Najib, Umno saman Mkini berhubung komen pembaca(Najib, Umno sue Mkini over readers' comments)...
Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hari ini menyerahkan writ saman terhadap Malaysiakini berhubung komen pembaca yang disiarkan oleh portal berita itu.
Ia menamakan penerbit Malaysiakini, Mkini Dotcom Sdn Bhd; Ketua Pengarang Kumpulan, Steven Gan dan Ketua Pengarang, Fathi Aris Omar.
Penyaman bersama adalah Setiausaha Kerja Umno, Datuk Abdul Rauf Yusoh.
Mereka mendakwa kompilasi komen pembaca dalam 'Yoursay' yang disiarkan pada 14 Mei, iaitu ‘A case of the PM reaping what he sows’ dan ‘How much will Najib spend to keep Terengganu?’, berunsur fitnah.
Pengurusan kes tersebut ditetapkan pada 18 June di hadapan Hakim SM Komathy Suppiah.
Dalam reaksinya, Gan berkata, pihaknya sudah menjangkanya selepas akhbar Umno Utusan Malaysia melancarkan serangan terhadap pembaca Malaysiakini bulan lalu.
Katanya, Malaysiakini, seperti selalunya, telah menawarkan kepada Najib hak untuk menjawab dan untuk menyampaikan pandangannya kepada pembaca portal berita itu,
mengapa beliau fikir pandangan mereka terhadapnya dan Umno itu adalah salah,” kata Gan (kiri).
Katanya, perdana menteri dan Umno patut menyatakan pandangan mereka yang akan disiarkan dalam Malaysiakini, dan bukan melalui prosiding fitnah terhadap organisasi media.
Begitu juga, Fathi berkata portal berita telah melanjutkan peluang kepada perdana menteri dan Umno untuk menyatakan penjelasan mereka berkaitan isu ini.
"Tetapi mereka memutuskan untuk membawa kami ke mahkamah.
"Oleh kerana ini, satu-satunya yang dapat dikatakan ialah,"Yang Amat Berhorat Perdana menteri, jumpa anda di mahkamah'.
memilih untuk melaporkan tanpa rasa takut atau pilih kasih," kata Fathi (di tengah).
Selain daripada saman Najib, Malaysiakini juga terbabit dalam beberapa kes berprofil tinggi yang lain, iaitu:
- Bekas Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan, Datuk Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin menyaman Ahli Parlimen (MP) Lembah Pantai, Nurul Izzah Anwar dan Malaysiakini berkaitan komen beliau yang disiarkan dalam lamanweb ini semasa pilihan raya umum ke-13;
- National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) menyaman MP Pandan, Rafizi Ramli dan Malaysiakini berkaitan komennya mengenai skandal NFC seperti yang disiarkan dalam KiniTV; dan
- Raub Australian Gold Mining menyaman Malaysiakini berkaitan laporan yang memetik penduduk Bukit Koman yang mendakwa kaedah syarikat perlombongan mengekstrak emas telah menyebabkan masalah kesihatan terhadap penduduk.
Ia kalah dalam kesnya di Mahkamah Tinggi berkaitan larangan Menteri Dalam Negeri terhadap buku kartun '1 Funny Malaysia' karya kartunis Zunar, yang diterbitkan portal tersebut.
Kes itu masih belum selesai di Mahkamah Rayuan.- mk
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today served news portal Malaysiakini with a writ of summons over readers comments published by the website.
Named as defendants are Malaysiakini publisher Mkini Dotcom Sdn Bhd, editor-in-chief Steven Gan and chief editor Fathi Aris Omar.
Co-claimant in the suit is Umno executive secretary Abdul Rauf Yusoh.
The claimants say that the compilation of readers' comments in two ‘Yoursay’ articles published on May 14, namely ‘A case of the PM reaping what he sows’ and ‘How much will Najib spend to keep Terengganu?’, were defamatory.
Case management is set for June 18 before Justice SM Komathy Suppiah.
'We intend to fight the suit vigorously'
In response, Gan said the independent news portal had expected such action after Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia attacked Malaysiakini readers last month.
