ADUN DAP Seri Delima, RSN Rayer dijangka didakwa esok atas tuduhan menghasut berhubung kenyataannya "Umno celaka".
Difahamkan pihak polis telah memanggil beliau hadir di Balai Polis Daerah Timur Laut di Jalan Pattani.
Dalam reaksi segera, Rayer berharap dapat membayar ikatjamin
malam ini "atau saya terpaksa tidur di sini".
Beliau masih menunggu untuk diberitahu berkaitan dakwaan terhadapnya.
Ketua Polis Daerah Timur Laut ACP Mior Faridalatrash Wahid berkata minggu lepas bahawa siasatan dijalankan selepas lebih 40 aduan dibuat di seluruh negara terhadap Rayer.
Ditemui di balai polis, Mior Faridalatrash berkata Rayer akan didakwa kerana mengucapkan "Umno celaka" di dewan undangan (DUN) Pulau Pinang pada 20 Mei.
Ditanya sama ada tidak ada imuniti untuk perkataan yang disebut di dalam Dewan, Mior Farid berkata: "Tidak"
Empat belas lelaki yang menyerbu masuk ke DUN untuk mencari Rayer, akan didakwa esok atas tuduhan menceroboh.
Sementara itu, Rayer yang diiringi isterinya, bapanya dan exco kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang Jagdeep Singh Deo, membayar ikat jamin pada jam 5.25 petang.
Beliau enggan mengulas mengenai tuduhan terhadapnya, dan berkata beliau tidak mahu menjejaskan kes itu, dan tidak mahu menyatakan sama ada beliau terkejut atau risau dengan perkembangan terkini itu.
Jagdeep (kanan) berkata Rayer ditahan secara rasmi dan telah
membayar ikat jamin dan akan hadir di mahkamah esok.
Peguam Rayer akan meneliti pertuduhan terhadapnya untuk persediaan di mahkamah sesyen pagi esok, kata Jagdeep yang juga ADUN Dato Keramat.
Ketika ditemui lagi kemudiannya, Mior Faridalatrash berkata Rayer akan didakwa di bawah Seksyen 4.1 (b) kerana mengucapkan kata-kata berunsur hasutan.
Ditanya lagi tentang imuniti, Mior berkata, "Biar mahkamah putuskan sama ada beliau mendapat imuniti atau tidak."
Dari segi sejarah, Akta Hasutan telah digunakan terhadap mereka yang kritikal terhadap kerajaan, termasuk ahli Parlimen.
Kes terbaru sebelum Rayer ialah mendiang MP Bukit Gelugor Karpal Singh, yang didapati bersalah di bawah Akta tersebut dan didenda RM4,000 kerana menghina Sultan Perak pada tahun 2009.
Karpal meninggal dunia pada 17 April dalam nahas di Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan, berhampiran Gua Tempurung, Perak.
Di bawah Akta Hasutan, imuniti ahli Parlimen boleh digantung, jika didapati bersalah atas tuduhan menghasut.- mk
Difahamkan pihak polis telah memanggil beliau hadir di Balai Polis Daerah Timur Laut di Jalan Pattani.
malam ini "atau saya terpaksa tidur di sini".
Beliau masih menunggu untuk diberitahu berkaitan dakwaan terhadapnya.
Ketua Polis Daerah Timur Laut ACP Mior Faridalatrash Wahid berkata minggu lepas bahawa siasatan dijalankan selepas lebih 40 aduan dibuat di seluruh negara terhadap Rayer.
Ditemui di balai polis, Mior Faridalatrash berkata Rayer akan didakwa kerana mengucapkan "Umno celaka" di dewan undangan (DUN) Pulau Pinang pada 20 Mei.
Ditanya sama ada tidak ada imuniti untuk perkataan yang disebut di dalam Dewan, Mior Farid berkata: "Tidak"
Empat belas lelaki yang menyerbu masuk ke DUN untuk mencari Rayer, akan didakwa esok atas tuduhan menceroboh.
Sementara itu, Rayer yang diiringi isterinya, bapanya dan exco kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang Jagdeep Singh Deo, membayar ikat jamin pada jam 5.25 petang.
Beliau enggan mengulas mengenai tuduhan terhadapnya, dan berkata beliau tidak mahu menjejaskan kes itu, dan tidak mahu menyatakan sama ada beliau terkejut atau risau dengan perkembangan terkini itu.
membayar ikat jamin dan akan hadir di mahkamah esok.
Peguam Rayer akan meneliti pertuduhan terhadapnya untuk persediaan di mahkamah sesyen pagi esok, kata Jagdeep yang juga ADUN Dato Keramat.
Ketika ditemui lagi kemudiannya, Mior Faridalatrash berkata Rayer akan didakwa di bawah Seksyen 4.1 (b) kerana mengucapkan kata-kata berunsur hasutan.
