Selepas hampir 2 jam, pembunuh Altantuya Shaariibuu, Sirul Azhar Umar berjaya dihubungi Datuk Mahfuz Omar kira-kira jam 1.10 petang tadi.
Ketua Penerangan PAS itu berkata, Sirul membuat 'missed call' padanya dan apabila Mahfuz cuba menelefonnya, bekas anggota Unit Tindakan Khas itu memberitahu sudah bersiap sedia menunggu panggilan ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena itu sejak pagi tadi untuk telesidang yang dijanjikan pada 11.30 pagi tadi.
Dalam perbualan telefon itu, Sirul mengucapkan terima kasih kepada rakyat Malaysia di atas sokongan yang diberikan kepadanya dan turut berterima kasih pada kerajaan Australia kerana melindungi dirinya.
"Sirul juga ada mengatakan beliau akan mematuhi peraturan di pusat tahanannya di Australia.
"Namun, beliau tidak akan bercakap lebih daripada apa yang diberitahu kepada Malaysiakini," kata Mahfuz kepada The Malaysian Insider.
Mahfuz berkata, Sirul hanya akan memberitahu perkara selebihnya pada waktu yang sesuai.
Minggu lepas, Sirul memberitahu Malaysiakini beliau bersama Ketua Inspektor Azilah Hadri hanya menerima arahan dan pembunuh sebenar masih bebas.
"Walaupun kebanyakan pihak media yang sudah pulang dan hanya tinggal beberapa saja, tetapi bagi saya inilah masanya untuk menelefon Sirul kerana pagi tadi kebanyakan daripada kami tidak berjaya menghubunginya disebabkan gangguan talian.
"Saya kata padanya, saya sudah cuba menghubungi beliau dengan tiga nombor yang berlainan namun tidak berjaya kerana gangguan talian," katanya.
Bekas anggota Unit Tindakan Khas (UTK) itu dijadualkan mengadakan telesidang secara langsung bersama media Malaysia anjuran PAS pada jam 11.30 pagi ini tidak berjaya dihubungi apabila ketua Penerangan PAS itu cuba menghubunginya untuk beberapa kali gagal.
Pada masa sama, pihak media yang menunggu sejak jam 11 pagi mempersoalkan bagaimana mereka dapat mengenal pasti individu yang dihubungi Mahfuz itu adalah benar-benar Sirul yang disabitkan bersalah dalam kes pembunuhan Altantuya.
Mahfuz bagaimanapun menunjukkan perbualan akhir beliau bersama Sirul menerusi sistem pesanan ringkas (SMS) di pusat tahanan Imigresen di Australia sebagai bukti.
Sirul dan Azilah disabitkan bersalah dalam kes pembunuhan Altantuya dan dijatuhkan hukuman mati oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan pada 13 Januari lalu.
Bagaimanapun Sirul tidak hadir semasa mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman dan berada di Australia. – tmi
Sirul - I have nothing to say for now...
The much-anticipated conference call today between PAS information chief
Mahfuz Omar with fugitive police commando Sirul Azhar Umar proved an
anti-climax, with Sirul saying he had nothing to say at the present
"I fully respect the authority of the Australian government, whose protection I am under, and I need to respect Australia.
"I do not wish to make a statement at this moment. However, I will try to make a statement at a more approprate time.
would also like to thank all Malaysian media for their coverage and I
would to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Australian government,
which has provided me with full protection, besides safe and comfortable
accomodation," Sirul said.
Sirul also mentioned that he was waiting for Mahfuz to call him earlier. He then said 'Thank you' with a catch in his voice.
Immediately after this, Sirul disconnected the mobile phone line without taking any questions from Mahfuz or from the remaining reporters present.
The call came after repeated attempts earlier to reach Sirul for the much-touted conference call failed. Most of the media had already left when Sirul finally was reached at 1.28pm.
Mahfuz earlier made numerous attempts to hold his conference call with Sirul in front of the press.
Will visit Australia
The conference call was supposed to be held at 11.30am at the PAS headquarters in Kuala Lumpur. It was a packed event.
However, repeated attempts by Mahfuz to call Sirul's phone was futile. He gave up after about 40 minutes.
Mahfuz also showed the press his text message exchange with Sirul to show that the latter was ready for the conference call.
Following this, Mahfuz said that he would be trying to visit Sirul, with the latter's mother Piah Samad, 74, next week. Details are to be announced on Friday.
"We will be there for a week to visit Sirul. A press conference will be held, most probably on Friday, to announce the date we are leaving," said Mahfuz, who is also the Pokok Sena MP.
It is not certain why the calls failed. Mahfuz and his assistants had attempted to use several mobile network providers to contact Sirul, but to no avail.
Reporters at the scene also complained that they were experiencing abnormally poor network coverage at the PAS headquarters.
Ball at Sirul's feet
Previously, Malaysiakini had managed to contact Sirul who lamented that he was convicted based on circumstantial evidence and that he was merely following orders - which led to his encounter with Altantuya Shariibuu in October 2006.
month, the Federal Court upheld the conviction of Sirul and Azilah
Hadri for the murder of Altantuya, a Mongolian national, and their death
Sirul fled to Australia before the Federal Court decision. As he is on the Interpol red list, Australian authorities are holding him at an immigration facility in Villawood, Sydney.