“He was more than welcome to explain to them why he thought their opinions of him and Umno were wrong,” said Gan (left).
He said the prime minister and Umno should have presented their views, which would have been published on the website, rather than pursuing libel proceedings against media organisations.
"We intend to fight the suit vigorously," added Gan.
Similarly, Fathi said the news portal had extended the opportunity to the prime minister and Umno to explain their side of the issue.
“But they have decided to take us to court.
"Due to this, the only thing left to be said is, ‘Dear prime minister, see you in court’.
"This is part and parcel of being a journalist, especially if you choose to report without fear or favour," Fathi (middle in picture) said.
Other court cases
Apart from the Najib suit, Malaysiakini is currently contesting several other high profile cases, namely:
Former Federal Territories Minister Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin is suing Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar and Malaysiakini for her comments published in the website during the 13th general election;
The National Feedlot Corporation is suing Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli and Malaysiakini for his comments on the NFC scandal as published on KiniTV; and
- The Raub Australian Gold Mining is suing Malaysiakini for its reports quoting Bukit Koman residents who have alleged the mining company method of gold extraction has caused health problems to the community.
It lost its case at the High Court against the Home Minister's ban of Zunar's 1 Funny Malaysia cartoon book, which it had published.
The case is pending at the Court of Appeal.- mk
Dulu harga sekeping RM8.00 kini sudah jatuh merudum sampai RM1 sahaja... tidak pernah dalam sejarah harga coklat Cadbury dijual sebegini murah.
Patutkah kita puji kerajaan UMNO/BN pimpinan Najib Razak?

Nanti Najib akan berkata "MENGAPA TIDAK PUJI KERAJAAN?"
Kalau tak puji nanti dia kata tidak adil .... tidak rasa bersyukur dan berterima kasih nanti dia berang?
Lagi pun JAKIM dah buat U turn pasal haram halal produk ini.

Pegawai Jakim sedia makan coklat Cadbury

Guru diawasi kerana posting Facebook...
Tindakan memuat-naik poster calon DAP di Teluk Intan, Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud ke dalam Facebook, antara lain, telah mengundang masalah kepada seorang guru.
Beliau mendakwa bahawa dalam panggilan terbaru dan SMS yang diterimanya, seorang pegawai khas kepada ketua pengarah pelajaran telah memintanya supaya menutup laman Facebooknya dan mengatakan dia akan "diawasi".
"Kita akan tengok dari masa ke semasa." Fahamkan? Tak apa. Kita tengok (apa dia akan buat).
"Silap-silap dia nak postingkan (ditukar)," katanya ketika dihubungi.
"Terdapat guru-guru yang terlibat dalam skandal seks, guru yang tak hadir ke kelas, sekolah yang tidak mempunyai kemudahan dan mereka mahu menghabiskan masa memantau Facebook."
Guru, yang telah berkhidmat selama 16 tahun itu, berkata beliau diberitahu bahawa terdapat aduan yang dibuat terhadapnya.
Ketika dihubungi, pegawai khas itu mengesahkan bahawa beliau telah menghubungi guru berkenaan setelah diarahkan oleh Ketua Pengarah Khair Mohamad Yusof (kiri), tetapi enggan mengulas lanjut.
"Saya tidak boleh komen kerana saya seorang penjawat awam. Anda perlu menghubungi ketua Pengarah," katanya.
Sementara itu, ketika dihubungi, seorang pegawai pendidikan di jabatan pelajaran negeri yang tidak mahu namanya disiarkan, mengaku telah menghubungi guru berkenaan tetapi menegaskan ia hanya "untuk memberi nasihat sebagai kawan."- mk
Posting Dyana Sofya's campaign poster onto Facebook has landed a teacher in hot water ...
According to the teacher, who spoke on condition of anonymity, high-ranking officials in the Education Ministry has called her since last week to "advise" her to remove the postings as they are deemed "anti-government".
She claimed that in the latest in a series of calls and text messages she has received, a special officer to the Education Ministry director-general had told her to close down her Facebook page and that she will be "watched".
"He said: 'We will monitor from time to time'.
