Kes buli membabitkan 10 pelajar senior dan tujuh pelajar junior Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Khamis lalu dianggap selesai selepas kedua-dua pihak bertemu dan memohon maaf atas kesalahan dilakukan.
Difahamkan, pelajar junior berkenaan membuat laporan di Balai Polis Serdang mendakwa mereka dipaksa berbogel dan menghisap rokok jika tidak mahu diapa-apakan.
Insiden itu dilapor turut dirakam pelajar senior menggunakan telefon bimbit masing-masing.
Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni) UPM, Dr Mohammad Shatar Sabran berkata, kesemua pelajar yang terbabit sudah berbincang dan bersetuju memaafkan satu sama lain.
Ibu bapa pelajar juga sudah dipanggil dan dijelaskan mengenai apa yang berlaku. Satu perjumpaan lagi akan diadakan hari ini antara Persatuan Hindu UPM dengan ibu bapa pelajar terlibat.
Beliau menafikan wujud kejadian ‘ragging’ memaksa pelajar junior berbogel dan menghisap rokok. Ketika mengulas kejadian itu, beliau turut menafikan pembabitan pelajar wanita dalam insiden yang didakwa sengaja menjatuhkan maruah mangsa.
Menurutnya, pelajar senior yang terbabit dalam kejadian itu diberi surat amaran kerana melanggar peraturan ditetapkan universiti.
UPM membuat ketetapan tidak membenarkan mana-mana pelajar senior untuk dekati pelajar junior sebagai langkah pencegahan mengelak kes seperti itu berlaku.
Mohammad Shatar berkata, pihaknya memberi jaminan perkara itu tidak akan berlaku di bawah pengawasan pihaknya.
“Jika ada terima laporan, perkara itu akan dirujuk kepada jawatankuasa tatatertib, tindakan kemudian diambil mengikut prosedur,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, jawatankuasa akan bersidang, menilai dan menyiasat kes, jika ada bukti kesemua pihak akan dipanggil.
Tindakan diambil bergantung kepada keadaan dan maklumat diperoleh, pelajar yang lakukan kesalahan mungkin diberi surat peringatan, amaran, digantung atau dibuang terus daripada universiti.
“Namun dalam kes ini kedua-dua pihak dah selesaikan di peringkat awal, mangsa tidak membuat aduan kepada pihak universiti malah mangsa juga memberitahu apa yang dilapor dalam sebuah akhbar berbahasa Tamil itu banyak yang tidak benar,” katanya.
Laporan terperinci mengenai kejadian itu jelasnya sudah diserahkan kepada kementerian untuk tindakan selanjutnya.
“UPM tidak terima laporan daripada mangsa sebelum ini, hanya tahu mengenainya daripada pihak luar dan berdasarkan laporan polis dibuat tapi kita sudah temui semua yang terlibat untuk dapat gambaran jelas mengenainya,” katanya.
Kelmarin, umum gempar apabila sebuah akhbar Tamil melaporkan tujuh pelajar UPM mendakwa mereka dibuli pelajar senior melakukan perkara tidak senonoh sehingga menjatuhkan maruah di sebuah bilik di asrama universiti itu Khamis lalu.
Pelajar itu mendakwa mereka hanya dibenar memakai seluar dalam, memegang kemaluan sambil menari mengikut rentak muzik.
Tujuh pelajar malang tersebut mendakwa trauma bertemu pelajar senior selepas turut dipaksa menghisap rokok jika tidak mahu dipengapa-apakan.
Gambar suspek pelajar senior ragging 7 pelajar UPM didedahkan...
Menurut seorang sumber yang juga seorang pelajar UPM mendedahkan, 10 orang pelajar ini kebiasaannya menyasarkan pelajar berbangsa tamil sahaja. Namun kini mereka semakin berani dengan menyasar pelajar-pelajar berbangsa melayu.
Keadaan pula bertambah teruk apabila pihak pengurusan UPM tidak mengambil apa-apa tindakan bagi membendung budaya ragging ini kerana takut permasalahan kecil seperti ini akan menjejaskan nama baik UPM.
Terdahulu, 7 orang pelajar UPM membuat laporan polis kerana tidak tahan dengan tindakan 10 orang pelajar senior yang me'ragging sehingga menjatuhkan maruah mereka.
Apa tindakan Kementerian Pendidikan? Biarkan saja? Budaya ragging bukan budaya orang Malaysia, ini budaya barat.- mymediahub

