Bagaimana jika Isma bukan Melayu serang Najib(What if a non-Malay Isma attacks Najib)...
Jika pertubuhan bukan Melayu menuduh Perdana Menteri Najib Abdul Razak mahu menghapuskan orang Cina dan India, bagaimana agaknya reaksi pihak berkuasa, tanya Lim Kit Siang.
"Adakah pihak polis dan Pejabat Peguam Negara akan berdiam diri untuk membenarkan pembohongan dan kepalsuan seumpama itu dibuat secara terbuka terhadap Najib.
"Dan jika tidak, kenapa mereka berdiam diri terhadap kenyataan fitnah dan menghasut oleh Isma (Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia)?" tanya Lim lagi.
Ahli politik veteran itu menjawab kenyataan Timbalan Presiden Isma, Aminuddin Yahaya, yang menuduh Lim mahu "menghapuskan" bangsa Melayu, bahasa dan budaya mereka.
Mengenai gesaan pihak-pihak yang mahu beliau menyaman Isma berkaitan dakwaan tersebut, ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah itu berkata, beliau sedang menunggu nasihat peguamnya.
Walau bagaimanapun, pemimpin DAP itu berkata terdapat satu teguran yang dibuat di dalam Malaysiakini, yang perlu diulangi di sini.
Komen oleh "WDA" berkata, "Adakah ini satu percubaan untuk meneutralkan hakikat bahawa DAP telah mengemukakan seorang calon Melayu dalam PRK Teluk Intan baru2 inil? Adakah Isma cuba mengatakan bahawa Dyana (Sofya Mohd Daud), seorang wanita yang bijak dan penuh keyakinan, adalah boneka semata-mata? "
"Bukankah itu satu tamparan hebat untuk semua wanita Melayu yang berpendidikan dan pemikiran bebas? Jika Isma tidak boleh memberikan kehormatan kepada DAP,sekurang-kurangnya hormatilah generasi baru ini. Sama ada anda suka atau tidak, mereka adalah pemimpin masa depan, dan itulah yang menakutkan anda dan memastikan anda terjaga pada waktu malam."
Lim juga berkata beliau berterima kasih atas sokongan yang amat menggalakkan daripada warga maya, yang untuk mengutuk tuduhan Isma itu.

If the roles are reversed and a non-Malay organisation accuses Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak of wanting to wipe out the Chinese or Indians, how would the authorities react, asks Lim Kit Siang.
"Would the police and the Attorney-General's Chambers keep quiet, to allow full licence for such lies, falsehoods and calumny to be publicly made against Najib?
"And if not, why are they keeping so quiet about the defamatory and inflammatory rantings by Isma (Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia)?" the DAP national adviser asked.
The veteran politician was responding to Isma deputy president Aminuddin Yahaya, who accused Lim of wanting to "wipe out" the Malay race, their language and culture.
As for those calling him to sue Isma over its allegations, the Gelang Patah MP said he was awaiting advice from his lawyers.
Lim also said that he was grateful for the overwhelming support from netizens, who have used colourful language to condemn Isma's accusations.
However, the DAP leader said there was one comment made in Malaysiakini, which was worth repeating and pondering upon.
The comment by "WDA" says, "Is this a pathetic attempt to neutralise the fact that DAP put forward a Malay candidate in the recent Teluk Intan by-election? Is Isma saying that Dyana (Sofya Mohd Daud), an intelligent and confident woman, is a mere puppet?"
"Isn't that a slap in the face for all independent thinking and educated Malay women? If Isma can't give DAP some respect, at least show some to this new generation. Whether you like it or not, they are the future, and that is what scares you and keeps you awake at night." - mk
BN pun tak puashati dengan RRU perumahan Johor (BN, too, upset with 'royal' housing Bill)...
Tetapi ramai yang bimbang mereka akan berakhir di muka depan Utusan Malaysia dan dilabel sebagai "anti-istana" jika mereka menyuarakan bantahan.
Bagaimanapun, tanpa dijangka, akhbar milik Umno itu pun turut membangkitkan perkara yang sama dalam laporan muka depannya berkaitan Rang Undang-undang Lembaga Perumahan dan Hartanah 2014.
Laporan itu memaparkan gambar besar sultan Johor, dengan tajuk "Wajarkah" dengan tajuk kecil: "Kerajaan Johor mahu bentang undang-undang beri kuasa kepada sultan dalam pentadbiran."
Sumber peringkat tinggi, yang tidak mahu namanya disiarkan, memberitahu Malaysiakini bahawa dalam perbincangan tidak rasmi antara ADUN kedua belah pihak, wakil rakyat BN di Johor juga membayangkan rasa tidak puas hati mereka dengan rang undang-undang itu.
