Luahan hati beliau disuarakan menerusi status Facebook di bawah.
Apabila ada yang bertanya adakah benar kenyataan tersebut keluar dari mulutnya sendiri, tanpa ragu beliau mengakuinya dan sedia bertanggungjawab.
Menerusi status Facebook berkenaan, Ismail meluahkan rungutan terhadap sikap orang Melayu yang kadangkala membiarkan diri mereka dipermainkan apabila tidak bersatu memboikot barangan yang dinaikkan atas sebab tak munasabah oleh peniaga Cina begitu juga premis yang mempunyai isu berkaitan status halal meragukan.
Ismail berkata, orang Melayu adalah pengguna majoriti di negara ini maka jika mereka bersatu sudah pasti harga barangan terpaksa diturunkan dan status halal pun taklah dibuat main. - mynewshub
Boycott Chinese businesses, minister tells Malays
In a Facebook posting that has since been pulled down, Minister of Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Ismail Sabri Yaakob told Malays that since they formed the majority of consumers in the country, they should boycott Chinese establishments as a means of forcing the owners to lower prices.
He said that although the government through the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism, could tackle errant businesspeople using the Price Control Act and the Anti-Profiteering Act, it was consumers who ultimately wielded the greatest power when it came to lowering market prices.
He lamented however that Malays continued to frequent these establishments although many of these food outlets either did not have “halal” certifications or if they did, had certificates that were “suspect”.
He fingered out Old Town White Coffee and wondered why Malays did not instead go to the thousands of other Malay restaurants that were genuinely “halal”.
He said, “but still the Malays refuse to boycott…more so when the owner is said to be from DAP Perak’s Ngeh family who is widely known to be anti-Islam…”
He also said that it was time Malays changed their consumer behaviour patterns in order to stop the Chinese from exploiting them any further.
“…as long as the Malays do not change… the Chinese will continue to take the opportunity to suppress the Malays”.
Earlier today, Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Hasan Malek warned that the authorities could act against restaurants and food outlets if they refused to bring down prices following lower prices at the pump and deferred electricity tariffs.
“If they can increase prices when the fuel cost went up, they can reduce prices now that the pump prices have been falling,” he said in a statement carried by the Star Online. - fmt
Old Town White Coffee denies any links to DAP...
The Old Town White Coffee restaurant chain has denied having any links to DAP or its politicians, following allegations made by Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
In addition, it noted that is a publically listed company on Bursa Malaysia’s main board, and that none of its board members are active members of any political party.
“We would also like to clarify once again that Old Town White Coffee is not affiliated with any political party, or any politician as recently alleged by a certain public figure, nor does the company have any political interests,” the company’s chairperson, Ahmed Tasir, said in a statement today.
“Just look at Old Town White Coffee... They are suspicious... but still Malays are not boycotting (the company). Moreover, the company is owned by the Ngeh family (of) Perak DAP, which are anti-Islam.
“As long as Malays don't change, the Chinese will take advantage and oppress the Malays,” he pointed out.
He said this in claiming that Chinese businesses have suspect Halal certifications and yet Malays do not boycott them.
Ismail Sabri has since clarified that he was referring to “stubborn Chinese traders” who refuse to drop goods prices despite falling fuel prices.
Meanwhile, a report by The Malaysian Insider quoted - the now former - Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham, as saying that he never owned any Old Town shares and denied that he is anti-Islam.
As for Old Town, Ahmed assured that the restaurant’s halal certification remained valid, and that claims to the contrary are untrue and misinformed.
“Old Town White Coffee does not serve any non-halal food products or alcohol, and all our food and beverages are prepared in a halal manner.
“We will continue to work closely with the relevant authorities to ensure that all our outlets in Malaysia remain halal-certified,” he said. - mk
Ngeh beri Ismail Sabri 48 jam kemuka permohonan maaf ...
Ismail Sabri enggan minta maaf...
