NGO: IGP Muslim dulu atau polis dulu...
Kumpulan NGO India hari ini menyelar Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar kerana mahu mengambil “jalan tengah” dalam kes perebutan anak melibatkan ibu bapa berbeza agama.
“Siapa dia untuk putuskan bagi masukkan kanak-kanak ke pusat jagaan kanak-kanak?” soal Setiausaha Agung Persatuan Progresif India Malaysia (MIPAS) S Barathidasan.
Dalam SMS kepada Malaysiakini, beliau juga berkata Khalid bertindak seperti “badut” dan menjadikan isu yang serius kepada sebuah “komedi”.
Barathidasan mempersoalkan jika Khalid menganggap dirinya “Orang Islam dulu” (Muslim first) dan bukan ketua polis yang mesti berkhidmat kepada orang ramai dan melaksanakan undang-undang seperti diarahkan mahkamah.
Bercakap kepada pemberita di Kota Kinabalu semalam, Khalid berkata, polis mengambil jalan tengah dalam soal hak penjagaan anak membabitkan keputusan berbeza mahkamah syariah dan sivil.
Bernama melapornya sebagai berkata, bagi memastikan keadilan kepada yang terbabit, polis akan menempatkan anak berkenaan di pusat penjagaan kanak-kanak tanpa menguatkuasakan perintah mahkamah syariah atau sivil.
Arahkan rundingan
Dengan cara itu, katanya ibu bapa masing-masing ada peluang untuk melawat anak mereka.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas dua kes perebutan anak yang berlaku di Perak dan Negeri Sembilan.
Beliau juga mengarahkan ketua-ketua polis daerah di kawasan berkenaan membuat rundingan dengan pihak berkaitan supaya anak itu ditempatkan di pusat penjagaan.
Di Ipoh, guru tadika M Indira Ghandhi mendapat perintah mahkamah awal tahun ini untuk mendakwa bekas suaminya Muhammad Ridzuan Abdullah atau namanya sebelum Islam, K Patmanathan, kerana menghina mahkamah.
Ini ekoran kegagalan Ridzuan menyerahkan anak bongsu mereka, Prasana Diksa (Ummu Habibah), 6, kepada plaintif yang memenangi kes hak penjagaan anak, selaras dengan perintah Mahkamah Tinggi pada 11 Mac 2010.
Pada April 2009, Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Ipoh memberi hak penjagaan tiga anak mereka iaitu Abu Bakar (Karan Dinish), Ummu Salamah (Tevi Darsiny) dan Prasana kepada Mohd Ridzuan. - mk
IGP hammered left and right over middle path...
The hardest blow came from a coalition of Indian non-governmental organisations, which asked if Khalid was a "Muslim or policeman first".
He told Malaysiakini that Khalid was behaving like a "clown" and had turned a serious matters into a "comedy".
"Would he act the same if it involves his children or grandchildren?" he asked.
MCA Youth: Quit if you can't do it
In a similar vein, MCA Youth called on Khalid to quit if he was not able to enforce the civil court orders with immediate effect.
Leong said under the Federal Constitution, the civil court's status was above the syariah court.
"The police should be responsible towards the civil court and should only execute the civil court's ruling.
"It is not up to the police to determine whether to execute a court order or not," he added in a statement.
Leong said since the courts ruled that the child custody be granted to the respective non-converting mothers, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nancy Shukri also opined that the mother should get custody.
"The IGP is in no position to decide on which court order should be followed," he added.
'Malaysians have a right to be worried'
Also taking Khalid to task was Penang BN chief Teng Chang Yeow, who said he was "shocked and deeply disturbed" by the police chief's decision to stay neutral in such cases.
"It's totally uncalled for. The IGP who has been entrusted to enforce the law is now suggesting that a valid and subsisting court order can be ignored for whatever reasons and under whatsoever circumstances.
"Irrespective of one's personal belief or view on the correctness of a particular court order, the said civil High Court order must be obeyed and enforced until and unless it is stayed, set aside or reversed by the court,” Teng said in a message to Malaysiakini.
He added that this sort of statements and actions obviously fly in the face of the Federal Constitution and Malaysians have every reason to fear for the future of this country, especially if such statements and actions come from the head of police in the country.
Teng said the wheels of justice would grind to halt if law enforcement officers allow their personal beliefs, prejudices and preferences, no matter how genuine and sincere they are, to influence them in discharging their constitutional and professional duties.
"All law enforcement agencies in general, and the police in particular in this matter, are duty-bound to uphold the rule of law and enforce it at all times, under whatever circumstances.
"It's not for any law enforcement agency in this country to question the correctness or otherwise of a particular court order as that is the duty of the judiciary.
"Similarly it is not for them to dispute whether a particular government policy is right or wrong, good or bad, as that is the responsibility of politicians," he added.
In the wake of conflicting orders from the syariah and civil courts, Khalid said yesterday the police would take the middle path in these cases.
He said the police would place the children in child care centres and thus would not enforce the decisions of the two courts.
"In this way, their parents have the opportunity to visit them," Khalid had said.- mk
Hangpa kenaikah MP UMNO ini...

Haram sokong DAP... Halal makan Cadbury...

Pasai tu rakyat makin 'benci' pada DAP,'menyusahkan' rakyat Pulau Pinang, UMNO suka cukai pintu dinaikkan macam di Terengganu...
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