Sumber itu menambah bahawa sentimen yang sama turut disuarakan oleh parti pemerintah di peringkat pusat.
Bagaimanapun, Presiden Kelab Penyokong BN Johor, Samsol Bari Jamil, ketika dihubungi hanya berkata, beliau menyokongnya jika ianya tidak bercanggah dengan perlembagaan negeri.
Namun, hanya BN mempunyai yang mempunyai jumlah ADUN untuk memastikan rang undang-undang itu dipinda mengikut prinsip-prinsip pemisahan kuasa apabila dibentangkan pada hari Isnin
But many are concerned that they would end up on the front-page of Utusan Malaysia and be branded "anti-monarchy" if they voiced their opposition.
However, in an unexpected turn of events, the Umno-owned newspaper raised eyebrows when it, too, in a front-page report raised similar concerns about the Johor Housing and Real Property Board Bill 2014.
The report, which featured a large image of the Johor sultan, bore the headline: "Wajarkah?" (Is it proper?) with a sub-headline saying: "Johor government wants to table a law to give sultan power in government administration."
A high-level source, who did not want be named, told Malaysiakini that in informal discussions between state assemblypersons from both sides of the divide, BN backbenchers in Johor have also indicated their unhappiness with the Bill.
The source added that this sentiment was echoed by the ruling coalition at the federal level.
However, Johor BN Backbenchers Club president Samsol Bari Jamil, when contacted, was coy on whether he approved of the Bill, merely stating that he would go along with it if it was not against the state constitution.
Ultimately, only BN has the numbers to ensure the Bill is changed in accordance with the principles of separation of powers when it is tabled on Monday.
"Whether they (BN) will voice out openly in the state assembly depends on how much pressure they are under," the source said.
Pakatan cautious as well
The opposition in Johor is also cautious about the issue, for it fears being on a collision course with the state monarchy.
"Any decision we take will be done collectively," Boo said.
Pakatan has 18 state assemblypersons in the house to BN's 38 representatives.
The Bill, if passed, will see the creation of the Johor Housing and Real Property Board and grant the sultan executive power over it, including appointing board members, determining their allowances, scrutinising the board's accounts as well as being empowered to dissolve the board.
Utusan, in its report today, quoted social activists and a constitutional expert whose views it said "should be a guide for the Johor government".
It said there were concerns the Bill would expose the sultan to disrespect and could potentially allow certain parties to exploit the royal institution.
The newspaper quoted social activist Annuar Shaari calling for the Bill to be postponed as it had never happened in a democracy before and the rakyat needed more explanation first.
Law expert Abdul Aziz Bari was also quoted as saying that governance was not the sultan's duty.
However, Utusan also quoted the Johor executive councillor in charge of housing and local government, Abd Latiff Bandi, hitting out at Malaysiakini for first reporting on the Bill.
Abd Latiff said the mooted housing board's structure was no different than the Johor State Economic Development Corporation, which is today known as the Johor Corporation.
Meanwhile without broaching the issue directly, Dr Mahathir Mohamad appears to have expressed his opposition to a new enactment in Johor that may blur the lines between the executive and monarchy.
The former premier also warned that any drastic changes could exacerbate the people’s ill-feelings towards the royals.
“There is already a feeling of disrespect for the royals. This may lead to other forms of disrespect," he said in his blog.
“Although by and large the Malays are for the institution of the monarch, when their ability to defend is eroded, they might forego their adat (custom)."
Mahathir said the Federal Constitution provides for a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy.
“Of late there has been a tendency to ignore the constitution and to effectively change it by other means,” he added.
Mahathir explained that the constitution can be changed but there are procedures for doing this.
“Nobody can change it on his own. States cannot change it nor can rulers without the approval of the federal parliament and the federal government,” he noted.
Involvement of foreigners
The former premier warned if the constitution is ignored by anyone, others would follow suit.
“The constitution is the basic law of the country. When a precedent is established, it will become a base for other changes,” he added.
Mahathir also claimed that certain quarters are making use of the royalty to serve their own national policies and objectives.
“These people must stop especially when they are foreigners,” he said.
Although the former premier did not mention who these foreigners are, it is speculated that he could be referring to certain powerful forces in Singapore, which neighbours Johor to the south.
Promising to write more on this, Mahathir said: “As the Johor state council is about to change certain rules, I deem it necessary that these attempts to effectively change the constitution be realised by the citizens of this country.”
His comments come in the wake of a front page report in the Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia today, which appeared to suggest that even BN is dissatisfied over the Johor Housing and Real Property Board Bill 2014.
Two days ago Malaysiakini reported that the bill, if passed, will see the creation of the Johor Housing and Real Property Board and grant the sultan executive power over it, including appointing board members, determining their allowances, scrutinising the board's accounts as well as being empowered to dissolve the board.- mk

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