Rafizi cabar Muhyiddin dedah kontrak UiTM...
Rafizi Ramli rasa agak terusik dengan kenyataan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin bahawa beliau tidak faham mengenai konsep penswastaan atau private finance initiatives (PFI).
Ini kerana menurut Muhyiddin ia banyak mendatangkan kebaikan kepada UiTM.
Malah, Muhyiddin memaklumkan bahawa kabinet telah menugaskan Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri untuk memberi penerangan mengenai konsep PFI itu.
“Saya rasa Tan Sri Muhyiddin dan keseluruhan kabinet tidak faham dengan kritikan dan isu yang saya bawa,” ujarnya yang juga Ahli Parlimen Pandan dalam satu kenyataan.
Jelasnya lagi, beliau bukanlah menentang bulat-bulat kaedah PFI untuk membiayai projek kerajaan jika ia dibuat secara telus dan menguntungkan rakyat.
Beliau berkata demikian sewaktu mengulas kenyataan Muhyiddin semalam yang mengatakannya tidak faham konsep inisiatif pembiayaan swasta (PFI) dalam pembinaan kampus baru UiTM itu.
“Apabila perjanjian konsesi itu dapat diteliti oleh umum, barulah saya dan rakyat boleh memastikan bahawa tidak ada unsur keuntungan berlipat kali ganda yang diberikan kepada pemegang konsesi seperti yang berlaku dalam perjanjian-perjanjian konsesi lepas yang melibatkan penswastaan air dan lebuh raya.
“Jika Tan Sri Muhyiddin tidak bersedia untuk mendedahkan perjanjian konsesi itu, sampai bila-bila saya dan rakyat tidak akan faham akan sebab kerajaan Persekutuan mengikat perjanjian yang kosnya nanti akan membebankan UiTM.
"Sedangkan, ia lebih murah untuk membina sendiri kampus-kampus itu,” kata MP Pandan itu dalam kenyataan.
Menurutnya, Muhyiddin juga tidak faham akan intipati pendedahan yang dibuatnya berkenaan pembinaan kampus-kampus tersebut.
Muhyiddin semalam berkata Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar akan menerangkan kaedah PFI yang digunakan dalam projek itu.
Menurut Muhyiddin, penerangan itu nanti sekaligus akan menepis dakwaan-dakwaan yang dibuat Rafizi.
Tegas Rafizi, beliau bukan menentang bulat-bulat kaedah PFI untuk membiayai projek kerajaan jika ia dibuat secara telus dan menguntungkan rakyat.
Saya mempertikaikan perkara-perkara berikut ...
1. Kenapa penswastaan ini dibuat tanpa tender terbuka dan secara rundingan terus.
"Keenam-enam kampus UiTM diswastakan kepada syarikat milik pimpinan Umno yang kemudiannya melantik subkontraktor untuk mengendalikan projek.
2. Kenapa sewa dan bayaran tahunan yang terpaksa ditanggung oleh UiTM ini adalah sehingga lima kali ganda lebih mahal daripada kos membina sendiri UiTM ini?
3. Berapakah margin keuntungan yang diberikan kepada syarikat pemegang konsesi?" tanya Rafizi.
“Oleh yang demikian, untuk memastikan saya dan rakyat kebiasaan lain faham dan boleh menilai kewajaran Barisan Nasional menswastakan kampus UiTM melalui konsep PFI ini, saya menyeru supaya Muhyiddin Yassin mendedahkan perjanjian konsesi penswastaan kampus cawangan UiTM ini kepada umum,” ujarnya lagi.
Beliau menambah, apabila perjanjian konsesi itu dapat diteliti oleh umum, barulah beliau dan rakyat boleh memastikan bahawa tidak ada unsur keuntungan berlipat kali ganda yang diberikan kepada pemegang konsesi seperti mana yang berlaku dalam perjanjian-perjanjian konsesi yang lepas melibatkan penswastaan air dan lebuhraya.
Kata Rafizi, jika Muhyiddin tidak bersedia untuk mendedahkan perjanjian konsesi itu, sampai bila-bila beliau dan rakyat tidak akan faham kenapa Kerajaan Persekutuan mengikat perjanjian yang kosnya nanti akan membebankan UiTM, sedangkan ia lebih murah untuk membina sendiri kampus-kampus itu.
Rafizi sebelum ini mendakwa 23 orang pemimpin Umno mendapat keuntungan berlipat ganda menerusi konsesi penswastaan enam kampus UiTM yang dibuat secara rundingan terus.-harakahdaily/mk
Pemegang Konsesi UiTM Kota Samarahan Juga Dianugerahkan Konsesi Lebuhraya
Reveal UiTM deals so we 'understand', Din told...
Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin should open the Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) campus concessions agreements for public scrutiny if he feels critics do not "understand" its benefits.
PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli (above) issued the challenge today after Muhyiddin brushed off Rafizi’s criticism of the contracts for being overblown in costs and given to cronies.
Both Muhyiddin and UiTM have not addressed Rafizi's claims of abuse, except to harp on the fact that the contracts are a "private finance initiative” (PFI) that will be vaguely "beneficial" to the government university.

"I am tickled with Muhyiddin's statement that I do not understand the concept of 'private finance initiatives' that he says will bring plenty of benefits to UiTM.
"Therefore, to ensure I and the ordinary people don't misunderstand and can appreciate the validity of the BN government in privatising the UiTM campuses through PFI, I call on Muhyiddin to disclose the concessionaire agreements... to the public," Rafizi said.
Turning the tables, the MP for Pandan said the deputy prime minister and the cabinet were the ones who failed to understand the points he raised over the UiTM deal.
