Tidak ada gunanya Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak bercakap tentang Gerakan Kesederhanaan Global (GMM) dan mempromosikan ’1Malaysia’ tapi akhirnya mempertahankan kenyataan perkauman Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, kata Tony Pua.
Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara itu berkata, kenyataan Najib semalam kononnya kata-kata Ismail ditujukan kepada semua peniaga bukan peniaga tertentu adalah amat mengecewakan dan satu lagi pembohongan berulang UMNO.
“Kegagalan Najib mengecam Ismail atas kenyataan perkauman tersebut adalah amat mengejutkan dan mengecewakan sedangkan beliau selama ini berkhutbah menggalakkan ’1Malaysia’ dan GMM.
“Nampaknya Najib lebih suka kelihatan bodoh daripada melakukan usaha mengutuk perkauman melampau dan pembohongan berniat jahat ahli-ahli kabinetnya sendiri,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan, hari ini.
Menurut Setiausaha Publisiti DAP itu, tindakan Najib mempertahankan Ismail juga mengulangi perilaku Menteri Propaganda Nazi Joseph Goebbels.
“Dalam petikan kenyataan yang sering dikaitkan dengan Goebbels, beliau pernah menyebut ‘jika kamu ulangi suatu pembohongan acapkali, orang akan percaya dan kamu sendiripun akan mempercayainya’
“Jelas pemimpin dan menteri UMNO-BN sedang menderita sindrom ‘pembohongan besar’ apabila mempercayai penipuan berniat jahat mereka sendiri,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan, hari ini.
Baru-baru ini, Ismail melalui laman Facebook menyarankan pengguna Melayu untuk memboikot perniagaan kaum Cina supaya harga barangan turun.
Beliau juga mempersoalkan sikap pengguna Melayu yang masih makan di kedai milik kaum Cina yang diragui status halalnya walaupun terdapat banyak restoran Melayu lainnya.
Ismail turut memberi contoh bahawa restoran kopitiam Old Town White Coffee yang kononnya dimiliki Ahli Parlimen Beruas Ngeh Koo Ham patut diboikot.
Kata Ismail, Ngeh adalah keluarga DAP Perak yang terkenal dengan anti-Islam.
Old Town Kopitiam adalah sebuah syarikat awam yang tidak mempunyai kaitan dengan Ngeh atau keluarganya.
Tokoh DAP Perak itu telah membuat laporan polis, selain mendesak Ismail menarik balik kenyataannya jika tidak mahu dibawa ke mahkamah. – Roketkini.com
So Ismail Sabri is more powerful than Najib
Najib prefers to look stupid than hang Ismail...
In a quote often attributed to the German dictator Adolf Hitler's propaganda chief himself, “if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.”
Our BN-Umno ministers and leaders are certainly suffering from the ‘Big Lie’ syndrome, believing in their own malicious lies.
Ismail Sabri (above left, next to Najib) first accused the Chinese of hiking up prices of goods and services, and hence called for the “majority” Malay community to boycott Chinese businesses.
He then asserted that the popular Old Town White Coffee chain is owned by DAP Member of Parliament Ngeh Koo Ham, whom he accused of being anti-Malay and anti-Muslims and hence, should be similarly boycotted.
Despite the sheer audacity of the racist rant and lies, Prime Minister Najib Razak has inexplicably decided that Ismail Sabri is worthy of his defence and protection.
The Prime Minister’s Office has issued a statement explaining that the agriculture minister’s comments were "meant to rebuke traders who refuse to lower the price of goods".
"The rebuke he made was targeted to all traders and not just traders from a particular race. Besides that, he suggested consumers use their purchasing power to force traders to reduce their price of goods," the PMO statement clarified.
Never said that?
The reply by the prime minister is a blatant attempt at pretending Ismail Sabri never said what he said, despite the latter’s no holds barred attempt to unjustifiably blame the Chinese community.
Instead, Najib is only following the Goebbels playbook, where the latter wrote in his article entitled ‘From Churchill’s Lie Factory’ that “when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.”
It is obvious from the above example, that the honourable prime minister would rather look stupid and ridiculous, than to make any effort to denounce blatant racism and malicious lies spouted by his own cabinet members. - Tony Pua,mk
PMO on Ismail akin to Zul Noordin's Indian kiss...
A PAS leader has likened the stand taken by the Prime Minister’s Office on Ismail Sabri Yaakob to former Perkasa leader Zulkifli Noordin’s election stunt.
Yesterday, the PMO clarified that Ismail, who is agriculture and agro-based industry minister, had reprimanded all errant traders despite his Facebook post urging Malays to boycott Chinese businesses who do not reduce prices.
"This statement (by PMO) is same like what was done by Zulkifli during the last election.
"After insulting the non-Malays, he takes a picture of himself being kissed by a non-Malay to show he is no more anti non-Malays,” he told a press conference today.
At the time, Zulkifili had come under fire over a video posting in which he had ridiculed Hindu deities.
His candidacy also drew flak from Umno's allies, especially MIC.
'Just sack him'
Meanwhile, Khalid called on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razk to relieve Ismail of his post instead of defending him.
"If Najib wants to show he does not like the posting by Ismail, he should not have just released the statement to spin what has been said by Ismail.
"He should instead fire Ismail if he is really serious about eradicating racial issues and should be able to see how stupid of a statement it was trying to explain the price hike from a racial angle," he added.
Thus far, Ismail Sabri has gone on television and held several press conferences to claim that he never intended to single out any ethnic group.
However, BN coalition members MCA and Gerakan are calling his bluff and are still demanding his apology and retraction. - mk
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