Ditanya lagi tentang imuniti, Mior berkata, "Biar mahkamah putuskan sama ada beliau mendapat imuniti atau tidak."
Dari segi sejarah, Akta Hasutan telah digunakan terhadap mereka yang kritikal terhadap kerajaan, termasuk ahli Parlimen.
Kes terbaru sebelum Rayer ialah mendiang MP Bukit Gelugor Karpal Singh, yang didapati bersalah di bawah Akta tersebut dan didenda RM4,000 kerana menghina Sultan Perak pada tahun 2009.
Karpal meninggal dunia pada 17 April dalam nahas di Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan, berhampiran Gua Tempurung, Perak.
Di bawah Akta Hasutan, imuniti ahli Parlimen boleh digantung, jika didapati bersalah atas tuduhan menghasut.- mk
Rayer sebut UMNO celaka heret ke mahkamah dan ada orang sebut 'Haram Jadah' ok pula. Awat UMNO ingat depa tu Tuhan kot sampai tak boleh teguq, ni orang kata bodoh sombong...
Rayer to be charged with sedition over 'celaka' remark...
DAP's Seri Delima assemblyperson RSN Rayer is expected to be charged with sedition tomorrow for his "Umno celaka" remark.
It is learnt that police have asked the politician to turn himself in at the Northeast District police station on Jalan Pattani.
Rayer was earlier investigated under the 1954 Election Offences Act for promoting ill-will and hostility by allegedly repeating the words "Umno Celaka" (damn Umno) outside the state legislative assembly.
Northeast District police chief ACP Mior Faridalatrash Wahid said last week the investigation was launched after more than 40 reports, nationwide, had been lodged against Rayer.
Met at the police station, Mior Faridalatrash said that Rayer will be charged with sedition for uttering "Umno celaka" in the Penang legislative assembly on May 20.
Asked if there is no immunity for words spoken in the House, Mior Farid said: "No."
Bail posted at 5.25pm
Meanwhile, the 14 men who stormed the state assembly building looking for Rayer will tomorow be charged with trespassing.
Accompanied by his wife, his father and Penang executive councillor Jagdeep Singh Deo, Rayer posted bail at 5.25pm.
He declined to comment on his charge, saying he did not wish to prejudice the case, and did not want to state whether he was shocked or scared by the latest development.
Rayer's lawyers would go through the charge for preparation before the sessions court in the morning, added Jagdeep, who is Dato Keramat assemblyperson.
When met again later, Mior Faridalatrash said that Rayer would be charged under Section 4.1(b) for uttering seditious words.
"The attorney-general instructed us to charge him and so we have," he added.
Asked again about the clause on immunity, Mior said, "Let the court decide whether he has immunity or not."
Historically, the Sedition Act has been invoked against those critical of the government, including Members of Parliament.
The latest case before Rayer was that of the late Bukit Gelugor MP Karpal Singh, who was convicted under the Act and fined RM4,000 for insulting the Perak Sultan in 2009.
Karpal died on April 17 in a tragic car crash at the North-South Expressway, near Gua Tempurung, Perak.
Under the Sedition Act, MPs can have their parliamentary immunity suspended, if found guilty of sedition.- mk
Anonymous_1402207329 - Using the word 'celaka' can be charged for sedition. What about those who uttered intruders, pendantang, to burn down churches and a lot more which are more hurtful remaks? What say you, OUR DEAR A.G?
Spartacus - Why not just pass a new bill in Parliament call UMNO Protection Act where any one who condemn, criticize, question, scold, celaka etc etc UMNO members or the political party as a whole will put into jail and pay fine?
AZIZ BIN KADER - What wrong to quote Celaka. Najib remark haramjadah to NGO from Felda not an issue.
Kangkung - Umno leaders, members and their NGOs are allowed to utter whatever they want be it on banners, gesturing or screaming till they froth at the mouth or acting it out at your front gate. Millions of police reports can be made but no action will be taken. umno is enjoying themselves at using the sedition charge to go after opposition leaders.
Louis - I cry for Malaysia!!! What is happening to her, only God knows!!!

State assembly intruders to be charged tomorrow...
Northeast district police chief Mior Faridalatrash Wahid said the group will be charged under Section 448 of the Penal Code for trespassing.
"It is a bailable offence," he said when met at the Pattani Road northeast district police headquarters today.
The 14, among whom were Umno members, barged into the House looking for Seri Delima assemblyperson RSN Rayer for uttering the words "Umno celaka".- mk
"The Sultan’s and Mais's powers are restricted to Muslims; that is the issue now," Aziz told The Malaysian Insider.
Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is to meet with the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, today to propose that all 321 Malay and Iban-language Bibles be returned to BSM.
He said they had not reached a resolution yet over the issue as they were still considering other options.
"Of course we want to return (the Bibles) but the case must be handled using the correct procedures," he said.