Ikhlaslah klu cakap. Periksa dulu apa sebab tak turun harga. Peniaga Melayu ada turun ke.
Salam semua,
Sebab pak Ismail suruh boikot peniaga2 cina yang tak nak turun harga sebab sebagai menteri dia tahu masih ramai lagi melayu yang tak pandai mengira. Formula pak ismail ialah, CINA2 tu kata harga tatak bole tulun sebab itu RM sudah kecut. Jadi dgn kekecutan RM maka minyak turun jadi RM1.70/LITRE. Lepas isi minyak pak ismail pergi ke KOPITIAM meneguk air kopi RM5.90 utk 1/2 litre. Maka tepikir ler pak Ismail, kalau jual air bole untung sampai 700% baik suruh PETRONAS stop produce minyak bagi mengelakkan kerugian. Baik petronas jual air mineral je RM1.80utk 750ml. Modal cuma botol plastik. Harga minyak RM 1.70/litre setelah diadun dgn teknologi FI yang mana juruteranya bergaji rata2 sekitar 20k-50k. Jadi teknologi apakah yang OLD TOWN AND RICH PAPPA pakai utuk menghasilkan 1/2 litre kopi pada harga RM5.90. adakah pembancuh2 kopi itu juga adalah jurutera2 yang diimport dari bangla dan mynmar yang gajinya setara dgn jurutera2 petronas. Kalau bising minyak mahal pun minyak tak pernah semahal RM5.90 utk 1/2 litre. Jadi sebelum suruh pak ismail mohon maaf dan u-turn kenyataannya, suruh melayu2 yang masih lagi meneguk kopi kat kopitiam start blaja kira2 Dan jgn memekak klu harga minyak jadi Rm5/ litre...still lagi murah dari air dari kopitiam yang dibancuh oleh jurutera2 dari bangla dan mynmar.
Apa kurang dengan peniaga2 Melayu,ingat dengan turunnya harga minyak depa akan turun harga juga...NO!! depa pun sama naik dengan peniaga2 Cina.
Cuba check harga barang di pasar2 malam di mana ada peniaga2 Melayu,sudahkah harga ikan,sayur dsbnya turun. Sorrylah!!!
Harga teh tarik gerai Melayu tepi jalan dah antara rm1.20 - rm1.50 segelas sama dengan harga secawan teh di Ah Kow kedai kopi.
Bezanya di gerai Melayu tepi jalan duduk di bawah payung tarpan berkerusi meja plastik yang lusuh,banding dengan kedai Ah Kow duduk atas kerusi kayu antik dan meja marble di bawah kipas angin.
Bagi aku boikot atau tak,harga tetap naik,pasai gomen tak ada teloq nak bertindak dan pelanggan2 Melayu Old Town White Coffee akan bertambah... thanks to Minister Ismail & his cronies!!!!
How about TNB, Sabri? Why don't you ask the Malays to boycott TNB over their indiscriminate and exorbitant pricing?
How about the PLUS highways? Why don't you ask the Malays to boycott using PLUS highways, or you don't because it is UMNO's cronies who are collecting the TOLL?
I can go on and on, but I do hope you get the drift.
The Chinese should BOYCOTT THE THIEVES & ROBBERS IN PUTRAJAYA by NOT PAYING TAXES!! See where the economy would go??
If the Malays should boycott Chinese traders, likewise the Chinese should also boycott Malay traders. Chinese should never step into a restaurant with halal logo,and with Malay names.
The Minister forgets that if the Chinese should withdraw their money and close their account in CIMB,Maybank,Bank Islam,RHB etc,and instead transfer their wealth overseas this country can go bankrupt.
Thats what U get when you put a dumb UMNO Minister with his dumb ideology,and want us to just follow...
Hello Ismail ini tahun 2015 lah bukan 1815... Melayu,Cina dan India tak mahu jadi pak turut macam lembu2 pawah belaan kroni2 UMNO tu!!!
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