7 pelajar UPM dakwa mereka dipaksa disentuh kemaluan danputing masing2...
Kejadian berlaku pada jam 4 pagi pada khamis lepas.
7 pelajar malang itu dipaksa berbogel dan hanya memakai seluar dalam sementara pelajar senior terbabit merakam gambar mereka menggunakan telefon bimbit.
Mereka juga dipaksa menyentuh alat sulit masing-masing dan puting sambil menari mengikut rentak muzik.
Lebih teruk lagi, pelajar terbabit dipaksa merokok dan jika ingkar, pelajar senior akan diapa-apakan.
Tidak tahan dengan tindakan keji pelajar senior itu, 7 pelajar berkenaan membuat laporan polis di Balai Polis Serdang pada keesokan harinya.
Ekoran dari kejadian memalukan itu, 7 pelajar malang itu berada dalam keadaan trauma dan enggan hadir ke kelas kerana bimbang akan diapa-apakan oleh 10 pelajar senior terbabit selagi tiada tindakan tegas dari pihak UPM bagi membendung kejadian itu. -The Star
Lessons to learn from India polls...
There are similarities between India and Malaysia as far as politics is concerned and a lesson to be learnt when the ruling Indian Congress Party was almost wiped out in the general election in the sub-continent.
The Indian Congress Party, which has been in power since independence in 1947, received a massive jolt when it slumped to its worst ever defeat brought on by years of corruption, mismanagement of the economy and scandals.
With inflation spiralling, cost of living going up and high unemployment, the voters who had been tolerating the Congress Party decided enough was enough.
Throughout the years, support for the Congress had been slipping and they only managed to form the federal government with the alliance of the regional parties.
With a weak coalition of parties, the Congress leaders were caught up in power struggles within themselves, and the health of the nation went down rapidly.
The Congress was too engrossed in party affairs and selfish personal gains thus failing to notice the discontentment growing on the ground.
Then came a man, Narendra Modi, to put a spanner in the works of another Congress victory in the recently concluded elections.
Narendra Modi of the Bhrathiya Janata Party (BJP) who became the chief minister of the state of Gujurat in the previous general election, set the ball rolling for the opposition.
He transformed Gujurat from a poor state to a thriving economy and set a benchmark for the other Indian states to follow.
The opposition found the son of a tea seller the most suitable candidate for prime minister with his transformation plan.
Indians mostly voted for Modi rather than the BJP. Modi promised to make the country a world economic power and reduce unemployment, bring foreign investment and wipe out corruption.
Malaysia is in the same situation now, with the Barisan Nasional, formerly the Alliance, in power since the Independence in 1957.
Initially, with the British system of government and education as well as a good economy and thanks to the high price of rubber those days, the country did quite well as racial politics and corruption was at its minimum.
The people supported the government which had a two-thirds majority. But absolute power corrupts absolutely and with a weak opposition, the leaders started to deviate from the path of good governance.
With the BN slowly losing ground to the opposition but still holding a two-thirds majority they failed to see the unhappiness on the ground.
All policies were bulldozed in a BN-majority Parliament with the opposition having little or no say at all.
When the opposition was starving for a leader, came former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim to galvanise the masses into a formidable force and they gained a lot of ground in the last two general elections.
But the similarities between India and Malaysia end here because the opposition coalition is having its own set of problems and they seem to be taking the people’s support for granted.
The Umno-led BN should learn from the Indian elections before it is too late and get rid of the ministers propagating racial politics and seeding hatred among the races.
It is all in the hands of the prime minister how he wants to brand himself. Be firm and get rid of troublemakers in Umno and the cabinet to gain the people’s support or be meek and play the racial card to stay as party leader and lose the next election.
The opposition, too, will be searching for answers why it lost the Teluk Intan parliamentary by-election and how to regain support of the people.
During a debate at the height of campaigning in the Indian election, Modi was asked what he did for the Muslims, Christians and Hindus in Gujurat. He answered ‘nothing’ but added that he had done quite a lot for the people of Gujurat.
So when you do not differentiate between races and religions then you are on the right track and the opposition seems to be better at this game.
Barisan Nasional has a lot of catching up to do in this new political landscape to stay in power. The choice is your Mr Prime Minister.- K.Ramasegar,fmt
Note - One point that has not been mentioned is that the Election Commission in India and the Indian Commissioners are fiercely independent and scrupulously fair in their duties. Therefore even the powerful Congress Party can be humiliatingly defeated. BUT in Malaysia, our E.C...
Our present EC is in full support of UMNO and so will do all it can to manipulate the by election and general elections. It was told by RPK that he had spoken personally to the previous head of the EC and was told that the EC has to do the manipulation in order to retain UMNO and BN to retain its power to rule or else there won't be any UMNO ministers in the cabinet. This is a fact and the people of our country need to raise their voice to replace the present EC and its officers.-Ignatius Joseph & Barney Muthu

Hangpa jangan lupa heret si Jamil Khir bersama...

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