Pemimpin MCA yang 2 kali kalah dalam pilihanraya Najib lantij jadi Tim.Menteri...
Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun dilantik sebagai Timbalan Menteri Pembangunan Wanita Keluarga dan Masyarakat dalam pengumuman penambahan anggota kabinet oleh Najib Razak pagi tadi ... pemimpin MCA berjawatan sebagai Naib Presiden ini kalah dalam PRU 13 di Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara dan PRK Kajang yang ternyata di tolak rakyat tapi masih diangkat oleh Najib Razak.
Hebat sungguh Najib Razak ni dalam merasai denyutan hati rakyat di akar umbi .. terserlah keluhan rakyat amat diambil kira .. Rakyat DiDahulukan.
Itulah untung besar menjadi pemimpin MCA .. tidak perlu menang Pilihanraya untuk dilantik sebagai jemaah menteri .. kalah dua kali berturut-turut di kawasan yang berlainan yang jelas ditolak rakyat secara mutlak masih dianggap pemimpin disokong rakyat oleh Najib Razak .. mana nak dapat macam ini punya keistimewaan.- omakkau blogspot

Altantuya murder: Scapegoats or not, apex court reserves judgement on Najib's ex-bodyguards
The Federal Court here today reserved its judgement in the prosecution's appeal against the acquittal of two former Special Action Unit (UTK) personnel on a charge of murdering Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Chief Justice Tun Arifin Zakaria, chairing a five-member panel, deferred their decision to a date which would be announced on a later date after the prosecution and defence ended their submissions today.
The panel, also comprising Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Richard Malanjum and Federal Court judges Tan Sri Abdull Hamid Embong, Tan Sri Suriyadi Halim Omar and Tan Sri Ahmad Maarop, heard submissions in the appeal for three days from Monday.
The prosecution is appealing against the Court of Appeal's decision in acquitting Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri, 37, and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, 42, on a charge of killing Altantuya, 28, at Mukim Bukit Raja in Shah Alam between 10pm on Oct 19 and 1am, the following day in 2006.
The Court of Appeal had on Aug 23, last year allowed the appeal brought by the two policemen to set aside the 2009 Shah Alam High Court's decision in finding them guilty for the woman's murder and sentenced them to death.
Former political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda, 50, who was charged with abetting Azilah and Sirul Azhar, was acquitted by the High Court on Oct 31, 2008 after it held that the prosecution failed to establish a prima facie case against him.
The prosecution did not appeal against his acquittal. In today's proceeding, Sirul Azhar's counsel Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin argued that his client was being made a scapegoat.
Justice Arifin then said: "If he is being made a scapegoat, he must be able to say why and by whom. Everyone would say that. You can't say you are being made a scapegoat for no reason."
Kamarul Hisham said there were two reasons for a person being made a scapegoat, firstly when someone was framing the person and secondly, evidence against a person was fabricated by the police.
"My client is saying that evidence was fabricated against him," he said, adding that Sirul Azhar did not know why he was being targeted.
Kamarul Hisham said the real person who committed the crime was not called to court. He said after police suspected Sirul Azhar based on some evidence, they could have fabricated more evidence to bolster their case.

Kamarul Hisham also said the Court of Appeal was correct to rule that the High Court judge misdirected himself when he did not address the issue of common intention to commit murder, although he found both policemen guilty on the murder charge.
He said the CCTV which captured Sirul Azhar exiting the toll gate towards Kota Damansara did not incriminate him as it was the way he normally used to return to his home in Jalan Semarak.
He also said that Sirul Azhar's presence, together with Azilah, at Abdul Razak's residence and at Hotel Malaya, where Altantuya was staying, was in doing their duties as police personnel.
In his reply, Deputy Solicitor-General II, Datuk Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah said there were circumstantial evidence pointing the two policemen to the crime.
He said Azilah's defence alibi of being at Wangsa Maju was demolished by the prosecution's evidence adduced through the call logs which disclosed that he was in Bukit Aman and then to Abdul Razak's residence.
Tun Majid said police investigation also showed that Altantuya was taken in Sirul Azhar's car, adding that the woman's jewellery was also found in Sirul Azhar's black jacket. – Bernama
Mahkamah Persekutuan tangguh keputusan rayuan
Pemimpin UMNO mahu jadi raja...
Bekas menteri Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin meluahkan rasa terkejut dan kekecewaannya terhadap pujian pengarang kanan Utusan Malaysia yang memuji cara pakaian pemimpin Umno dalam sebuah majlis kelmarin.
Cara berpakaian seperti persalinan kepahlawanan Melayu yang dipuji Zaini Hassan itu, menurut Zainuddin, menimbulkan persepsi Umno semakin jauh daripada rakyat biasa ringkas hidupnya.
“Dengan berpakaian 'raja bangsawan' ini , Umno memberikan persepsi kepada rakyat bahawa mereka terus tidak memahami perasaan di akar umbi sekarang, Umno semakin jauh dari rakyat, tidak melambangkan Umno sebagai parti rakyat.
“Pemimpin pemimpin bercakap tentang amalan kehidupan yang sederhana tetapi tidak sahaja ahli-ahlinya yang tidak faham tetapi pemimpin-pemimpin juga adalah ibarat burung nuri,” sindir Zainuddin.
Zaini dalam tulisannya berjudul “Umno Cheras terbaik!” antaranya menulis dengan memuji cara pakaian dalam majlis ulang tahun ke-20 Umno Cheras, yang turut dihadiri Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Pakaian PAP Singapura
Selain memuji pakaiannya yang elok, Zaini (bawah) juga berkata nilai estetikanya tinggi dan sepatutnya perlu ada muzium menempatkan semua pakaian Melayu silam untuk tatapan generasi sekarang dan akan datang.
“Sebagai seorang yang bukan ahli Umno, selagi masih berada dalam alam kerjaya ini, saya melihat parti itu dengan penuh harapan - syaratnya contohilah Cheras!” tulis Zaini.
Menulis di blognya hari ini, Zainuddin juga membandingkannya dengan keadaan semasa kerajaan Parti Tindakan Rakyat (PAP) Singapura ditubuhkan.
Pada masa itu, tambah bekas ketua pengarang kumpulan Utusan itu, pemimpin PAP, termasuk perdana menteri, hanya berpakaian biasa dengan seluar dan baju putih ke parlimen.
Katanya, ini dilakukan walaupun mereka dari golongan elit, kalangan profesional dan berkelayakan tinggi.- mk

