Siasatan yang dilakukan terhadap projek konsesi pembinaan kampus UiTM mendapati, wujud syarikat Bumiputera yang bukan sahaja mempunyai 'kepakaran' dalam rundingan konsesi dengan kerajaan malah menyerahkan pula projek yang diperolehi kepada syarikat bukan Bumiputera.
Ahli Parlimen Pandan, Rafizi Ramli berkata, kaedah rundingan terus yang digunakan pentadbiran Najib dengan berselindung di sebalik “private finance initiatives” (PFI) begitu mudah disalahgunakan dan terdedah kepada amalan rasuah.
"Melalui kaedah rundingan terus ini, ahli perniagaan yang mempunyai akses dengan pimpinan Umno dan pegawai tinggi kerajaan berpeluang mendapat konsesi-konsesi yang diikat dalam tempoh yang lama dan boleh merugikan rakyat," ujarnya.
Beliau memberi contoh syarikat yang diberi konsesi membina kampus UiTM Kota Samarahan iaitu Rekajaya Projek Sdn Bhd yang turut dianugerahkan konsesi Lebuhraya Kuala Lumpur-Kuala Selangor (Latar) melalui satu konsortium.
Syarikat-syarikat yang dikuasai ahli perniagaan ini, tambahnya boleh diibaratkan sebagai "pakar perunding konsesi" yang berurusan dengan Kerajaan Persekutuan.
Bagaimanapun ujar beliau, sebaik berjaya mendapatkan konsesi-konsesi pembinaan, projek pembinaan diberikan pula kepada syarikat bukan Bumiputera sama ada melalui perkongsian (joint venture) atau sub-kontrak.
"Di dalam kes pembinaan Lebuhraya LATAR dan UiTM cawangan Kota Samarahan, pembinaannya dikendalikan oleh Binapuri Holdings Berhad, sebuah syarikat pembinaan bukan Bumiputera yang disenaraikan di Bursa Kuala Lumpur," dedah beliau.
Rafizi menambah, semakan mendapati kos pembinaan dua projek konsesi itu dibiayai melalui pinjaman dengan Bank Pembangunan Berhad, sebuah bank milik penuh kerajaan.
"Saya mengambil contoh konsesi penswastaan UiTM cawangan Kota Samarahan ini untuk menunjukkan bagaimana kaedah PFI yang dijadikan alasan untuk memberi anugerah konsesi kepada ahli-ahli politik Umno dan rakan perniagaan mereka sebenarnya samalah dengan Kerajaan Persekutuan menanggung sendiri kos pembiayaan tanpa perlu diikat dengan perjanjian konsesi 23 tahun yang membebankan rakyat," ujarnya.
Beliau berkata, alasan kononnya kontraktor Bumiputera berpeluang dianugerahkan projek melalui program konsesi juga diragui kerana jelas projek yang diperolehi diserahkan pula kepada syarikat bukan Bumiputera.
Rafizi turut mempertikaikan pembiayaan projek melalui Bank Pembangunan, sebuah bank milik penuh Kerajaan Persekutuan.
Menurutnya, jika kampus-kampus tersebut dibina sendiri kerajaan dengan meminjam dari Bank Pembangunan, pasti kos yang ditanggung adalah jauh lebih murah.
"Siri penswastaan UiTM menjadi bukti bagaimana nama Melayu dan Bumiputera disalahgunakan untuk mengkayakan kroni Umno.
"Saya akan terus bersuara mendesak kebertanggungjawaban dan ketelusan di dalam kaedah PFI supaya Umno tidak sewenang-wenangnya menganugerahkan konsesi yang akan membebankan rakyat kelak," ujar beliau. - Harakahdaily
Ibrahim Katak - What's wrong if UMNO men get UiTM deals...
This was the question raised by Malay rights NGO Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali in response to PKR's Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli's exposes on Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) campus concessions.
The answer, Ibrahim said, is no.
"In principle, every Malaysian regardless of party has the right to do business. Even members of parliament and state assembly.
"If a contract is given to a certain individual and it so happens that the bumiputera is an Umno member, it is a sin. That is what Rafizi is bombarding (about) now," he said at a press conference.
He said that in Perkasa's mind, it does not even matter if the recipient is the prime minister's son as long as "it is transparent, competitive and fulfills all criteria".
"If everything was fulfilled so what's wrong (with) that? I am also against cronyism and nepotism... but I don't want to be carried away," he added.
He also said that it is not fair to insinuate that there are elements of corruption simply because an Umno member gets the deal.
"So Umno people cannot be in business?" he asked.- mk
Ibrahim Ali, of course it matters because it is funded by the taxpayers. I don't want my money to end up like PKFZ or NFC. Don't know if you have the brain to understand this...
'Shocked' lawyer questions AG's agenda...
The lawyer of M Indira Gandhi has questioned the "agenda" behind Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail's decision to intervene in the two interfaith custody cases in Ipoh and Seremban.
M Kulasegaran told Malaysiakini today that he was "shocked" with the AG's decision to intervene by applying to cancel the custody orders issued by both the civil and syariah courts, and to expedite the matter at the Federal Court.
"Is this because the prime minister holds the view (that the Federal Court should solve interfaith custody battles)?" he asked.
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak previously said the Federal Court should solve interfaith custody battles when there are contradictory orders between both the High Court and the Syariah Court.
The AG will seek to cancel the custody and recovery orders in both the cases of Indira and S Deepa.
"The custody order for this case was issued four years ago. This issue has already been ventilated by the High Court. Why is the AG acting now?" Kulasegaran asked.
He said that when Indira attempted to quash the conversion of her two children, made unilaterally by her ex-husband in 2010, the AG Chambers had "fought tooth and nail" to prevent the matter from being brought to the Federal Court.
"I will take advice from my client and we await the AG's application excitedly," he added.
Meanwhile, the lawyer of Deepa, Joanne Leong, said the intervention "was not necessary" as there have been many such cases that have been handled by the High Court before.
"These are not the only cases regarding this matter. There have been many cases before us and they have been decided by the civil courts," she said.
"The rights of the non-Muslims are protected by the civil court," she said.
Both Deepa and Indira have one of their children still remaining with their ex-husbands despite the court orders, as the police had refused to act on both cases due to the Syariah Court orders granting custody to the converted ex-husbands.- mk
Jam 12.00 pagi 27/6/2014
Jam 4.00 pagi 27/6/2014
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