Bekas Sultanah Johor tewas pertarungan batal perceraian...
Panel tiga hakim diketuai Syed Ali Syed Abu Bakar, berkata hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah adalah benar ketika mengisytiharkan beliau terikat dengan fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh majlis jawatankuasa.
Dua lagi hakim dalam panel itu ialah Marsid @ Morsid Mahrof dan Jainuddin Mt Sum.
Kesukaran Tuanku Zanariah bermula Ogos tahun lalu apabila menerima surat memaklumkan almarhum Sultan Johor menceraikannya pada Januari 2009.
Tuanku Zanariah berkahwin dengan almarhum Sultan Mahmud Iskandar Ismail pada 1961 dan baginda meninggal dunia pada 22 Januari, 2010.
Surat yang dihantar kepadanya oleh Mufti Johor, Mohd Tahrir Syamsuddin, dikepilkan bersama tiga lagi dokumen termasuk sijil cerai bertarikh 8 Oktober, 2010 yang menyatakan perceraian berlaku pada 23 Januari, 2009.
Tuanku Zanariah juga menerima surat kedua daripada bekas Menteri Besar Johor, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman bertarikh 9 Disember, 2010 yang memaklumkan kepadanya jawatankuasa fatwa Johor membuat keputusan mengiktiraf kesahihan perceraian itu pada 6 Ogos, 2010.
Dokumen terakhir adalah daripada Mahkamah Rendah Syariah bertarikh 30 September, 2010 yang mengesahkan lagi perceraian itu.
Pada 1 Januari, Tuanku Zanariah memfailkan permohonan semakan untuk mengenepikan perintah Mahkamah Rendah Syariah yang menyatakan almarhum suaminya menceraikannya.
Tuanku Zanariah memohon perintah itu dibatalkan kerana tidak pernah dipanggil menghadiri mana-mana prosiding perceraian.
Tuanku Zanariah juga memohon bantuan mahkamah untuk menyiasat sama ada perisytiharan Sultan Iskandar pada Januari 2009 yang dikatakan disaksikan oleh Abdul Ghani dan pengerusi jawatankuasa diraja Johor, Tengku Osman Tunku Temenggong Ahmad adalah sah, berdasarkan kepada akuan berkanun mereka.
Tuanku Zanariah juga memohon rujuk yang diumumkan seminggu selepas perceraian yang dikatakan itu diisyhtihar tidak sah.
Dalam afidavit menyokong permohonan yang difailkan hari ini, dia mendakwa jabatan kerajaan Johor khasnya pejabat agama disalahgunakan untuk memalukannya dan almarhum Sultan Iskandar.
Tuanku Zanariah berkata, bekas sultan tidak pernah membuat permohonan penceraian itu, dan beliau bersama almarhum sultan hidup bersama sebagai suami isteri yang sah dalam keadaan aman dan harmoni sehinggalah sultan mangkat pada 22 Januari 2010.
Bagaimanapun, Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah menolak permohonan itu pada 20 Januari kerana Hakim Muhammad Khaldun Mohd Sharif berkata beliau terikat dengan fatwa berhubung perkara itu.
Pada Mac, Majlis Agama Islam Johor menjadi pencelah dalam kes itu. – tmi
Panel tiga hakim diketuai Syed Ali Syed Abu Bakar, berkata hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah adalah benar ketika mengisytiharkan beliau terikat dengan fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh majlis jawatankuasa.
Dua lagi hakim dalam panel itu ialah Marsid @ Morsid Mahrof dan Jainuddin Mt Sum.
Panel tiga hakim diketuai Syed Ali Syed Abu Bakar, berkata hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah adalah benar ketika mengisytiharkan beliau terikat dengan fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh majlis jawatankuasa.
Dua lagi hakim dalam panel itu ialah Marsid @ Morsid Mahrof dan Jainuddin Mt Sum.
Panel tiga hakim diketuai Syed Ali Syed Abu Bakar, berkata hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah adalah benar ketika mengisytiharkan beliau terikat dengan fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh majlis jawatankuasa.
Dua lagi hakim dalam panel itu ialah Marsid @ Morsid Mahrof dan Jainuddin Mt Sum.
Orang dah mati minta cerai???? siapa saksi dia agaknya...
Divorce after death' valid, rules highest court...
Tuanku Zanariah Tunku Ahmad remains divorced from her late husband the
former Sultan Mahmud Iskandar, despite questions remaining over how it
had taken place only after the sultan's death.
follows the ruling of the state's highest religious court, the Johor
Syariah Court of Appeal, which today upheld the decision by the Syariah
High Court that affirmed the Lower Syariah Court's initial decision in
recognising the divorce.
The ruling comes despite Tuanku Zanariah not having been called at all during the divorce proceedings, which took place after Sultan Mahmud's death in 2010 and was subsequently backdated to 2009.
