Anwar di masukkan di IJN...
Anwar Ibrahim dibenar pulang selepas dua hari mendapatkan rawatan di Institut Jantung Negara (IJN).
Anwar menerusi laman mikro Twitternya mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada kakitangan IJN di atas khidmat cemerlang yang diberikan.
"Alhamdulillah, saya dibenar pulang.
Terdahulu, Pengarah Strategi PKR, Rafizi Ramli ketika dihubungi Sinar Harian Online mengesahkan Anwar dimasukkan ke IJN namun tidak menjalani rawatan yang serius.
"Dia hanya demam biasa.. Dah boleh keluar hari ini," ujarnya.
Rm100 sebulan = 666 tahun tempoh untuk selesaikan hutang. Macam PTPTN aje...
Blogger seks nak bayar RM100 sebulan kepada Anwar...
"Saya cuba mohon dengan mahkamah untuk bayar RM100 sebulan kepada Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim kerana sekarang hanya bekerja sebagai nelayan," kata pengendali blog Papa Gomo selepas Mahkamah Tinggi menolak permohonannya untuk menangguhkan pembayaran ganti rugi sebanyak RM800,000.
Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris (Papa Gomo) berkata demikian kepada pemberita di luar mahkamah dan turut memberitahu bahawa telah menjual saham miliknya di KL POS Media & Production Sdn Bhd.
Katanya Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Mahkamah Tinggi Rosilah Yop bagaimanapun menasihatkan beliau supaya berbincang perkara itu dengan Anwar sendiri.
Hari ini Rosilah menolak permohonan Wan Muhammad Azri dengan kos RM5,000, di dalam kamar dengan dihadiri peguam Shahid Adli yang mewakili Anwar dan Wan Muhammad Azri, yang mewakili diri sendiri.

Shahid berkata Rosilah membuat keputusan itu atas alasan tiada sebab untuk membenarkan penangguhan.
Tambahnya, rayuan Wan Muhammad Azri terhadap keputusan Rosilah yang memerintahkan ganti rugi RM800,000 dan kos RM50,000 telah ditetapkan pada 24 Jun untuk pengurusan kes di depan timbalan pendaftar Mahkamah Rayuan.
Pada 28 Feb, Rosilah memerintahkan Wan Muhammad Azri membayar ganti rugi sebanyak RM800,000 dan kos RM50,000 kepada Anwar berhubung penyiaran perkataan fitnah dan meletak imej mengaitkan Anwar dalam video seks di blog Papa Gomo.
Dalam penghakimannya, Rosilah berkata daripada keterangan yang dikemukakan, beliau mendapati Wan Muhammad Azri ialah blogger Papa Gomo dan telah menerbitkan kenyataan memfitnah dalam blognya.
Anwar memfailkan saman terhadap Wan Muhamamad Azri pada 21 Mac tahun lepas dengan menuntut ganti rugi berjumlah RM100 juta kerana mendakwa Wan Muhammad Azri menyiarkan empat siri perkataan fitnah di laman blog berkenaan pada 16, 17, 19 dan 20 Mac 2013. - Bernama

Now a 'Fisherman', sex blogger Papagomo offers to pay Anwar in instalments of RM100 per month...
Controversial online news portal editor Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris has decided to change profession - he is now a fisherman.
Popularly known as Papagomo, he made the announcement to reporters outside a High Court here after failing to get a stay in court ruling ordering him to pay RM800,000 in damages to Opposition de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim over alleged defamatory postings implying the latter had engaged in indecent acts with a man.
Azri, who represented himself before judicial commissioner Rosilah Yop, said he had no money to pay for the damages and wished to pay the sum by instalments of RM100 per month.
He also told the judge he was now a fisherman and had to sell his portal shares to pay for outstanding legal fees.
Earlier, Anwar's counsel Shahid Adli said Rosilah dismissed Azri's stay after stating she found no grounds in granting the stay.
She ordered him to pay cost of RM5,000. The matter was decided in chambers.
On Feb 28, Rosilah, in her grounds of judgment, said from the evidence adduced, she found the defendant (Azri) was blogger "Papagomo" and he had indeed published defamatory statements on Anwar in the blog.
Rosilah had ruled in favour of Anwar and ordered Wan Muhammad Azri to pay the former RM800,000 in damages and RM50,000 in costs for linking the opposition leader to a man in a sex video.
Rosilah, in her 35-page judgment, held that based on all the evidence adduced and on a balance of probability, the court was satisfied that the plaintiff had proven that the defendant (Wan Muhammad Azri) had defamed him as all three elements of defamation were fulfilled.
She also said the statements were obnoxious and obscene. Rosilah awarded RM50,000 in legal costs.
In his suit filed at the High Court registry on March 21 last year, Anwar, 66, claimed that the defendant had posted defamatory statements and uploaded certain images on his website at
He stated that the defamatory words implied that he was not fit to be prime minister and that he was irresponsible and could not be trusted. -NST

Dulu Papagomo tolong mereka,tak kan sekarang mereka ni tak nak tolongmya...
In his defence statement, Azri denied publishing any word, images, videos which was slanderous of Anwar.
He added that if he was alleged to have published the defamatory postings, he would rely on the defence of qualified privilege, comment and justification.
Shahid told reporters that Rosilah dismissed the application on grounds that there were “no circumstances to grant a stay”.
He said the appeal by Wan Muhammad Azri against Rosilah's decision in ordering him to pay Anwar RM800,000 in damages and RM50,000 in cost, had been set for case management on June 24.
Wan Muhammad Azri, when met by reporters outside the court said he was trying to get the court’s permission to pay RM100 a month to Anwar because he only worked as a fisherman now.
He said he had also sold his shares at KL POS Media & Production Sdn Bhd.
Wan Muhammad Azri said he was however advised by Rosilah to discuss the matter with Anwar himself.

Jam 12.00 pagi 21/6/2014
Jam 3.00 pagi 21/6/2014
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