BN Selangor sokong Mais tidak pulang Bible...
Ketua Pembangkang Selangor Datuk Shamsudin Lias menyokong pendirian Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (Mais) yang enggan memulangkan Bible kepada Persatuan Bible Malaysia (PBM) walaupun diarahkan berbuat demikian oleh Pejabat Peguam Negara.
Shamsudin berkata, Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) berhak mengambil tindakan berdasarkan kuasanya sebagai agen pelaksana mengikut Enakmen Ugama Bukan Islam (Kawalan Perkembangan Dikalangan Orang Islam) 1998.
"Apa-apa yang dilakukan Jais demi menjaga Islam daripada murtad, sebagai Adun beragama Islam saya sokong.
"Kita tidak larang agama lain tetapi bila ada peraturan yang mencegah saya sokong tindakan Jais kecuali peraturan ini dipinda atau dimansuhkan dan Jais tidak ada kuasa," katanya kepada pemberita di lobi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Selangor di Shah Alam, hari ini. - tmi
RTM took up RM111mil in deals without contract...
The Broadcasting Department under the Communication and Multimedia Ministry, better known as Radio-Television Malaysia (RTM), entered into RM111.30 million worth of deals without formal contracts.
This is according to a finding in the second series of the Auditor-General's Report 2013, which was tabled in Parliament today.
The report states that out of 426 television programmes meant for TVi, a new channel launched in 2011, 413 of them did not have a formal contract.
This is despite Treasury rules requiring any procurement of over RM50,000 to be done with a formal contract.
RTM only relies on letters of acceptance (SST) as the legal document for these deals.
"As a result of not having a formal contract, the government's interest in the procurement is not guaranteed," the audit report says.
RTM also entered into a deal with cable network service Astro to have TVi aired on its platform, in exchange for advertising the satellite broadcaster's product on its own network.
Likewise, the deal also does not have a formal contract.
"This can affect the government's interest if any misunderstanding happens in future," the report says.
'RTM spent more than it had'
Furthermore, the report found RTM had overcommitted itself by RM21.79 million through the approval of the 426 programmes, worth RM111.83 million, through direct negotiations, even though it only had an approved budget of RM90.04 million.
Also, the RM90.04 million budget under the Digital Broadcasting Content Development Project (PKPD), which was only meant for TVi, was also spent on TV1 and TV2 without approval.
"Procurement spending for TV1 and TV2 worth RM43.70 million is outside the scope of the PKPD project and did not receive approval form the Economic Planning Unit and the Treasury," the audit report adds.
Furthermore,Treasury rules require a pitching process if a government agency were to engage in direct negotiations. However, this was not complied with by RTM for 10 television programmes worth RM2.29 million.
"The audit found 42 programme, which were late by 24 and up to 217 days, were not imposed with any compensation penalty," it says.
The audit was from 2011 until June 2013.
Since 2013, the annual report of the National Audit Department of Malaysia has been divided into parts, which are then released three times a year.- mk
Jamil Khir - M'sia bukan negara sekular(Malaysia is not a secular state)...
Kerajaan menegaskan bahawa Malaysia bukan sebuah negara sekular kerana kedudukan istimewa Islam dalam rangka perlembagaan.
Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom berkata demikian dalam jawapan bertulis kepada Oscar Ling Chai Yew (DAP-Sibu) di Parlimen minggu lepas.
Jamil Khir juga menegaskan bahawa perlembagaan memperuntukkan bahawa mahkamah sivil tidak mempunyai bidang kuasa ke atas perkara-perkara di bawah bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah.
The government has stressed that Malaysia is not a secular state due to the special position of Islam in the framework of the Federal Constitution.
Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Jamil Khir Baharom said so in a written answer to Oscar Ling Chai Yew (DAP-Sibu) in Parliament last week.
Jamil Khir also stressed that the constitution does not provide for the civil court to have jurisdiction over matters under the purview of the Syariah Court. - mk

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