Three key issues, Rafizi said, were:
1. Lack of open tenders and awarding of the contracts for all six campuses through direct negotiations with Umno leaders, "who may later appoint sub-contractors to complete the projects";
2. Why the rentals and annual payments to be borne by UiTM were five times more than the cost of building the campuses; and
3. What the profit margin for the concessionaires are projected to be.
Rafizi also asked whether Muhyiddin could ensure the people that the contracts would not unfairly give the concessionaire excessive profits, "just as what has happened with the concession contracts in the past, involving the privatisation of water projects and highways".
He added: "If Muhyiddin won't reveal the agreements, when will I or the people ever understand why the federal government signs agreements that will burden UiTM in costs, to the point that it would have been cheaper for the university to build the campuses itself." - mk
Tokoh wartawan sindir kabinet 'XXL' PM(The BIG difference between Najib and dad)...
Tun Razak Hussein perdana menteri kedua Malaysia. Anaknya Datuk Seri Najib yang keenam.
Tetapi antara mereka berdua, terdapat perbezaan besar.
Mengulas saiz terbaru kabinet Najib dengan 35 menteri penuh, tokoh wartawan Datuk Kadir Jasin (bawah) mengaitkannya dengan kegemaran orang Malaysia mencatat rekod.
“Tun Abdul Razak Hussein bertongkat melawat kampung, memanjat tiang bulat rumah rakyat miskin untuk mencari penyelesaian dan membawa pembangunan.
“Tidak ada sambutan raksasa, tidak ada siaran langsung,” kata bekas ketua pengarang kumpulan New Straits Times itu.
Menulis dalam blognya, Kadir berkata, bilangan kabinet Najib mungkin rekod nasional baru dan mengatasi jumlah purata kabinet kerajaan-kerajaan lain di seluruh dunia.
“Oleh sebab perdana menteri suka besar maka kita pun berhak untuk berharapan besar juga. Jadi harapan XXL kita adalah kabinet XXL Mohd Najib akan membawa manfaat XXL kepada rakyat jelata
“Rugi XXL-lah kita kalau kabinet XXL itu sekadar meramaikan majlis dan menghabiskan beras saja,” katanya.
The late Abdul Razak Hussein was the second prime minister of Malaysia. His son Najib Abdul Razak is the sixth.
But there is a "BIG" difference between the two.
Veteran newsman Kadir A Jasin recalled how Abdul Razak, with his walking stick, used to visit the kampungs (villages) during his tenure as prime minister.
"He climbed into the kampung houses to look for solutions and to bring development. There were no grand receptions or live telecasts (of the events)," he said in his blog.
However, he pointed out that unlike his father, Najib appears to "like it big".
"If he visits kampungs and towns, the talk is that he wants a grand welcome," added the former News Straits Times group editor-in-chief.
Hence, Kadir is not surprised with Najib's new "XXL" cabinet line-up, which now consists of 35 full ministers and 27 deputy ministers.
"This is probably a national record. Ask someone to verify it.
"I cannot remember any previous prime minister having a cabinet of this size," he added.
According to a 2011 report, Kadir said the average number of cabinet members around the world is 30 and Malaysia has now succeeded in overcoming this.
Since the prime minister "likes it big", Kadir said, the people too are entitled to have big hopes.
"So our XXL hope is that Najib's XXL cabinet would bring XXL benefits for the people.
"It would be a shame if the XXL cabinet is only there to make up the numbers and not being productive," he added.- mk
Lawyer: What if it is your child, Najib...
"Be fair to the mother," said the DAP MP and lawyer, who is representing M Indira Ghandi in the legal tussle with her Muslim convert ex-husband over the couple’s youngest child.
"Would the IGP, AG and the PM act differently if it was their child?" he asked.
Furthermore, he asked: "Do we have a home minister?"
The lawyer questioned why there were nom directions or statements from Ahmad Zahid Hamidi on the conduct of the police chief.
"Why has the prime minister (Najib Abdul Razak) kept silent too?" he added.
Kulasegaran said the police chief's "inconsistent and incorrect" conduct make it untenable for Khalid to hold the position.
"The IGP's refusal to act on the court order served on him is something no average citizen can accept of a person holding the position as the head of the police in this country," he added.
Although late, Kulasegaran said Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail is finally getting involved in this intricate family disputes.
"It is a welcome move but whether he has any locus standi or otherwise, we can be only know in the coming days when the court papers are served on the parties.
"The present interfaith custody battles are nothing extraordinary. They are private matters between private individuals. If the IGP carries out his duties professionally, the issue would have been solved. Why should the state intervene?" he added.
Lack of political will
Kulasegaran also pointed out that Malaysia could be the only country in the world which is undergoing this supposedly difficult interfaith custody issue.
"Indonesia, which has the largest Muslim population, does not have this interfaith matters. Why?" he asked.
He said the government had formed a "toothless" high-level cabinet committee to address this interfaith issue way back in 2009.
As for Indira, the lawyer said court remedies would take years.
"Indira's battle started in 2009. Is it reasonable to now await for the AG's further action on this matter which may drag on?
"Indira's child was only 11-months-old when her ex-husband ran away with the child. Indira was still breast feeding the child," he added. - mk
A blatant attempt to rescue 'sandwiched' IGP

Polis memukul peserta Anti Lynas tempoh hari...
1 comment:
PFI recently acknowledged, is it a new cronyism? New in term of terminology jut to greying people. It is only an old wine in a new bottle to justify the selection for there is an opportunity for certain banks for certain people. To verify close doors?
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