subject, that is Chinese or Tamil language.

There are 1,294 SJKCs, 523 SJKTs and 5,863 SKs, with student enrolments of 560,788, 89,007 and 2,029,658 respectively. SJKCs and SJKTs account for 20.78% and 3.30% of the entire primary school student population respectively. Collectively, they are ed­ucating close to a quarter of Malaysian primary students.

Successive prime ministers have made it clear that vernacular schools are part and parcel of our education system and the Federal Constitution guarantees their continued existence.

There are over 60,000 pupils in Chinese primary schools who are not Chinese Malaysians. This group of main­ly bumiputera pupils constitutes about 10.7% of SJKCs’ student population. Has it occurred to these opportunistic politi­cians to wonder why the parents of these 60,000-plus students send their children to SJKCs rather than SKs?

Some politicians say that SJKCs only have Chinese Malaysians as teachers but they do not back this claim with facts. While I do not have access to proper data, my observation of my children’s school reveals that during my daughter’s time (she completed Year Six in 2011) there were two Malay teachers, one of whom I have known personally since she started in the early days of the school’s establish­ment. When I was a pupil of a SJKC, I was taught Bahasa Malaysia mainly by Malay teachers. So the statement that SJKCs have only Chinese Malaysians as teachers is untrue, concocted by politi­cians without substance to gain political advantage.

The recent leak of Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) examination papers supports my point. All UPSR classes of 2014 had to resit the Science, English and Mathematics papers. The only reason why candidates from SKs, SJKCs and SJKTs have to resit these same papers was because they studied the same curriculum in the same medium of instruction.

This pokes a big hole in the credibil­ity of those who charge that vernacular schools are not part of the Malaysian education system. The philosophy of teaching at SJKCs that dates back over 80 years is the only difference. This phi­losophy is passed on by senior teachers and headmasters to younger teachers. I believe this philosophy alone accounts for the higher scholastic achievements of SJKC students, something which ill-informed politicians have chosen to dispute.

Outside of Greater China (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau), Malaysia is the only country where the government funds and operates Chinese primary schools. Malaysians are reputed to have the best command of Mandarin outside Greater China. The standard of Chinese at SJKCs easily outclasses that of our southern neighbour, Singapore.

But with the incessant attacks on Chinese schools and deliberate hurdles placed by some officials at the MoE (the case of not sending Chinese language teachers trained for secondary schools is one example), this advantage is eroding. Already many secondary schools pupils have been either actively discouraged or coerced into dropping Chinese at the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) level. This comes at a time when other countries are encouraging the learning of Chinese.

Incidentally, my friend’s son who is studying at a high school in Australia is required to take Chinese as a subject due to his ethnicity. With so many China na­tionals having settled in Australia, there is no shortage of good Chinese teachers to guide students in Australia. Perhaps Australians outclassing Malaysian in their command of Chinese within the next 20 years may be a reality that we will face.- Dr Chow Yong Neng,theantdaily

Convicted blogger: But Utusan did the same...

On March 2, 2013, Umno-owned daily Utusan Malaysia reported that police are on alert after intelligence information that an attack will be carried out on the Lahad Datu police station.

Three days later, the same information was posted by pro-PKR blogger Yusuf al-Siddique on his blog ‘Milosuam’.

More than two years later on Jan 19, 2015, Yusuf was convicted of causing fear under Section 505 of the Penal Code and sentenced to two years’ jail, pending an appeal.

And yet, he decries, no action has been taken on Utusan.

"It was the same story on a police station to be attacked and how police need to be on alert, in fact Utusan’s report was more detailed.

"If I was charged for causing fear, why is a pro-government media outlet not hauled up for the same?

"When I wrote about it, police lodged a report on the matter and arrested me," he told Malaysiakini in an interview.

Scathing from what he believes is selective prosecution, he said his trial was a ruse to scare him and other pro-Pakatan Rakyat bloggers.

Initially, he said, he was told by police he was arrested over a blog posting on police early voting and indelible ink, yet he was charged for causing fear.

"When I was arrested, I was investigated under the Official Secrets Act…So I believe they had nothing, and they were looking for something to stick.

"This is really a manipulation of the law to scare Pakatan bloggers,” he said of the case which was heard in Kota Kinabalu because the police report against him was lodged by police personnel there.

To fight back against the fear campaign, Yusuf continues to write about the trial in the popular blog.

"I hope people will read this articles so they will know whether it is reasonable or not to send me to jail. At least let the rakyat judge this for themselves," he said.- mk

Tak buat apa pun dapat dato.. Macai UMNO dok melalak sampai kepala botak haram apa pun tak ada...dok miskin cam tu dari dulu,kini dan selama2nya... 


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