A three-member panel headed by Syed Ali Syed Abu Bakar with Marsid @ Morsid Mahrof and Jainudin Mt Sum @ Munaj made the decision today.
Tuanku Zanariah, who was also the former Raja Permaisuri Agong, found herself in the curious predicament when she received a letter informing her of the divorce in August 2013.
The decision today, according to lawyer Afshah Ariffin, who appeared for Tuanku Zanariah, was unanimous and done in a closed court.
Divorce valid, binding on Tuanku Zanariah
“The court ruled that the divorce was valid and that she was bound by the decision,” said Afshah, who was the only lawyer representing Tuanku Zanariah who was allowed to be in court, while solicitor Kamar Ainiah Kamaruzaman was not allowed in.
Neither Tuanku Zanariah, who is said to be unwell, nor her children were present at today’s proceedings. Her children were previously reportedly barred, along with Kamar Ainiah from being in the Syariah Court of Appeal courtroom.
Initially, Tuanku Zanariah named her former husband, the late Sultan Mahmud Iskandar, as the respondent in the review application at the Syariah High Court, as it was the late sultan who made the divorce application after his death, as reported from case files.
However, the Syariah Court of Appeal decided in allowing the Johor Islamic Council to be an intervener and removed Sultan Mahmud Iskandar from being a party of the application.
The present sultan, Sultan Ibrahim Ismail, who is also the leader of the state Islamic council, may intervene in the decision if he so chooses or if Tuanku Zanariah may decide to use that option to appeal before her stepson.
It was previously reported that Tuanku Zanariah submitted seven grounds in appealing the Syariah High Court decision.
Saga started after August 2013
Tuanku Zanariah’s predicament started when she received a letter dated 2010, from the state mufti Mohd Tahrir Syamsuddin, informing her that her husband Sultan Mahmud Iskandar had divorced her.
The letter stated that the divorce took place in 2010 but had been backdated to Jan 23, 2009.
But the sultan had passed away on Jan 22, 2010 and was succeeded by his son from his first marriage, Sultan Ibrahim Ismail.
The witnesses to the alleged divorce were former Johor menteri besar Abdul Ghani Othman and Johor royal committee chairperson Tengku Osman Tunku Temenggong Ahmad, who affirmed a statutory declaration for this purpose.
This resulted in the application for divorce being made in sometime in August 2010, where the proceeding was done without Tuanku Zanariah’s knowledge.
The Johor fatwa committee recognised the two statutory declarations made by Ghani and Tengku Osman, and the Lower Syariah Court then affirmed and declared the divorce which was backdated to 2009.
Subsequently, sometime on Aug 22, last year she also received a letter from Ghani confirming that her title of sultanah has also been revoked following the divorce.
Tuanku Zanariah filed for a judicial review of the Lower Syariah Court decision on Jan 1 this year at the Syariah High Court, but the High Court affirmed the lower court’s decision on Jan 20 this year. This has resulted in the appeal before the Syariah Court of Appeal and today’s decision.- mk
The ruling comes despite Tuanku Zanariah not having been called at all during the divorce proceedings, which took place after Sultan Mahmud's death in 2010 and was subsequently backdated to 2009.
A three-member panel headed by Syed Ali Syed Abu Bakar with Marsid @ Morsid Mahrof and Jainudin Mt Sum @ Munaj made the decision today.
Tuanku Zanariah, who was also the former Raja Permaisuri Agong, found herself in the curious predicament when she received a letter informing her of the divorce in August 2013.
The decision today, according to lawyer Afshah Ariffin, who appeared for Tuanku Zanariah, was unanimous and done in a closed court.
Divorce valid, binding on Tuanku Zanariah
“The court ruled that the divorce was valid and that she was bound by the decision,” said Afshah, who was the only lawyer representing Tuanku Zanariah who was allowed to be in court, while solicitor Kamar Ainiah Kamaruzaman was not allowed in.
Neither Tuanku Zanariah, who is said to be unwell, nor her children were present at today’s proceedings. Her children were previously reportedly barred, along with Kamar Ainiah from being in the Syariah Court of Appeal courtroom.
Initially, Tuanku Zanariah named her former husband, the late Sultan Mahmud Iskandar, as the respondent in the review application at the Syariah High Court, as it was the late sultan who made the divorce application after his death, as reported from case files.
However, the Syariah Court of Appeal decided in allowing the Johor Islamic Council to be an intervener and removed Sultan Mahmud Iskandar from being a party of the application.
The present sultan, Sultan Ibrahim Ismail, who is also the leader of the state Islamic council, may intervene in the decision if he so chooses or if Tuanku Zanariah may decide to use that option to appeal before her stepson.
It was previously reported that Tuanku Zanariah submitted seven grounds in appealing the Syariah High Court decision.
Saga started after August 2013
Tuanku Zanariah’s predicament started when she received a letter dated 2010, from the state mufti Mohd Tahrir Syamsuddin, informing her that her husband Sultan Mahmud Iskandar had divorced her.
