Hakim baca akhbar, tak baca rekod...
Pada 23 Ogos tahun lalu, Mahkamah Rayuan membebaskan Azilah dan Sirul daripada pertuduhan membunuh selepas sebulat suara membenarkan rayuan mereka dan meminda sabitan hukuman mati yang diputuskan Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam pada 2009.
Pihak pendakwaan diketuai oleh Timbalan Peguam Cara Negara II Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah.
Azilah diwakili oleh peguam Hazman Ahmad, J Kuldeep Kumar sementara Sirul diwakili oleh Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin, Hasnal Rezua Merican dan Ahmad Zaidi Zainol.
Rayuan akan didengar di hadapan lima panel hakim diketuai Ketua Hakim Negara Arifin Zakaria.
Hakim terlibat adalah Ketua Hakim Sabah dan Sarawak Richard Malanjum dan tiga hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan, iaitu Abdull Hamid Embung, Suriyadi Halim Omar dan Ahmad Maarop.
Semalam, pihak pendakwaan membangkitkan beberapa penyalaharahan, termasuk rekod balai Bukit Aman, selipar dengan kesan darah dalam kenderaan Sirul dan rekod telefon bagi mengesan lokasi Azilah semasa pembunuhan berlaku. - mk
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Timbalan Menteri pegang saham syarikat konsesi UiTM Tapah...
Fakta ini, jelas Rafizi mengulangi apa yang berlaku dalam konsesi-konsesi penswastaan kampus cawangan UiTM apabila setiap syarikat konsesi didapati mempunyai kaitan dengan para pemimpin Umno atau ahli perniagaan yang rapat dengan Umno.
"Konsesi penswastaan UiTM cawangan Tapah dianugerahkan kepada UniTapah Sdn Bhd dengan konsesi selama 23 tahun untuk membina dan menyewakan kembali kampus itu kepada UiTM.
"Salah seorang pengarah UniTapah Sdn Bhd ialah Sri Rahayu Tajuddin, iaitu anak kepada Dato’ Tajuddin Rahman.
Rafizi yang juga Ahli Parlimen Pandan turut mendedahkan hubungan seorang pengarah UniTapah Sdn Bhd, Vignesh Naidu a/l Kuppusamy Naidu dengan Dato’ Tajuddin Rahman melalui usahasama perniagaan.
Menurutnya, selain UniTapah Sdn Bhd, Tajuddin dan Vignesh mempunyai hubungan dalam sebuah syarikat pembinaan, Everfine Resources Sdn Bhd dengan Tajuddin sebagai pengerusi dan Vignesh sebagai pengarah.
Jelas beliau, kepentingan Tajuddin dalam syarikat konsesi pembinaan kampus UiTM Tapah dipegang melalui Detik Utuh Sdn Bhd yang mempunyai 9.8% kepentingan dalam UniTapah Sdn Bhd; manakala saham selebihnya dipegang syarikat pembinaan yang disenaraikan di Bursa Kuala Lumpur, Crest Builder Holdings Berhad (melalui Crest Builder International Sdn Bhd).
Dato’ Tajuddin Rahman memiliki 450,000 saham di dalam Detik Utuh Sdn Bhd, menjadikan beliau pemegang saham terbesar.
Saham-saham selebihnya dimiliki oleh Vignesh Naidu (150,000 saham) dan Obata-Ambak Holdings Sdn Bhd (400,000 saham).
Obata-Ambak Sdn Bhd adalah sebuah syarikat yang dikawal oleh keluarga isteri Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
"Pengarah-pengarah di dalam Detik Utuh Sdn Bhd adalah individu-individu yang rapat dengan Dato’ Tajuddin Rahman iaitu anaknya sendiri (Sri Rahayu) dan kenalan perniagaan beliau iaitu Vignesh Naidu dan Haniff Mahmood," ujar Rafizi.
Rafizi menambah, walaupun pegangan Tajuddin dalam syarikat konsesi terbabit tidak sebesar pegangan ahli-ahli politik Umno yang lain dalam konsesi yang telah didedahkan sebelum ini, ia mengesahkan bahawa setiap konsesi penswastaan kampus cawangan UiTM menguntungkan ahli politik Umno dengan bayaran sewa yang cukup membebankan rakyat. - Harakahdaily
Malaysian radar not reliable, says Houston...
The New York Times (NYT) quoted unnamed officials today as saying that this revelation is the main evidence for the upcoming major shift in the search area, which is still being determined.
“The primary radar data pertaining to altitude is regarded as unreliable,” the NYT quotes Houston as saying.
He said while it was clearly possible that MH370 flew below 23,000 feet (7,000 metres) at some point when it is still under radar coverage, he doubted that anyone could prove that the aircraft had soared and swooped, as some early media reports had claimed.
The report said a military radar needs to be recalibrated regularly to fit local atmospheric conditions in order to provide reliable altitude readings.
Previously, The New York Times had quoted unnamed US investigators claiming that based on Malaysia’s military radar, the aircraft climbed to 45,000 feet (13,700 metres), above the approved altitude limit, made a sharp turn to the west, and descended unevenly to 23,000 feet, below normal cruising levels, after disappearing from the civilian radar.
MH370 was last seen on civilian radar cruising at 35,000 feet (10,700 metres), where fuel consumption is more efficient, before contact was lost and it was later tracked as an unidentified aircraft on military radar.
However, revelations that the Malaysian military radar has not been calibrated has helped investigators determine that the aircraft was probably in controlled flight and not seriously damaged, the report said.
The steadier flight would allow the Boeing 777-200ER aircraft to fly further, hence the forthcoming change in search area - which is expected to be announced by the end of the month.- mk
MH370 ‘still somewhere in south Indian Ocean’...
A top executive from Malaysia Airlines System (MAS) believes the missing MH370 plane is still somewhere in the south Indian Ocean, but it will take decades before the plane is found.
Hugh Dunleavy, MAS commercial director, was the first person to rush to the emergency room on the morning of March 8 when he was informed the plane had gone missing.
“Something untoward happened to that plane,” he said in an exclusive interview with a British newspaper, Evening Standard.
“I think it made a turn to come back, then a sequence of events overtook it, and it was unable to return to base,” the Evening Standard quoted Dunleavy, 61, as saying.
“I believe it’s somewhere in the south Indian Ocean.”
But he believes that pinpointing the location of the crash is difficult.
“When (a plane) hits the ocean it’s like hitting concrete.The wreckage could be spread over a big area.
“And there are mountains and canyons in that ocean. I think it could take a really long time to find. We’re talking decades.”
Recalling the early hours of the tragedy, Dunleavy said false information was coming in at “frightening speed”.
“Rumours were coming in on social media. ‘Your plane has landed in Nanning, China.’ ‘It’s in the airport of an island near Borneo’”, he said.
Dunleavy was quick to defend MAS, saying the airline did its best to help the Chinese relatives on board MH370.
Malaysia recently denied reports that MH370 pilot, Captain Zaharie Shah, was the prime suspect in the tragic incident.- fmt
Nasib siapa yang lebih baik???

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