UMNO leaders want to be kings...
Former information minister Zainuddin Maidin said he was shocked to read a column in Utusan Malaysia praising Umno leaders dressed as Malay warriors during the party's Cheras division anniversary celebration.
Clad in expensive "kain songket" from head to toe, the daily's columnist claimed that it was the attire of warriors and Malay dignitaries of the past.
Zainuddin, who is popularly known as Zam, said he was tickled by the
photograph that was published in the newspaper yesterday.
"I wonder if the Malay warriors of the past, who were poor, had donned expensive songket or if this showcased ordinary Malays becoming feudalistic through wealth," he said in his blog today.
"What is certain is that Umno leaders are not in touch with reality nor do they appreciate the inspiration of the new generation where most lead simple lives even among the professionals, except for a handful - the children of the new rich Malays who accumulated their wealth through politics or the bureaucracy," he added.
Zainuddin, the former editor-in-chief of Utusan Malaysia, pointed out that the price of songket worn by Malay dignitaries and Umno leaders today ranged from between RM5,000 and RM30,000.
By adorning such garments, he said Umno gave the impression that it continues to misunderstand the feelings of the grassroots.
"The leaders speak about living moderately but not only do the members not understand this, the leaders themselves are like parrots (that repeat the statement)," he added.
Zainuddin reminded Umno politicians that perception is more important and easily propagated than facts and figures.
Clad in expensive "kain songket" from head to toe, the daily's columnist claimed that it was the attire of warriors and Malay dignitaries of the past.
"I wonder if the Malay warriors of the past, who were poor, had donned expensive songket or if this showcased ordinary Malays becoming feudalistic through wealth," he said in his blog today.
"What is certain is that Umno leaders are not in touch with reality nor do they appreciate the inspiration of the new generation where most lead simple lives even among the professionals, except for a handful - the children of the new rich Malays who accumulated their wealth through politics or the bureaucracy," he added.
Zainuddin, the former editor-in-chief of Utusan Malaysia, pointed out that the price of songket worn by Malay dignitaries and Umno leaders today ranged from between RM5,000 and RM30,000.
By adorning such garments, he said Umno gave the impression that it continues to misunderstand the feelings of the grassroots.
"The leaders speak about living moderately but not only do the members not understand this, the leaders themselves are like parrots (that repeat the statement)," he added.
Zainuddin reminded Umno politicians that perception is more important and easily propagated than facts and figures.
"(Opposition leader) Anwar Ibrahim constructed the perception that he is
a champion of Islam even when he has committed a great sin.
"PAS has developed its religious image to the point that the party is considered as the gateway to heaven," he added.
Expressing concern for Umno's future, he said what had unraveled in Cheras Umno gave the impression that Umno leaders want to be kings and not ordinary citizens.
Utusan had dedicated an entire page to photographs from the event, on the occasion of the division's 20th anniversary, which was attended by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor.- mk
"PAS has developed its religious image to the point that the party is considered as the gateway to heaven," he added.
Expressing concern for Umno's future, he said what had unraveled in Cheras Umno gave the impression that Umno leaders want to be kings and not ordinary citizens.
Utusan had dedicated an entire page to photographs from the event, on the occasion of the division's 20th anniversary, which was attended by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor.- mk

Cakap kot lubang juboq...

Jam 12.00 pagi ini 26/5/2014
Jam 4.00 pagi ini 26/5/2014
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