Aziz, a former lecturer at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) said Mais had acted beyond their powers in this case.
"This involves items that belong to BSM. BSM is a non-Muslim organisation, what power does Mais have over non-Muslims?
"Now they refuse to return the Bibles, but what power do they have to keep the Bibles?" asked Aziz.
He said Mais could only act as a complainant, but prosecution powers lay with the attorney-general, who had already ordered for the case to be closed.
"Mais has no legal powers, all they can do is complain or lodge a police report," said Aziz.
He said that although Mais insisted on using the Selangor Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation among Muslims) Enactment 1988 to mount a case against BSM, only the attorney-general had powers to prosecute the organisation.
BSM could only be charged in the civil courts, and not the Shariah courts, as it was a non-Muslim entity, said Aziz.
"Even though the enactment is under the Selangor state, it can only be carried out in the civil courts and only the attorney-general can prosecute them.
Aziz also pointed out that Mais was storing the Bibles illegally, as it had no court order to do so.
Political analyst Dr Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) said the entire row could be resolved if the Sultan used his discretion to have the Bibles returned.
"Maybe the Sultan's intervention is the best option, now that this issue is simply hanging," he said.
Last week, Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail said the Selangor Islamic Religious Department had erred in seizing the Bibles from BSM in January, and ordered the case closed.
But Mais had rejected the decision and refused to return the Bibles, sparking criticism from Selangor Pakatan Rakyat leaders and the public.
Yesterday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak urged Mais to discuss the matter with the attorney-general if it believed Gani should re-examine his decision on the Bibles. – June 18, 2014.
- See more at:
Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is to meet with the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, today to propose that all 321 Malay and Iban-language Bibles be returned to BSM.
He said they had not reached a resolution yet over the issue as they were still considering other options.
"Of course we want to return (the Bibles) but the case must be handled using the correct procedures," he said.
Aziz, a former lecturer at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) said Mais had acted beyond their powers in this case.
"This involves items that belong to BSM. BSM is a non-Muslim organisation, what power does Mais have over non-Muslims?
"Now they refuse to return the Bibles, but what power do they have to keep the Bibles?" asked Aziz.
He said Mais could only act as a complainant, but prosecution powers lay with the attorney-general, who had already ordered for the case to be closed.
"Mais has no legal powers, all they can do is complain or lodge a police report," said Aziz.
He said that although Mais insisted on using the Selangor Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation among Muslims) Enactment 1988 to mount a case against BSM, only the attorney-general had powers to prosecute the organisation.
BSM could only be charged in the civil courts, and not the Shariah courts, as it was a non-Muslim entity, said Aziz.
"Even though the enactment is under the Selangor state, it can only be carried out in the civil courts and only the attorney-general can prosecute them.
Aziz also pointed out that Mais was storing the Bibles illegally, as it had no court order to do so.
Political analyst Dr Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) said the entire row could be resolved if the Sultan used his discretion to have the Bibles returned.
"Maybe the Sultan's intervention is the best option, now that this issue is simply hanging," he said.
Last week, Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail said the Selangor Islamic Religious Department had erred in seizing the Bibles from BSM in January, and ordered the case closed.
But Mais had rejected the decision and refused to return the Bibles, sparking criticism from Selangor Pakatan Rakyat leaders and the public.
Yesterday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak urged Mais to discuss the matter with the attorney-general if it believed Gani should re-examine his decision on the Bibles. – June 18, 2014.
- See more at:
Sultan Selangor, Mais tidak berhak campuri urusan bukan Islam...
Dr Abdul Aziz Bari mengecam tindakan Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (Mais) yang berdegil terus menyimpan Bible berbahasa Melayu dan Iban milik Persatuan Bible Malaysia (PBM) kerana pihak berkuasa agama itu atau Sultan tidak berhak mencampuri urusan bukan Islam.
Pakar Perlembagaan itu berkata, soal beribadat dan cara amalan bukan Islam tidak berada di bawah bidang kuasa Mais dan Sultan yang hanya berkuasa terhadap soal melibatkan umat Islam.
"Sama ada Sultan atau Mais tidak ada hak untuk mengajar, mengacau atau menganggu cara bukan Islam mengamalkan agama mereka.
"Kuasa Sultan dan Mais hanya pada orang Islam sahaja, itu isunya sekarang," katanya kepada The Malaysian Insider.
Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim akan menghadap Sultan Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah hari ini bagi mengemukakan cadangan pemulangan semula 321 Bible kepada PBM.
Beliau berkata, setakat ini tiada kesimpulan tercapai kerana masih mempertimbangkan beberapa pilihan lain.
"Antara pilihan lain sudah tentu ingin memulangkan tetapi proses kes ini mesti dilakukan dengan cara yang betul," katanya.