"Can you understand what he is saying? That's okay. I'll just wait and see (what they do). For all I know, I'll get a transfer letter next week," she said when contacted.
"It is really silly. There are teachers involved in sex scandals, teachers who don't go to class, schools without facilities and they want to spend time monitoring Facebook ."
The teacher, who has served for 16 years, said that she was told that there had been a complaint made against her.
Her other postings, which were deemed anti-government, include a 1980's news clipping quoting first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman calling for the abolition of Umno.
"There are teachers who are Umno division heads, who attend Umno annual general assembly as delegates, but that is fine?" she further asked.
She added that the ministry officials had also allegedly cautioned her against taking the matter to the media.
When contacted, the special officer confirmed that he had contacted the teacher upon instruction from the director-general Khair Mohamad Yusof, but refused to elaborate further.
"I cannot comment as I am a civil servant. You will have to contact the director-general," he said.
Others who have contacted the teacher regarding her Facebook postings include a ministry counsellor as well as an education department officer from the state where the teacher had once taught.
When contacted, a state education department officer, who also refused to be named, admitted to have called the teacher in question but insisted it was only "to advise as a friend."
"She is no longer teaching in my state so I have no powers (to instruct her), but we are friends. For me, teachers should concentrate on teaching, not on politics," he said.
Malaysiakini has contacted Khair via telephone and text message and is awaiting his reply.-mk
Dyanaphobia which is beginning to sweep Muhyiddin’s Education Ministry...
A new phobia is sweeping the Boleh-land of Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
I will like to know whether Najib at the Cabinet meeting tomorrow will put a stop to the Dyanaphobia which is beginning to sweep the Education Ministry under the Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin or whether he would also succumb to it.
Is Dyanaphobia the inevitable result of what has been described as “Dyanamania” which swept Teluk Intan and the country during the Teluk Intan by-election from May 19 – 31, although 26-year-old DAP/PR candidate, Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud lost to the Gerakan President and BN candidate, Datuk Mah Siew Keong by a wafer-thin majority of 238 votes in a record-low voter-turnout of 66.5% on polling day on May 31.
It indeed the height of irony that on the hand, the UMNO Secretary-General and Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor is urging teachers to return to politics under Barisan Nasional’s fold, conceding that the headmasters, principals and teachers were the “real movers” of Umno, MCA, MIC and BN in the past, but on the other hand, high-ranking officials from Education Ministry were reprimanding a teacher for posting campaign posters of Dyana Sofya on Facebook.
The teacher was told to remove the Facebook posting as it was “anti-government” and her actions will be monitored.
Is this what Najib meant when he boasted that he wanted to make Malaysia the “best democracy in the world” – where teachers have only the right to take part in politics if they become the “prime movers” of Barisan Nasional but not Pakatan Rakyat, becoming practitioners of hypocrisy and double standards in front of the new generation of Malaysians they are teaching in the schools in the country?
If teachers are not allowed to put up Dyana’s posters on their Facebooks, how can headmasters, principals and teachers be allowed to be active in Barisan Nasional to resume their role as the “prime movers” of the UMNO, MCA and MIC as in the spread of Dyanaphobia as a counter to “Dyanamania” in the schools?
During the Teluk Intan by-election, UMNO/BN pulled out all the stops to launch the dirtiest by-election campaign of lies, falsehoods and calumny against the candidate and the DAP not only in the history of Teluk Intan but probably in the country for fear that Dyana would be elected as MP for Teluk Intan, for Dyana symbolises everything UMNO/BN are not – youthful and self-less idealism for an united Malaysian nation transcending the politics of race and in pursuit of justice, freedom, accountability, incorrupt leadership and good governance.
It is not just the one person of Dyana Sofya whom the UMNO/BN should fear, but the tens and hundreds of thousands of “Dyana Sofyas” in Malaysia who have been inspired by the example by the DAP/PR candidate for Teluk Intan to come forward to take a stand to roar for a moderate Malaysia for all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region, and to dissociate themselves from all forms of racial and religious extremism in the country.
If the UMNO/BN government succumbed to Dyanaphobia, there is no clearer signal of the impending end of UMNO/BN rule in Malaysia.- Lim Kit Siang
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