Australia has stated that it is bound by laws that prevent Sirul's repatriation, unless Malaysia promises not to impose the death sentence on him.
However, Malaysiakini has learned that several Australia media outlets are attempting to interview Sirul and are in contact with him. - mk
"I fully respect the authority of the Australian government, whose protection I am under, and I need to respect Australia.
"I do not wish to make a statement at this moment. However, I will try to make a statement at a more approprate time.
Sirul also mentioned that he was waiting for Mahfuz to call him earlier. He then said 'Thank you' with a catch in his voice.
Immediately after this, Sirul disconnected the mobile phone line without taking any questions from Mahfuz or from the remaining reporters present.
The call came after repeated attempts earlier to reach Sirul for the much-touted conference call failed. Most of the media had already left when Sirul finally was reached at 1.28pm.
Mahfuz earlier made numerous attempts to hold his conference call with Sirul in front of the press.
Will visit Australia
The conference call was supposed to be held at 11.30am at the PAS headquarters in Kuala Lumpur. It was a packed event.
However, repeated attempts by Mahfuz to call Sirul's phone was futile. He gave up after about 40 minutes.
Following this, Mahfuz said that he would be trying to visit Sirul, with the latter's mother Piah Samad, 74, next week. Details are to be announced on Friday.
"We will be there for a week to visit Sirul. A press conference will be held, most probably on Friday, to announce the date we are leaving," said Mahfuz, who is also the Pokok Sena MP.
It is not certain why the calls failed. Mahfuz and his assistants had attempted to use several mobile network providers to contact Sirul, but to no avail.
Reporters at the scene also complained that they were experiencing abnormally poor network coverage at the PAS headquarters.
Ball at Sirul's feet
Previously, Malaysiakini had managed to contact Sirul who lamented that he was convicted based on circumstantial evidence and that he was merely following orders - which led to his encounter with Altantuya Shariibuu in October 2006.
Sirul fled to Australia before the Federal Court decision. As he is on the Interpol red list, Australian authorities are holding him at an immigration facility in Villawood, Sydney.
Australia has stated that it is bound by laws that prevent Sirul's repatriation, unless Malaysia promises not to impose the death sentence on him.
However, Malaysiakini has learned that several Australia media outlets are attempting to interview Sirul and are in contact with him. - mk
Jika Sirul Azhar ‘kambing hitam’, siapa gembalanya...
Ketua Parlimen DAP Lim Kit Siang dalam kenyatannya menggesa Sirul untuk benar-benar menyesali apa yang telah berlaku serta membantah hukuman mati terhadapnya dalam keadaan dalang pembunuhan tersebut masih bebas.
“Sirul patut berhenti bersembunyi dan melarikan diri seperti yang dibuatnya sepanjang sembilan tahun lalu dan menyatakan pendirian secara jujur dan benar mengenai pembunuhan pada tahun 2006 itu,” ujar Kit Siang.
“Masanya telah tiba untuk Sirul membuat pengakuan awam mengenai akuan salahnya kepada pihak polis pada 9 November 2006,” tambah Ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah itu lagi.
Pengakuan salah Sirul dalam percakapan beramaran yang dirakamkan ketika siasatan tidak dikemukakan sebagai bukti dalam perbicaraan Sirul pada Julai 2007.
“Sirul mesti mendedahkan sekarang sama ada pengakuannya itu adalah benar atau sebaliknya,” kata Kit Siang lagi.
Pada 3 Februari 2009, Sirul memberitahu mahkamah bahawa beliau merupakan ‘kambing hitam’ yang perlu dikorbankan demi melindungi pihak-pihak tertentu yang tidak dihadapkan ke mahkamah untuk memberi keterangan.
Pada 9 November 2006, dalam percakapan beramarannya kepada polis, Sirul menyatakan bahawa rakannya Azilah Hadri yang turut didapati bersalah membunuh Altantuya pernah menyebut tentang ganjaran antara RM50,000 ke RM100,000 sekiranya kes tersebut selesai.
Sirul juga memberikan gambaran terperinci bagaimana Altantuya dibunuh sebelum mayatnya diletupkan dengan bahan letupan C4.
“Sekiranya pengakuan ini tidak benar, Sirul mesti jelaskan bagaimana dia boleh memberikan gambaran yang begitu terperinci mengenai kejadian terbabit,” tambah Kit Siang.
Bukan itu sahaja, Sirul juga wajar mendedahkan semua yang terjadi sepanjang sembilan tahun lalu, terutamanya sama ada beliau pernah dijanjikan kebebasan atas tindakannya mematuhi arahan untuk membunuh Altantuya.
“Sirul jelas tidak mempunyai motif membunuh Altantuya, kerana dia tidak kenal Altantuya, dan dia juga tidak kenal Abdul Razak Baginda,” jelas Kit Siang lagi.
Dalam pengakuannya, Sirul merujuk Altantuya sebagai ‘perempuan Cina’, dan tidak pernah tahu bahawa mangsa merupakan seorang warga Mongolia. –
Ibu temui Sirul di Australia minggu depan
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