Abdul Aziz yang pernah mengajar di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) berkata, situasi yang berlaku di Selangor menunjukkan Mais melanggar kuasa mereka.
"Ini melibatkan barang dan benda milik PBM, PBM ini bukan Islam, apa kuasa mereka ke atas bukan Islam?
"Sekarang mereka tidak mahu pulangkan, apa kuasa mereka hendak simpan," katanya.
Beliau berkata, Mais hanya boleh bertindak sebagai pengadu, tetapi tanggungjawab pendakwaan adalah kuasa peguam negara.
"Mais tiada kuasa undang-undang kerana yang mereka hanya sebagai pengadu atau buat laporan polis dan peguam negara," katanya.
Abdul Aziz berkata, walaupun Mais masih berdegil mahu menggunakan Enakmen Ugama Bukan Islam (Kawalan Perkembangan di Kalangan Orang Islam) 1988 untuk buat pendakwaan, kuasa penuh masih di bawah peguam negara yang menutup kes tersebut.
Katanya, pendakwaan ke atas PBM hanya boleh dibuat di Mahkamah Sivil dan bukan Mahkamah Syariah memandangkan PBM persatuan bukan Islam.
"Walaupun enakmen itu di negeri Selangor tetapi ia dilaksanakan di Mahkamah Sivil dan pendakwaan dibuat oleh peguam negara," katanya.
Turut menjadi persoalan, Abdul Aziz membangkitkan Mais menyimpan Bible itu secara tidak sah kerana tidak mendapat perintah mahkamah.
Penganalisis politik dari Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Dr Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani, berkata kemelut tersebut boleh diselesaikan jika Sultan menggunakan budi bicaranya untuk memulangkan Bible berkenaan.
"Mungkin campur tangan Sultan yang terbaik selepas isu ini tergantung," katanya.
Minggu lalu, Peguam Negara, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail berkata Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) tersalah langkah dalam rampasan kira-kira Bible berbahasa Melayu dan Iban di pejabat PBM dan mengatakan kes tersebut ditutup.
Bagaimanapun, Mais menolak keputusan tersebut dan berkeras untuk tidak memulangkan Bible itu.
Pengkritik dan pemimpin kerajaan Selangor dari Pakatan Rakyat (PR) juga membidas agensi agama negeri itu.
Semalam, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak menggesa Mais berunding dengan peguam negara jika ia berpendapat beliau perlu mengkaji semula keputusannya dalam isu rampasan Bible oleh Jais.- tmi
Selangor Sultan, Mais have no right to interfere in non-Muslims’ affairs...
The constitutional expert said issues regarding non-Muslims' faith and religious practices were not under either Mais's or the Sultan's jurisdiction, as the two institutions only had power over the affairs of Muslims.
"Both the Sultan and Mais have no right to teach, intervene or disturb the way non-Muslims practise their faith, but now this has happened.
"The Sultan’s and Mais's powers are restricted to Muslims; that is the issue now," Aziz told The Malaysian Insider.
Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is to meet with the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, today to propose that all 321 Malay and Iban-language Bibles be returned to BSM.
He said they had not reached a resolution yet over the issue as they were still considering other options.
"Of course we want to return (the Bibles) but the case must be handled using the correct procedures," he said.
Aziz, a former lecturer at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) said Mais had acted beyond their powers in this case.
"This involves items that belong to BSM. BSM is a non-Muslim organisation, what power does Mais have over non-Muslims?
"Now they refuse to return the Bibles, but what power do they have to keep the Bibles?" asked Aziz.
He said Mais could only act as a complainant, but prosecution powers lay with the attorney-general, who had already ordered for the case to be closed.
"Mais has no legal powers, all they can do is complain or lodge a police report," said Aziz.
He said that although Mais insisted on using the Selangor Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation among Muslims) Enactment 1988 to mount a case against BSM, only the attorney-general had powers to prosecute the organisation.
BSM could only be charged in the civil courts, and not the Shariah courts, as it was a non-Muslim entity, said Aziz.
"Even though the enactment is under the Selangor state, it can only be carried out in the civil courts and only the attorney-general can prosecute them.
Aziz also pointed out that Mais was storing the Bibles illegally, as it had no court order to do so.
Political analyst Dr Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) said the entire row could be resolved if the Sultan used his discretion to have the Bibles returned.
"Maybe the Sultan's intervention is the best option, now that this issue is simply hanging," he said.
Last week, Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail said the Selangor Islamic Religious Department had erred in seizing the Bibles from BSM in January, and ordered the case closed.
But Mais had rejected the decision and refused to return the Bibles, sparking criticism from Selangor Pakatan Rakyat leaders and the public.
Yesterday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak urged Mais to discuss the matter with the attorney-general if it believed Gani should re-examine his decision on the Bibles. – tmi

Jam 12.00 pagi ini - 19/6/2014
Jam 3.00 pagi ini - 19/6/2014
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