The letter stated that the divorce took place in 2010 but had been backdated to Jan 23, 2009.
But the sultan had passed away on Jan 22, 2010 and was succeeded by his son from his first marriage, Sultan Ibrahim Ismail.
The witnesses to the alleged divorce were former Johor menteri besar Abdul Ghani Othman and Johor royal committee chairperson Tengku Osman Tunku Temenggong Ahmad, who affirmed a statutory declaration for this purpose.
This resulted in the application for divorce being made in sometime in August 2010, where the proceeding was done without Tuanku Zanariah’s knowledge.
The Johor fatwa committee recognised the two statutory declarations made by Ghani and Tengku Osman, and the Lower Syariah Court then affirmed and declared the divorce which was backdated to 2009.
Subsequently, sometime on Aug 22, last year she also received a letter from Ghani confirming that her title of sultanah has also been revoked following the divorce.
Tuanku Zanariah filed for a judicial review of the Lower Syariah Court decision on Jan 1 this year at the Syariah High Court, but the High Court affirmed the lower court’s decision on Jan 20 this year. This has resulted in the appeal before the Syariah Court of Appeal and today’s decision.- mk
Husband passed away in January 2010; divorce proceedings conducted in August-September 2010 without knowledge of surviving wife; surviving wife informed in August 2013 that divorce was backdated to January 2009; now court of appeal confirms the lower court's decision! GOD have mercy...

Katanya, walaupun perkataan “bertindak atas nasihat menteri besar (atau perdana menteri)” digunakan dalam perlembagaan persekutuan atau negeri, amalan sebenar yang berlaku sebaliknya.
"Lihat saja apa yang berlaku di Terengganu, Perak, Perlis, dan Kelantan,” katanya.
“Selepas kes Perak, jelas bahawa kedudukan menteir besar sangat bergantung kepada kehendak yang mulia baik dalam terma lantikan dan pengguguran,” katanya.
Pada awal kemerdekaan, Zaid berkata, lebih mudah jika Malaysia menerima dan mematuhi model Westminster secara keseluruhannya.- mk
Sultan listens to MB? Dream on, says Zaid...
Today, if any menteri besar or exco member claims that the Malay ruler acts on his or her advice, "you can tell them to dream on", said former minister Zaid Ibrahim.
Although the words "acting on advice of the menteri besar (or prime minister)" are used in the state and federal constitutions, he added the practice is actually the other way around.
"The ruler now decides things and it is wishful thinking for any menteri besar to believe otherwise. Just look at what has happened in Terengganu, Perak, Perlis, and Kelantan.
"After the Perak case, it is also clear that the position of menteri besar is very much dependent on the pleasure of his highness both in terms of appointment and removal," he said.
In the early days of Independence, Zaid said it was more straightforward as Malaysia adopted and observed the Westminster model in totality.
For example, he added, any appointment of a menteri besar or state exco member was always dependent on the decision of the party leader whose party won the most seats in the assembly.
"The menteri besar and chief minister had real power and it was unheard of that any Malay ruler could exercise direct influence on public policy of any kind," he noted in his blog.
Zaid was referring to the opposition coming from Umno with regard to the Housing and Real Property Bill, passed by the Johor state assembly today, with amendments to limit the sultan’s role.
The Johor Menteri Besar Mohamed Khaled Noordin also explained that the sultan would act on the menteri besar’s advice.
The 'funny Malays'
Meanwhile, Zaid also claimed that Umno consisted of a band of rib ticklers, who switched agendas when it suited them.
"This is because those making the plea were the ones responsible for giving special meaning to the provisions of the constitution whenever it suited them. Now they reap what they have sown.
"You see, Umno Malays are funny people: when it suits them or their political agenda, they will declare support for the overriding power of the Malay rulers. They will say that our constitution is 'unique'.
"They will say that the Malay rulers have special powers to protect the Malays and Islam. They do not want us lawyers to interpret the constitution in the same way as is done in modern constitutional democracies," he added.
But when the rulers start exercising these real powers, which can deprive them of their businesses, Zaid remarked that the Umno Malays would cry foul.
Lumping Perkasa and Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) into the same category as Umno, he said these "funny Malays" are willing to sacrifice the institutions of real democracy, such as the Westminster model of constitutional monarchy, for short-term political gains.
"That being the case, the Malay sultanates have done more for the Malays over the past 700 years than Umno, which was born in 1946.
"This is why Perkasa and Umno leaders in Johor are hopping mad and are calling for the bill to be removed or postponed," he added.
Zaid is also certain that other Malay rulers would follow Johor's example and respond accordingly to assert their power.
"They are already quietly involved in large businesses and are entrenched in sports such as football.
"I suggest that they widen their areas of interest to match Umno's - after all, they can easily match Umno's business skills. Indeed, the Malays must not be too concerned about trusting the Malay rulers more than Umno," he said. - mk

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